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My strategy is to expand the number of stores and eventually franchise, while focusing on
serving only high-quality fresh ingredients. What are three specific human resource
management implications of my strategy (including specific policies and practices)?

The first step Angelo needs to take is developing a business plan. A business plan involves
establishing goals and standards; developing rules and procedures; developing plans and
forecasts. While some people may believe that a business plan is for a new or start up business,
existing businesses uses business plans to reinforce strategy, establish metrics, manage
responsibilities and goals, track results, and manage and plan resources including critical cash
flow. Angelo needs to create a strategic business plan that entails certain goals and produces of
achieving that goal in order for his small business to expand or eventually franchise.

The second human resource management implication that Angelo needs to implement is
employee compensation and benefits. It is stated in the case study that Angelo’s Pizza has a
high turnover rate of the more qualified and skilled worker. This is so because of the high hours
they end up working due to the absents of other workers and leads these great employees to
throw in the towel. Now, with the implementation of employee benefits which are optional,
non-wage compensation provided to employees in addition to their normal wages or salaries,
the qualified and skilled employees will have a greater incentive to stay committed to the
business and work through the absents of other workers and maybe even eventually develop
an organizational citizenship behavior (willingness to go above and beyond the requirements of
the organization).

The third implication would be a job analysis. Angelo’s Pizza biggest problems are employee
turnover and the lack of loyal and/or qualified applicants. A job analysis is the best way to help
this issue. A job analysis is a process to identify and determine in detail the particular job duties
and requirements and the kind of person who should be hired for it. With a job analysis in play
Angelo can use the recruitment and selection (what duties the job entails and what human
characteristics are required to perform these activities) method when hiring new employees.
Also, within the job description the job specifics and training requirements should be including
in order to receive more qualified applicants.
9. Identify and briefly discuss five specific human resource management errors that I’m
currently making.
- Error number one is the lack of proper training. Angelo goes about the wrong way of selecting
his managers for his other stores. He goes by the assumption that since those individuals who
he promotes to the management position already know how to manage the store since they
used to work alongside him in the first store. Angelo just trained his subordinates how to run a
store which is not enough to make a manager aware about his responsibilities and duties.

- Error number two is recruiting. Angelo does not include a job description in his help wanted
ads. Therefore, anyone who is looking for a job would show up and they would most likely not
have the necessary qualification or skills needed that Angelo is looking for but this will happen
often if he does not include the job specification in his help wanted ads.

- Error number three is the selection of employees. Angelo goes about making his hiring
decision based on one interview. Angelo needs to build up a screening procedure for
candidates that include hiring rules, reference checking, interviews and future aptitudes
appraisals for the skills the occupation requires.

- Error number four was poor compensation and benefits. Angelo’s employees had to work for
a long hour shift and some of his managers have to handle three jobs himself. What’s more, the
manager was not properly trained and all thing baffled the workers thus turnover rate
increased. The employees who are skilled have to work harder to keep the company afloat. 
Angelo should compensate his staff with a pay raise and/or vacation time

- Error number five

10. Develop a structured interview from that we can use for hiring (1) store manager (2) wait
staff (3) counter people/ pizza maker.

Structured interview for store manager (1)

1. Have you ever previously held a managerial position?

2. Suppose there is a complaint about the quality of foods. But you do not know where the
problem is, as the other customers are well satisfied with the same dish. How would you
deal with the situation?

3. Explain why teamwork is important?

4. An employee under your supervision is absent. As a result, there is a pressure on work

and you are making delay to customers order. How can you deal in such situation where
the customers cannot get frustrated and also the organization’s is not harmed?

5. What education or training do you possess that will help you with this job?

6. Which thing motivates you more, recognition or salary based incentives? And why?

Structured interview for wait staff (2) and counter/ pizza maker (3)

1. What jobs have you previously held?

2. Employees interact with a variety of customers. Sometimes customers may be angry or

frustrated. Tell me a time you had to deal with an irate customer. Why was the
customer upset? How did you respond to the customer's requests or demands? What
was the outcome of your actions?

