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Nama : Anjeli

Nim : 2020.21.1612
Class : Madya B

Nursing Report

Mr A, 35 years old. Enter room Acacia Rs. Bratanata, the patient looks in pain, the patient
also said pain in his right hand after undergoing surgery on his right hand.
After hearing the patient's complaint, I immediately checked the TTV first.
Results :
Blood pressure: 120/70 Mmhg
Temperature : 36,5°C
Pulse: 97x/minute
Respiration : 27/ Min

After I checked the TTV, I immediately saw the surgical scar, it turned out that it was indeed
the effect of the patient's wound, because the patient's wound had an inflammatory response.
I immediately asked the patient's consent to change the bandage that wrapped the patient's
wound with a new one, to prevent infection, the patient immediately agreed, and I also
prepared tools to carry out the procedure and I also gave ibuprofen.
When finished, I advised the patient to eat foods that are high in protein so that the wound
healing process dries up quickly and recovers quickly.

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