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“Education is not a privilege. It is a human right.

For many years, education made us develop personally, socially and economically.
Education had helped us become good students, parents, siblings, and honest citizens. Having
good education, it expands our knowledge and introduce us to a certain creativity and happiness.
From a young age, we learn how to walk, talk, write, draw and behave from our parents.
Then we are sent to school and learn mostly on how to interact with other people. As we grow,
we want to learn more and here we meet the first stage of education.
Primary education is the initial stage of education and has its basic aim to create,
establish and offer opportunities to all children regardless of their age, gender and the color of
their skin. However, everyday across the globe, millions of children are not able to go to school.
It’s not because of sickness or because they don’t want to be at school. Actually they do- those
millions of children who are missing out on a primary education right now are desperate to be
sitting in a classroom everyday learning. So, why aren’t they?
Many countries have their own limits when it comes to a child’s education. According to
researchers, it has something to do with their environment, their culture, poverty, disabilities and
their gender. Gender affects women’s right to enter school. At Mogadishu, Somalia only 36% of
girls go to school and only half of the children make out of primary education. This is generally
the result of cultural values. Young girls are often kept away from school to help in domestic
duties and childcare. Millions of girls in Nigeria also are out of school. Child marriage which is
very common to them is the cause of dropping out. After wedding, they leave the education
system that more likely lead them to poverty. Poverty as one of the most common factor of poor
education, parents can’t often afford school fees and other associated costs. In some cases,
communities may lack resources to run a proper functioning school. According to UNESCO, it
will take until 2089 for the poorest girls to finish primary school it this case continues. Another
factor is their environment. Not all countries survive to beautiful places with streets and well-
constructed buildings. In the town of Ming Kaman, South Sudan thousands of children are
affected with the long-term effects of growing up in a conflict and war zones. UNICEF estimated
48.5 million of children don’t go to school because of the damaged created by the war. Children
with disabilities are mostly treated with no education. The barriers range from the practical
issues of transportation that the education policy don’t support children with disabilities.
These barriers affect each child physically, socially and emotionally. Children with no
education will be “left out” of the world. They won’t be able to learn anything and can cause
them their job opportunities and so is their way of life. They won’t be able to acquire the basic
subjects and can lessen their chances to properly communicate to other people. Technically,
there are a lot of things that can keep a child from his own educated life, however that’s not how
it should be. Every child deserve their own right to be educated.
Primary education is the most fundamental form of education. It provides the foundation
and lays the ground work for not only more advanced levels of education, but also basic
participation in the contribution to the modern world. Primary education is a right to every child
and the responsibility of the government and parents to ensure the child’s satisfactory level of
education. It creates opportunities and opens doors allowing new generations to break free from
the possible effects of poverty. In the modern world, children must be prepared from early age
and should have the chance to complete a full course education.
Children who attend primary education enables them to perform a series of different
disciplines towards other people and the way of life. It gives them knowledge of basic
mathematics, word formation, and an introduction to sciences. As they progress through primary,
they will be assessed through observations and often encounter class tests and assignments.
Indeed, primary education is an essential right of every child that serves as the foundation
to determine the extent of an individual future success. Just as much as we have the right to live,
our right to education is practically the same. Being it as a human right, it does not limit if you’re
a girl or a boy, if you are disabled, or if you are black or white. Everyone benefit from the right
of education. It is a powerful tool in developing the full potential of every being and ensuring our
own dignity. Every successful entrepreneurs, engineers, doctors and teachers can’t achieve
anything without their education. Most of us claim that children are the basis of the future world
that they serve as the safe haven of the next generation’s future. However, even if we do justify
this claim, we can’t ensure its possibility without the proper influence of education.

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