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Supporting Environmentally Friendly Businesses

Andres Sanchez

Anira Cuellar

Ashton Rich

Celest Salazar

Cecilia Rodriguez-Hernandez

Salt Lake Community College



The purpose of this strategic communications campaign is to encourage students to

choose businesses that are environmentally friendly over ones that are harming our environment.

By supporting these companies students will enjoy a cleaner Earth delaying climate change for

future generations. This would be done using a website that is full of information on where to

find these businesses and what they have to offer. The website would include different kinds of

media such as videos, pictures, slideshows, and text.


- 58.9% of students are between the ages of 18 and 29, and the average age is 23 (Salt Lake

Community College, 2021)

- 40% of students graduate with a degree in General Studies, 13% in Health Science, and

6% in Business (Salt Lake Community College, 2021)

- 66% of the student population is white or non hispanic, 20% are Hispanic, 4% are Asian,

10% belong to other races/ethnicities (Salt Lake Community College, 2021)

- 47.7% of students receive financial aid (Salt Lake Community College, 2021)

- 11,362 female and 9,122 male students currently attend SLCC (Salt Lake Community

College, 2021)

- 70% of students who graduate from Salt Lake Community College transferred to a four

year University

- 50% to the University of Utah (Salt Lake Community College, 2021)

- 55% of students surveyed chose Salt Lake Community College due to

“cost/affordability” (Salt Lake Community College, 2019)

- According to the Pew Research Center, 37% of Gen Z adults and 33% of millenials (ages

18 - 38) listed climate change as a “top concern to them personally, and large majorities

of both groups say it is at least one of several important concerns to them (76% and 75%,

respectively)”. (Tyson et al., 2021)

- 71% of Americans between the ages of 18 and 29 get their information from digital

devices through websites, apps, and social media (Shearer, 2021).

This audience is primarily between the ages of 18 and 29 and are considered to be

“millennials” or “gen z”. The majority of Americans who belong to these age groups are already

very aware of climate change and believe that it is one of, if not the most, important issue that we

currently face. Furthermore, most information processed by this audience is gathered through

online sources, such as websites and social media. They are also very conscious of their spending

and are invested in creating a bright future for themselves. By providing information to this

audience through an effective medium on cost effective ways to support the reduction of climate

change, we can work toward effectively communicating our message.


Messaging Goals


● Understand why it is important to look for environmentally friendly companies.

● Understand what and how to look for environmentally friendly companies.

● Encourage the audience to support eco friendly companies.


● As an individual you can make a difference and help our environment.

● We can save money, improve profitability, and enhance competitiveness with other


● Working to help the environment is important for us and future generations.


● Support environmentally friendly companies.

● Learn how to find environmentally friendly companies.

● Being mindful of the companies we support and the effects they have on the



● PowerPoint

○ This is an easy way for the target audience to access information. Rather than just

posting a PowerPoint, this presentation will include voiced audio to explain the

information and will be based on facts relevant to the audience in order to

maintain engagement. It will be direct and saturated with information on common


products that are purchased by the audience and the effects that these products can

have on the environment

● Digital Poster

○ Using a digital poster as a channel of communication will transmit the message by

using graphical synthesis. It attracts attention by its originality, contrast, and focus

on the center of interest. The appeal of the message will allow students to accept it

on sensorial and emotional levels.

● Looking for environmentally friendly company guide

○ This is a guide that contains easy points to follow. It’s useful to show how to use

the information learned from the videos and presentations. It contains links that

can be used to help with the steps and can be downloaded or printed to refer to or


● Website

○ This is the best way to target our audience to give them information in a fast and

convenient way. Having a website will allow us to mix many different channels

and put them into one. This allows our audience to have all the information we

have provided in one space.

● Online Video:

○ I found this video on YouTube; helping and informing students on how to be

Eco- friendly, it gives them a little of history, and she spreads awareness and

relates daily eco-friendly tips with students, and her viewers. And it encourages

students to make independent choices that help the environment.


Branding Guide:

● Font:
○ Lato, Cantarell
● Color
○ Green (#25523B)
○ Blue (#1167bl)
○ White (#000000)
○ Brown (#432616)
● Approved Pictures

* We deviated slightly from the branding guide regarding pictures, as the website template
provided stock photos that we were able to use in addition to those included from the cited

Understanding how businesses affect the environment is essential. We can learn from

certain aspects and apply them to our roles and future careers in whatever that capacity may be

moving forward. By learning how to support environmentally friendly businesses we can each do

our part to create a safer earth for ourselves and the generations to come.


Salt Lake Community College Fact Book. (2020-2021). Retrieved October 17, 2021, from

Graduating student survey 2019. SLCC Surveys. (2019). Retrieved October 17, 2021, from

Tyson, A., Kennedy, B., & Funk, C. (2021, May 26). Climate engagement and activism.
Pew Research Center Science & Society. Retrieved October 17, 2021, from

Shearer, E. (2021, January 12). 86% of Americans get news online from smartphone,
computer or Tablet. Pew Research Center. Retrieved October 17, 2021, from

Ogden Publications, I. (2018, Sept. & oct.). How to Tell Which Businesses Are Eco-
Friendly - Green Homes. Retrieved November 14, 2021, from,

M. (2021, November 02). The 10 Most Environmentally Friendly & Sustainable

Companies (2021). Retrieved November 14, 2021, from


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