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Level 1 – Shot Types: Treasure Hunt.

In the grid below find examples of each shot within films and TV shows you watch.

Take a screen grab of the shot within each film using the grab application.

This can be found by search the word “grab” using the magnifying glass in the top right-hand corner
of the MAC screen.

Save and add the screen grab into the worksheet, once added type the title of the film / TV Show
and the year the film / TV show was released.

Shot Screen Grab Name of film / TV Show Year film released

Establishing Shot

High Angle

Low Angle

Dutch Tilt

Long Shot / Wide

Medium Shot

Close Up

Extreme Close up

If you have completed this early try finding an example of a PAN and adding it below.


Once complete this work is to be upload to your Weebly Teamwork skills page as a Scribd document.

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