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Developmental Psychology Copyright 1994 by the American Psychological Association, Inc.

1994, Vol. 30, No. 6, 949-954 0012-1649/94/S3.00

Processing Speed, Naming Speed, and Reading

Robert Kail and Lynda K. Hall

With increasing age, children name familiar objects more rapidly, and these naming times are related
to reading ability. The aim of this research was to determine if age-related change in naming time
reflects (a) automatic access of familiar names due to greater familiarity with the named objects or
(b) global change in speed of processing. To distinguish these explanations, 144 8- to 13-year-olds
were administered measures of global processing time, naming time, and reading ability. Results of
path analyses and structural-equation modeling were consistent with the second explanation. That
is, naming time was predicted by measures of processing speed but not by age. In addition, naming
time was linked to reading recognition, which was linked to reading comprehension. Age was also
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

linked to reading recognition, indicating that other age-related variables need to be incorporated
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

into the causal model.

As children develop, they process information more rapidly. working memory (e.g., Hitch, Halliday, & Littler, 1989). That
For example, 4-year-olds process information about three times is, older children have greater memory spans because they ar-
more slowly than adults, whereas 8-year-olds process informa- ticulate stimuli more rapidly, which increases the probability
tion twice as slowly as adults. This pattern of change is found that information is retained in the articulatory loop. A more
across a wide range of perceptual and cognitive tasks, which general view would be that articulation rate reflects global de-
seems to indicate that a common, global mechanism is respon- velopmental change in processing speed. That is, increased pro-
sible for age-related change in speed of information processing. cessing speed would yield more rapid articulation, which, in
That is, some global mechanism changes with age, thereby in- turn, would yield more accurate retention.
creasing the speed with which children and adolescents process Links between processing speed, articulation rate, and mem-
information (Hale, Fry, & Jessie, 1993; Kail, 1991a). ory have been evaluated in several experiments (e.g., Kail, 1992;
The impact of age-related change in processing speed is espe- Kail & Park, 1994) that involved assessment of processing
cially salient on tasks in which response time is measured, but speed, rate of articulation, and memory span. In each case, path
it need not be restricted to those tasks. Speed of processing may analyses revealed that age was associated with increased speed
influence performance whenever a number of activities must be of processing, which was associated with more rapid articula-
completed in afixedperiod. In these instances, slow processing tion and greater memory span. Thus, these findings indicate the
speed may result in reduced performance because children or influence of processing speed on memory tasks that lack an ob-
adolescents cannot complete the necessary components of task vious speeded element.
performance in the time allotted. Thus, the basic claim is that The aim of the present research was to examine another do-
(a) processing speed becomes more rapid with age, reflecting main that may be influenced by age-related change in speed of
changing limits of the global mechanism, which means that (b) processing. Several investigators have reported that the speed
processes responsible for performance on a particular task are with which children name familiar objects is a potent predictor
executed more rapidly and are more likely to be completed in a of reading skill. Wolf, Bally, and Morris (1986), for example,
limited period of time, resulting in (c) superior performance. reported a correlation of .66 between the speed with which kin-
Evidence for this line of reasoning comes from recent studies dergarten children named familiar letters and digits and their
of the relation between memory span and processing speed. performance on a word recognition task in Grade 2. Wolf et al.'s
Age-related change in memory span is linked to age-related in- measure of word recognition was the speed with which children
creases in articulation rate, which reflect the rate with which read lists of words and pseudowords, but the same relation is
information is refreshed in the articulatory rehearsal loop of obtained when word recognition is assessed with untimed tasks.
Spring and Davis (1988), for example, reported a correlation of
.50 between the speed with which children named digits and
Robert Kail, Department of Psychological Sciences, Purdue Univer- their scores on the Reading Recognition subtest of the Peabody
sity; Lynda K. Hall, Department of Psychology, Ohio Wesleyan Individualized Achievement Test (PIAT), in which children
University. read aloud individual words. That is, children who named digits
This research was supported by Grant HD 19947 from the National more rapidly typically read correctly more words than did chil-
Institute of Child Health and Human Development. We wish to thank dren who named digits slowly. The correlation between digit
Nicole Antonelli, Phillip Bower, Leah Burgy, Laura Curry, Greg Fore- naming speed and scores on the Reading Comprehension sub-
man, Diane Gordon, Stacia Groover, and Wei-Ling Poon for testing
test of the PIAT was .23, but this correlation was attributable
Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Rob- entirely to the variance that these measures shared with Read-
ert Kail, Department of Psychological Sciences, Purdue University, ing Recognition scores. That is, the correlation between naming
West Lafayette, Indiana 47907. speed and comprehension approximated zero with reading

