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 Tools:
 small paint brush
 small bowls (4)
 paper towels or clean rags
 apron
 parchment paper or waxed paper
 fine hole grater


1.     Divide the marzipan into 3 equal pieces (2.3 ounces each). Cover your work surface
with a large sheet or parchment or wax paper to protect from staining. Put on an apron or
an old shirt to protect clothes from splatter. Place powdered sugar in a small pile in the
corner of work surface.

2.     Make your dyes:

3.     Green – combine 1 teaspoon water + 1/4 teaspoon green food coloring

4.     Yellow – combine 2 teaspoons water + 1/4 teaspoon yellow food coloring

5.     Orange – combine 1 teaspoon water + 6 drops yellow + 2 drops red coloring

6.     Red – combine 1 teaspoon water + 1 drop red coloring

7.     Marzipan Apples:

8.     Knead 1/8 teaspoon green dye solution into 1 portion marzipan until evenly colored
light green. Shape into a tube and cut into 6 equal portions. Roll each into a ball, then shape
into slightly elongated and squared-off Granny Smith apple shapes, or slightly flattened
balls to make MacIntosh apples. Press a whole clove into the top of each to make a stem.
9.     Dip paintbrush in clean water, then in yellow dye solution. Paint apples to give them a
ripening hue. Dip brush again in water, then in red solution and add a bit of blush to one
side of each apple. Set aside apples to dry on paper.

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