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Article  in  International Oil Spill Conference Proceedings · May 2008

DOI: 10.7901/2169-3358-2008-1-1

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8 authors, including:

Elliott Taylor
POLARIS Applied Sciences, Inc.


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IOSC Workshop Report: A Proposed
­International Guide for Oil Spill Response
Planning and Readiness Assessment
Elliott Taylor Marc Hodges
Polaris Applied Sciences American Petroleum Institute
755 Winslow Way East, Suite 302 1220 L Street, NW
Bainbridge Island, WA 98110  USA Washington DC 20005 USA

Alexis Steen Dario Miranda

ExxonMobil Research and Engineering Ecopetrol S.A.
3225 Gallows Road, 3A-0227 Instituto Colombiano del Petróleo
Fairfax, VA 33027 USA Km 7 vía Piedecuesta - Piedecuesta (Santader) - Colombia

Mark Meza Jeff Ramos

US Coast Guard RAC/REMPEITC-Carib1
Room 2100 Seru Mahuma z/n
2100 2nd Street, SW Aviation and Meteorology Building
Washington, D.C. USA Willemstad - Curacao
Netherlands Antilles
Benjamin Couzigou
RAC/REMPEITC-Carib1 Miguel Moyano
Seru Mahuma z/n, ARPEL2
Aviation and Meteorology Building, Javier de Viana 2345
Willemstad - Curacao 11200 Montevideo
Netherlands Antilles Uruguay

1 Regional Activity Center - Regional Marine Pollution Emergency, Information and Training Centre - Caribe (RAC/REMPEITC -
2 Regional Association of Oil and Natural Gas Companies in Latin America and the Caribbean (ARPEL).

2 2008 International Oil Spill Conference

ABSTRACT o­ rganization representing Latin America and the Wider Carib-

bean (Appendix A) were asked to analyze and evaluate the draft
This paper presents a proposed Oil Spill Response (OSR)
Readiness assessment tool for international application that is
This paper briefly summarizes past efforts on assessment
designed to support spill response planning and readiness as-
guides and then presents elements of a proposed spill response
sessments by industry and government. This paper summarizes
planning and readiness assessment (RP&RA) system. Individual
the content of a larger report developed by an IOSC Workshop
elements may pertain to government, industry, or both and are
Subcommittee and refined during an IOSC Special Workshop: As-
organized into six groups, RP&RA categories, ranging from legal
sessment of Oil Spill Response Capabilities held on 3 December
foundations to long-term sustainability. The goal of this paper and
2007 in Gamboa, Panama.
its companion report (IOSC, 2008) is to advance best international
Each nation and industry sector has different interests and
practice for OSR planning and readiness assessment.
areas of knowledge with respect to spill response priorities and
The concept of “best international practice” for OSR is gener-
capabilities. As personnel change jobs, their knowledge departs
ally an informal compilation of recommendations and guidelines
with them. Consequently, expectations for response capability and
for some aspects of an oil spill response management system. In
the manner by which it should be attained can vary. Requirements
the mid-1900s, oil spill response plans were a rarity. As awareness
for levels of response competency may change over time, may not
of spill risks to both land and water habitats grew throughout the
be balanced by the risk of spills, and may not support long-term
late 1900s, and nations established legal requirements for spill
readiness to meet actual spill risks.
prevention and response planning, the number of plans and their
There have been few attempts in the spill response community
comprehensiveness also grew. The sophistication of OSR plans
to prepare generic checklists or comprehensive guides for the as-
increased as regulators and response planners gained experience.
sessment of response capability. Most guidance is focused on the
Until recently, most national and industry efforts focused on pre-
content of OSR contingency plans. The current IOSC effort aims
paring and improving OSR plans. Over the past 15 years the value
to be as comprehensive and as detailed as possible encompassing
of exercises and drills to test conceptual and/or actual readiness
an entire OSR system or program. The IOSC Workshop Subcom-
has been more widely recognized. Efforts to design and prepare
mittee prepared a broad suite of planning and readiness assess-
for such tests have increased markedly over the past decade. As
ment elements to encourage improved response capacity by aiding
competency in a particular subject grows, there is time and energy
development and maintenance of response management systems
to seek improvements elsewhere. For example, the focus for many
from a site level to a multi-national level and to reach beyond OSR
response operations had solely been on the speed of spilled oil
contingency planning. This approach turns the document into a
recovery. One adverse consequence was that waste handling could
powerful management tool for evaluating oil spill response capac-
become an obstacle to smooth response operations when response
ity at different planning levels, from local, to regional, national
teams did not make advance arrangements for waste treatment and
and multi-national.
disposal including permitting, and/or foster waste segregation and
Government and industry representatives from Latin America
minimization. Now, far greater attention is given to waste handling
and the Wider Caribbean Region met in Panama on 3 December
in alignment with its importance to overall response.
2007 to review and discuss the preliminary IOSC Guidelines. This
There is no formal framework designed to function as a check-
paper and its companion report are intended to advance best inter-
list against which results from a readiness assessment can be
national practice for OSR planning and readiness assessment. It
compared. No single set of guidelines has been developed for the
is hoped that this IOSC Guide can be maintained as an evergreen
entire range of activities from plan development, to the implemen-
tool by consistent use and feedback from within the spill response
tation of a contingency plan, commissioning of response equip-
ment, training of management teams and spill responders, and the
sustainability of response readiness. This paper proposes a broad
compilation of elements for a more consistent and broad-based
INTRODUCTION international Guide for spill response planning and readiness as-
The International Oil Spill Conference (IOSC) contributes to and
enables a “culture of preparedness” within the oil spill response
(OSR) community and the broader field of incident management. BACKGROUND
It provides a forum for response professionals from the private
The development and maintenance of OSR capability is closely
sector, government and non-government organizations to highlight
regulated in many nations. In such instances, the required con-
and discuss innovations and best practices across the spectrum of
tent of oil spill response plans, training standards, and a regular
prevention, preparedness, response and restoration.
schedule of drills and/or exercises are typically well defined.
In lieu of previous IOSC white papers or issue papers the IOSC
Other nations may not have national oil spill contingency plans
sponsors began to conduct off-year technical efforts after 2001
or a well developed regulatory environment within which OSR
on topics of wide interest and potential impact using a workshop
plans, response competency, and readiness can be evaluated
format. The IOSC Program Committee established a subcommit-
and enforced. There may be limited availability of experienced
tee responsible for: 1) organizing and conducting a workshop; 2)
regulators to conduct those evaluations. In these situations, the
providing a manuscript to document issues and progress for the
responsibility to develop and maintain an appropriate level of
IOSC Proceedings; and 3) contributing to the Technical Program
OSR readiness in line with best international practice becomes the
by conducting a special panel session.
responsibility of a facility operator or project owner. Furthermore,
The IOSC Workshop Subcommittee selected the subject of
in many nations, the focus of efforts to build response competency
response readiness. In particular, the Subcommittee proposes a
has predominantly been on the oil industry despite the fact that
comprehensive suite of OSR planning and readiness assessment
spill risk lies with all those who handle and transport crude or
elements to encourage improved response capacity by supporting
petroleum products. Improvements in response capability within
development and maintenance of response management systems,
the oil industry do not necessarily address a nation’s needs for
whether at a facility site level or a multi-national level. A draft
response planning and preparedness, or establishment of regional
of the proposed planning and assessment tool was refined during
response capability to provide broader response coverage (e.g.,
an IOSC Workshop held 3 December 2007 at which interna-
the European Maritime Safety Administration (EMSA)’s recent
tional experts from governments, industry, and non-governmental
IOSC Workshop Report 3

expansion of response capacity on the Atlantic coast of Europe 3. Sustained Readiness Phase, that continues through the life
following the Erika and Prestige spills). Potential discrepancies of the project as standards are maintained, monitored, and
between oil industry, other oil handlers, national governments, and improvements are introduced.
regions with respect to degree of OSR capability are most likely
Three response readiness aspects common to the three project
due to the variety of possible spill sources and the differences in
phases are (i) management, (ii) operation, and (iii) evaluation.
organizational responsibilities.
Each of these aspects is equally important and a deficiency in one
As interest in response capacity building and assessing perfor-
affects the overall adequacy of a response system.
mance has grown, a variety of intergovernmental and international
groups have published guidelines. The International Standards
Organization (ISO) has published guidelines for offshore oil and
gas production facilities (ISO, 2000) on emergency response sub- A. THREE PHASES
jects ranging from risk assessment to communications. IMO has
published two companion guidelines that address environmental, Phase Actions
health and safety issues for onshore and offshore oil and gas de- • Com pliance
velopment (IMO, 2007 a and b). Those guidelines address more 1. PLA NNING
• Risk Asses sment
than emergency or spill response and are to be applied to projects • Strateg y
funded by the World Bank. Some performance expectations and
measures are stipulated (e.g., install valves to allow early shut- Development