Model 1 index of the automaticity with which letter codes are accessed
in memory, and that automatization of this process is a prereq-
uisite for the accurate performance of certain other higher level
reading processes" (p. 330). Thus, their interpretation was that
children who name digits rapidly are doing so because they are
accessing name codes automatically, that these children are
more likely to recognize words automatically, and that, as a con-
sequence, they better understand what they read. An alternative
interpretation is that global developmental change in speed of
processing is implicated in performance on tasks involving
rapid naming of familiar stimuli such as digits and letters. Ac-
cess to name codes for digits, letters, and colors may become
more rapid with age simply because age-related change in the
global mechanism speeds retrieval, not because access to name
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

codes is automatic.
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

Model 2 Figure 1 illustrates the contrasts between these two views. In

both views, rapid naming predicts word recognition, which, in
turn, should predict comprehension. The views differ in the an-
tecedents of rapid naming. On the basis of research on age-re-
lated change in speed of processing, measures of global process-
ing speed should predict rapid naming; that is, more rapid nam-
ing is simply one more manifestation of age-related change in
processing speed. In contrast, if rapid naming reflects auto-
matic access to characters, measures of global processing speed
need not predict naming speed because automaticity is based
on an individual's experience. Instead, age, as a proxy for age-
related accumulation of reading-relevant experience, should
predict naming time, but processing speed should not.
The study reported here was designed to evaluate the model
depicted in Figure 1, within a path analytic framework similar
to that used in the studies on memory (Kail, 1992; Kail & Park,
Model 3 1994). Measures of processing speed, naming speed, and read-
ing skill were administered to 8- through 13-year-olds. On the
basis of previous work, we expected that age would be associ-
ated with speed of processing (Path 1) and that naming time
would be linked to word recognition (Path 8), which would be
linked to reading comprehension (Path 10). Of critical interest
were Paths 2, 5, 6, and 7 of Figure 1. If the relation between
naming speed and word recognition reflects age-related accu-
mulation of reading-relevant experience, which results in auto-
matic access to name codes for digits, letters, and the like, then
the coefficient for Path 2 should be significant. If, instead, the
naming speed and word recognition link reflects age-related
change in global speed of processing, then the coefficient for
Path 5 should be significant. Finally, the coefficients for Paths
Figure I. Three models of possible causal connections between age, 6 and 7 are also of interest; significant coefficients here would
global speed of processing, naming time, reading recognition, and read- indicate that age-related change in speed of processing facili-
ing comprehension. Model 1 includes all possible links between the con- tates reading in ways other than more rapid lexical access.
structs. According to Model 2, processing speed has no influence on
naming time or reading but age is linked to reading recognition and to
naming time, which are also linked to reading recognition. According to Method
Model 3, age-related increases in processing speed are linked to reading
recognition, which is linked to comprehension; in addition, age is linked Subjects
to reading recognition.
We tested 12boysand 12girlsat 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, and 13 years of age.
All resided in one of two small towns in the midwestern United States.
recognition partialed out. In summary, rapid naming of digits The children were recruited through advertisements in school newslet-
predicted word recognition, which predicted comprehension. ters or local newspapers and through letters to parents; they were paid
Spring and Davis (1988), like others before them (e.g., Wolf $4. The mean ages of the children were 8.37, 9.44, 10.43, 11.34, 12.36,
et ah, 1986), believed that "continuous digit naming speed is an and 13.34 years.

