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STEM 11-Y1-7
Our Environment has a big part on our lives. It is our home. We need it that's why
we need to do something to preserve it. And nowadays, people face no more
critical trouble than the need to save the weakening environment. But then, no
matter how we save our environment, we can’t tell when or where specifically,
disaster may come. Now, let us all see what are the effects that lies behind the
word disaster.
Natural disasters as we’ve known are disasters occur due to natural forces which
man has hardly any control while Man-made disasters are caused by the errors of
man, either accidental or intentional. Both kind of disaster that I’ve mentioned has
a great impact on our environment such as on agriculture, biodiversity, the
economy and human health. The causes include pollution, depletion of natural
resources, industrial activity or agriculture. As we’ve studied on our class, since
natural disasters only occurs due to natural forces, we have no control over it in
contrast to man-made disaster that many people can do something to prevent it. As
one of the students and of youth, we can be simply responsible when it comes to
garbage disposal by having a waste segregation. If you are not going to segregate
wastes properly, then it will all mixed up in the landfills just like how they are
mixed up in your trash bin. These wastes will decompose and may contaminate the
land. So, it will release leaks and gas that may be harmful to the environment.
Segregation is also the key to good recycling. And in order to recycle in a
productive and efficient way, we must avoid cross-contamination which is done by
doing garbage segregation properly. Meanwhile, recycling helps to reduce the need
for extracting and processing raw materials. It not just saves energy but also
reduces the production of gas and a lot more that may be very harmful to us when
disaster comes.
To conclude, environment is really important to us but disaster can destroy in on
instant. Environment has also a big role to us as any kind of life is impossible
without it. So even though we can’t tell when or where disaster may come, we can
atleast do something to prevent it. There’s a lot of impact that disaster brings to our
environment but we can have preparedness at all times.

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