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Act 1 Shot list

After in cam transition:

 MS Long take of legs moving through house, drop bag near entrance, then move halfway
upstairs, camera moves up and to the side to see closed office door, head tilts down a bit to
imply disappointment, start to head down stairs a bit, stop when about to reach bottom,
hesitating, then head back up a step or two, look up and shout out to mum in the office “You
coming down for lunch?” - “Oh you’re back. Did you do the shopping?” - “Yes”
 MS from entrance looking at protag. Looking up the stairs. He looks down and repeats more
quietly, not really intending for the mum to hear: “Yeah, I did.” After a short pause, move to the
bag, pick it up and take it into the other room, out of sight.
 CU of clock on the wall
 WS slow dolly forward looking at pc setup
 CU pressing pc power button
 CU pressing monitor power button
 CU pressing other monitor power button
 MS from the left side of chair looking at protagonist, empty space on the right side of desk is
also in frame
 Slow dolly forward until monitor fully fills the frame
 Cut back to MS from left side of chair, but it’s now evening and dark. The mother comes slightly
into frame and puts down a plate/bowl of the dinner next to the protagonist. He doesn’t notice
until the door is heard being closed. He now turns around and starts to say thank you but stops
halfway through
 MS of closed door
 Cut back to MS but now on the other side of the chair. Protagonist looks down at the bottom
right corner of their monitor.
 CU at the corner of the monitor. Date is the 6 th September, around 11PM.
 Overhead MS of keyboard. Types in ‘how to transition’ and the shot cuts off there
 Shot of monitor with youtube page open. Finishes typing ‘how to transition from homeschool to
public school’. Presses enter and page loads the videos.
 WS dolly backwards away from pc setup as protag clicks on one of the videos, puts it in
fullscreen, and grabs their dinner to put it in front and start to eat it. Fade to black.

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