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Panaligan BPED-2101

Top 10 Characteristics of a Gifted Person

1. Sense of mission – Gifted Persons have a vision and a sense of mission that lifts
up and inspires men and women to help achieve that mission. In fact, there is in every
one of us a desire to commit to something bigger than ourselves and just like leaders,
that have the ability to tap into that root of motivation, drive, and enthusiasm that allows
us to commit ourselves to achieving that vision. As a Leader you are always to strive to
be the best, you won't feel great or as good as you could feel, or capable of
extraordinary performance, unless you are aligned with the best people in your field and
doing the very best job that people are capable of.

2. Love for one’s work - Loving your work means there is at least one part of the job
you do—you know, the actual work part—that makes you happy. For some, it's a
momentary thrill that motivates you to keep going, to wake up in the morning and get
your butt in gear. For others, it's a soul connection that feeds you on a deeper level

3. Deep thinking – It means that to go beyond what you think you know. It means to let
go of preconceived ideas in order to discover the truth. By cultivating the skill of deep
thinking, we can gain freedom of thought. The deeper your thinking becomes, the more
focused and meaningful your actions will be.

4. Being different – It means that you don't blend in completely with the status quo. It
means that you don't perfectly fit in to the everyday jigsaw of life. It means that what
works for and applies to others does not always work for or apply to you. It means you
are less restricted by what's comfortable, able to explore new ground, not afraid of
things because you don't know about them.

5. Clear purpose - Having a clear and motivating purpose gets you through the
challenging times you'll face, sets a higher standard of excellence for your business,
entices team members to join you in your cause, and attracts and keeps customers who
love what you're doing.
6. Not being well rounded - When we say not being well-rounded, it describes of being
weak or unexperienced in terms of education. Those people are not passionate to share
their knowledge, ability, and experience in order to set a good motivation to others. Not
being well-rounded is also not being self-centered and aware to discover new ways of

7. Enjoyment in one’s work – It is when you feel like you are doing something of
value. You feel fulfilled. Whatever the job, you feel a deep sense of gratitude for being
able to help and serve people. You feel like you are giving back and giving people your
unique ideas, abilities, and talents.

8. Tolerance for mistake – It can be a guide in decision making process. It is a way to

minimize failure in order to reflect choices, situations, and learnings. Always remember
that the greatest way of "tolerance for mistake", is to accept our failure and to set those
failure into learnings. Don't be afraid to fail in every situation in life instead be consistent
enough to try and discover many things in this world

9. Comfortable being alone – Alone time can be an opportunity to get to know yourself

better, improve your mental health, and do things you enjoy. "Humans are social beings,
hardwired to be connected to others. At the same time, it's important to learn how to
tolerate and even appreciate alone time in extended periods.

10. Creativity – As a Gifted person you are always “thinking outside of the box.” It’s
bringing things together that may not have been brought together before. Being
creative gives us opportunities to try out new ideas, and new ways of thinking and
problem-solving. Creative activities help us acknowledge and celebrate our own
uniqueness and diversity. Creativity encourages self-expression, a way to create
something from personal feelings and experiences.

Creativity as highest form of Expression

1. Fluency – it is all about generating a lot of different ideas. It is a valuable skill to

practice because when you have many different ideas, you have more options and are
therefore more likely to find more viable solutions to your problem.
2. Flexibility - Flexible thinking is key to creativity, in other words, the ability to think of
new ideas, make novel connections between ideas, and make new inventions. It also
supports academic and work skills such as problem solving.

3. Elaboration - involves adding details, filling in the gaps, embellishing, and

completing a creative idea. It fleshes out the ideas of working collaborators, carries an
idea to fruition, or adds contextual detail needed to make something real,
understandable, or aesthetically pleasing. Without elaboration, others would not see the
full potential of a creative inspiration.

4. Reorganizing - he creation of a valuable, useful new product, service, idea,

procedure, or process by individuals working together in a complex social system. The
creative act is sufficiently complex when carried out by an individual alone, such as the
artist, photographer, writer, and so on; imagine the heightened amount of dynamism
reached when individuals attempt to create within organizational systems.

5. Analyzing – It is about forethought and perspective, being creative in how you apply
analysis. A solely analytical approach would insist that you can't fit a square peg in a
round hole. A solely creative approach would feel stifled by having only limited tools to
solve the problem.

6. Novelty/Originality – It means that creating an idea that has not existing or it is

called uniqueness and the understanding of the weight of context in originality leads us
to a better awareness of our creative process, as well as an improved learning path
discovering something already existing on our own is one of the best ways to learn.

7. Synthesizing - provides an alternative way for groups to combine their cognitive,

social, and environmental resources into extraordinary output. creativity by
reconsidering the collective process through which new ideas develop.

8. Complexity – It is a strategic design agency with the ambition to understand, define

and solve complex and wicked problems and  is about something that has many parts
and these parts interact with each other in various ways. The complexity of something
can vary due to variation in part amount, diversity, or the rate that parts
interact predictably or not.

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