3. Sometimes employees must communicate sensitive or unpleasant information to

customers. Describe a time when you had to communicate unfavorable information to a
customer. What did you have to tell the customers? How did you communicate the
information? How did the customer respond? What was the outcome of this situation

4. From a rate of 1- 5 how well do you work with other, with 5 being the very best and 1
being the worst.

5. Are you comfortable working in a fast- pace environment?

6. Tell me about your schedule flexibility, and your work schedule preferences. 

7. Why did you choose our organization for work in the mentioned position?
8. My strategy is to expand the number of stores and eventually franchise, while
focusing on serving only high-quality fresh ingredients. What are three specific
human resource management implications of my strategy (including specific
policies and practices)?

The first step Angelo needs to take is developing a strategic business plan. A
business plan involves establishing goals and standards; developing rules and
procedures; developing plans and forecasts (Dressler 2015). While some people may
believe that a business plan is for a new or start up business, existing businesses use
business plans to reinforce strategy, establish metrics, manage responsibilities and
goals, track results, and manage and plan resources including critical cash flow. Angelo
needs to create a strategic business plan that entails certain goals and products of
achieving those goals in order for his small business to expand or eventually franchise.
By creating a business plan it serves as an objective point for all employees, and all
critical decisions can be based off of the business plan. According to Adam Stone
Business Plan article, no organization can change or grow without a strategic business
plan (Stone) . A written and organized business plan will develop a reference for daily
operations while also painting a larger picture of the Angelo’s Pizza organization.
Creating this plan and making it concrete will provide Angelo with an easier way of
determining whether employees are living up to his expectations. This will also give a
clearer understanding of what the future goals of the company are and how they
anticipate to get there.

The second human resource management implication that Angelo needs to implement
is employee compensation and benefits. It is stated in the case study that Angelo’s
Pizza has a high turnover rate of the more qualified and skilled workers. This is so
because of the high hours they end up working due to the absence of other workers and
leads these great employees to leaving the job on bad terms.  Now, with the
implementation of employee benefits which are optional, non-wage compensation
provided to employees in addition to their normal wages or salaries, the qualified and
skilled employees will have a greater incentive to stay committed to the business and
work through the absence of other workers and maybe even eventually develop an
organizational citizenship behavior (willingness to go above and beyond the
requirements of the organization). Also, compassion can go a long way in the
workplace.  A compassionate workplace can decrease stressful environments in the
workplace. According to a study in 2008, published in Academy of Management, a
comfortable workplace helps lower blood pressure and boost overall morale.  A
manager wants to create a place where their employees enjoy coming into work.  Move
away from treating employees like workers, but treat them as a family. All in all, showing
employees and customers you care can make a big difference in the company’s culture
(Heaphy and Dutton).
The third implication would be a job analysis. Angelo’s Pizza’s biggest problems are
employee turnover and the lack of loyalty and qualified applicants. A job analysis is the
best way to address this issue (Dessler 2015). A job analysis is a process to identify
and determine in detail the particular job duties and requirements, and the kind of
person who should be hired for it. With a job analysis in place Angelo can use the
recruitment and selection (what duties the job entails and what human characteristics
are required to perform these activities) method when hiring new employees. Also,
within the job description the job specifics and training requirements should be including
in order to receive more qualified applicants. Job applicants would have a better idea for
workplace expectations, while also being held to a written standard of expected
performance. As stated by Laura S. Moskwa “comprehensive job descriptions will help
to systematize performance reviews as they provide a clear guideline for expectations
and requirements, along with the employee manual for areas.” If there is ever a problem
with conduct or productivity managers can always go back to the job analysis that states
what the performance standards are.  Job analysis are the foundation of the business,
benefit the team by setting standards, and reach organization goals (Moskwa 2016).