Table 1
Correlations Between Measures
Variable 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

1. Age _
2. Coding -.53 —
3. Visual Matching -.68 .66 —
4. Cross-Out -.66 .64 .79 —
5. Naming Digits -.51 .63 .71 .66 —
6. Naming Letters -.56 .60 .75 .66 .88 —
7. Naming Colors -.51 .63 .69 .61 .80 .79 —
8. PIAT Reading Recognition .71 -.46 -.73 -.63 -.62 -.69 -.57 —
9. PIAT Reading Comprehension .64 -.41 -.62 -.55 -.54 -.60 -.53 .84 —
M 130.40 70.67 41.92 21.69 22.99 23.02 36.03 73.24 76.39
SD 20.54 17.46 6.88 4.26 5.42 5.23 9.50 14.26 13.11
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

Note. N = 144. All correlations are significant at p < .05. Age is expressed in months, coding and naming times in seconds, and Visual Matching
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

and Cross-Out in number correct. PIAT scores are raw scores. Signs for correlations involving Visual Matching and Cross-Out have been reversed
for consistency with the remaining speeded tasks. PIAT = Peabody Individualized Achievement Test.

Tasks Procedure
Processing speed was measured with three tasks. The Coding task Testing took place in quiet rooms in our laboratories at Purdue Uni-
from the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children—Revised was used versity and Ohio Wesleyan University. All tasks were presented in a sin-
because performance on this task (a) changes exponentially at the same gle session that lasted about 45 min for the youngest children and about
rate as performance on speeded experimental tasks that were used to 35 min for the oldest. Tasks were presented in the following constant
establish the presence of global change in processing speed (Kail, 1991b) order: Visual Matching, naming digits, Coding, naming letters, Cross-
and (b) is correlated substantially with other measures of perceptual Out, naming colors, Reading Recognition, and Reading Comprehen-
speed (Kail, 1992). In this task, five geometric figures appeared at the sion. (Order of tasks was not counterbalanced across subjects so that
top of the page, each with distinctive lines in the interior (e.g., single individual differences would not be confounded with differences in task
vertical line inside a star). The remainder of the page included 50 geo- order.)
metricfigures;the subject's task was to draw the correct interior lines,
using the code that appeared at the top of the page. After the aim of the
task was explained, subjects solved thefirstfiveproblems for practice. Results
They then solved the remaining problems in order, as rapidly as possi-
ble, but not so quickly that they erred. The experimenter recorded the Shown in Table 1 are correlations for age, measures of pro-
amount of time required for subjects to complete the remaining 45 cessing time, naming time, and reading. There are several fea-
problems. tures of interest in these results: (a) Age is correlated negatively
The other two measures of processing time were the Visual Matching with performance on the timed tasks but positively with the
and Cross-Out tasks, both from the Woodcock-Johnson Tests of Cog- reading measures; (b) processing time measures are related to
nitive Ability. The tasks were chosen because they were devised initially one another, as are the naming time measures; (c) reading scores
to assess the processing speed factor in the theory offluidand crystal- are correlated negatively with performance on timed tasks; and
lized intelligence (Cattell, 1963; Horn, 1985). In the Visual Matching (d) processing times and naming times are correlated positively.
task, each of 60 rows includes six digits, two of which are identical (e.g., Correlations were also computed between the variables listed
8 9 5 2 9 7); the subject circles the identical digits. The performance in Table 1 and the site of testing (Indiana and Ohio). The corre-
measure is the number of rows completed correctly in 3 min. In the
lation between site and grade, .15, was marginally significant (p
Cross-Out task, each of 30 rows consists of a geometricfigureat the left
end of a row and 19 similarfiguresto the right. One row, for example, < . 10) and reflected the fact that more children in higher grades
consists of a triangle enclosing a single dot; the 19figuresare triangles were tested in Ohio. However, site was not correlated with any
with various objects in the interior (e.g., a single dot, three dots, a plus, of the performance measures.
and a square). The child places a line through the 5figuresof the 19 Causal modeling techniques were the primary methods of
that are identical to the one at the left. The performance measure is the data analysis. The general aim of this approach was to deter-
number of rows completed in 3 min. mine if the observed pattern of correlations is consistent with a
Naming time was assessed with three types of stimuli used by previ- specified set of structural relations among the variables. For
ous investigators (e.g., Wolf et al., 1986), namely, digits, letters, and col- each proposed relation (i.e., a path in Figure 1), a coefficient is
ors. In each case, children first practiced naming 15 exemplars of the estimated that expresses the change in standard deviation units
stimuli. Then they were shown a page with 50 stimuli arranged in 10
of one variable that is associated with a change of one standard
rows of 5 stimuli. The experimenter recorded the amount of time re-
quired for the child to name all 50 stimuli and noted any naming errors. deviation in a second variable. Coefficients that are significantly
The Reading Recognition and Reading Comprehension tasks of the greater than zero provide evidence for the hypothesized relation
PIAT were administered, according to standard procedures. In the for- between the variables.
mer, the child reads individual words aloud; in the latter, the child reads Path coefficients were estimated in two ways. In the first, we
a sentence silently, then points to one of four pictures that corresponds used beta weights obtained from multiple regression analyses to
to the meaning of the sentence. estimate path coefficients. The drawback to this approach was

