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Education Never Ends.

According to Bacon “Reading maketh a full man; writing an exact man and conference a
ready man”. And if someone asks what reading, writing and conference make together, anyone
would say that all of them stand for Education. In other words, we can say that education makes
anyone complete, accurate and worldly wise. It means that no one is complete without education.
Thus we can confidently say that education is necessary an all-round development of the
personality of a human-being. He cannot hope for success, name, fame and prosperity in life
without it.

Even a nation would be devoid of any progress, if it’s citizens fails to have the benefits of
education. H.L. Wayland has correctly said, “Universal suffrage, without universal education,
would be curse”. For the success of democracy, education is a must. Imagine a country with
illiterate ministers voted to power by illiterate people. Unfortunately, there are many people who
downgrade the value of education and say that it has never benefited anyone. But this isn’t
correct. Knowledge is too far advanced today for a man to gain without its specialized branch.
Trade, industry, agriculture, medicine, the I.T and all other areas have become so complex that
no one can take up any job without being educated.

An educated man will never find himself stranded in my midst of any difficulty. His brain,
developed by serious-thinking during his academic years, will unfailingly arrive at some solution
to the problem the beset him. This is what education prepares us for. And most of all, education
gives us not only the mental but also physical strength necessary to face any challenges of life
with dignity. An illiterate person simply gropes in the dark, leaving result to chance or fate. He is
ultimately dependent on others. Farmers in India, who could not read or write, were cheated out
of their land and willingly suffered exploitation in injustice only because they had no education.

They were deprived of their rights by unscrupulous landlords, moneylenders and

middlemen, who made them out their thumb impressions on false documents of possession.
Women in India had been suppressed, dominated and ill-treated only because they had no
education. But now with their having been educated to a certain extent, the old situations had
started changing quite fast. Now they have come out in the open to fight for their rights. They are
not dependent on others, nor do they silently submit to whatever cruelty is meted out to them.

To sum up, education never ends. Education liberates a man’s mind from wrong thinking,
ignorance, superstitions and prejudices. It frees him from evil influences and vices. It equips him
with knowledge and skill, enabling him to make a good living, culminating in his being an ideal
citizen. Thus it can be claimed that education has awakened the masses all over the world.

Fake Friends
Listen up.
The fake friends in your life doesn’t choose you,
Until they need you.
They ignore you,
And never seem to have time to make plans with you,
Until it suits them.

They call at midnight,

For a shoulder to cry on,
And advice on their latest drama,
And then just as quickly disappear,
Back into their lives,
And routines with no times with you,
Even when you are in need of a shoulder to cry on.

They only choose you when they need you,

So why choose them?
Choose to let them go,
And find a real friend,
Who are there in the good times and the bad.
Choose to find friend that nurture and support,
Rather than selfishly use and take.
How to Speak English Fluently: 10 Simple Tips

1. Practice speaking as well, not just reading of listening.

 The only way to speak better English is by speaking it to yourself.

2. Do not be afraid of making mistakes

 Mistakes are part of learning; They help you to know where you need to make
improvements to become a better English speaker.

3. Listen to English-language music

 Listening to music that is sung in English can help you master how to speak the language
faster, especially when you try to sing along to the lyrics.

4. Try learning some new words every day.

 Every day, learn at least one new word and how to pronounce it to improve your
vocabulary and speaking skills.

5. Have confidence whenever you speak.

 Even though you have a lot to learn, always speak with confidence as this will improve
the rate at which you master the language.

6. Change the language on your computer/phone to English.

 This ensure there is more English in your life, and the exposure will translate into a better
speaking skills.

7. Make learning English fun.

 There are many fun ways to learn spoken English, including taking part in games such as
charades and spelling bee.

8. Use simple sentences at first.

 Do not struggle to master the complex language parts until you have mastered the basic.

9. Engage in English activities.

 Taking part in activities that involve the use of spoken English can make you more
comfortable speaking the language.

10. Find a English-language buddy.

 You should have friends who speak it like you would like to.
I Hope

Sometimes I hope that the universe is listening,

I hope it is listening to my downfalls

And my triumphs and watching me look back

And see how far I’ve come.

I hope it is listening to my cries,

Of agony or stress or loss.

And I hope it is listening to my dreams,

And where I wish I was instead.

But sometimes,

I hope it is not.

I hope it does not hear me,

Wish away what is good for me.

I hope it does not hear me,

Yearn after things that were never mine.

I hope it does not hear me,

When I say I don’t believe on universe,

Or I am eternally afraid,

That it will stop believing me too.

No free time
Recently, we common heard some people are complaining that they have no free time. The
most weird is, they didn’t know how could it happened. Is it because of too much work? Or the
careless of themselves? No one could explain, if only they could find out the reason themselves.
But there are some reasons why they might say so. Different people might have different
reasons. It depends on their career.

Firstly, the most common reason is because they use their time to do something
meaningless. Believe me, they did it every day. What are meaningless activities? Watching for
dramas and movies for too long, playing gadgets without important tasks for hours, gossiping
and dreaming. Those maybe sounds normal and meaningful for some people, but it would
become a meaningless activities when they spend too much time on it, for hours and maybe the
whole day. This situation commonly happened on the students and jobless peoples. Nowadays,
students tend to be not serious on study because of gadget, they play it for hours because they
think it is meaningful activity. So here’s come out the issue of ‘no free time’.

Next, the issue of ‘no free time’, sometimes happened also caused by a lot of works. Taking
back the saying that, different people might have different reasons. This reason could be pointed
to students and workers. Students will always face the time problem, because they had a lot of
homework. At the morning, they had to go to school. Next, is the afternoon and evening they
have extra-curricular activities. When it comes to the night, they have to do homework and study
or doing revision before going to their bed. They didn’t have much times or free times to do
something else. Talking about the workers, they also have to go for work at the morning until the
evening. Maybe some of them have to work overtime until late at night. The whole day, they had
to face works and done it before the next day. This situation commonly happened in the cities.

Furthermore, all the reasons also comes from their times management problem. They can’t
manage their time properly. Most of them will do whatever they want to do at that time, and
never thinking or plan for the time they need for the activity. For example, some people may
love to hang out with friends and shopping. But they spend too much time on it, until they didn’t
have time to do what is more important and what they should do next. This reason may seems
like nothing but actually it affect their time management.

Talking about time, peoples could use their time better. The way to use their time better is
they can manage their time properly. It maybe sounds confusing, but the meaning of manage
time is they can do their personal timetable. They can set up what they want to do next day, and
how long is the time they need to do something. It is not difficult, just like how school’s
timetable arrangement. With the personal timetable, people will not do meaningless activity and
manage their work properly.

In a nutshell, time is always going through and not going to wait for us. We should not
waste our time with meaningless activity, as a saying goes “time is gold”. We can’t turn back the
clock, so appreciate every second, and every moment of our life.

Do not ask me to show,
What I carry inside.
The storm of my thoughts,
The calm of my solace,
The brilliance of my compassion,
The darkness of my wrath,
The height of my ambition,
The depth of my detachment.

I am a universe unto myself,

Wrapped in this human body.

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