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Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Plan

Disaster Recovery (DR)

This is the process of rebuilding what was damaged to its previous historical condition or of
absorbing the damage impact in the case of business resilience.

Business Continuity (BC)

Unlike DR, BC focuses on revenue. As long as the organization has time and enough
money at its disposal, it can continue to function.

The purpose of business continuity is to ensure that core business functions continue with
minimal or no interruption. 

Five Phases of BCP:

Phase 1:  Setting up the BC Program

Phase 2:  The Discovery Process

 Business Impact Analysis (BIA)

 Risk Assessment

Phase 3: Plan Development

 The IT strategy selection is based on the unique needs of individual departments,

available personnel, facilities, capital management, technology, and business
 Decide the best method of implementation from the IT perspective which may
include the following:

 - Do Nothing
 - Use redundant hardware
 - Use an alternative processing location
 - Reciprocal agreements
 - Data backup strategy
 - Insurance
 - Stockpile of Supplies
Phase 4: Plan Implementation
Phase 5: Maintenance and Integration

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