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Feng Yu (Floy) 1194953

GE 1000-Professor Kristiana


1 Dec 2021

Skills Audit on people skills, task management skills, and self-management skills

People skills: As far as I am concerned, I feel that I am very good at teamwork and

working together. At the same time, I am very concerned about others and consider their

feelings. But at the same time, I also have disadvantages. First, I am not very proficient in

English, and I cannot express my thoughts clearly and give my opinions. I will communicate

with the teacher more after class, memorize more words, watch English movies, to improve

myself. Secondly, I also have obstacles in understanding the opinions of others. Sometimes, I

cannot fully understand the meaning of others. To solve this problem, I plan to communicate

with others more and understand their expressions. The third point is that I sometimes don’t

understand the body language of others very well. I plan to use sign language or body language

to communicate with others sometimes to help me solve this problem. In addition, In the

process of getting along with all kinds of people, I will also have some problems. I will have

some obstacles in socializing and communicating with others. To solve this problem, I will go

to more social occasions and open up slowly. Try to communicate and communicate with

different people to overcome difficulties. Finally, I am a person who lacks leadership skills, but

this is a difficult problem I want to overcome very much. I will actively participate in some

school activities, try to improve my leadership ability, and try to lead a small team to complete

a task.

Task management skills: In this area, I am good at collecting information, classifying

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tasks, and using some social network tools to complete tasks. First, in the field of innovation

and creativity, I am not good at it. I can’t come up with good ideas for tasks very quickly. To

improve my creativity, I plan to read more books about creativity on the Internet, check some

related materials, and keep trying to come up with new ideas to improve my creativity.

Secondly, I am not good at arguing with others. Sometimes I can’t express my thoughts well.

Therefore, I plan to keep practicing the logic of my talking in the future to make myself

express myself more clearly. Besides, I am also not good at making decisions. I always hesitate

between two choices and cannot decide. In the future, I will try and decide quickly without

paying too much attention to some results. Sometimes the results of the two choices may be the

same. In addition, when solving some complex problems, I will also have obstacles. I will

continue to learn from other people to understand the way they solve the problem and help

myself solve this problem. Finally, when reading some complicated articles, I cannot fully

understand the meaning of the author. To solve this problem, I will read a few more books,

keep raising myself, and sometimes communicate with the author to understand this article.

Self-management skills: In terms of self-management, I can establish my goals, take

responsibility for my actions, learn from my mistakes, etc. But in terms of working alone,

willingness to take risks and experiment, and assertiveness, I need to constantly strengthen. I

gave up taking risks because I was worried that I would fail and because I was worried that I

would not be able to complete the task well without the help of my peers. It's all caused by my

lack of self-confidence. To improve my self-confidence, I would continue to try to show myself

in front of the public, not afraid of failure, and strive to become confident. Besides, when doing

some tasks, I always lack high-level motivation. To improve my own motivation, I plan to set

goals and time for myself when doing tasks to stimulate my motivation. Finally, in some crisis
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situations, I sometimes cannot handle it calmly. This requires me to constantly accumulate

some emergency knowledge and measures so that I can calmly deal with it when danger


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