down or isolation to control a spill source (IMO, 2007a; pages 2. IMP LE MENT ION • Resourc e Acqui sition
10-11)). • Training
There have been other recent, multi-national efforts address- • Test Comp etency
ing OSR readiness needs beyond those for individual OSR plans.
In 2005, seven Central American countries (Belize, Costa Rica,
El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, and Panama) 3. SUSTAINED • Mai ntain
discussed regional preparedness and response issues. For mutual REA DINE SS • Mon itor
benefit, they • Improve
• Agreed to a “Proposal for a Regional Cooperation Frame-
work for Oil Spill Preparedness and Response in Central B. THREE ASPECTS
America – A Road Map” (ARPEL, 2005a)
• Prioritized the necessary elements of a national level con- • MAN AGE MENT
tingency plan (ARPEL, 2005b), and • OPER ATIONS
• Prioritized components of their regional framework pro- • EVALU ATION
posal and next steps to ensure continued regional progress
on preparedness and response in Central America (ARPEL,
Figure 1. Response Plan Readiness Basics
(Source: modified from Owens and Taylor, 2007)
The “Road Map” is a detailed summation of response issues,
obstacles, action items, and funding plans. In the PLANNING PHASE various elements and components
Latin American nations also observed that their initial expecta- of an OSR program are constructed. For smaller organizations or
tions of easy cross-border movement of response personnel and single sites,
equipment requested to support spill response were not frequently • Information is assembled and broad OSR objectives or op-
met. Consequently, they pursued improvements in trans-boundary erating conditions are defined,
movement of equipment and personnel during an emergency, • Spill hazards and probabilities are identified,
with the view towards implementing and optimizing mutual co- • A management structure and an operational organization
operation agreements (ARPEL, 2007). appropriate to meet these objectives is established,
Representing the petroleum industry, IPIECA has prepared • Regional and local strategies are developed, and
numerous educational reports and guidance documents address- • OSR plans and other supporting documents (environmental
ing many aspects of oil spill response, particularly environmental sensitivity maps, tactics manuals, etc.) are prepared.
concerns. Jointly with IMO, IPIECA is preparing a “Manual on For regional or national-level efforts, these tasks can be daunt-
the Assessment of Oil Spill Risks and Preparedness” to improve ing.
understanding of how to determine the risk of spills, how to ad- Legal and regulatory foundations across the breadth of poten-
dress those risks, and then provides guidance for assessing OSR tial OSC considerations should be established and vetted. Compli-
plan adequacy. ance with international treaties and/or international conventions
For many cases, the instigation for and maintenance of an may help drive development of response capacity. Many types of
appropriate level of OSR readiness (whether in line with best organizations (private industry and/or governmental) have OSR
international practice or not) has been the responsibility of a requirements or needs for response capability at multiple locations
facility operator or project owner. Their internal experience level and may need to address transboundary issues for rapid immigra-
drives efforts to acquire and sustain readiness in conjunction with tion and customs processing of personnel and equipment.
pertinent regulatory requirements. In such cases, facility or project Once PLANNING PHASE components are in place the
OSR competency and effectiveness can be evaluated for three op- IMPLEMENTATION PHASE begins with acquisition and com-
erational phases (Figure 1) (Owens and Taylor, 2007): missioning of equipment plus establishing means for logistical
support. Equipment and supplies are most useful when located ad-
1. Planning Phase, during which objectives and strategies
vantageously to transport routes and access points. Facility man-
are developed and response resources are identified;
agement staff and site response teams need to be trained. Local
2. Implementation Phase, in which the various management
service providers need to be identified and placed under contract.
and operational components are acquired, assembled, and
As part of the IMPLEMENTATION PHASE, an OSR plan should
trained; and
be tested and evaluated independently and as a whole. The aim
4 2008 International Oil Spill Conference

is to ensure that an intended response capability can meet OSR how and when the corrective actions will be taken and provides a
plan objectives and that it remains in compliance with applicable means by which that process will be monitored.
regulations, conventions, and agreements. An RP&RA review also can identify procedures for improving
When regulatory agencies or industry management are satis- spill response. For example, a management system and response
fied with the attained state of readiness, then the third phase, capability may be in compliance with regulations and agree-
SUSTAINED READINESS begins. This entails provision of fi- ments, but may not use best available technology (BAT) or best
nancial resources and management structure to support continued practices. One best practice that is gaining popularity is use of
readiness. A periodic evaluation is performed to ensure standards Net Environmental Benefit Analysis (NEBA) to improve response
are maintained, objectives are met, and improvements are made. decision-making (IPIECA, 2000). NEBA helps focus and speed
For example: decision-making by balancing the vulnerabilities and sensitivi-
• Equipment is subject to wear and tear and needs mainte- ties of natural resources to select preferred response strategies for
nance, repair or replacement; certain habitats or to follow recognized wildlife rehabilitation
• Staff rotations introduce new personnel to a response team, procedures (IPIECA, 2004). These types of improvements may
so training needs to be provided; not be required by regulations, yet are undertaken to improve
• At both operational and management levels technology response quality.
enhancements may improve response effectiveness or ef- A long-term objective of this effort is to develop a consistent
ficiency, so adjustments may be appropriate to response framework for assessment of OSR readiness that can be used by
strategies and tactics; the response community worldwide. The proposed elements are
• Changes in facility or project operations and spill hazards intended to provide a base against which OSR planning and SRPA
and probabilities (risks) may pose new or eliminate old results can be gauged. Access to the Response Planning and Readi-
response challenges. ness Assessment System Guide (IOSC, 2008) through the IOSC web
• Periodic monitoring, evaluation, and feedback of response site is intended to encourage and allow for evolution of this tool in a
readiness and capacity. capacity-building approach (see
The manner in which readiness is checked depends on the com- The OSR elements listed here encompass many diverse aspects
petency of regulatory agencies audit personnel, and supporting of spill readiness. Components range from plan development, plan
regulations. In the absence of experienced regulators and support- implementation, commissioning of response equipment, training
ing regulations, agencies and facilities may not expend financial of management teams and spill responders, and the sustainability
or response resources sufficient to provide a quality response, of response readiness. These elements address aspects from multi-
although exceptions exist. In contrast, individual organizations national planning and readiness to national, local, and facility
or sites may be expected to develop procedures, personnel and level. The components presented are compiled from international
equipment to ensure independent and sustained readiness. Such and national guidelines, regulatory requirements at international to
expectations may be misaligned with long-term spill risks and local levels, and from experience in spill response. Not all com-
be economically unsustainable. Sharing risks and costs between ponents are noted in this manuscript but are, however, addressed
organizations with the responsibility to respond to spills may then in IOSC (2008).
be a good choice. Long-range activities, such as remediation and monitoring of
The initiatives and publications mentioned above clearly serve recovery are not included in this IOSC Guide, yet are clearly linked
to advance preparedness and readiness for oil spill response; to spill response. Remediation and monitoring typically are part of
nevertheless, they do not constitute measures or guidance for a secondary planning processes in agreement with local and national
comprehensive list of elements that may form part of planning or environmental and regulatory agencies. Activities undertaken dur-
readiness assessment. As a document alone A RESPONSdoes not ing the first stages of response may often affect long-term site
respond to spills, OSR readiness is more than simply having com- clean-up requirements and activities. These longer-term activities
piled all the elements of a spill plan. The human and operational may be part of response termination in parts of the world.
components of readiness must also be in place. OSR plans are A total of 28 elements are considered to be fundamental for
essentially internal guidance and reference documents to be prac- comprehensive oil spill response planning and readiness (Table
ticed and tested against, plus improved over time as circumstances 1). Each element contains sub-elements and further details for
or conditions change. When properly developed and supported by consideration. The elements are grouped into six SRPA system
appropriate equipment and personnel, OSR plans are a key com- categories. Information is provided to describe each element and
ponent for readiness. This manuscript and the IOSC OSR Planning sub-elements, plus present issues and recommendations. Ques-
and Readiness Assessment System Guide (IOSC, 2008) aim to tions are posed to prompt further consideration.
contribute to best practice for OSR and to provide a synopsis of The IOSC (2008) report includes an extensive section on
every part of readiness for reference by the international oil spill References and Bibliography, including hyperlinks to publicly
response community. available reference documents. These links are provided to help
those using the tool or seeking additional information. An appen-
dix to this Guide provides a “List of Content Elements for Oil Spill
Contingency Plans” based on ARPEL (2005b) yet extended with
other considerations.
A key product of OSR planning and/or readiness assessment is
identification of actions to address deficiencies or response com-
Category 1: Setting the Stage
ponents which are absent, incomplete, or inadequate. Further, the
content of this Guide can assist with development of comprehen- Element 1. Legislation and Regulation
sive OSR contingency plans. SRAs are conducted at fixed points
Evaluation of existing legislation and regulations helps to define
in time, yet response capability is typically desired as long as there
the requirements for planning, readiness, and sustained response.
are spill risks; hence actions may be needed to address economi-
In some cases, legislation or regulations can be quite specific and
cally sustainable readiness. Actions may also be required to com-
result in explicit requirements for the content and/or format of
ply with government regulations, partner/financial agreements, or
contingency plans, training, etc. This element should assess leg-
be necessary for a response system to function correctly in terms
islation and regulations in place, their thoroughness, and whether
of managerial or operational issues. Reaction to any points raised
by an SRA review should be addressed in a manner that identifies
IOSC Workshop Report 5

