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How My Brother Leon Brought Home a Wife?

Manuel Arguilla

 Setting
- A peaceful place in Nagrebcan, Bauang, La Union.
- Katayaghan Hills

 Characters
- Ce Celin (The driver)
- Labang (The pet Bull of Leon)
- Maria (Wife of Leon)
- Leon (Husband of Maria)
- Baldo (Brother of Leon)
- Mother Aurelia
- Father of Leon and Baldo

 Plot
- This story is all about Leon introducing his wife who is accustomed in living in urban city to
his place where he grew which is a simple and provincial life. Their father asked Baldo to
take waig instead of camino real as a transportation to the province to test Maria on how to
handle situation. When they arrived, Leon introduced Maria to his family. Later on, his
father asked Baldo how Maria handled the situation earlier and Baldo said she did it. When
Baldo left to water Labang, he said that he can still smell the fragrance of Maria.

 Conflict
- Character vs. Character
o The conflict is between Leon and his father it is because his father doubt Maria that
she can live in their province life since there are very big difference between their
provincial life and where Maria resides.

 Theme
- Love, Respect, and Perseverance. As long as you love and committed to each other, you
don’t care about where and how they were raised. Also if you want to reach something, you
will aim to reach it.

 Moral Lesson
- Sacrificing some things is a must just for the people you love. Just like how Maria left her
good life on the city and try to settle in a simple life at her Leon’s province. Instead of cars,
she’s willing to take a ride on a carretela.

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