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Good morning miss, today I’m going to present my project and it has the title of Chanchamayo, It’s challenges

and threats.
Not many people know that the city of Chanchamayo is a located in the central jungle of Peru.
Chanchamayo is known by its beautiful waterfalls with crystal clear waters such as the falls of the bride's veil
and Bayoz and It’s also said that the coffee beans grown in this province are considered as one the best in the
In addition, Chanchamayo has an infinity of resources and natural landscapes making this place the favorite
destination of thousands of tourists every year. To cover this large number of tourists Chanchamayo has a
great variety of hotels. For example, you can stay in a conventional hotel in the middle of the city or you can
stay in a family hotel located in the middle of the forest where you can wake up with birdsong or a nearby a
So we can say that truism brings economic support to Chanchamayo. It provides the governments with extra
tax revenues, creating access to services and infrastructure that otherwise might not be developed.
It also encourages the preservation and celebration of local festivals and ethnic events, for example, the
coffee festival which is celebrated every September of every year. In this festival different farms show their
best products. The objective of the festival is to encourage the consumption of organic coffee which has been
grown in sustainable conditions without the use of chemicals or other substances that could harm the
Also Let me add that tourism encourages the learning of new languages and skills because Chanchamayo is
visited by tourists from different parts of the world, making it necessary for the residents to learn different
Unfortunately, not everything is about benefits so Let's move on to the part of analyzing the negative impact of
tourism in Chanchamayo.
Chanchamayo has no problems with transportation and traffic but in high seasons it seems that the tourist
competes with the residents to have access to this service. the streets are completely congested and car
accidents always occur in which at least one tourist is injured every year.
Also I would like to focus on the environmental problems caused by tourism. Despite the government enforces
their rules and law to preserve the natural resources, in some areas for example near the banks of the river
Chanchamayo more hotels and restaurant have been built to receive more tourist, producing a lot of garbage
along the banks of the river. Also during the year, it is not uncommon to see forest fires caused by the tourists
who have camped in some natural areas of the city. You can also see a lot of empty bottles thrown where
tourists usually camp.
To make things worse, the river is so polluted that some fish have begun to disappear. In the past, the river
use to be exploiting by fishing bringing economic support to many families, but today, recent studies have
shown that species such as catfish and carachama have totally disappeared from these waters.
Finally, I would like to say that the topic of tourism and its consequences was and will always will be a
debatable topic. but we can also help to preserve our natural resources by doing simple things. We can
change our behaviors creating as little waste as possible and recycling. With this simple actions we could
preserve and prevent the disappearance of many species in the future.
Fosters conservation and preservation of natural, cultural and historical resources.

supporting the idea of conservation and preservation of the natural resources in this city
•  Encourages civic involvement and pride.
•  Provides cultural exchange between hosts and guests.
•  Encourages the preservation and celebration of local festivals and cultural events.
•  Facilities and infrastructure supported by tourism (e.g. the railway) can also benefit residents.
•  Encourages the learning of new languages and skills.

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