Table 1. Spill Response Planning and ­Assessment Categories and Elements

Setting the Stage Operational Response

  1. Legislation and Regulation 16. Source Control, Salvage, and Firefighting
  2. Multi-National Agreements 17. Response Technologies
18. Waste Management
Developing a Plan 19. Wildlife Recovery, Care, and Rehabilitation
  3. Resources at Risk
Response Support
  4. Spill Risk Analysis
  5. Risk Minimization 20. Spill Monitoring, Tracking, and Sampling
  6. Evaluation of Response Technologies 21. Cleanup Assessment
  7. Net Environmental Benefit Analysis 22. Data Management and Access
  8. Expert Information Sources 23. Logistics
  9. Contingency Planning 24. Finance, Administration, and Procurement
25. Demobilization
Organization and Communications
Developing and Sustaining Response Capability and
10. Response Management Systems
11. Notification Systems
12. Communications 26. Exercises
13. Safety for Responders and Public 27. Training
14. Security 28. Sustainability and Improvement
15. Public Information Development and Distribution

there are mechanisms to implement and enforce the same. The two vention etc.)? If so, do regional, national, and area contingency
sub-elements are: plans reflect the conditions of these agreements?
Multi-National Agreements
National Legislation
Multi-national agreements may define how countries can co-
Is national legislation in place that stipulates requirements for
operate and support one another for spill response. As such,
OSR and assigns responsibilities? Are concerns with passing
existing response capabilities should reflect these agreements
tankers, innocent passage, and non-petroleum specific activi-
and their limitations.
ties (e.g., non-tank vessels, power utilities, transportation) dealt
with in national legislation?
Category 2: Developing a Plan
National Regulation
Are regulations in place tin support of legislation? Do regula- Element 3. Resources at Risk
tions encompass all relevant sectors? Are there defined time-
A fundamental part of OSR planning is identification of resources
frames and specific requirements for compliance? Are there
at risk, which is often done as part of natural resources sensitivity
enforcement measures or penalties for non-compliance?
or vulnerability mapping. This effort generally requires participa-
tion from multiple levels of government (national, regional and
local) and potential affected stakeholders; however, rarely are
Element 2. Multi-National Agreements
all relevant parties involved in the process. Ideally, identifying
Planning and preparedness often encompass issues broader than resources at risk is a joint effort between private and public sec-
a single country. This element should assess what agreements tors that encompasses different participants at appropriate points.
have been adopted in a regional context. What conventions have Sub-elements include:
been adopted at a national level? Does the response framework
Natural Resources
that is being evaluated fit within context of adopted conventions?
Natural resources include subjects such as habitat, parks, flora
Information for this element requires revision and updates to be
and fauna, and whether these are established and defined at ei-
made as new agreements or conventions are adopted or ratified.
ther international levels (e.g., Particularly Sensitive Sea Areas
Sub-elements include:
(PSSAs - International Maritime Organization (IMO) designa-
International tion or Natural World Heritage sites – United Nations designa-
International agreements or conventions, especially those that tion), regional, or at local levels. In addition to identifying such
have a preventive approach such as OPRC Convention, HNS resources, there should be a judgment as to their vulnerability
protocol, and MARPOL have associated requirements for plan- to oil spills. Information on seasonal changes and human use
ning and readiness. If a country is a signatory to these agree- should be considered. Data readily available to responders
ments, then there should be mechanisms in place to require and frequently have database custodians who are responsible for
enforce planning and readiness. updates. It is clearly preferable to use standardized mapping
and presentation guidelines (e.g., ARPEL, 1997; IPIECA,
Regional Conventions
2004) that facilitate sharing the information among countries
Have regional conventions been adopted that specify how
and regions.
countries will participate in OSR (e.g., Helsinki commission,
Cartagena Convention, Brasilia Convention, Barcelona Con-
6 2008 International Oil Spill Conference

Human-Social Resources Prevention approaches

Examples of such resources include human subsistence and Do legal requirements, including legislation, regulations, and
food harvesting areas, commercial species, historical and licensing policies exist to reduce the hazard and/or conse-
archaeological sites, human populations and vulnerability, quences of a spill?
potable or industrial water intakes, aquifers for land-based
Adopted prevention procedures
spills, important local industries, tourism and other commercial
Are procedures clearly defined and enforced to reduce incident
activities, and agricultural areas.
size and frequency? Examples include:
Information Presentation
• Internal policies and procedures,
Is the information available for contingency plan development
• Adopted best practices,
and available in emergency situations? Is the information
• Vessel traffic separation and security zones,
clearly presented and maintained?
• Facility design reviews, and
• Maintenance and inspections.
Element 4. Spill Risk Analysis
Facility design and operational procedures can also assist in
A natural step in planning is to identify spill risks and then match
reducing or eliminating incidents.
those risks against RESOURCES AT RISK (see Element 4). Spill
risk analysis (probability of a spill and spill consequences) is Training
an essential step to clearly define appropriate response planning What requirements or policies exist to ensure assigned re-
levels or response tiers. When set at appropriate levels, scenarios sponse personnel are trained? What requirements and/or
for spill risk analysis can be used for developing protection strate- policies exist to help maintain competency for spill prevention
gies and tactics, plus for setting response priorities by tier. Sub- measures? Such training would be in addition to OSR training
elements include: (see Element 27).
Spill Source Pre-Planned response
Is there definition of the frequency and likelihood of spills by What emergency measures have been pre-defined to reduce the
source? Is information available to define most probable (Tier number and type of potential effects from a spill? Has equip-
1), maximum likely (Tier 2), and worst-case spills (Tier 3)? ment been pre-staged? Are contingency plans pre-developed
Are these reflected in planning and preparedness documents? for specific, high-risk spills? Have Potential Places of Refuge
Do spill sources and scenarios reflect appropriate oil types, been identified and are procedures in place for their imple-
anticipated slick behavior, and spill volumes? Is there a source mentation?
of local-regional data on historic spills, their sources and
causes, and related information to define applicable planning Element 6. Evaluation of Response Technologies
standards? Are international, statistical data used to scope or
This element addresses whether a process and procedure exists
refine planning tiers or concepts? (e.g., CONCAWE and API
to ascertain which response options may require governmental
Pipeline Spill Statistics, ITOPF tanker spill data, government
authorization before use. In most countries, mechanical or manual
and commercial spill release data, U.S. Coast Guard).
response needs no such authorization, whereas dispersant use or
Operating Conditions in-situ burning does. The key is to discover what requirements
Do the identified spill risks consider prevailing and extreme may exist and what process is to be used for evaluation. Sub-
operating conditions for critical scenarios, including envi- elements include:
ronmental, weather, and natural hazards? Do the spill risks
Regulatory/Legislative requirements
consider extreme incident scenarios (e.g., terrorist intervention
Has an Environmental Risk Assessment (ERA) or Net Environ-
and infrastructure damage)?
mental Benefit Analysis (NEBA) process been performed to de-
Areas of Potential Spill Coverage cide if a specific response technology is preferred or better suited
Has the geographic extent of potential spill scenarios been for particular conditions and locations? Have any constraints for
defined? Are potential locations of oil spill influence defined technology usage (e.g., time of spill, type of oil, weather, water,
for scenarios identified in a risk analysis? Is the degree of temperature) been identified and defined? What are the circum-
planning and preparedness commensurate with the location of stances when environmental impacts might be predicted from
potential spill influence and resources that may be at risk? Are those technologies (e.g., possible impacts fauna and flora, seasonal
the properties of oil(s) defined such that fate of spilled oil under use of habitats)? Is there a process for pre-approval during contin-
differing environmental conditions can be assessed (e.g., will gency planning stages and quick approval during an incident?
oil float, sink, evaporate within 24 hours, etc.?)
Technologies Needing Evaluation
Much of information needed for this component requires oil fate The primary spill response options are:
and effects modeling capability and/or analysis, especially for
• Mechanical
spills on water. Inland or on land spills typically have a smaller
• Chemical
geographic spread than coastal/marine spills.
• Burning
• Bioremediation1
Element 5. Risk Minimization
Are there approved products and technologies to treat spills?
Many possible steps can be taken to reduce spill hazards and risks.
How well are regulatory requirements for evaluating these de-
This element addresses how spill risks may be minimized, as well
fined? Which of them has been tested and approved? What agen-
as minimizing potential impact through pre-planned response.
Some or all of these mitigating steps may already be taken into
consideration during risk analysis. Sub-elements include: 1 In many cases, bioremediation efforts are separated from spill
response. The reason for this is that response options are typi-
cally viewed as useful during an emergency, while bioreme-
diation efforts are conducted over on longer time periods of
months to years.
IOSC Workshop Report 7

