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Meerut Institute of Technology (PC), Meerut

Department of Computer Application (BCA)

Subject: Computer Graphics and Multimedia Application


Assignment – 2 Solution

Q:1- What is display technology? Explain the video display devices. Also
explain the working of color CRT with proper diagram.

Ans: Display is a device used to present visual information. The main aim of any
display technology is to simplify the information sharing. Today, there are
different types of displays used for different applications. These displays can be
categorized as Video Displays, Non- Video Displays and 3D displays.

Video Displays: Video Displays are two-dimensional displays that cover a full
area, basically a rectangle.
Color CRT Monitors:

The CRT Monitor display by using a combination of phosphors. The phosphors

are different colors. There are two popular approaches for producing color
displays with a CRT are:

1. Beam Penetration Method

2. Shadow-Mask Method

1. Beam Penetration Method:

The Beam-Penetration method has been used with random-scan monitors. In

this method, the CRT screen is coated with two layers of phosphor, red and
green and the displayed color depends on how far the electron beam penetrates
the phosphor layers. This method produces four colors only, red, green, orange
and yellow. A beam of slow electrons excites the outer red layer only; hence
screen shows red color only. A beam of high-speed electrons excites the inner
green layer. Thus screen shows a green color.

1. Inexpensive


1. Only four colors are possible

2. Quality of pictures is not as good as with another method.

2. Shadow-Mask Method:
o Shadow Mask Method is commonly used in Raster-Scan System because
they produce a much wider range of colors than the beam-penetration
o It is used in the majority of color TV sets and monitors.

Construction: A shadow mask CRT has 3 phosphor color dots at each pixel

o One phosphor dot emits: red light

o Another emits: green light
o Third emits: blue light

This type of CRT has 3 electron guns, one for each color dot and a shadow mask
grid just behind the phosphor coated screen.

Shadow mask grid is pierced with small round holes in a triangular pattern.

Figure shows the delta-delta shadow mask method commonly used in color CRT
Working: Triad arrangement of red, green, and blue guns.

The deflection system of the CRT operates on all 3 electron beams

simultaneously; the 3 electron beams are deflected and focused as a group onto
the shadow mask, which contains a sequence of holes aligned with the
phosphor- dot patterns.

When the three beams pass through a hole in the shadow mask, they activate a
dotted triangle, which occurs as a small color spot on the screen.

The phosphor dots in the triangles are organized so that each electron beam can
activate only its corresponding color dot when it passes through the shadow

Inline arrangement: Another configuration for the 3 electron guns is an Inline

arrangement in which the 3
electron guns and the corresponding red-green-blue color dots on the screen,
are aligned along one scan line rather of in a triangular pattern.

This inline arrangement of electron guns in easier to keep in alignment and is

commonly used in high-resolution color CRT's.


1. Realistic image
2. Million different colors to be generated
3. Shadow scenes are possible


1. Relatively expensive compared with the monochrome CRT.

2. Relatively poor resolution
3. Convergence Problem

Q:2- Explain raster and random scan display system. (CCS-2019)

Raster Scan Display

Raster can be explained as a rectangular collection of dots or points plotted. An

image is subdivided into various horizontal lines which are referred to as scan
lines which are then further divided into different pixels which helps in the
processing of an image.

Basic working of Raster Scan

 In this system, a beam of an electron is moved across the screen. It
moves from top to bottom considering one row at a time.
 As the beam of electron moves through each row, its intensity is
alternatively turned on and off which helps to create a pattern of spots that
are illuminated.
When each scan of the line is refreshed it returns to the left side of the
screen. This motion is known as Horizontal retrace.
 As a particular frame ends, the beam of electron moves to the left top
corner of the screen to move to another frame. This motion is referred to
as Vertical retrace.
 The picture is then stored in an area of memory which is referred to as
the frame buffer or refresh buffer.
 The buffer in a raster scan is that area that is responsible for containing
intensity of the various points on the screen.
 The values stored in the buffer are then fetched and traced over scan lines
one by one on the screen.

 The image formed through this raster scan is known as a raster image.
The quality of this image is determined by the number of pixels which is
termed as the resolution of the image.
 The amount of information each pixel represents is known as the color
depth of the image.
 The raster graphics system of high quality contains 24 bits per pixel in the
frame buffer. This is referred to as a full color or true color system.
Refreshing of raster scan displays is carried out at the rate of 60 to 80
frames per second.
Random Scan Display

In Random Scan Display a beam of the electron is directed only to the screen
areas where any picture has to be displayed or drawn on the screen. It is also
termed as vector display, as it displays or draws a picture in the form of one line
at a time. It can draw and refresh lines on the screen of a picture in any
sequence not particularly specific.

Basic working of random scan display

 Random scan monitors are used to draw a picture in one line at a time
and are thus also referred to as vector displays.
 The cathode ray tube when operates as a random scan display device
directs the beam of an electron only to those areas of the screen where
display or a picture has to be drawn.
 To draw a picture or display it on the screen the system goes through a
line or set of commands and draws each of them one at a time in a line
turn by turn.

The refresh rate here depends on the number of lines that are to be displayed
on the screen and are designed so that they draw the component lines of the
picture 30 to 60 times in a second.

They have a high resolution of pictures and produce smooth line drawing. It's that
smooth that while zooming also it doesn't spread.

Q:3- What is video controller ? Explain. (CCS-2019)

Ans: Video controller :-

1. Video controller is a key hardware component that allows computers to
generate graphic information to any video display devices, such as a
monitor or projector.
2. They are also known as graphics or video adapters that are directly
integrated into the computer motherboard.
3. Their main function as an integrated circuit in a video signal generator is to
produce television video signals in computers systems.
4. They also offer various functions beyond accelerated image rendering,
such as TV output and the ability to hook up to several monitors.
Q:4- Explain the term CLIPPING. State its various types.

