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How to prevent robots from taking your job

Asking yourself the following 3 questions can help you find your future job, a position
that robots cannot replace.
What new position is in your area of interest?
First, you need to find out what is happening in your area of interest. Make a simple
Google search. Include the industry name along with a key phrase like “the future of
work,” or “employment trends in the industry”. For example, you could search for,
“the future of HR jobs,” “digital marketing trends,” or “the banking industry in 2025.”
After researching and deciding which positions seem most interesting, you can search
for more on human resources social networks/ or recruitment platforms. If you use
LinkedIn, find out about people filling the positions you’re interested in. Follow them,
read their posts, and attend events where they present. But only contact them directly
when you can articulate how their work or ideas affect you.
You might explain, as a beginner to work, you want to learn more about their journey.
If you contact multiple people, some will respond. If you can connect with them, you
will have more knowledge about those jobs, and what experience is needed when you
want to apply.
What new skills do you need to master and how?
Most are university graduates with strong backgrounds in their professional fields.
Decades ago, this was enough to get you hired. But today, it’s just the starting point.
Technology is evolving so quickly that to be a competitive candidate you will need to
learn the latest digital tools and trends in the industry.
Let start by listing the relevant skills required for the position you’re applying for. You
can find them in the job description, or through relationships and research on
recruiting platforms.
Don’t forget to add newly learned skills to your resume. A certificate in online courses
not only proves you’re up to date with the latest trends but also demonstrates your
willingness to keep learning and adapting yourself to the new era.
What else can you prepare?
What makes you unique? It could be because you are fluent in multiple languages, are
a master of the internet, or even because you grew up in a different country than the
one you are applying for, so you have a deeper understanding of the market or
international culture.
Ask yourself, over the years, what skills have you acquired by nature, home, or
passion? Maybe you organized many clubs during your college years, so you have
organizational and leadership skills. Or maybe you get a strong, persistent work ethic
from being an athlete.
If you are not sure what special qualities you have, try asking a classmate, colleague,
friend, or relative to ask for their opinion on you. Many times, others recognize our
strengths before we do.
Combining the new tools you learn with the qualities that set you apart will make your
resume powerful. Machines can cut down on low-skilled jobs, but as a young
professional, remember that technology is always there to assist you.
Most companies worth applying to are looking for different employees, with different
interests and experiences. They are the ones who can contribute new points to the
team. Robots may have fewer technical flaws, but they do not have the humanity,
style, and rare qualities that make you who you are. Combine those qualities with the
technical skills needed for the exciting position coming your way, and you will create
success for yourself now and in the future.

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