cies and technical authorities have been identified for participation Element 9. Contingency Planning
in the approval process and are they qualified? Have approval
Has spill response planning addressed appropriate planning lev-
protocols been defined, agreed and tested? Organizations should
els ranging from local to multi-national? Do contingency plans
also consider when a more passive response is warranted due to
describe inter-relationships between such levels? Are response
safety or environmental concerns. Criteria for spill monitoring and
and supporting equipment identified? Have responsibilities and
observation should be agreed upon.
roles been defined? Are options for progressive mobilization of
Is there an “Approved Products List,” and does it include in-
resources (or cascading) additional response support available?
structions for submittal of new techniques or products? Examples
In general, contingency plans should have periodic reviews and
of technologies for which these types of evaluations may be made
updates to ensure information is current. Table-top and equipment
deployment exercises should be based on scenarios covered in the
• Chemical dispersants • De-emulsifiers
pertinent contingency plans. Sub-elements include OSR plan con-
• Sorbents • Elastifiers-Gellers
tents and suggested sub-elements at various geographic levels:
• Bioremediation agents • Solidifiers
• National plans
• Shoreline and river bank cleaners • Burning agents
• Regional or Multinational Plans
• Herders • Ignition products
• Area (or Pipeline) Contingency Plans
• Port and/or City Plans
Element 7. Net Environmental Benefit Analysis
• Facility and Vessel Plans
A fundamental aspect of spill planning and response is a clear • Offshore facility plans
understanding of the benefits and drawbacks of different response • Shipboard Oil, or Marine, Pollution Emergency Plans
techniques (see the guidelines in IPIECA (2000b) for a synopsis). (SOPEP/SMPEP)
Work under this element should ascertain if a Net Environmental
The content of oil spill contingency, or response, plans encom-
Benefit Analysis (NEBA) has been conducted in planning phases
pass many of the elements discussed here. An Appendix to the
and whether NEBA can be used at the time of a spill. Sub-elements
IOSC Guide provides a matrix of contingency planning elements
compiled from numerous sources, including IMO (1995), IPIECA
Regulatory requirements (1991), ISO (2000), and USCG/EPA/DOT/MMS/OSHA (1996).
If and when is NEBA required? Do regulations specify a proce- It is set in the context of the Azure Seas program ((RAC-REM-
dure, participants, technologies, and situations to be analyzed? PEITC, 2006) and ARPEL (2005b)) national planning matrix. That
matrix also indicates subjects likely to be part of either national,
PreSpill NEBA
regional, or local-level contingency plans. Typically, national
If the NEBA approach is pursued, it should be used as part of
plans address a broader range of policy and administrative and
the planning process to evaluate scenarios and potential appli-
funding issues than facility-level plans which are directly focused
cable technologies (e.g., to define under what conditions or set-
on implementing spill response. National plans may also identify
tings dispersant use may be a preferred technique, or possibly
required planning at finer scales.
one to avoid). Is there a defined and accepted approach for con-
In addition to facility or organization-specific OSR plans, there
ducting NEBA? Do strategies in OSR planning reflect NEBA
may be other published sources of response planning information
results? Does the NEBA process and its findings facilitate
in the form of manuals, guidelines, and related documents that are
timely decision-making during response such that techniques
not necessarily a formal part of an OSR plan. A typical supporting
can be implemented within their window-of-opportunity?
document is an Emergency Response Action Guide or Checklist to
NEBA at Time of Spill provide a quick reference to response action options for use dur-
In some instances, a scenario may not have been evaluated dur- ing an actual incident and should reflect policies and procedures
ing the planning phase. Alternatively, a decision on applicable adopted in relevant contingency plans (Table 2).
techniques may have been deferred to the time of a spill in
order to assess specific conditions. Is there a process in place Table 2. Topics for Initial Response Guides
to assess the trade-offs of response options at the time of a
spill? For example, use of in-situ burn near populated areas or • Initial spill evaluation
dispersants in the nearshore? • Safety
• Size up response
Element 8. Expert Information Sources • Checklists for 1st response decisions or Action Diagrams
• Notifications and response activation
Access to specialized information for either planning or consulta-
• Initiate procedures for likely spill sources
tion during an incident is important and may be time constrained.
• Initial response team organization and assignments
One aspect of planning is to identify sources of expert information.
• Response priorities
Sub-elements include:
• Tactical Control / Protection Sites
Planning Support • Containment Strategies
Expert information typically has been collected, analyzed, and • Protection Strategies
incorporated into the previous elements as steps in the OSR • Clean-up Strategies
plan development phase. Are local, regional, and international
sources of expertise identified? Have they been used during
contingency planning? Are procedures in place to expedite
their participation? Category 3: Organization and
Expert Subject Matter Areas ­Communications
Experts and information sources for particular subject matter Element 10. Response Management Systems
often are needed at the time of a spill. OSR plans and tools
(e.g., field guides, wallet cards, and placards) for responders The success or failure of a response can often be attributed to
should include contact information and possibly even contracts how effective its response management system was and how well
for subject matter experts. it was implemented. Clear assignment of roles and responsibili-
8 2008 International Oil Spill Conference

ties of personnel and organizations is important for all planning reports? For example, IMO specifies what information should
levels whether at a site or nationally. Alignment of emergency be provided by a ship’s captain in the event of oil pollution
management organization and roles across planning levels (Tiers (see Shipboard Oil Pollution Emergency Plans (SOPEPs) as
1 through 3 or Local-Regional-National) is recommended. Consis- an example). Have personnel responsible for preparing and
tency of expectations, terminology, and familiarity across response submitting reports been clearly identified?
levels facilitates response activities between organizations. Sub-
elements include: Element 12. Communications
Organization Communications support can include lines of communication,
Are organizational structures defined for each planning level or such as defined in a management structure (see Element 10) or
tier? Does a spill response organizational structure allow easy equipment and procedures which enable those participating in a
expansion and contraction of designated management team response to exchange information. Sub-elements include:
personnel across planning levels or tiers? Is the organization
Regulatory Controls
aligned with emergency spill response functions? Does the
Are there regulatory limits on types of communications equip-
response management organization define a response structure
ment, frequencies, etc.?
that addresses the needs for coordination between government,
industry, other participants, and the public? Communications Systems
Systems for response team communication plus broader infor-
Roles and Responsibilities
mation exchange between teams and impacted organizations
Are roles and responsibilities clearly defined for each func-
or governments need to be identified and defined. System
tional aspect identified in a spill response management struc-
compatibility (e.g., between countries, industry to government
ture? Are there duty checklists and training programs for
and vice versa, or air-marine/marine-shore radios) should be
functional aspects of assignments? Are there clear definitions
about roles and responsibilities between governmental agen-
cies, industry, and other participants? Is the role of a Unified Communications Equipment
Command clearly defined when applicable? Are table-top and Are stockpiles of communications equipment (e.g., radios,
field deployment exercises conducted to practice and test re- repeaters, Satellite telephones, Microwave Trunk Systems,
sponse management? etc.) identified and inventoried? Has equipment been tested
and maintained?
Management System Implementation
Does the management system have defined procedures and Computer Systems
guidelines? Are minimum qualifications defined, and met, for Can affected organizations and governments be integrated into
roles and assignments? a computer network system during response so information can
be transferred to appropriate authorities?
Is there a standard lexicon for terminology? Are there standard-
Element 13. Safety for Responders and Public
ized printed forms? Are Checklists or Field Guides available
for assignments? The safety of emergency responders and the public is paramount
during an incident. Contingency planning and readiness assess-
ments should address what safeguards and policies exist or are
Is there a procedure or process to handle incorporation of vol-
needed to minimize safety hazards. Are there conditions under
unteers into a response management structure?
which response may be limited to just monitoring and logistical
preparations? Who is responsible for identifying safety hazards
Element 11. Notification Systems
during an incident? What tools or techniques are available to
Immediate notification that activates a response is a key contribu- ensure a safe response? What governmental organization is re-
tor to rapid mobilization. This element includes notification pro- sponsible for protecting the public and responders? When is a site
cedures, processes, and tools. Notification procedures benefit from safety plan necessary? Who is responsible for developing that plan
consistency across different planning levels. The element includes and what safety training is required for different response team
extended notifications for public safety, to communities, and personnel? Sub-elements include:
formal reporting requirements as well as testing of a notification
Regulatory / Legislated requirements
system and its redundant capabilities. Sub-elements include:
What are the safety policies and regulations pertaining to pro-
tecting the public from spills and for spill responders? Who
Required Notifications enforces them?
Is there a clearly identified requirement of whom to notify
(both internally and externally)? Are the conditions and time
What roles, responsibilities, and procedures are defined and
requirements for notification defined? Is there a centralized
practiced to ensure responders are within safe limits?
point of contact through which notifications are made.4
Required Reporting
What roles, responsibilities, and procedures are defined and
Is there a clear procedure on what information to report,
practiced to ensure the public is notified, monitored, and/or
when to report, and who should receive initial and follow-up
evacuated when placed at risk from an oil spill?
4 For example, a) see the IMO List of National Operational Con- Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) requirements for par-
tact Points at Select _Circulars/Contact ticular spill circumstances and oil types should be identified
Points_ or _National Contacts/Contact Points_ on the left hand (e.g., Levels A, B, C, and D) and the conditions for their use
side of the IMO homepage; or b) the US National Response should be specified. Is such equipment available, tested and
Center combines required reporting for spills regardless of maintained?
IOSC Workshop Report 9

