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Unit 1 – Introduction to the Study of Literature 1

Module 3:

Objective: The focus of this module is to orient and make the students of literature
understand what a literary work must consider. Likewise have the literary standards as
one of the bases in criticizing their own writing.

Why do we need to study literature?

“There have been great societies that did not use the wheel, but there have been no
societies that did not tell stories.” ---Ursula K. LeGuin

“You cannot appreciate something you don’t understand.”

The following criteria are suggested and used by literary bards, pundits and critics around
the world to evaluate a literary piece. The 7 Literary standards of Literature that makes
a literary piece good.

1. Universality. Great literature is timeless and timely. Forever relevant, it appeals

to one and all, anytime, anywhere, because it deals with elemental feelings,
fundamental truths and universal conditions. It appeals to everyone, regardless of
culture, race, sex, and time which are all considered significant.

2. Artistry. Literature has an aesthetic appeal and thus possesses a sense of


3. Intellectual Value/Beauty. A literary works stimulates thought. It enriches our

mental life by making us realize fundamental truths about life and human nature.
It stimulates critical thinking that enriches mental processes of abstract and
reasoning, making man realize the fundamental of truths of life and its nature.

4. Permanence. A great work of literature endures. It can be read again and again
as each reading gives fresh delight and new insights and opens a new world of
meaning and experience. Its appeal is lasting. Literature endures across time and
Unit 1 – Introduction to the Study of Literature 2

draws out the time factor: Timeliness – occurring at a particular time. Timelessness
– remaining invariable throughout time.

5. Style. This is the peculiar way in which writers sees life, forms his ideas and
expresses them. Literature presents peculiar ways on how man sees life as
evidence by the formation of his ideas, form, structures, and expressions which
are marked by their memorable substance.

6. Spiritual Value. Literature elevates the spirit by bringing out moral values which
makes a better person. The capacity to inspire is part of the spiritual value of
literature. Literature elevates the spirit and the soul and thus has the power to
motivate and to inspire.

7. Suggestiveness. It unravels man’s emotional power to define symbolism,

nuances, implied meanings, images and messages, giving and evoking visions
above and beyond the plane of ordinary life and experience.

A particular literary piece must possess these seven literary standards in order to be
called a peerless epitome of artwork capable of enduring the inexorable gusty tides of
alteration. To criticize it is to consider the seven literary standards. Be critical. Ask
yourself occasionally.
Does it move you?
Does it tickle your imaginations?
What does it suggest?
What moral lessons can be drawn out?
Would it still be read and make a good reference hundreds of years from now?
Does it possess multifaceted natures for all sorts of audience?
Does the style fascinate you? Is the style used unique or forgery?

The study of literature appeals in different aspects and importance.
• Cultural Model. Literature aims to understand and appreciate cultures and
ideologies different from one’s own in time and space.
• Language Model. Literature aims to promote language development like
vocabulary and structure.
• Personal Growth Model. Personal Growth Model Literature aims to help one
achieve lasting pleasure and deep satisfaction in reading.

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