Table 2 coefficient for Path 2 bear directly on the issue that motivated
Correlations Between Age, Speed Composite, Naming Time the study. Naming times were predicted by processing speed
Composite, and Reading Scores times (Path 5), as would be predicted by the view that naming
times are limited by the global mechanism. However, naming
Variable 1 2 3 4 times were not predicted by age (Path 2), as would be expected
1. Age — if naming times reflected age-related reading experience that
2. Processing speed composite -.70 — results in automatic access to codes for familiar stimuli.
3. Naming time composite -.56 .79 — Finally, the link between age and recognition (Path 3) was
4. PIAT Reading Recognition .71 -.68 -.67 significant, indicating some reliable age-related variation in
5. PIAT Reading Comprehension .64 -.59 -.59 .84 —
reading recognition that was not captured by either processing
Note. N = 144. All correlations are significant at p < .01. PIAT time or naming time.
Peabody Individualized Achievement Test. In the second set of analyses, we used structural-equation
modeling to provide an estimate of the overall fit of the data to
the conceptual model depicted in Figure 1. All structural mod-
that it provided no index of the overall adequacy of the concep- eling was performed with the EzPATH module (Steiger, 1989)
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

in which least-squares estimates of path coefficients were pro-

This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

tual model. Consequently, we used a second approach. In struc-

tural-equation modeling, composite measures were created for duced and used as starting values in maximum likelihood esti-
each of the constructs of interest and a model was created that mation. Of particular interest were comparisons between
posited causal links between these constructs. We then used nested models in which some of the path coefficients of Figure
least squares and maximum likelihood techniques to evaluate 1 were set to zero. Two of these reduced models were compared
both the significance of individual paths and the overall ade- with Model 1, which included all paths. Model 2 included five
quacy of the model. paths (Paths 1, 2, 3, 8, and 10) and corresponded to the hypoth-
In the initial analyses, we used multiple regression to estimate eses that (a) processing speed had no influence on naming time
coefficients for the paths shown in Figure 1, using composite or reading and (b) age was linked to reading recognition and
scores for the processing and naming times. In both cases, com- to naming time, which was also linked to reading recognition.
posite measures were created by taking the average of the stan- Model 3 also includedfivepaths, those that had significant co-
dard scores for the three constituent measures. For example, to efficients in the multiple regression analyses (Paths 1, 3, 5, 8,
determine the composite naming time score, we converted each and 10). According to this model, age-related increases in pro-
individual's raw scores on the three naming tasks (naming dig- cessing speed were linked to reading recognition, which was
its, letters, and colors) to standard scores (based on the means linked to comprehension; in addition, age was linked to reading
and standard deviations of the entire sample) and averaged recognition.
them. Shown in Table 2 are correlations between age, the com- Several measures were used to evaluate these models. The
posite measures, and reading scores. Age is correlated positively most familiar, the chi-square statistic, can be used to determine
with both reading scores but correlated negatively with the pro- if the data deviate from the model in a statistically significant
cessing and naming time composites. manner. It can also be used to determined if the nested models
Paths 4, 7, 9, and 10 were estimated from a multiple regres- differ in their fit. However, chi-square analysis has a number of
sion analysis in which age, processing time, naming time, and limitations as an overall descriptive measure of thefitof the data
reading recognition were used to predict comprehension; Paths to the model. For example, it is sensitive to sample size, which
3, 6, and 8 were estimated from a multiple regression analysis means that, with large samples, conceptually minor deviations
in which age, processing time, and naming time were used to from the model can cause the model to be rejected (Loehlin,
predict reading recognition; Paths 2 and 5 were estimated from 1992). Consequently, several other measures were also calcu-
a multiple regression analysis in which age and processing speed lated to evaluate the models. The adjusted population gamma
were used to predict naming time; and Path 1 was estimated index and the Joreskog-Sorbom goodness-of-fit index both
from a multiple regression analysis in which age was used to range from 0 to 1, with the latter indicating perfect correspon-
predict processing speed. dence between model and data; values greater than .90 indicate
R2s for these regression analyses are shown in Table 3; in all a good fit. The adjusted root-mean-square is a measure of the
cases, the independent variables accounted for significant and size of the residuals, adjusted for the complexity of the model;
substantial variance in the dependent variable. As shown in Ta-
ble 4, coefficients for Paths 1, 3, 5, 8, and 10 were significant.
Three of these coefficients replicate previousfindings.The link Table 3
between age and processing time (Path 1) replicates findings Summary ofMultiple Regression Analyses
from the studies that examined relations between processing Dependent
speed and memory (Kail, 1992; Kail & Park, 1994). In addition, Independent variable variable
the significant coefficient for Paths 8 and 10, along with the non-
Age, speed, naming, recognition Comprehension .72
significant coefficient for Path 9, replicates the findings of .62
Age, speed, naming Recognition
Spring and Davis (1988). Naming times predicted reading rec- Age, speed Naming .62
ognition, which predicted comprehension, but naming time did Age Speed .49
not predict comprehension.
The significant coefficient for Path 5 and the nonsignificant Note. All R2s are significant at p < .01.