Element 14. Security teams, plus their equipment, and logistical support. This element
is to ensure a link between both sets of emergency procedures.
Security and physical safety for response personnel and the public
A critical step to reduce crude or product loss is source control
is a priority. This element includes preparedness for establishing
and as such, mechanisms and responsibilities should be in place
security measures at the site for standard (i.e., non-criminal and
to quickly reach and intervene at a spill site to stabilize the situa-
non-terrorism related) response and for response under conditions
tion, gain control of the spill source, and reduce further releases.
of security threat (due to piracy, terrorism, etc.). Security concerns
Emergency repairs, salvage, transfers and firefighting may not be
may be in conflict with response action plans. Such conflicts
identified as specific spill response actions; however, coordination
should be identified during contingency planning and procedures
with spill response managers can be critical to minimize the poten-
identified to clearly resolve designated authorities, jurisdiction,
tial adverse effects of a spill and for safety of both operations.
and priorities.
In some countries, National Emergency Plans include response
actions and preparedness for other emergencies besides oil spills
Element 15. Public Information Development and
(e.g., Miranda et. al., 2003). Those plans include strategies for
fires, explosions and even infrastructure damages.
Clear communications with the public, through direct outreach, the
media, and/or liaison personnel, contributes greatly to judgments Element 17. Response Technologies
on response quality regardless of actual effectiveness of spilled
This element addresses the tools and techniques identified in OSR
oil removal. This element addresses the roles, responsibilities, and
plans (refer to Element 9). For each technique identified in OSR
procedures to maintain lines of public communication prior to and
plans, there should be a clear understanding of any policy, techni-
during spill response. This includes external coordination with
cal requirements and limitations, available resources (equipment
natural resource and public health agencies, other industries, and
and personnel), as well as strategic and tactical use. In most cases,
natural resource users. It also includes internal communications,
it is best to have multiple options which could be used either con-
joint information sharing, information centers, and protocols for
currently or individually under appropriate conditions. Response
authorized release of communications, and special web sites.
options are most often grouped into three classes:
1) mechanical and / or manual response whether a spill is on
Category 4: Operational Response land or on water,
2) dispersant application for spills to marine waters, and
Element 16. Source Control, Salvage, and Firefighting
3) in-situ burning can be used almost anywhere, but is most
Spill source control, vessel salvage, and firefighting are all activi- frequently used on land.
ties that may have significant bearing on spill response. Examples
For each technology option, assessment considerations can be
include emergency towing and lightering plans (vessels) and emer-
lengthy (Table 3).
gency repair plans (vessels-facilities-pipelines), any specialized

Table 3. Considerations for Response Technologies

Regulation (as applicable) Tiered Response

• Enabling • Pre-positioning
• Restricting • Mobilization
• Rigging and Preparation
Techniques and Applicability • Delivery systems (e.g., aircraft, vessel, land, reels,
• Constraints (defined by the incident and environmental ­forklifts)
conditions) • Delivery times
• Habitat and terrain consideration
• Oil types and compatibility Equipment Readiness
• Equipment inspections and tagging
Equipment • Maintenance and repair schedules/tracking
• Identification of equipment types for scenarios • Equipment inter-compatibility analysis (e.g., boom
• Equipment classification system (e.g., ready, available, ­connectors, skimmer parts, hoses, power generation)
in-use, inoperable, out-of-service)
• Equipment environmental limitations (e.g., wave height, Responder Readiness
water depth, currents, etc.) • Training and frequency
• Operational parameters • Equipment deployment exercises and evaluation
• Local inventories (type, specification, quantity, location) • List of personnel trained
• Regional or National equipment inventories
• Operational parameters Monitoring and follow up (as applicable)
• Local, Regional, International Sources
• Monitoring procedures
• Required equipment and availability of laboratories
• Time limitations
• Applicability of results
10 2008 International Oil Spill Conference

Selection of response option depends on the type of oil spilled Category 5: Response Support
and the circumstances of the spill itself. A preliminary step is to
Element 20. Spill Monitoring, Tracking, and Sampling
ascertain if the environmental benefit and trade-offs for the tech-
niques been considered (see Element 7). Non-floating oils require Tools and procedures are needed to detect spills and then to
quite different response tactics than floating oils for spills on monitor fate and transport of a slick. This is more important and
water. The use of sorbents, typically considered under mechanical generally more difficult for spills to surface waters where currents
response, add to the volume of oily waste material which should can rapidly transport a slick than for spills to land. Data from
be recovered and properly disposed. monitoring environmental conditions and forecast changes to slick
location and behavior are used to make operational decisions. It is
Element 18. Waste Management valuable to coordinate overflights across organizations participat-
ing in a response to avoid duplication of efforts, reduce aviation
Waste management is often considered an obstacle in spill re-
safety issues with multiple aircraft on a similar mission, and to im-
sponse operations. Adequate storage, appropriate handling, and
prove cost control. This element also includes the degree to which
waste minimization should be addressed at the planning phase.
assets and procedures are identified, tested, and re-evaluated.
Options for final disposal should be identified and pursued in ad-
Sub-elements include:
vance, when possible. Options may even include the potential for
cross border shipment of oily waste materials. Wastes can include Detection
recovered oil, oily debris, food and sanitary wastes, discarded oily What procedures, tools, or mechanisms are in place to detect a
equipment, spent sorbents, decontamination waste waters, etc. spill, such as visual observation and sensor technologies?
Sub-elements considered are:
Regulatory Controls Once a spill occurs, are there procedures and tools to aid in
Are there regulations that define waste categories and handling tracking movement of spilled oil during daylight, night, and
requirements? It is beneficial for nations to maintain a listing in low visibility conditions? Are personnel and protocols in
of approved waste handling and disposal companies, their place for tracking, reporting, and providing timely feedback to
licenses, and sites for various types of wastes. operational resources, such as skimmers on water?
Waste Management Procedures Sampling
What procedures are defined to minimize the potential waste Equipment has been designed and used for spill detection, but
stream, temporarily handle waste, and ultimately reuse or also includes specialized needs for certain response technolo-
dispose of waste materials? Are there provisions for a specific gies (e.g., dispersants application, ISB plume monitoring) or
cleanup-site waste management plan? What transport options for forensic hydrocarbon analyses such as are used for oil
can be used? Are special procedures, permits, or licenses source identification and legal purposes. Cooperation of sam-
needed? pling programs between a responsible party and government
authority is preferred. What are the correct sampling protocols?
Are analytical procedures, chain-of-custody procedures, and
Are preferences defined for interim waste storage and final
qualified laboratories identified? Are these procedures tested
disposal in advance? Where are the sites for waste handling
frequently? Do inter-calibration programs for laboratories exist
and disposal? Do they have proper operating licenses? Are
to help ensure quality of analytical results?
monitoring procedures in place for tracking materials from
collection through to final disposal?
Monitoring and Forecasting Environmental Conditions
Element 19. Wildlife Hazing, Recovery, Care, and In addition to tracking an oil slick, forecasting its movement
­Rehabilitation and changing behavior as oil weathers can be important con-
siderations, esp. for on-water response operations. Are fore-
Although wildlife hazing, recovery, care, and rehabilitation do
casting capabilities in place to provide timely input such that
not directly address spill response, these activities can minimize
response operations can be adjusted or modified to suit field
the potential loss of wildlife due to contact with oil. In the case
of large mammals that can endanger responders, hazing may be
needed for responder safety. Sub-elements include equipment, Resources - Equipment
resources, training, exercises, and: Responsible parties typically maintain their own equipment
inventories on a site-by-site basis. For broader geographic area
response planning, it is important to know where equipment
Are applicable regulations and legislation identified? What are
inventories are located and who controls them. This is done
the designated authorities for various types of fauna? Are per-
in some cases, when industry and / or government authorities
mits needed and/or identified? Are hazing protocols in place?
have partnered to provide regional or multi-national response
Are pre-emptive capture protocols and procedures known?
coverage. Programs to maintain, repair, and replace equipment
Has a wildlife rehabilitation organization been identified and/
should be established for the time frame of the spill risk.
or contracted?
Response Element 21. Cleanup Considerations
Are roles and responsibilities defined as well as specialized
During response it is important to obtain information as early as possible to
contractors and resources? What are procedures for capture, understand the character and location of spilled oil from field observations.
stabilization, cleaning, rehabilitation, and release? Are there These observations are used to select recommended response strategies. A
plans for use of volunteers and non-governmental organiza- shoreline cleanup assessment technology (SCAT) team5 is often the source
tions (NGOs)? of such observations. Furthermore, these teams are often requested to de-

5 Note: The term “shoreline” is used generically. SCAT proce-

dures apply to spills within inland areas (rivers, lakes, land) as
well as to marine spills.
IOSC Workshop Report 11

fine the endpoints to help determine “how-clean-is-clean” on an incident- Response Support

