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4. As I was asked to assist Mr.

Albertson with Science and Technology Week, I

came up with some fantastic activities for the students to participate in.

First, why not pursue an operation that relates to real-world issues? Simply
combine oil and water in a large container and add a few feathers to the mix for
this operation, dubbed oil spill. Then give the students sponges, paper towels, or
small spoons and tell them and try to extract the oil from the water and feathers
with them.

This activity can be used to demonstrate how oil spills can harm the environment
by allowing students to see how the oil affected the feathers and how difficult it
was to remove it from the water.

Another great option for innovative STEM learning is this. We've all seen the
amusing stop-motion videos on the internet, but you've probably never considered
making one yourself or, better yet, with your children. With just a few items, a
smartphone or iPad®, and a stop-motion app, your kids can learn about filmmaking
technology while creating a video that reflects their own tastes and interests.

.6. One of the most difficult aspects of becoming a teacher is learning how to
motivate your students. It is also one of the most important. Students who are not
motivated will not learn effectively. They won’t retain information, they won’t
participate and some of them may even become disruptive. A student may be
unmotivated for a variety of reasons: They may feel that they have no interest in
the subject, find the teacher’s methods un-engaging or be distracted by external
forces. It may even come to light that a student who appeared unmotivated
actually has difficulty learning and is in need of special attention.

Students look to teachers for approval and positive reinforcement, and are more
likely to be enthusiastic about learning if they feel their work is recognized and
valued. You should encourage open communication and free thinking with your
students to make them feel important. Be enthusiastic. Praise your students often.
Recognize them for their contributions. If your classroom is a friendly place where
students feel heard and respected, they will be more eager to learn. A “good job”
or “nice work” can go a long way.

Avoid monotony by changing around the structure of your class. Teach through
games and discussions instead of lectures, encourage students to debate and
enrich the subject matter with visual aids, like colorful charts, diagrams and
videos. You can even show a movie that effectively illustrates a topic or theme.
Your physical classroom should never be boring: use posters, models, student
projects and seasonal themes to decorate your classroom, and create a warm,
stimulating environment.

7. An ideal teacher is the one we respect from our heart. He/she acts as a guide to
the students, while not pushing them too much. Such a perfect motivates them and
boosts their morale. He/she tries to encourage the students and refrains from
criticizing them. The perfect teacher prefers to give positive motivation to
his/her students. His/her comments are always constructive in nature. He/she
serves as our friend, guide, educator, confidante, and a blend of all the good
qualities one can posses. Such a teacher shapes the entire life of the students.

An ideal teacher knows where the students lack and what their requirements are.
He/she never fails to comprehend the needs of students and tries his/her level
best to fulfill them. He/she will treat all students equally but at the same time
teach them in a way which is easier for the students to learn.

In conclusion, all teachers should take time and get to know who their students
really are. They might even be surprise at the outcome. By getting to know the
students helps them become more close to each other; that way it’ll be easier for
the teacher to solve any problems that occur in the classroom, it’ll be easier for
him/her to understand the students psychology, he/she might even become an idol
to the students, the teacher will become a good guidance, and also become a
motivator to the students.

8. When I close my eyes, I picture myself in a school located in an urban setting,

teaching a classroom of diverse yet alike students. These students are in the
second grade, meaning that they are impressionable yet vulnerable to their
environment whether this means at home, at school, or in their greater community.

Some of these students don’t speak English as their first language, and some come
from low-income households that can limit their educational experiences outside of
the classroom. And yet, no matter what differences these students bring to the
table, their uniqueness flows throughout the classroom in such a positive energy
that embraces, respects, and promotes learning. This is the goal I am working
towards; the goal of inspiring our youth to become self-advocates for their
Opportunities for equal educational experiences may not exist, however the beauty
lies in the growth of love young students can develop as they are challenged in the
classroom to question their surroundings. I plan to make a difference in the lives
of the children I meet along the way, and to create a safe learning environment.

Although the tests for certification and studies can be difficult, my passion for
education and dedication to shaping the lives of my students is what keeps me
going. The end goal is to nurture the development of my students to become active
and engaged participants in society, and that is what I intend to do completely.

9. I heard that the school wants to make some changes about the nutrition
in school. There are many ways schools could help young people make healthier food
First, packing a healthy lunch from scrach for children and young people at
home is vital for making sure they get the right energy and nutrients they need for
lunchtime play and afternoon lessons. 
Making an interesting and nutritious packed lunch every day can be a
difficult task. But don’t resort to pre-prepared lunchbox foods, sweets and crisps!
To give you a hand, the British Heart Foundation has developed a week of lunchbox
ideas using tried and tested favourites that children and young people will love.
In addition to lunches, some schools offer breakfast or snack programs. This
is helpful for children who may not get enough to eat at home. Kids who start the
day with a good meal will make healthier choices throughout the day. These meals
may be served in the cafeteria or in classrooms. You can inquire with your child’s
school.. You should  review the school menu with them each week and talk to your
child about which foods and drinks are the healthier options. The school district
may provide menus and nutrition information on its website. You can look at this
with your child, so they are more informed.

Avant tout, j'aimerais discuter de mes préférences médiatiques.

Première, j'ai lu beaucoup de journaux en ligne parce que je suis contributeur à un
journal à Ploiesti appelé InfoPloiesti City dans ma ville natale. Ici, j'assiste mes
collègues avec des actualités, des photos et une variété d'autres tâches.Comme je
l'ai déjà dit, je lis des journaux en ligne parce que je suis intéressé à en savoir plus
sur ce qui se passe dans ma ville et parfois dans d'autres villes, et je le fais ceci
très souvent. Je veux suivre ce qui se passe en Roumanie, mais je n'aime pas
regarder les informations à la télévision.

