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56 yo female presented with left parotid mass.

On excision the mass is circumscribed and nodular with

myxoid cut surfaces. Photomicrograph is shown below:

a. What is the diagnosis?

b. List two diagnostic features on microscopy?

c. List any two benign tumors of salivary gland?

12 yo boy presents with periumbilical pain which localized to right iliac fossa with fever, vomitting and
leukocytosis. Appendectomy was done. Photomicrograph is shown:
a. Briefly describe the photomicrograph.

b. What is your diagnosis?

c. List two complications if this condition is untreated.

d. Name the most common tumor of appendix.

35 yo woman presents with weight loss, fever, abdominal pain, diarrhea and often a palpable abdominal
mass in right iliac fossa. Resection of ileocecal mass showed numerous strictures with marked mucosal
thickening and ulceration. Histology is shown.
a. Describe the microscopic picture

b. What is the most likely diagnosis?

c. What is the common route of infection for this disease?

d. What special stain can be used to demonstrate the causative organism?

55 yo male presents with weight loss and alternating diarrhea and constipation over the last year. Left
hemicolectomy was done after colonoscopy. The specimen is shown.

a. What is the most likely diagnosis?

b. Name a familial syndrome associated with this condition?

c. What do you expect to find in the colon if this patient has this associated syndrome?

d. Which gene is mutated in this syndrome

65 yo male, with history of smoking 25 cigarettes a day for 40 years presents with progressive dysphagia
to liquids and solids. Endoscopy reveals a mass in mid esophagus. Esophagectomy specimen is shown:
a. What is the most likely diagnosis?

b. List the two major risk factors for this tumor.

c. How would you describe the gross morphology of this tumor?

Examine the two sets of pictures given below and

a. Match gross with photomicrograph.

b. Give diagnosis for each pair.

c. Briefly describe the diagnostic microscopic features for each diagnosis you make.
35 year old female with obese body habit presents with right hypochondrial pain with nausea and
vomiting and intolerance for fatty food. Surgical intervention is required to relieve symptoms. Specimen
received in the histopathology lab is shown.
a. What is the diagnosis?

b. Describe microscopic morphology you expect to see in this case.

c. List 3 types of stones associated with this condition.

60 yo male with a history of chronic liver disease secondary to chronic hepatitis C presents with anorexia
and mass in right hypochondrium. Segmental hepatic resection is done. Gross findings are shown below.
a. What is the most likely diagnosis?

b. Describe microscopic features for this tumour.

c. List 2 viral infections and 2 hereditary metabolic conditions which predispose to this tumour.

d. Name one tumour marker used for screening for this tumour.

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