specific basis. Are procedures in place to form and activate these teams? Sub-elements include transportation and tracking systems,
Is there a mechanism to communicate their advice to those undertaking staging areas, facilities such as Command Posts and shelters,
cleanup? Example guidelines and standards for assessment are provided in security, and personnel support
MCA (2007), ASTM (2003a and b), Owens and Sergy (2000), and NOAA
(2000). Sub-elements include environmental impact assessment data col- Mutual Aid and Resource Sharing
lection, cleanup termination guidelines for response termination, and: Depending on the degree of spill risk, this sub-element needs to
address regional and international logistical support, including
Response Priorities transboundary movement of personnel and equipment.
Priorities set during OSR contingency planning
• Procedure in place for confirming and/or adjusting Element 24. Finance, Administration, and Procurement
­priorities at time of spill?
• What is most important geographically, politically? Any OSR planning, actual response or readiness effort entails
financial and administrative support. Tracking expenses, person-
Cleanup Guidelines nel, and damage claims are time consuming tasks with implica-
Do field team members represent appropriate stakeholders tions for insurance coverage and compensation (IPIECA/ITOPF,
(e.g., at national, provincial, or local levels)? Is there a shore- 2004; IOPC, 1998). Mechanisms for establishing contracts prior
line cleanup methodology applicable for different working to, and at the time of, a spill are part of this subject. Sub-elements
climates and environments: tropics, ice/snow, mangroves, river include:
deltas, rocky shorelines, etc.? Are standard forms identified or
used for field data collection? Are cleanup assessment teams Response Funding
periodically trained to ensure they can accurately gather field What funding mechanisms are in place (e.g., bonds, retainers)
information? to finance response activities and respond to damage claims?
Are roles and procedures identified for communication and
Element 22. Data Management and Access coordination with insurers, including Protection & Indemnity
(P&I) Clubs? What about non-vessel insurers and national
Information and data management supports many aspects of spill funds? What is the status of Compensation and Liability Con-
response planning and readiness. Spill resource inventories, sen- vention accession?
sitive natural areas, listings of logistical support materials, and
trained personnel are samples of data records that may be needed Expenses
during an incident. A tremendous amount of information and data Are there procedures for documentation, expense tracking and
can be generated. For example, managing the many photographs forecasting, payment protocols, and audit and review?
taken during a response can be challenging. Effective management
of a wide variety of data is needed to support accurate communica- Element 25. Demobilization
tions and incident recordkeeping. This element should address the Termination of response activities necessitates demobilization of
procedures and policies in place to access external databases and personnel, response equipment, and logistical support. Response
to manage databases developed specifically for spill response or management structures should include a group whose assignment
developed at the time of a spill. Sub-elements are: is to organize and implement demobilization. Demobilization
Response Data Management removes personnel and equipment which are no longer needed
It is important to clearly define which organization(s) are such that they can be used elsewhere or returned to normal duty. It
responsible for which data management task(s). It is also im- can improve site safety, reduce expenses, and reduce the response
portant that records and documents are saved and archived for management load to match response complexity. Sub-elements
historical purposes and for possible legal proceedings. Has a are:
data management policy been defined and is it in force? Are • Roles and Responsibilities
roles and responsibilities defined for who and how data will • Authority to de-mobilize
be entered into databases, what information is required, and • Release priorities
procedures to ensure data accuracy? • Decontamination plan for equipment and personnel
• Demobilization procedure - equipment
External Databases and Access • Demobilization procedure - personnel
Data sources and databases that can support planning and
response, generally maintained externally to spill response.
Have external databases been defined? Are there appropriate Category 6: Developing and Sustaining Re-
procedures in place to access external databases? sponse Capability and Readiness
Element 26. Exercises
Element 23. Logistics
Exercises provide opportunities to practice what is planned. Exer-
Spill response is supported through a wide range of logistical cises also provide an occasion to bring together OSR teams from
functions, including communications, transportation, expendable other organizations, supporting expertise, and external participa-
supplies, meals, housing and sanitation, etc. Logistics is not a the- tion in response to simulated situations. A robust exercise program
oretical exercise; without logistical support response stops. This that provides for practice and testing of OSR system components
element should identify roles and responsibilities of those who is essential in sustaining and improving readiness. Exercise evalu-
provide logistical support for OSR at national, regional, or local ation and follow-up actions are designed to be opportunities for
levels or tiers of response. Many sources of logistical support are improvement. Example guidelines for exercise types, frequency
commercially available and may be incorporated into OSR plans and design are provided in IPIECA (1996), USCG-EPA-RSPA-
by reference, directly via lists, and/or databases. For complete- MMS (1994), and WA DOE (1998). Exercise sub-elements
ness, material stockpiles and contracts for services should also be include:
addressed. Sub-elements include Roles and Responsibilities of
those assigned to logistical support and services, maintenance of Requirements
response equipment, and: Is there a specific exercise schedule with defined scopes of
exercise? Is there a designated authority that participates in
exercises and that monitors and enforces compliance?
12 2008 International Oil Spill Conference

Adopted Standards Element 28. Sustainability and Improvement

Has a plan-holder adopted exercise policies and procedures be-
This element should address means to ensure OSR readiness is
yond those required?
an ongoing process for improvement. In some cases, externally
Types of Exercises and Frequency requested audits or analyses can provide evaluations of response
Examples of types of exercises include: capability (e.g., RAC REMPEITC program on planning initia-
• Notifications tives, ARPEL National Plans matrix, and IMO missions). Too
• Specialized team exercises often OSR plans are developed but not seriously practiced or
– Firefighting tested. Sustained readiness necessitates active scrutiny of changes
– Diving in response policies, capabilities, new technologies, and meth-
– Chemical detection odologies over time. Training and exercises with evaluation and
– Evacuation feedback provide one means to sustain and or reach higher levels
– Medical emergency of readiness. Sub-elements include:
• Special problem exercises
Legislative / Regulatory Requirements
• Local
Are there requirements for testing contingency plans through
• Regional
audits, drills, or exercises? Is there a designated authority that
• Equipment deployments
verifies level of competence? Are there minimum standards
• Spill management team
that define if plans are suitable to particular conditions?
Are there procedures or guidelines used for exercise design,
Has an authority or internal mechanism been put into place to
identification of participants, exercise control and evaluation?
fund audits, exercises, or other means of assessment of OSR
What are the requirements for certification and continued op-
erations? Are there procedures to ensure that lessons-learned
are included in feedback to a response organization and respon- Audits
sible party? Are lessons integrated into future exercises? Are procedures in place to conduct audits of planning and
readiness? Is the assessment expertise internal, external, na-
Element 27. Training tional, or international?
Training provides responders with skills required to effectively re- Reviews
spond. It encompasses the spill management team, policy-makers, Are procedures in place to undertake reviews of exercises or
and operational personnel. Training should address a variety of actual response? Who is involved? Are there records of exter-
skills from clarifying roles and responsibilities to decision-making nal and internal assessments and actions completed? Are there
processes and communications procedures. Training provides standards for scoring level of OSR competence?
experience for field personnel on how to use equipment under dif-
ferent conditions and settings. Evaluations of spill exercises and
actual spill response help to define areas for additional training.
Training programs should encompass initial training needs for The information presented in this paper is on what subjects should
an OSR team as well as long-term, refresher training. Records and be addressed during OSR planning and capability assessment,
qualifications should be maintained to ensure appropriate numbers whether internally or externally conducted. How such assess-
of personnel are available for each level of response. Example ments are conducted is a different matter. There are different
training requirements and guidelines for training elements and possible definitions of readiness and there is subjectivity inherent
considerations are provided in ASTM Standard Guide F1644 in the eyes of an evaluator. The evolving aspect of oil spill risks
(2001a) and ASTM Standard Guide F1656 (2001b). Sub-elements and response readiness through time (e.g., from either changes in
include: personnel, industrial operations, treaties and multi-national con-
ventions, legislation and regulations, and/or political will) needs
Training Subjects and Frequency
to be recognized.
Are there minimum training requirements? Do training subjects
Similar to the issue of “How clean is clean?” (e.g., Baker,
address multiple functions and responsibilities for response
1997), an OSR readiness assessment asks “How ready is ready?”
teams, and do they address most probable (Tier 1), maximum
Scales by which readiness judgments may need to adjust accord-
likely (Tier 2), and worst-case (Tier 3) scenarios? What are the
ing to the scale of assessment, management system level, and user.
refresher requirements and frequency?
Evaluation methods in which assessments may be undertaken and
Process reported are not defined here. Nevertheless, means of evaluation
Who are the authorities in charge of training? Are the skills for can include:
each response position or role/responsibility clearly identified?
• Judgments of the presence or absence of response planning
Are training needs based on necessary skills to be developed
or preparedness elements
for each response position or role? What are sources for
• Judgments of relative condition (e.g., Not-Applicable,
training? Are instructors competent? Are specialized subjects
Missing, Incomplete, Complete)
considered (e.g., dispersants, NEBA, submerged oil, snow-ice,
• Scoring measures (ranging from subjective to pre-defined
Qualification or Competency
A synopsis and examples of planning and readiness assessment
Is there a certification process for training organizations (or
options are provided below.
trainers)? How are training programs evaluated? Is there a
Four examples of qualitative evaluation methods (Figures 2 to
‘Train-the-Trainers’ certification process? What are the proce-
4) are provided below:
dures for re-certification of personnel and re-training standards
1. Presence/Absence or Gap Analysis - To assist Caribbean
Island nations and Caribbean region countries in develop-
Documentation ing and strengthening their level of national and regional
How are records kept? Who is responsible for these and how preparedness and response capacities, a gap analysis was
long are they maintained? made on their national contingency plans in 2006 (Figure
IOSC Workshop Report 13

Figure 2. Examples of Gap Analysis ­Approaches for OSR Plan Assessment

a) From RAC-REMPEITC (2006)

b) From Owens et al. (2007)

S tatus
L oc ation in
C o nten ts C o m m ents - R e c om m endation s
G eo rgia
P lan(s ) Missing
in Compliant

1.0 Introduc tion and S c ope OS R P 1 X

OS R P 1.1,
1.1 P urpos e & Objective of
1.2B T C Az X G ood
P lan
1.2 R egulatory R equirements ,
R elevant Agreements , OS R P 1.4 X R evis e cros s -ref to OS R P F ramework in E S IA [App. E V )
and G uidelines
1.3 G eographical Limits of OS R P App.
X Add cross -ref. to Appendix in OS R P S ection 1
P lan AB T C Az
Lis t s pecific locations in G A where full IMS Manual is
maintained; s ugges t a diagram (s ee G OS R P F ig. 5.2) or
1.4 Interface with other P lans OS R P 1.3 X s pecific lis t to s how G A-OS R P plan hierarchy and
related documents - include W ildlife R es pons e P lan (? ),
list of containment manuals (include official Doc. No.)

