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Year : DTS-1
Instructor : Mrs. Amelita M. Sari
Date Submitted : May 31, 2021


1. It is said that “children come to school as question marks but leave school as period”! what does
this imply?

The meaning of the phrase "children come to school as a question mark, but leave as a period" is about
how kids are being innocents. They have a lot of questions in there mind. Lot of curiosity that being sent to
school is the only way to answer their queries. Once the children will be sent to school they will gain
learning and answers to their questions. Hence there question mark will become a period after school.

2. One sound advice in giving homework is: “Implement homework equitably.” What does this mean?

One of those difficulties is equity . Students whose parents are available and able to help with homework
have a distinct advantage over those whose parents work in the evenings or are unable to help with
homework because of language barriers or their own lack of educational opportunities. When assigning
homework, we must consider how to ensure that all students have equal opportunities for success.
Another issue that is closely related to equity is time. Starting at a young age, students have many other
demands on their time. These demands may include sports or art activities in the afternoons, caring for
younger siblings, or a part-time job. Sometimes they may have all three. Where does homework rank
among those priorities?

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