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POVERTY IN THE PANDEMIC: The impact of coronavirus on

low-income families and children

Coronavirus has thrown families with children's lives into disarray. Many parents have lost
their jobs or been furloughed, and many schools and daycare facilities have closed, leaving
those who remain employed with the daunting challenge of combining work, childcare, and
homeschooling. These difficulties are exacerbated for low-income households. Low-income
families face much more difficulties. Low-wage employees' lives are more at danger than
those in higher-paying jobs, according to research, with many lower-wage workers engaged
in the industries that have borne the brunt of the economic crisis.



Parents Are Struggling to Provide for Their Families during the Pandemic

According to the findings, Because of the pandemic's impact on their families, many parents
reported facing tough financial decisions. Many working parents with small children will
have to make difficult decisions about how to balance their career and caregiving
commitments. The majority of low-income working parents are unable to work from home
and will require child care for their children. Because of the outbreak's impact on their family,
many parents reported facing tough financial decisions. Parents reported deferring large
expenditures 49.6% of the time, cutting back on food spending 31.0 percent of the time, and
cutting into savings or increasing credit card debt 30.2 percent of the time.

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