2a; ARPEL (2005) and RAC-REMPEITC (2006)). The ment (Figure 3; courtesy of Nick Quinn, Maritime New
percentage of countries having or not having certain plan- Zealand). Numeric indicators are used.
ning items was identified. Identification of gaps enabled 4. A Preparedness Standards and Measurement System -- a
development of a capacity-building, tactical plan to ad- database approach is being prepared for measurement of
dress gaps. As a result, relevant regional activities and OSR plan development and response preparedness by the
priorities were defined. U.S. Coast Guard (Figure 4; Tucci personal communica-
2. OSR Plan Audit (gap analysis and qualitative status) - An tion). Scoring encompasses a range of approaches, from
OSR assessment and audit approach was used for the present/missing to relative scoring such as measures pro-
Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan (BTC) pipeline project’s spill con- vided for assessment of policy and planning.
tingency planning and compliance (Figure 2b; Owens et
It is hoped that the proposed suite of SRPA categories and ele-
al., 2007). Approximately 85 items were judged as Miss-
ments can provide a consistent basis for application around the
ing, Work-in-Progress, or Compliant. Gaps and relative
globe, where users adjust the suite of elements and develop assess-
priorities for action (requirements and/or recommenda-
ment scales appropriate to their needs. Each of the above examples
tions) became the basis for subsequent improvements.
served its participants by focusing on strengths and weaknesses in
3. Qualitative rating - A “Traffic Light” index system was
the OSR planning and readiness process. Their lessons can also
used by Maritime New Zealand for reporting prepared-
serve others when findings are communicated externally.
ness levels from local areas to higher levels of govern-
14 2008 International Oil Spill Conference

Figure 3 Example OSR Readiness Indicators and Rating Measures - New Zealand

C ategory P erformance Indicators (parameters ) % % % R ating

P ers onnel - MS A % of MS A qualified to be in DAT min 5, max 8 <65% 66 - 82 83 - 100 n/a

(strategic) % of qualified NOS C 's min 2, max 6 <35% 36 - 70 71 - 100 83
% of qualified OS DO's min 3, max 8 <38% 39 - 70 71 - 100 5
% of qualified IC C s taff min 5, max 8 <65% 66 - 82 83 - 100 6

P ers onnel - R egions number of regional OS C min 16, max 48 <33% 34 - 66 67 - 100 75
(strategic) number of regional managers min 16, max 64 <25% 26 - 75 76 - 100 82
number of regional field operators /region min, max <50% 50 - 75 75 - 99 85

E quipment - Tier 3 % readines s of national cache min70%, max99% <70% 71 - 85 86 - 99 90

(tactical) operability of s kimmer barge min 1, max 3 <33% 34 - 66 67 - 100 90

E quipment - Tier 2 % readines s of regional equipment Min70%, max99% <70% 71 - 85 86 - 99 90

(tactical) % of regional equipment in audit >18mths <18 mths <12 months 90

Training - cours es % of programmed cours es conducted <50% 51 - 75 76 - 100 95


P lans - National % of plan in date (within 6 months ) <70 71 - 85 86 - 100 under review

P lans - R egional % of current regional plans in date <70 71 - 85 86 - 100 75

(operational) (mean of all 16 regions )

E xercis es - Tier 3 time laps ed s ince las t exercis e >5yrs <5 yrs <3 yrs <5yrs

E xercis es - Tier 2 % of planned T able T op E xercis es conducted >18 months <18 months <12 months
(tactical) % of planned equip deployment E xercis es conducted >18 months <18 months <12 months
% of planned combined exercis es completed >18 months <18 months <12 months

Figure 4 OSR Readiness Indicators and ­Scoring Example - US Coast Guard6

a) Preparedness Standard and Measurement Sytem (PSAMS) - b) Evaluation subjects and scoring mode
draft Main page

It is important to be very careful in considering “metrics” by

which to judge performance of an RP&RA element. Some might
expect to have concrete numbers (pass/fail situation), yet those
will be very difficult if not impossible to obtain. For those who
will pursue development and/or use of metrics, Tuler et al. classi-
fied metrics by the following characteristics (Table 4).

6 PSAMS is currently under development.


TABLE 4. CHARACTERIZATION OF INDICATORS AND A mature program requires dedication to sustain readiness

Organizational /
Mathematical Object Oriented Relational
• Quantitative • Strategic • Environmental Setting the Stage
• Semi-quantitative • Tactical pressures
• Non-quantitative • Operational • State of
• Qualitative environmental
ecological systems Exercise and Sustained Developing a Plan
• Spill response Capabilities
Source: modified from Tuler, et al. (2006). Initiation

Tuler et al. (2006) discuss and review a variety of response

Response Support Organization and
performance metrics. They summarized characteristics of an ‘ideal Communications
metric’ as:
• Scientifically verifiable
Operational Response
• Cost effective
• Easy to communicate to a wide audience
• Relates to an important concern of may stakeholders
• Can be changed via human intervention
• Credible
• Scalable over an appropriate time and geographic region FIGURE 5. RP&RA SYSTEM CATEGORIES FOR A
• Sufficiently sensitive to detect meaningful levels of change
in performance. Background information needed to trigger planning includes
identifying spill risks, the consequences of spills such as environ-
This IOSC paper is focused on identifying the RP&RA catego- mental, social, and economic impacts, and strategies to minimize
ries and elements for broad utility to the spill response community. both the spill risk itself as well as to mitigate the consequences of
It is more important at this point that some measures by which to the spill. Expertise in oil handling operations, analysis of response
assess performance be considered, rather than to pursue an ideal to past spills, and application of international risk assessment and
metric. management programs (e.g., IMO / IPIECA, in preparation) are
each valuable to define the scope of an OSR effort. It is a quite
DISCUSSION different undertaking to plan for spills from a tank farm or terminal
relative to plan for spills from vessel operations, area or national
Given the numerous components involved in OSR readiness, it can plans, to multi-national plans.
be expected that many people participate in some part of the over- A starting point for OSR readiness is in adopted legislation,
all process (e.g., sensitivity mapping, vessel traffic, facility inspec- regulation, and conventions. Each of these aspects sets the stage
tions), yet few have a full picture of OSR readiness. For example, for spill planning and preparedness. In some developing countries,
personnel involved in operational aspects of response readiness, OSR readiness may be limited to general, legislated guidelines
such as equipment and warehousing, rarely appreciate the full with no enforcement. In other situations, contingency plans may
gamut of activities associated with a significant spill response. be drafted and then rarely used, much less tested and audited by
A comprehensive OSR program typically involves a wide range experienced personnel. Equipment may be purchased with little
of expertise (e.g., emergency responders, resource managers, understanding of operational needs or functionality under local en-
scientists, government regulators, industry, Non-Governmental vironmental conditions or with oils typically handled in that area.
Organizations, lawyers and legislators, etc.). Once the spill risks and consequence are understood, response
The RP&RA System components presented here provide a strategies should be considered for various scenarios. Response
framework for comprehensive assessment at different levels and/ strategies involve different technology options. The benefits,
or aspects of oil spill response. As depicted in Figure 5, readiness drawbacks, and limitations of response technologies need to be
is a relative state. It is not achieved in one set of tasks. Instead, evaluated in terms of net environmental benefit. This type of eval-
readiness evolves from recognizing the need for preparedness, to uation helps define circumstances in which a technology, such as
allocating resources, and then gaining participation. Readiness is dispersant use, may be of net environmental benefit compared to
an ongoing process that requires testing, evaluation, feedback, and monitoring or mechanical response. Contingency planning should
a commitment to improve. Too often, history has taught us a hard be systematic and integrated, from local to regional levels as war-
lesson from complacency in emergency preparedness. Legislation ranted. Consistency across different contingency plans allows the
and regulations may define requirements, but they must also be en- response community to support a response regardless of the area
forced in some manner to be effective. Management and financial or level of effort needed.
commitments must also be made to maintain a state of readiness.
16 2008 International Oil Spill Conference