9. Identify and briefly discuss five specific human resource management errors
that I’m currently making.

Error number one is the lack of proper training. Angelo goes about the wrong way of
selecting and training his managers for his other stores. Previously, Angelo selected
seasoned employees  based on seniority to manage new locations.  However, they may
not have management background or the understanding of the business that Angelo
does.  It is possible that Angelo should look into hiring managers from outside his
company and training them to adapt to the Angelo’s Pizza environment, or training his
candidates to better fulfill their responsibilities. Before choosing the applicant for
manager, there needs to be an assessment to evaluate the employee’s skills and
readiness for a management level position. After selecting the employee that Angelo
believes is most fit for the manager role, there needs to be a training period or a
management trainee program. The program will allow managers to be shadowed by
Angelo while working so any unproductive activity or questions will be corrected.
Implement a one month program where newly hired managers while be shadowed.
Under this probationary period managers will be assessed by employees and
customers to see where exactly they stand.  

Error number two is recruitment. Angelo does not include a job description in his help
wanted ads. Currently, the only way Angelo is finding applicants to work the restaurant
is from newspaper ads. Instead of just relying on one source of advertisement, post the
job ad online on job search websites. There are also several ways to post a job
opportunity online to cast a wider net to more potential employees and have information
about them before you even meet them. LinkedIn is one of the leading career
connection sites that is free to use and is widely used all over the nation. You're able to
see their credentials, references, and previous experience that they may have, and
you're able to see if they are connected with anyone that he may be connected with
allowing a better easier way of looking into someone’s past.  Also offer current
employees a referral program if their referral is fired and goes above and beyond
expectations for the job.
Error number three is the selection of employees. Angelo goes about making his hiring
decision based off one interview or interaction with the prospective employee.  Angelo
needs to build up a screening procedure for candidates that include hiring rules,
reference checking, interviews and future aptitudes appraisals for the skills the
occupation requires.  There should be informative job description showing prospective
employees what is expected.  A effective job description will decrease incapable people
for applying for the job.  Also make the interview a multi-step process and allow few
potential employees to make it through the first interview process, he could narrow
down the search and require a second interview to solidify his selection for a new hire.
If Angelo does not have the time to adequately interview employees he should source a
3rd party human resource company to aid him in the process.
- Error number four is dealing with negative co-workers and negative attitudes. Angelo
needs to create a place where his employees enjoy coming work. Rather than
employees saying they have to go to work, they get the opportunity to work.  Instead of
trying to maximize how many workers he has, he needs to optimize current workers.
There needs to be a culture where all individuals feel like their role is detrimental to the
success of the business.  Only hiring employees that have positive energy and boost
overall morale.  If Angelo wants his team to be multi-skilled he should take the approach
that Aldi’s grocery store does. Aldi’s has two or three employees working a shift daily.
How Aldi’s can maintain this work atmosphere is that they cross-train all individuals.
Cross training allows for all employees to finish activities and not be reliant on just one
person or a manager to accomplish a specific task.  

- Error number five is  poor compensation and benefits. Angelo’s employees had to
work for a long hour shift and some of his managers have to handle three jobs himself.
What’s more, the manager was not properly trained and all thing baffled the workers
thus turnover rate increased. The employees who are skilled have to work harder to
keep the company afloat.
Angelo should compensate his staff with a pay raise and/or vacation time.

10.  Develop a structured interview from that we can use for hiring (1) store
manager (2) wait staff (3) counter people/ pizza maker.

Structured interview for store manager (1)

1.     Have you ever held a managerial position in the past? If so why did you leave the
position? If not what makes you qualified for the position?
2.     How would you deal with your best dish not selling well?
3.     Explain why teamwork is important.

5.  How do you cope with work-related stress?

6.  Can you tell us of a time you exceeded a customer’s expectations?

7.  What would you change about Angelo’s to improve the business?

8.  If an employee is unable to fulfill their duties, how would you handle the situation?
9.     What education or training do you possess that will help you with this job?
10.     Which motivates you more, recognition or salary based incentives? Why?

11.  Describe a difficult work situation that you have encountered and how you handled

Structured interview for wait staff (2)

1.     What jobs have you previously held?  How did you interact with customers in these
2.     How do you deal with angry customers?

3. Would you be comfortable communicating a food order error to the kitchen staff after
delivery to the customer?  How would you communicate this message?
4. Do you have a sense of humor?     
5.     On a scale from 1- 5 how well do you work with others? 5 is the the very best and
1 being the worst.  
6.     Are you comfortable working in a fast-paced environment?
7.     Tell me about your schedule flexibility, and your work schedule preferences.
8.     Why do you want to work for Angelo’s? Why are you leaving your previous job?

