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Raihana Dzakiyatunisa (R0221108)

Salsabilla Cindy Pratama (R0221120)

Raihana : How was your holiday?

Cindy : It was fantastic. How about you?

Raihana : It was so amazing. I visited my cousins the village of Sadranan beach. It is

located in Jogja. Did you know? Its was so beautiful beach.

Cindy : Yes, I did. I've was there too. It is very beautiful especially can snorkel. but it

can also be dangerous because we could be carried away by the waves.

Raihana : Of course we also need to be careful. Did you go to Malioboro Street at night?
Cindy : Absolutely! It was the greatest moment at night. It was so crowded.
And guest what? bought you something there. Here you go. This is for


Raihana : You are welcome. One more thing, I had experience in Prambanan
Temple. It is so an ancient temple in Indonesia. You must go there if
you visit Jogja. So,tell me what was your experiences during your
holiday last semester?

Cindy : I didn’t go anywhere.

Raihana : Yeah. It wasn’t good. But I and my sister went to a local beach. We
played sandcastle.We swam in the warm water. It wasn’t bad at all.

Cindy : Really? That was good. Did you enjoy it?

Raihana : Yes, I did. I bought some souvenirs. This one is for you.

Cindy : Oh, my dear. That so beautiful!


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