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The 1st person I am going to describe is my boyfriend, of course. He is a very witty person, and he is
well-informed and knowledgable. He is curious and always wants to learn something that he had not
heard before. He is especially conversant with music production. He can talk about it all day and never
get tired. He does things thorouhly and he respects deadlines.Therefore, he is prompt, punctual and
reliable. At least he can be.

When it comes to anything else, though, he is not as reliable as when work is in question. He tends to
be forgetful, easily distracted, inattentive (as hell), sloppy and distraict. I got used on that, but his
mother always appalled and dismayed by his behaviour. When this in question, I am very considerate
and understanding. I do not care much, really.

One of the things I like the most about him is that he is clamorus, and he vehemently talks about almost
everything he likes. He can sometimes be a bit too noisy. I love passionate people, the ones who are
outspoken. He is exuberent and lively by nature, although not so ebullient and vivacious physically. He
is kinda facile.

Obstinity is a big flaw of his, though. If he wants something to be done, he WANTS something to be
done. He is stubborn and mulish as hell. He is even importunate at times.

The good side of his obstinity is that he would do anything to achieve what he wants. He is persistant,
steady, tenacious,dogged, resolute, puroposive, adamant, but his laziness kinda gets in the way from
time to time. But he is resourceful, which is helpful.

He has thick nerves. That means he is not so snappy, cross, irascible, grouchy and iritable. But he can be
grumpy from time to time, and even apprehensive. When he gets panicky, everybody around him will
behave in the same manner. He becomes clamant, exigent, and nobody can reach him.

Somethimes he is a bit ruthless with words. He is deprecatory, disdainful, derogatory, snobbish, but
never abhorent or hateful.

He is a bit impassive at times.

All in all, he is very considerate, scrupulous, amiable and always willing to help. He is not demanding, he
does not forbid me anything. He is easygoing, never tiresome nor tedious. Moreover, he never gets
weary, jaded or anything like that. He never makes problems. Although loud, noisy, rowdy, vociferous,
obstreperous, unruly, he indeed is agreeable, consenting, amenable, affable, amiable, good-natured and

I choose my grandmother to be the 2nd person described. She is a perfect person to describe, literally.
You will see why.

My grandma is a true virgo: grumpy, peevish, irascible as hell (she yells at my grandfather all the time
almost for nothing), but she never gets enraged. She only complains. She is finicky,fastidious, fussy, and
everything has to be „in order“.

She is funny to me, though. She gets everything so serious, so much that it’s literally funny. She is
talkative, affable and outgoing, , though. She always has something to say.

She is very religious, even thouh she was a communist when that was popular. I wouldn’t call her
hypocritical, it’s too harsh. But i can’t call her considerate, honest nor consistent.

She is a smart woman, she is well-mannered, courteous, polite, gracious, although she never actually
sympathhise with people. It’s kinda noticeable. Therefore, she is insencere, pretentious, disingenuous,
and etc.

Gosh, I really got hard on her. Let me say a few more nice words and conclude with it.

She is a very hard-working woman. When she does something, she makes sure that it’s done in a good
way. She is thorough,orderly, methodical, and with her, everything is planned and calculated 3 times.
Nontheless, I just find her funny.

My friend Maša is my 3rd choice. She is artistic, inventive, original, discerning, sharp, perceptive, and
she loves to have philosophical conversations. I alwazs have a great tzime with her, since we alwazs do
something. She is very easzgoind and relaxed, so frank and streightforward that she can take a nap at
my place after we grab a coffee and then head home.

She is sagaciful, discerning, judicous, and objective.

Apart from that, she is veruz funny, laughable, droll (oddly humorous, yes), but never clownish.

She has a good soul. She is like a little puppy, I guess. Sympatethic, comapssionate, understandind,
humane, kind-hearted, benignant and softhearted. She always makes sure that she hasnt hurt anyone.

She is scared of life a bit. She is not a scaredy-cat, no. She is just skittish. Even though she sometimes
seems pusillanimous, she is pretty brave.

She is prone to being sad from time to time. She is thin-skinned, although she tries to hide it. She is
sensitive, but never moody. When she is sad, she usually knows why it’s like that.

Although timid, she is lively and exuberent.

Why are we such good friends? Because we understand eashother. She is also hardworking, diligent,
commited, industrious, dedicated, assidous, earnest. We hate to waste our time and we know how to
get things done. We support eachother, because we are understanding and considerate.

We are both enthusiastic, ardent and passionate.

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