(CCS-2016, 2017)

Clipping: Any procedure that identifies those portions of a picture that are either
inside or outside of a specified region of space is referred to as a clipping
algorithm or simply clipping. The region against which an object is to be clipped
is called a clip window. Clipping is the process to identify the picture either inside
or outside of the displaying area.

Application of clipping includes extracting part of a defined scene for viewing,

identifying visible surface in three-dimensional views, object boundary, creating
objects using solid modelling procedures, displaying a multi-window environment
and drawing and painting operations, moving, cursing depending on the
application, the clip window can be general polygon or it can have curved

For the viewing transformation, we want to display only those picture parts that
are within the window area. Everything outside the window is discarded. Clipping
algorithm can be applied in world co-ordinates, so that only the contents of the
window interior are mapped to device co-ordinates.

Types of Clipping :

These are the main types of clipping

1. Point clipping.
2. Line clipping (straight line segment).
3. Area clipping (polygons) or curve clipping.
4. Text clipping.

Line and polygon clipping routines are standard components of the graphics
package, but many packages accommodate curved objects.

1. Point Clipping: Assuming that the clip window is a rectangle in the standard
position we have a point P = (x, y) for display, if the following conditions are
satisfied :

Xw min ≤ x ≤ Xw max , Yw min ≤ y ≤ Yw max.

Where the edges of the clip window (Xw min , Xw max, Yw min, Yw max ) can be
either the world co-ordinate window boundaries or viewport boundaries. If
anyone of these four conditions is not satisfied the point is clipped.

For Example: Point clipping can be applied to the scene involving explosions
that are modelled with particles (points) distributed in some region of the scene.

2. Line Clipping: A line clipping procedure involves several parts. First, we can
test a given line segment to determine whether it lies completely inside the
clipping window if it does not, we try to determine whether it lies completely
outside the window.

Finally, if we cannot identify a line segment as completely inside or completely

outside we must perform intersection calculations with one or more clipping
A line with both endpoints insides all clipping boundaries, such as the line P1 to
P2 is saved. A line with both endpoints outside any one of the clip boundaries
(line P3 P4) is outside the window.

3. Area Clipping (Polygons) or Curve Clipping: Area with curved boundaries

can be clipped with methods similar to point clipping and line clipping. Curve
clipping procedures will involve non-linear equations and this requires more
processing than for object with linear boundaries.

The bounding rectangle for a circle or other curved object can be used first to test
the overlap with a rectangular clip window. If the bounding rectangle for the
object completely inside the window, we save the object. If the rectangle is
determined to be completely outside the window, we discard the object.

If the bounding rectangle test fail, we can look for other computation saving
approaches. For a circle, we can use co-ordinate extent of individual quadrants
and then octants for testing before calculating curve window intersections.

4. Text Clipping: There are several techniques that can be used to provide text
clipping in a graphics package. The clipping technique used will depends on
method used to generate characters and the requirements of a particular

The simplest method for processing character string relative to a window

boundary is to use them all or one string clipping strategy. If all of the string is
inside a clip window, we keep it. Otherwise, the string is discarded. This
procedure is implemented by considering a bounding rectangle around the text
The boundary position of the rectangle are then compared to window boundaries
and the string is rejected if there is any overlap.
An alternative to reject an entire character string that overlaps a window
boundary is to use them all or none character clipping strategy. Here we discard
only those characters that are not completely inside the window.

A final method for handling text clipping is to clip the components of individual
characters. We now treat the character in the same way as the line.

Q:5- A window contains the size (0,50,0,50). A line PQ has the

coordinates (-10, 40) and (30, -20). Find the visible point of the line using
midpoint subdivision. (CCS-2017)

Solution: We have,
The coordinates for x and y = P (-10, 40)
The coordinates for x and y = Q (30, -20)
Step 1: We have to compute the midpoint of the line segment PQ.
Q = [(-10 + 30) /2, (40 - 20)/2]
= (10, 10)
Now the new coordinates of Q = (10, 10)
Step 2: Now, we will find
Q’’ = midpoint of the Q’ and Q
Q’’ = [(10 + 30) /2, (10 + (-20))/2]
= (20, -5)
Now the new coordinates of Q’’ = (20, -5)
Here (20, -5) is much better than (10, 10)
Now we have to find Q’’’ then,
Q’’’ = [(20 + 30) /2, (-55 + ((-20))/2]
= (25, -12.5)
Now the new coordinates of Q’’’ = (25, -12.5)
We can clip the line from Q’’ to Q from the top side.
Step 3: Now, we will take left hand side part. The endpoints are P and Q’’’
We will find the midpoint of P and Q’’’
P (-10,40)
10,40) and Q’’’ (25, -12.5)
P’ = [(-10
10 + 25) /2, (40 + ((-12.5))/2]
= (7.5, 27.5)
Now we will find the midpoint of P and P’’
P (-10,
10, 40) and P’ (7.5, 27.5)
P’’ = [(-10
10 + 7.5) /2, (40 + (27.5))/2]
= (-1.25, 33.75)
Now we will find midpoint of P’’ and P
P’’’ = P (-10,
10, 40) and P’’ ((-1.25, 33.75)
= [(-10 + (-1.25))
1.25)) /2, (40 + 33.75)/2]
= (5.62, 36.87)
Now we will clip the line from P to P’’’
Finally, we have P’’’ = (5.62, 36.87)
Q’’’ = (25, -12.5)

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