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Unit 2

Medical Specialists


Medical specialists
 Surgeon (cirujano)
 Obstetrician (Obstetra)
 Optometrist (optometrista)
 Cardiologist (cardiólogo)
 Dermatologist (dermatólogo)
 Psychologist (psicólogo)
 Ophthalmologist (Oftalmólogo)
 Gynecologist (Ginecólogo)
 Pediatrician (pediatra)
 Allergist (alergista)
 Family doctor (Doctor familiar)
 Psychiatrist (psiquiatra)
 Neurologist (neurólogo)
 Urologist (Urólogo)
 Rheumatologist (reumatólogo)
 Diagnostic radiologist (radiólogo de diagnóstico)
 Anesthesiologist (anestesiólogo)
 Gastroenterologist (gastroenterólogo)
 Hematologist/ Oncologist (hematólogo/ Oncólogo)
 Nephrologist ( nefrólogo)
 Neurosurgeon (neurocirujano)
 Oral and maxillofacial surgeon (cirujano oral y maxilo facial)
 Otolaryngologist (Otolaringologo)
 Plastic surgeon (cirujano plastic)
 Pulmonary medicine (medicina pulmonar
 Physician (medico, físico, facultative)
 Endocrinologist
Allergist or Immunologist - conducts the diagnosis and treatment of allergic conditions.

Anesthesiologist - treats chronic pain syndromes; administers anesthesia and monitors the
patient during surgery.

Cardiologist - treats heart disease

Dermatologist -treats skin diseases, including some skin cancers

Gastroenterologist - treats stomach disorders

Hematologist/Oncologist - treats diseases of the blood and blood-forming tissues (oncology

including cancer and other tumors)

Internal Medicine Physician - treats diseases and disorders of internal structures of the

Nephrologist - treats kidney diseases.

Neurologist - treats diseases and disorders of the nervous system.

Neurosurgeon - conducts surgery of the nervous system.

Obstetrician - treats women during pregnancy and childbirth

Gynecologist - treats diseases of the female reproductive system and genital tract.

Nurse-Midwifery - manages a woman's health care, especially during pregnancy, delivery,

and the postpartum period.

Occupational Medicine Physician - diagnoses and treats work-related disease or injury.

Ophthalmologist - treats eye defects, injuries, and diseases.

Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon - surgically treats diseases, injuries, and defects of the hard
and soft tissues of the face, mouth, and jaws.

Orthopaedic Surgeon - preserves and restores the function of the musculoskeletal system.

Otolaryngologist (Head and Neck Surgeon) - treats diseases of the ear, nose, and
throat,and some diseases of the head and neck, including facial plastic surgery.
Pathologist - diagnoses and treats the study of the changes in body tissues and organs
which cause or are caused by disease

Pediatrician - treats infants, toddlers, children and teenagers.

Plastic Surgeon - restores, reconstructs, corrects or improves in the shape and appearance
of damaged body structures, especially the face.

Podiatrist - provides medical and surgical treatment of the foot.

Psychiatrist - treats patients with mental and emotional disorders.

Pulmonary Medicine Physician - diagnoses and treats lung disorders.

Radiation Onconlogist - diagnoses and treats disorders with the use of diagnostic imaging,
including X-rays, sound waves, radioactive substances, and magnetic fields.

Diagnostic Radiologist - diagnoses and medically treats diseases and disorders of internal
structures of the body.

Rheumatologist - treats rheumatic diseases, or conditions characterized by inflammation,

soreness and stiffness of muscles, and pain in joints and associated structures

Urologist - diagnoses and treats the male and female urinary tract and the male reproductive

Health Problems/ Ailment/Injury Remedies / Treatment

 A cough (una tos)
 An allergy (Una alergia) Aspirin (aspirina)
 Asthma (Asma) Ibuprofen (ibuprofeno)
 Chicken pox (varicela) An ice pack (Una bolsa helada)
 A headache (Un dolor de cabeza) A heating pad (Una almohadilla
 A backache (Un dolor de espalda) termica
 A rash ( Una erupcion) Lotion (Una locion)
 A toothache (Un dolor de An inhaler (Un inhalador
diente/muela) Painkiller (analgesic)
 A stomachache(Un dolor de estómago) Cast (Yeso)
 An earache (Un dolor de oido) Crutches (muletas)
 A burn (Una quemadura) Stretcher (Camilla)
 A bad cold (Un fuerte resfriado) Pressure bandage (vendaje de
 A fever (Una fiebre) presion)
Stitches (puntadas)
Ointment (Unguento)
Band aid (tirita)
Vitamin C (Vitamin C)
Diet (Dieta )
 A sore throat (Un dolor de garganta)
 A sneeze (she’s sneezing)
 A broken bone (Un hueso roto)
 Cut (Corte)
 Bites (mordida)
 Scratch ( Rasguño)
 Itches (picaduras
 Poisoning (envenenamiento)
 Nauseated (nauseabundo)
 Chill (escalofrio/ resfriado)
 Bleed (Sangrado)
 Heart attack (Ataque del Corazon)
 Dizzy (mareado)
 Fell (caida)
 Inflamed (Inflamado)
 Breathing problem (Problema respiratorio)
 Ice pack (bolsas de hielo)
 Cavity (Caries)
 Cholesterol (cholesterol)
 Blood pressure (presion sanguinea)
 Puffy eyes (ojos hinchados)
 A sprain (Un esguince)
 Insomnia (Insomnio)
 Sneeze (estornudar)
 Measles (Sarampion)
 Faint (debil)
 Fainted (desmayado)
 Swollen thumb (Pulgar hinchado)
 Shivering (Temblando)
 Shiver (Tiritar
 Sunburn (quemadura de sol)
 Retching (Nausea)
 Sore eyes (dolor de ojos)
 Ankle sprained (esguince de tobillo)

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