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Unidad Educativa “Consejo Provincial

de Pichincha

Msc. Blanca Chiliguano

Wendy Falcon

Unidad 1

Second 2 “B” BGU


NAME: Wendy Falcon DATE: 25/10/2021

COURSE: 2do “B” BGU TEACHER: Blanca Chiliguano

1. Classify the sentences in the chart bellow

1. Olivia never keeps her friends ‘secrets. She always shares them with other people.
2. Lucas is there for his friends when they are in trouble. He always supports them.
3. Lily usually has good relationship with her friends. Nobody in the class argues with her.
4. Samuel is never honest with his friends. He always tells lies to people about them.
5. Brooke doesn´t share secrets of her friends with other people. She keeps their secrets to herself.
6. James is a self-centered boy. He only thinks himself. He doesn’t think of people around him.
7. Isabel always celebrates her friends’ birthdays and buys presents for them on those days.
8. Harry gets upset, when his friends buy something new. He is really jealous.


▪ Lucas is there for his friends when they are in trouble. He always supports them.
▪ Lily usually has good relationship with her friends. Nobody in the class argues with her.
▪ Brooke doesn´t share secrets of her friends with other people. She keeps their secrets to
▪ Isabel always celebrates her friends’ birthdays and buys presents for them on those days.

▪ Olivia never keeps her friends ‘secrets. She always shares them with other people.
▪ Samuel is never honest with his friends. He always tells lies to people about them.
▪ James is a self-centered boy. He only thinks himself. He doesn’t think of people around
▪ Harry gets upset, when his friends buy something new. He is really jealous.
2. Use the following words and describe people.

1. Smb who is lazy and lies a lot on the sofa is couch potato
2. Smb who chats a lot is talkative
3. Smb who likes to work and to gain result is hard working
4. Smb who helps people is kind-hearted
5. Smb who always tells the truth is honest
6. Smb who isn’t light-minded and funny is serious
7. Smb who doesn’t like to communicate a lot is shy
8. Smb who wants to know a lot of things is nosy

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