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Lydia Hanson

Dr. Bacote
Christian Thought (BITH 315)
3 September 2020
Reflections on the Covid-19 Pandemic through a Christian Lens
There are many ways to view the Covid-19 pandemic, but the majority of them are pretty

negative. After all, this virus has shut down our society for extended periods of time; it restricts

our ability to socialize with others; and it causes numerous daily inconveniences. Without

Christianity, a time such as this seems to lack any semblance of hope, as people feel dejected and

alone. However, we Christians know that is not the case! We are called to be the light of the

world (Matthew 5:14), and the darkest of times are when that light is needed most.

At the beginning of the pandemic, it was hard to stay optimistic and hopeful about the

state of the world. As time went on, the Bible verse Jeremiah 29:11 kept coming to mind in the

midst of feeling hopeless. Recognizing that God has a plan, and it is a plan for good, full of hope

for the future, shifted my viewpoint on this situation. As Christians, we trust in the Lord and

know that he is faithful. If he says that he has a plan, what gives us the authority to question it?

Additionally, Proverbs 3:5 reminds us to trust the Lord completely and not lean on our

own understanding of things. This verse is difficult to completely adhere to during the pandemic

because it is so hard to know what is fact and what is fiction, especially as politics come into

play. It is good to recognize that even though most people are struggling during this time, we

know two things for certain: the first, that God has everything planned out and works it all for

good (Romans 8:28); the second, that God is in complete control, and we can feel confident to

put our trust in him during even the darkest of times. If nothing else, this pandemic has shown

me just how little control we human beings truly have over what happens in this world. That

gives us all the more reason to put our trust in God, who cares for us.

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