A core component of planning and implementation is to have ning and Readiness Assessment System. The IOSC Workshop
a clearly defined response management organization with well- report (IOSC, 2008) provides a more detailed compilation of over
understood roles and responsibilities for emergency response 400 aspects.
(Element 10). The organization must be flexible and expandable/ For a fully-developed spill response program, all categories
contractible, such that it can be adapted from a facility-level re- should be addressed. This Guide has been prepared for the interna-
sponse up to a national response. Clear lines of communication tional spill response community as a common reference point and
within the OSR management organization, as well as with external best practice for improved OSR planning and capability assess-
parties such as the public and media, and provision of proper com- ments. This tool is unlikely to fit all circumstances, but it presents
munications tools will help with coordination, safety, and transpar- a comprehensive framework.
ency in response. As in contingency plans, response management Interest in the more detailed IOSC Workshop report has been
systems should be made consistent across all levels of the OSR strong enough to support access to it via the IOSC website (see
community to which it applies. Users are requested to provide feedback on the
Operational response to spills includes source control and IOSC Guide, as to when and where the guidance was used for
related activities, conventional response technologies such as OSR readiness assessment, and to suggest improvements based
mechanical skimmers, boom, pumps and manual oil recovery, and on their experience. The goal of the open access to this Guide is
alternative technologies such as use of chemical agents. Effective to provide the international oil spill response community with an
OSR requires that response technique applicability, procedures evergreen tool that is improved with each use.
for use, and limitations be defined and that supporting resources
(equipment and trained personnel) be in place. Each response
technology has its benefits, drawbacks and waste streams. Manag- Acknowledgements
ing the waste stream during spill response can be one of the big- This paper represents the combined effort of the authors, their
gest bottlenecks to spill response operations. Waste management colleagues, and the Delegates who participated in the 3 Decem-
can be planned for, but is still rarely exercised in advance. Wildlife ber 2007 IOSC Workshop held in Gamboa, Panama. The IOSC
care and rehabilitation must also be considered as an activity to be Subcommittee is indebted to Clean Caribbean Americas and to
coordinated with spill response. the Panama Canal Authority for their administrative and logistical
OSR readiness in planning and execution requires support from support and for translation services provided during the Work-
a wide variety of activities: e.g., equipment, trained personnel, shop.
field monitoring and sampling, site cleanup decision-making, data The authors’ opinions expressed in this manuscript do not nec-
management, logistical and financial services, through to demobi- essarily represent that of their institutions or companies.
lization. Response priorities and objectives require observations
and field input during response. Sustained readiness and effective-
ness involves maintaining the quality of the equipment, resources, References
and personnel as well as a continuing effort to improve response Regional Association of Oil and Natural Gas Companies in Latin
capabilities. The initiative to sustain readiness requires leadership America and the Caribbean (ARPEL), 1997. Guidelines for the
and commitment. Key aspects of sustained readiness are training, Development of Environmental Sensitivity Maps for Oil Spill
exercises, evaluation, and implementation of recommendations. In Planning and Response. Environmental Guideline #16, Javier
countries with a well developed regulatory environment, response de Viana 2345 - CP 11.200 Montevideo, Uruguay.
competency and readiness typically is monitored by performance ARPEL, 2005a. Oil Spill Preparedness, Response and Coopera-
evaluations during regularly scheduled exercises. Internally an or- tion in Central America - Workshop Report . ARPEL Environ-
ganization should be aware of the adequacy of response readiness mental Report #23-2005, Javier de Viana 2345 - CP 11.200
and competency, even in the absence of an external monitoring Montevideo, Uruguay.
agency. An OSR readiness program should include a monitor- ARPEL, 2005b. “How to develop a National Oil Spill Contin-
ing or audit process conducted by qualified personnel by which gency Plan”. ARPEL Environmental Report #39, Javier de
all operational and management levels are continually evaluated Viana 2345 - CP 11.200 Montevideo, Uruguay.
through a planned series of activities with clearly defined sched- ARPEL, 2005c. Study on the Status of National Contingency
ules and time lines. Plans in Central American Countries. ARPEL Environmental
The SRPA System components list is intended to be flexible Report #25, Javier de Viana 2345 - CP 11.200 Montevideo,
for use by government, industry, facilities, or operators and so it Uruguay.
can be applied from local to international and multinational levels. ARPEL. 2007. Effective Trans-boundary Movement of Equipment
The detail and content under review for an planning or readiness and Personnel during Oil Spill Response. Javier de Viana 2345
assessment may shift in context or perspective depending on the - CP 11.200 Montevideo, Uruguay.
needs of the user (e.g., government reviewing industry, company American Society of Testing and Materials (ASTM), 2001a.
reviewing facilities or operation). Spill response planning and pre- Standard Guide for Health and Safety Training of Oil Spill
paredness activities need honest evaluation to remain focused on Responders. ASTM F 1644, ASTM International.
performance improvements and overall readiness. Some elements ASTM, 2001b. Health and Safety Training of Oil Spill Responders
may or may not be applicable for a particular OSR; however, in the United States. ASTM F 1656-01. ASTM International.
the list presented in this paper and expanded in the IOSC (2008) West Conshohocken, PA.
Guide conveys the breadth and depth of SRA elements for broad ASTM, 2003a. Surveys to Document and Assess Iil Conditions
applicability. on Shorelines. ASTM F 1686-97, ASTM International. West
Conshohocken, PA
Conclusion ASTM, 2003b. Terminology and Indices to Describe Oiling Con-
ditions on Shorelines. ASTM F 1687, ASTM International.
Assessment of OSR capability helps an organization identify Baker, J.M., 1995. Net environmental benefit analysis for oil spill
technical, policy/legal, or administrative areas that are strongly response. Proceedings of the International Oil Spill Confer-
developed, areas that may need additional attention, or those that ence, American Petroleum Institute, Publication No. 4620.
are simply not developed. This Guide provides a comprehensive Washington DC. p. 611-614.
summary of many components and elements in a Response Plan-
IOSC Workshop Report 17

Holt, B., 2001. The use of scenarios in contingency planning. Pro- Owens, E.H., and Taylor, E., 2007. Guidelines to evaluate oil spill
ceedings 2001 International Oil Spill Conference, American contingency plan adequacy, response competency, and sus-
Petroleum Institute, Publication No 4686B. Washington DC. tained readiness. Paper presented at SPE Asia Pacific Health,
p. 605-607. Safety, Security and Environment Conference and Exhibition,
International Finance Corporation, 2000a. Environmental, Health Bangkok, Thailand, 10–12 September 2007.
and Safety Guidelines. Oil and Gas Development (Offshore), Owens, E.H., Taylor, E, and Dickins, D.F., 2007. Defining Best
World Bank Group. Available from internet 25 International Practices for Oil Spill Response Planning. Pro-
pp. ceedings Annual Symposium Petroleum Association of Japan,
International Finance Corporation, 2000b. Environmental, Health Tokyo, 11 pp.
and Safety Guidelines. Onshore Oil and Gas Development. RAC-REMPEITC Caribe, 2006. Caribbean Island OPRC-Plan
World Bank Group. April 30, 2007 [cited 8 February 2008] 2006 “Azure Seas Project”. Gap Analysis of National Island
Available from internet at 27 pp. OPRC Plans.
International Maritime Organization (IMO), 1995. IMO Manual Sell, D., Conway, L., Clark, T., Picken, G., Baker, J., Dunnet, G.,
on Oil Pollution, Section II - Contingency Planning. London, McIntyre, A., and Clark, R., 1995. Scientific criteria to opti-
IMO Publication No. IMO-560E, 65 pp. mize oil spill cleanup. In Proceedings 1995 International Oil
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IMO / IPIECA, 1996. Guidelines for planning oil spill response sponse Regimes. In Proceedings International Oil Spill Confer-
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IOPC,1998. Claims Manual. IOPC Fund 1992. London, UK. 30 American Petroleum Institute, Publication No. I 4730 B, Wash-
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IPIECA, 2000a. A Guide to Contingency Planning for Oil Spills Spill Conference, American Petroleum Institute, Publication
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IPIECA / International Tanker Owners Pollution Federation sponse. Technical Report. Coastal Response Research Center.
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18 2008 International Oil Spill Conference

Appendix A

Delegates at the Assessment of Oil Spill Response Capabilities Workshop


Benjamin Ferguson Port Department Bahamas
Henry Sánchez Department of the Environment Belize
Thea Vieira Petrobras America, Inc. Brazil
Scott Slaybaugh Department of Environment Cayman Islands
Samuel Rose Ministry of Environment Cayman Islands
Tim Austin Ministry of Environment Cayman Islands
José Obando Rivera RECOPE Costa Rica
Guillermo Obando Tinoco RECOPE Costa Rica
Manuel Viquez Jiménez Asesor Técnico Costa Rica
Ramón Artilez REFIDOMSA Dominican Republic
Carlos Paulino COE Dominican Republic
Eduardo Barrientos Authoridad Marítimo Portuaria El Salvador
Tyrone R. H. Caceres Comando Naval del Pacífico Guatamala
Melvin Leal Shell Guatemala Guatamala
Laura Rivera Carbajal Authoridad Maritima de Honduras Honduras
Winston Ormsby Cool Petroleum Limited Jamaica
Leif Diablos BW Offshore Mexico
Gabriel Olguin PEMEX-PEP Mexico
Eduardo Gallegos PMI Comercia Internacional Mexico
Juan Manelia COCATRAM Nicaragua
Enrique Torres Rueda Departamento de Protección Marítima Portuaria Nicaragua
Maria Rubio Autoridad Maritima de Panama Panama
Ruben Merel Autoridad Maritima de Panama Panama
McClean Hobson Director Department of Maritime Affairs St Kitts and Nevis
Lambert Charles NEMO Fire Service St. Lucia
Prediepkoemar Goerdajal Staatsolie Surinam
Oswald Adams Ministry of Energy Trinidad and Tobago
Karen Purnell ITOPF United Kingdom
David Davidson Chevron Corporation United States
Richard Fricke Hovensa LLC - PDVSA US Virgin Islands
IOSC Workshop Subcommittee Attendees
Benjamin Couzigou RAC/REMPEITC-Carib IOSC
Jeff Ramos RAC/REMPEITC-Carib (US Coast Guard) IOSC
Marc Hodges American Petroleum Institute IOSC
Alexis Steen ExxonMobil Research and Engineering IOSC
Elliott Taylor Polaris Applied Sciences, Inc. IOSC
Darío Miranda Ecopetrol S.A. ARPEL (Colombia)

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