Table 4 determined by a global mechanism that limits the speed with

Coefficients for Paths in Figure 1 which most cognitive processes are executed. The naming tasks
apparently predict decoding of individual words because they
Path Coefficient measure the speed with which codes for familiar stimuli can be
1. Age - • speed -.70* accessed. Rapid access benefits decoding because it means that
2. Age -» naming time -.02 children have more time to integrate individual codes (e.g., for
3. Age -» recognition .46* letters or clusters of letters) before this information is lost from
4. Age -*• comprehension .09 working memory.
5. Speed - • naming time .77*
6. Speed-• recognition -.10 At the same time, the results indicate that the causal frame-
7. Speed - • comprehension .04 work depicted in Figure 1 is incomplete. Age was also associated
8. Naming -»• recognition -.33* with reading recognition, indicating that other age-related vari-
9. Naming -»• comprehension -.07 ables need to be incorporated into the causal model. One possi-
10. Recognition-• comprehension .77* ble mediating variable would the capacity of working memory.
There is substantial age-related change in working memory
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

(Kail, 1992), and greater memory capacity is associated with

This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

greater reading recognition skill (e.g., Stevenson & Newman,

1986). Thus, the age and reading recognition link may be medi-
values less than .10 indicate a good fit of the data to the model ated by age-related increases in working memory capacity.
(Steiger, 1989). In addition to shedding light on the nature of the relation
These measures are shown in Table 5 for all three models. All between naming and reading, the present results provide further
of the models resulted in significant chi-squares, meaning that evidence concerning the influence of age-related change in
none was entirely consistent with the data. More informative speed of processing. Decoding is usually not considered to be a
are the comparisons of Model 1, which included all 10 paths, speeded task, and the Reading Recognition measure was explic-
with Models 2 and 3, which included 5 paths each. Models 1 itly untimed. Nevertheless, decoding performance was pre-
and 3 did not differ in their fit to the data, x2(5, N = 144) = dicted by processing speed. In the case of reading, as was the
3.87, p > .10, indicating that Paths 2, 4, 6, 7, and 9 could be case with memory, relatively poor performance by young chil-
eliminated from the model without a significant change in the dren may reflect the fact that their speed of processing was too
adequacy with which the data were characterized. In contrast, slow to allow completion of the processes necessary for success-
the comparison of Models 1 and 2 resulted in a substantial loss ful performance.
in the fit of the model to the data, x2(5, N = 144) = 81.66, p < More generally, the presentfindingscontribute to further un-
.01. In other words, the full model provided no better charac- derstanding of processing speed as a vehicle of developmental
terization of the data than did a reduced model that included change. Traditionally, a shortcoming of global developmental
links between age, speed, naming, reading recognition, and mechanisms was that they could not be linked readily to pro-
reading comprehension, as well as a link between age and read- cesses responsible for performance in particular domains. A fre-
ing recognition. However, the data were inconsistent with a re- quent criticism of Jean Piaget's theory, for example, was that
duced model of comparable complexity (i.e., 5 paths) in which the developmental mechanisms were too vague to be used to
processing speed had no direct impact on naming or reading. generate exact predictions concerning performance on specific
Consistent with these results, Model 3 yielded the highest tasks, and, consequently, the mechanisms were untestable (Kail
value for the adjusted population gamma index and the lowest & Bisanz, 1982). Hence, an essential ingredient for such global
value for the adjusted root-mean-square index, and it differed developmental mechanisms is that they delineate precisely the
