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6 Truths You Need to Know About Dating a

Shorter Guy
People seem to care too much about looks these days. Appearance is not so relevant, and if
you really have strong feelings for someone, that’s what actually matters. For example,
dating a guy shorter than you might seem like a problem, but it’s just what the society usually
thinks. Some things are far more important than that, trust me. First of all, you should care
only about the things that you truly find important. If your guy is smart, humorous and witty,
you shouldn’t mind if he’s just a little shorter than you. That’s why in this article I will tell you
about the facts regarding dating a guy shorter than you.

Truths About Dating a Guy Shorter Than You

Well, dating him might bring some new things in your life. Some of them are good, but some
of them can be a nuisance from time to time. These are things you should know about dating
a shorter guy.

1. You will no longer need high heels

High heels are beautiful and make women more attractive. I have to admit it. But on the
other hand, they are not good for feet, and it is painful to wear them for a long time. Well,
you won’t have to worry about it anymore. You can walk around in sneakers all the time, and
if you want to wear something stylish, there is a variety of flat sandals that you can choose
from. But if you love high heels, you shouldn’t care about how taller you will be. You can
even make jokes about it. Anyway, it’s always easier to wear comfy shoes wherever you go.
2. It might be difficult to buy him clothes
Men are usually too lazy to go shopping, so moms or girlfriends do that instead of them.
Well, honestly, you might have a problem with buying him clothes such as trousers or long-
sleeved shirts. There is a chance that the sleeves will be too long or something like that. I
have a little hack for you, though. If you want to buy him something of that sort for a present,
borrow the same thing from him. For example, a shirt, and bring it with you when you go
shopping. It will help you choose the right size. Also, you have many more options if you
want to buy him a present. Buying clothes is not so creative. Be unique and creative, and
instead of buying him clothes on your own, take him to the shopping mall to shop together.
You will certainly have a great time.

3. People might make comments

I think that the biggest problem in these kinds of relationships is bad-mouthing. People
always want to gossip about something, and you two might become their new topic. It’s
pretty unusual to see a shorter guy with a taller girl, and people tend to make a pretty big
deal about it. Don’t listen to them. They know nothing about you and your relationship, and
they are not a part of your life. Why would you care about their opinion? If you fall into this
trap, you will lose a great guy because of the people who only talk behind your back. It’s not
worth it at all. That’s why you should never listen to what other people say.

4. He might lack self-confidence

Men tend to feel less influential, charming or worthy if their girl is taller than them. It kind of
kills their masculinity. This doesn’t have to be the case, though. I know so many couples of
this kind who are happy and completely fine with how they look to others. But if your man
lacks self-confidence and you know it, just compliment him more, and compliment him about
everything. Don't exaggerate it or be dishonest; just say what you think out loud. Don't
mention his height, but praise every other good thing about him. Of course, it doesn't mean
that he has problems with his height, but if he does, try to soothe his worries with praise and
lots of compliments.

5. Your height might be a problem for him

If he admits that he notices that you are a bit taller than him and that it makes him
uncomfortable, you should talk it out and decide that something like that shouldn't stand in
your way to happiness. Like I said, men frequently consider height as an indicator of
masculinity, so it can bother him even more than it bothers you. You should just assure him
that there's nothing to worry about.

6. You will find your own happiness

With him, you can learn a lot about life and yourself, because it's hard to think outside the
box. When you do something that's not so common in society, you will realize that constantly
trying to fit in will only bring frustration and unhappiness to your life. If you decide to date this
guy, you will learn that you shouldn't always do what others expect of you. Furthermore, you
will find out a lot more about your true thoughts, hopes and wishes. This guy can be a
cornerstone of your personal growth, especially if you tend to be influenced by other
people’s opinions. You will feel free, and you will have an amazing guy by your side.
These are the reasons why you should never say “my boyfriend is shorter than me” to
anyone. There are many more good things about him that can make up for his appearance.
Maybe he’s not taller, but he is smart, kind, loving, funny or witty. Never listen to other
people, because people always need something to talk about. They will talk anyway, so why
should you take issue with that in the first place? Your own happiness is what’s truly
important. Dating a shorter guy shouldn’t be a problem, because appearance should never
be the most important thing. Happiness is the thing that you should pursue. If you are happy
with that guy, you shouldn’t be in two minds when dating him is in question.

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