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Test task

Implement simple React application.

 Task should be completed within 2 hour max.
 You can use any libraries, modules and widgets. But application should be able to resolve
and download dependencies automatically with "npm install" command
 Application should be able to start with "npm start" command after the "npm install"
 Application should looks good at any screen, from mobile to HD-screen
This task is very simple for expert, any human even newbie can solve it. Criteria that we will
Project architecture
Code quality
Commentaries in the code
Accuracy in according between implementation and this task description.

Data objects
The application should provide UI for data manipulation. Example of data object provided below:
"id": 12,
"title": "Paris",
"color": "#d14836",
"text": "Some long text"

Page should contain 2 areas. Sidebar and main area.

Color at the left reflects color value of data object.

#X it is id of data object.
Paris, New York, etc it is title value of data object.
#199 item is selected now.
Main area
Should contain editable table with elements. Columns:
 Id
 Title
 Color
Below the table, should be the textarea, that reflects text value of selected at the sidebar element.

 Add element
 Remove element
 Modify element
Any changes should be reflected at all components.
After that you have to create a public repo on github and push the code, and share the link with us.

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