only slightly from Model 1 on the Joreskog-Sorbom goodness- connections between domain-specific processes and the global
of-fit index. The absolute values of these measures were not mechanism. In the present case, naming times provide the me-
quite in the range associated with "good" fits but this is not diating link between processing speed, on the one hand, and
surprising: Figure 1 is not intended to be a complete model of decoding and comprehension, on the other: Increased process-
reading and age-related change therein and, consequently,
should not be totally consistent with the data.
Table 5
Discussion Measures ofthe Fit of Three Models
The present findings can be summarized as follows: Age-re- Measure Model 1 Model 2 Model 3
lated change in speed of processing was linked to more rapid
naming, which was linked to reading recognition, which was Chi-square 162.50* 244.16* 166.37*
APGI .82 .74 .86
linked to reading comprehension. These results are not consis- GFI .84 .75 .83
tent with the traditional interpretation that automaticity is the ARMS .14 .17 .12
basis for the link between reading skill and rapid naming of
digits, letters, and colors. If this interpretation were correct, Note. Model 1 includes all 10 paths of Figure 1; Model 2 includes
naming times should have been linked to age because automa- Paths 1, 2, 3, 8, and 10; and Model 3 includes Paths 1, 3, 5, 8, and 10.
APGI = adjusted population gamma index; GFI = Joreskog-Sorbom
ticity is a function of age-related experience. Instead, the results goodness-of-fit index; ARMS = adjusted root-mean-square index.
are consistent with the view that times to name these stimuli are *p<.0\.

ing speed with age means that names can be accessed more rap- Kail, R. (1991b). Processing time declines exponentially during child-
idly. In the memory studies, rate of articulation was the mediat- hood and adolescence. Developmental Psychology, 27, 259-266.
ing link between processing speed and recall. Additional studies Kail, R. (1992). Processing speed, speech rate, and memory. Develop-
mental Psychology, 28, 899-904.
of this sort, in which the impact of processing speed is examined
Kail, R., & Bisanz, J. (1982). Information processing and cognitive de-
in other domains, should help to illuminate links between velopment. Advances in Child Development and Behavior, 17, 45-81.
global and domain-specific developmental change. Kail, R., & Park, Y. (1994). Processing time, articulation time, and
memory span. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 57, 2 8 1 -
References Loehlin, J. C. (1992). Latent variable models (2nd ed.). Hillsdale, NJ:
Cattell, R. B. (1963). Theory for fluid and crystallized intelligence: A Spring, C , & Davis, J. M. (1988). Relations of digit naming speed with
critical experiment. Journal of Educational Psychology, 54, 1-22. three components of reading. Applied' Psycholinguistics, 9, 315-334.
Hale, S., Fry, A. E, & Jessie, K. A. (1993). Effects of practice on speed Steiger, J. H. (1989). Ez Path: Causal modeling. Evanston, IL: Systat.
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age invariance. Developmental Psychology, 29, 880-892. achievement and attitudes in mathematics and reading. Child Devel-
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

Hitch, G. J., Halliday, M. S., & Littler, J. E. (1989). Item identification opment, 57, 646-659.
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

time and rehearsal rate as predictors of memory span in children. Wolf, M., Bally, H., & Morris, R. (1986). Automaticity, retrieval pro-
Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 41A, 321-337. cesses, and reading: A longitudinal study in average and impaired
Horn, J. L. (1985). Remodeling old models of intelligence. In B. B. Wol- readers. Child Development, 57, 988-1000.
man (Ed.), Handbook of developmental psychology (pp. 847-870).
New York: Prentice Hall. Received November 30, 1994
Kail, R. (1991a). Developmental change in speed of processing during Revision received February 28, 1994
childhood and adolescence. Psychological Bulletin, 109, 490-501. Accepted February 28, 1994 •

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