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Discussion Forum Unit 7

1. Why is stress management important? How has stress affected your life?

“Stress is defined as a state of mental or emotional strain caused by adverse circumstances” (Links R,
January 7, 2018). Stress can affect an individual both mentally and physically leading to serious
health deterioration and unproductivity at work and/or at school. It is therefore essential to manage
stress and put it under control. Stress management helps on removing the stress an individual may
have in their life. Removing stress allows an individual to be happy, healthier and more productive
(Grades fixer, 2019, January 28).

Stress has affected my life as a student adversely. I’m unable to complete essential tasks like
assignments effectively and on time. I find it hard sometimes to understand my study text as my
mind would be clouded with so many unpleasant thoughts of worry about the future. I delay reading
and writing for a later time, which results in more workload towards the deadline, resulting in more

2. Identify three stress management techniques you are going to use to decrease your stress
levels. How can you apply these strategies to your life? How will these strategies help you
manage your stress?

In a bit to manage stress in my life I have found three techniques that are essential to managing
stress. This techniques include Exercising, Time Management and organizational skills (Stoppler M,

- Exercising
In order to reduce stress through exercising I will engage in sports activities such as
soccer and perform other gym workouts. This will improve my mental strength,
awareness and physical strength and appearance (Stoppler M, 2/5/2021).

- Time Management
I will use a planner and/or a calendar to mark important dates and times. E.g.
deadlines for written assignments and learning journals. Planning and marking
important dates will allow me enough time to commit to my given tasks, completing
them on time, reviewing to ensure that the work is satisfactory and submitting
(Stoppler M, 2/5/2021).

- Organizational Skills.
I will ensure that my physical surroundings are clean and organized. E.g. my study
room, notes, work etc. An individual won’t be faced with stress of misplaced items
(Stoppler M, 2/5/2021). I will also ensure that my dreams and goal are organized
and achievable. Unlike having no goals at all, having an organized goal gives an
individual a sense of purpose in life this reduces stress dramatically. Generally being
certain of a good future brings peace to an individual.

Word count: 413


(Links R, January 7, 2018). 11 Signs and Symptoms of Too Much Stress.Healthline. 11 Signs
and Symptoms of Too Much Stress (

The Importance of Managing Stress. (2019, January 28). Grades Fixer. Retrieved October 18,
2021, from

(Stoppler M, 2/5/2021).Stress Management: How to Manage Stress in Life. MedicineNet.

Stress Management: How to Manage Stress in Life with 5 Tips (

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