Structured interview for counter people/pizza makers  (3)

1.     What jobs have you previously held?

2.     Tell me about a difficult situation you handled?
3.     Where and how were you trained to cook?

4. How do you check the quality of ingredients?

5. What do you know about food preparation and kitchen safety?

6.  Do you have prior experience working a cash register?

7.     On a scale from 1- 5 how well do you work with others? 5 being the very best and
1 being the worst.  
8.     Are you comfortable working in a fast-paced environment?
9.     Tell me about your schedule flexibility, and your work schedule preferences.
10.     Why do you want to work for Angelo’s?

11. Based on what you know about Angelo’s and what you know from having
visited pizza restaurants, write a one-page outline showing specifically how you
think Angelo’s should go about selecting employees.

For the selection process for Angelo’s, they should begin with:

The application Process

This application should not be generic. Make sure you state what you are
looking for in a future employee. By having made your own application,
you can ask more of what you want to know about the person (within
reason). Also, besides the newspaper, you could put the job online on
websites that have people looking for jobs. Also, if you are concerned with
honesty being an issue, be sure to include a references section on the

Be sure to call every applicant's references. By not doing this, you could  
risk hiring employees that have history of being dishonest with past
employers, so those references could simply tell you that they wouldn’t
hire them again. Having this reference section, and actually calling them
would be a great way to eliminate applicants that could end up causing

First interview
Make sure to include a personality test based on what attributes do you
see fit for a great employee. Tell them what the job would consist of like
day-to-day operations and what type of work they would be doing. During
the interview, you can also ask them if they feel like they would be a good
match with your business and if the values of the business line up with
their own (Giumetti, pg 164).That can give a good idea if they would be a
good fit with the organization. After the interview, if you feel as though they
may be a good match, give the applicant a call and see if they would be
interested in a second interview.  Also include that currently Angelo Pizza
is a growth company, meaning that we plan to expand and there is room
for development within the company.

Second interview
If the applicant returns for a second interview, you could give them a
training manual so they know the ins and outs of what they will be doing
and it may answer any questions they may have. If you are concerned
with employees taking any ideas you have and using them at another
business, you could implement a Non-Compete Clause (Geho, page 2).
Having this clause would help against having the same problem Angelo
had in the past with an employee taking what he knew from Angelo and
starting a competing business. If you feel confident in hiring this applicant,
make sure they know that there will be a training portion that they need to
be there for so they can help the business run smoothly.

Selecting Employees
Once you have done the application process, checked references, and
one the first and second interviews, then you should proceed in the
selection and hiring of the employees. Going through this process will help
you avoid hiring the wrong employees and skipping the references of past
employers. This should help sort through applicants that you would want
to be working in your business that you trust.


Giumetti, Gary W. and Patrick H. Raymark. "Engagement, Procedural Fairness,

and Perceived Fit as Predictors of Applicant Withdrawal Intentions: A Longitudinal Field
Study." International Journal of Selection & Assessment, vol. 25, no. 2, June 2017, pp.
161-170. EBSCOhost, doi:10.1111/ijs.12169.

Geho, P. R., & Lewis, S. D. (2010). TEACHING ENTREPRENEURSHIP: THE

ENTERPRISE. Journal Of Entrepreneurship Education, 131-8.

Heaphy, E., & Dutton, J. (2017). Positive Social Interactions and the Human
Body at Work: Linking Organizations and Physiology. University of Michigan. Retrieved
18 September 2017, from

Stone, A (2001). Business Plan. Journal of Housing and Community

Development. Vol. 58 Issue 6, p22. 3p.

MOSKWA L. Do Your Firm's Job Descriptions and Performance Reviews Meet

the Standard?. Journal Of Pension Benefits: Issues In Administration [serial online].
Winter2016 2016;23(2):53-55. Available from: Business Source Complete, Ipswich, MA.
Accessed September 19, 2017.
Dessler, G. (2017). Human Resource Management. 15th ed. Boston: Pearson.

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