Deuxieme, Je lis des magazines de mode, imprimés ou en ligne, en plus des

actualités. J'ai toujours aimé la mode et, enfant, je dessinais mes propres croquis
de vêtements. J'aime aussi regarder des nouvelles sur les célébrités
internationales, en particulier celles d'Amérique, comme les musiciens, les acteurs
et autres artistes, bien que je le fasse moins souvent.

Finallement,Je crois que regarder les nouvelles est un moyen sain de rester informé
de ce qui se passe dans le monde. Comme je l'ai déjà dit, je les lis fréquemment.
Même si je lis les nouvelles sur les célébrités, je ne suis pas fan de la façon dont
elles révèlent leur vie personnelle aux médias.

“Never spend your money before you have earned it,” Thomas Jefferson said.
Which means that, from one point of view, money is a source of evil; however, it
has no effect on human character; rather, how we use it is more important than
anything else. It is time for people of all social classes to learn the true meaning of
happiness and how to perceive money correctly.

People get into debt for a variety of reasons, but one of the big ones is spending money before you have
it. And it’s so easy to do, right? We whip out that credit card one too many times and suddenly we’ve
got a bigger balance than we can pay. It happens to the best of us. I’ve recently taken to leaving my
credit cards at home so I don’t have the temptation to swipe recklessly.

Don't borrow money on the strength of your father's promise to give you $500 on
your twentieth birthday, which is in six months. It's not that you don't believe
your father will keep his promise, but anything could happen in the meantime,
leaving you with a debt you can't repay.
D'abord, as vrea sa vorbesc despre gusturile mele in materie de presa.

Premiere, eu personal citesc foarte multe ziare online, deoarece sunt chiar
colaboratoare a unui ziar din orasul meu, Ploiesti, ziar numit InfoPloiesti City. Aici
imi ajut colegii cu stiri, poze si multe ale lucruri.

Cum am spus, citesc ziare online pentru ca imi place sa aflu ce sa mai intampla in
orasul meu si uneori si in alte orase. Imi place sa fiu la curent cu ce se intampla in
Romania, insa, nu imi place sa urmaresc stirile la tv.

Pe langa stiri, mai citesc si reviste, ori reviste propriu zis ori online, despre moda.
Iubesc moda ata de mult incat atunci cand eram mica imi faceam singura schite
pentru haine. Imi mai place sa urmaresc si stiri legate despre vedetele din afara, in
special din America, cantareti/cantarete, actori, etc, dar acestea mai rar.

Urmaresc stirile, foarte des

First and foremost, I'd like to discuss my media preferences.

Premiere, I read a lot of newspapers online because I'm a contributor to a

newspaper in Ploiesti called InfoPloiesti City in my hometown. Here, I assist my
coworkers with news, photos, and a variety of other tasks.As I previously said, I
read newspapers online because I am interested in learning about what is going on
in my city and occasionally in other cities. I want to keep up with what's going on in
Romania, but I don't like watching the news on television.
Avant tout, j'aimerais discuter de mes préférences médiatiques.

Première, j'ai lu beaucoup de journaux en ligne parce que je suis contributeur à un

journal à Ploiesti appelé InfoPloiesti City dans ma ville natale. Ici, j'assiste mes
collègues avec des actualités, des photos et une variété d'autres tâches.Comme je
l'ai déjà dit, je lis des journaux en ligne parce que je suis intéressé à en savoir plus
sur ce qui se passe dans ma ville et parfois dans d'autres villes, et je le fais ceci
très souvent. Je veux suivre ce qui se passe en Roumanie, mais je n'aime pas
regarder les informations à la télévision.

Deuxieme, Je lis des magazines de mode, imprimés ou en ligne, en plus des

actualités. J'ai toujours aimé la mode et, enfant, je dessinais mes propres croquis
de vêtements. J'aime aussi regarder des nouvelles sur les célébrités
internationales, en particulier celles d'Amérique, comme les musiciens, les acteurs
et autres artistes, bien que je le fasse moins souvent.

Finallement,Je crois que regarder les nouvelles est un moyen sain de rester informé
de ce qui se passe dans le monde. Comme je l'ai déjà dit, je les lis fréquemment.
Même si je lis les nouvelles sur les célébrités, je ne suis pas fan de la façon dont
elles révèlent leur vie personnelle aux médias.

eu cred ca stirile sunt un mod bun a te tine la curent cu lumea din jurul nostru. Eu,
cum am spus, le citesc foarte des. Insa, cu toate ca citesc stirile despre
celebritati, nu prea sunt de acord cu modul in care ele isi expun viata personala
Comment vont les choses? Désolé de ne pas communiquer depuis si longtemps, mais
je souffrais de problèmes de santé et je ne me sentais pas bien ces jours-ci.

A propos de moi, comme je l'ai dit, j'ai des problèmes de santé. J'ai un mal de tête
constant depuis plusieurs mois, et cela ne me laisse pas seul une seule seconde de la
journée. Et, il y a deux semaines, je suis finalement allé chez le médecin, mais moi
et les médecins sommes confus car aucune cause organique du mal de tête n'a été
découverte, et toutes les investigations (tests, tomodensitométrie, IRM, contrôles
par des neurologues, des ophtalmologistes et des oto-rhino-laryngologistes) a
renvoyé des résultats normaux. Je suis aussi allé voir un psychologue et le mal de
tête est censé être basé sur le stress, mais voyons maintenant quoi et comment.

J'espère que tout va bien avec vous et que vous m'écrirez bientôt. Je vous manque
vraiment. J'attends que vous me disiez ce que vous avez fait la dernière fois que
nous avons parlé, ainsi que de votre famille.

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