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Name: Hassan Khan

Roll No: Tc-14045 (telecom)

Submitted to: Dr. Yawar Rehman
Assignment #01
Point detection, Line detection, Edge detection
Detection of Images:
In general, detection is the extraction of information from a larger stream of
information without specific cooperation from or synchronization with the
sender. For image, there are three types of detection which are as follows:

➢ Point Detection:
Point detection is a recent terminology in computer vision that refers to the
detection of interest points for subsequent processing. An interest point is a
point in the image which in general can be characterized as follows:[1][2]

• It has a clear, preferably mathematically well-founded, definition,

• It has a well-defined position in image space,
• The local image structure around the interest point is rich in terms of local
information contents (e.g.: significant 2D texture), such that the use of
interest points simplify further processing in the vision system,
• It is stable under local and global perturbations in the image domain as
illumination/brightness variations, such that the interest points can be
reliably computed with high degree of repeatability.
• Optionally, the notion of interest point should include an attribute of scale, to
make it possible to compute interest points from real-life images as well as
under scale changes.
Today, a main application of interest points is to signal points/regions in the
image domain that are likely candidates to be useful for image matching and
view-based object recognition.

➢ Line Detection:
While edges (i.e. boundaries between regions with relatively distinct relevels)
are by far the most common type of discontinuity in an image, instances of thin
lines in an image occur frequently enough that it is useful to have a separate
mechanism for detecting them. Here we present a convolution based technique
which produces an image description of the thin lines in an input image. Note
that the Hough transform can be used to detect lines; however, in that case, the
output is a parametric description of the lines in an image.
The line detection operator consists of a convolution kernel tuned to detect the
presence of lines of a width n, at a orientation. Figure shows a collection of four
such kernels, which each respond to lines of single pixel width at the orientation

Four-line detection kernels which respond maximally to horizontal, vertical and

oblique (+45 and - 45 degree) single pixel wide lines.

The code was used to detect only the vertical lines in an image using MATLAB
and the result is below. The original image is the one on the top and the result is
below it. As can be seen on the picture on the right, only the vertical lines were
➢ Edge Detection:
Edge detection includes a variety of mathematical methods that aim at
identifying points in a digital image at which the image brightness changes
sharply or, more formally, has discontinuities. The points at which image
brightness changes sharply are typically organized into a set of curved line
segments termed edges. The same problem of finding discontinuities in one-
dimensional signals is known as step detection and the problem of finding
signal discontinuities over time is known as change detection. Edge detection is
a fundamental tool in image processing, machine vision and computer vision,
particularly in the areas of feature detection and feature extraction.
The purpose of detecting sharp changes in image brightness is to capture
important events and changes in properties of the world.
The purpose of detecting sharp changes in image brightness is to capture
important events and changes in properties of the world.

Feature enhancement in an image (St Paul's Cathedral, London). Left panel

shows the original image and the right panel shows the detected features.

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