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Case # 9

If one intentionally shoots to kill another, who later was found to have been already dead
before, did the former incur any moral guilt? Is he legally guilty?

Yes, he is legally guilty because it is performed by a conscious agent who is very much
aware of he is doing in which proceeds from one ‘s deliberation and freewill and thus, for
which one is held morally responsible of its consequences-good or evil.

Case #10
Person A .merely intended to burn the house of his enemy B. But the flames, fanned by
strong winds, spread like wildfire and burned the whole town. Is person A responsible or not for
the burning of the town?


Yes, Person A is still responsible for everything what causes the entire town burnt even Person A
doesn’t have an intention to burn the town only for his Enemy B. It happens that because it is
still done intentionally . Person’s A’s plan is only to burn the house of his or her enemy B. It just
happened that after the action was done and started the fire. Person A’s Plan turns out wrong or
worsen the situation when it includes the causes of extreme fire from natural matter or fanned
by a strong wind that spread into wildfire and burned the whole town.

Case # 11
When a robot man or bionic man kills a person can the former be held criminally liable?
morally responsible?

Yes, it is. He is criminally liable and morally responsible as well for he is still commits
murder using his alternative limbs hand made from metal which is more fatal to kill or harm a
person. He implies an action committing murder using an alternative physical method of killing a

Case #12
When a man entertains adultery in his desires and thoughts and intends to consummate
the act but fails, did he incur any moral guilt, and is he morally responsible?

Yes, He incur any moral Guilt because it is considered as action that includes things that
the man do in private even he did not directly harm others or even themselves. His innermost
motives and intentions, even if he did not carried out in concrete, fall under the scope of Morality
and actions like adultery is really morally wrong or bad. Thus, no amount of “good’ intention or
favorable circumstance can alter his evilness. His badness is something embedded in his very
nature because sometimes it may happen that he is a person performs a certain act without
realizing the facts but he is not morally responsible because he did not take actions of it for real.

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