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Script (ACT ONE):


Wide establishing shot of the house/first scene.

BEN is sitting in his living room, watching TV (TV programme is audible in the background)

After a while, BEN hears a noise upstairs but thinks nothing of it

The camera shows a wide shot of him sitting down

BEN is bored of what to do, being bored so he grabs himself a drink.

(In camera transition from him walking to the light in the kitchen being turned on).

BEN dawdles into the kitchen, trying to find a drink before he heads up to bed.

BEN sits back down and opens the bottle (closeup of him twisting the cap).

The camera focuses on BEN changing the channel to find something better to watch.
(Closeup of the buttons with TV in the background blurred).

BEN laughs at the TV; he is watching a comedic sitcom.

(Midshot or semi-close-up of BEN’s facial reaction).

BEN hears another banging sound coming from upstairs so he gets fed up with it and goes to
(Camera pans from BEN getting up to the wall, transitions to him walking up the stairs).

BEN walks to some of the rooms to see if there’s anything fallen down or moved but can’t see
anything so carry’s on to his room.

BEN: What was that noise?

(talking to himself)

(The music becomes more tense)

BEN walks closer towards his door; he is confused of what the noises were.

The scene cuts.

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