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International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 37 (2000) 585±597

Observations and classi®cation of roof strata behaviour over

longwall coal mining panels in India
S.K. Das*
Department of Mining Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, 721 302, India
Accepted 25 November 1999


A study has been made of a number of mechanized longwall panels in various coal mines in India, concentrating on the
geology, physico-mechanical rock properties and the behaviour of the coal measure roof rocks during mining. The research has
highlighted the splitting and caving characteristics of the strata rocks and enabled the development of a roof-rock classi®cation
system. Roof rocks are classi®ed into six categories based on the: (a) mean weighted uniaxial compressive strength; (b) RQD; (c)
(i) type of rocks, (ii) presence of cracks, ®ssile beds, splitting, etc., (iii) presence of water; and (d) thickness of bed layer. The
behaviour of layers and composite layers in the immediate roof rock mass is also enumerated. Relations between the rock
strength properties and values for the bulking factor of the failed rock are included. The concepts of a `weighting zone' and
`caving zone' are proposed. The paper also clari®es the occurrence of di€erent types of failure, such as periodic falls. All these
®ndings should be helpful during calculation of the powered support capacity. 7 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction of GDK Ð 11A incline of SCCL (Pranhita±Goda-

vari Valley Coal®eld),
Studies have been conducted for some years in a . B-1 panel in seam no. V of Churcha West Colliery
number of highly mechanized longwall panels at var- of SECL (Sonhat Coal®eld),
ious coal mines of India, concentrating on the geology, . W2 panel in R-VII seam of section `A' of Jhanjra
rock characteristics, physico-mechanical properties and Project of ECL (Raniganj Coal®eld),
the behaviour of the coal measure roof rocks. These . Longwall panel no. 1 and 2 in Samla seam of
panels are: Kothadih Project of ECL (Raniganj Coal®eld ) etc.
. C2 panel (ML-VI/2 panel) in XVII bottom seam, A roof-rock classi®cation system with ratings for
. D5 panel in XVI top seam, Indian coal measure strata has been developed for the
. PS1 panel (ML-1/1 panel), longwall panels. This concept emerged from the stat-
. PS2 panel (ML-1/2 panel), istics obtained from the ®eld study on the stability of a
. PS3 panel (ML-1/3 panel), number of rock layers/composite layers of the immedi-
. PK2 panel (ML-2/2 panel) in XVII top seam and E2
ate roof rock mass located over the longwall panels.
panel (ML-2/7 panel) in XVI bottom seam of
Relations between the compressive strength and tensile
Moonidih Colliery of BCCL (Jharia Coal®eld),
strength and the compressive strength and shear
. A2 panel in X seam of East Katras project of BCCL
strength of the Indian coal measure rock is established.
(Jharia Coal®eld),
In the same way, the behaviour of various layer(s)/
. Panels 4A, 5 and 7 in the top section of seam no. 1
composite layer(s) of the immediate roof rock mass for
various classes of roofs is also enumerated and ana-
* Tel.: +91-3222-55221; fax: +91-3222-553303. lyzed and new strata mechanics concepts for the long-
E-mail address: (S.K. Das). wall panels are developed.

1365-1609/00/$ - see front matter 7 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
PII: S 1 3 6 5 - 1 6 0 9 ( 9 9 ) 0 0 1 2 3 - 9
586 S.K. Das / International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 37 (2000) 585±597

This study also highlighted the clari®cation of old 4. intercalation of sandstone and shale, carbon-
concepts regarding the mode of caving of coal measure aceous clay, etc.
strata, the bulk volume of the rock mass, the bulking
It is found that the immediate roof consisting of weak
factor, controlled caving, the main roof, etc. [3±12]. It
and soft carbonaceous shale, sandy shale, laminations
must be noted that, except in the case of the East
of shale in argillaceous sandstone, soft and fractured
Katras Project, all the longwall faces in the collieries
intercalation, etc., caves in shortly after the roof sup-
were worked out by the single pass longwall system
port advances Ð whereas roof rocks of most types of
with the help of modern longwall machinery such as
shale, weak sandstone, etc. cave in a little later after
powered roof supports, shearer, armoured ¯exible con-
supports are advanced, without forming any step or
veyor, stage loader, etc. In the East Katras Project, the
overhang. If the immediate roof comprises thick and
faces were worked out by the Sub-Level Caving and
massive sandstone, very strong sandy shale or compe-
Integral Caving mining systems, also using modern
tent ®ne grained sandstone with shale laminations, it
overhangs a large area for a longer period. In the case
of extremely massive sandstone of ®ne grained and
medium grained types, induced caving is required. It
2. Indian coal measure rocks was also observed that due to intercalation of thin
layers of clayey micaceous material, as in many thin-
Indian coal measure rocks can be broadly classi®ed bedded sandstone and in coarser rocks, ®ssility (the
into ®ve main groups based on the type of rocks, viz. ability of certain ®ne-grained sedimentary rocks to
split easily along the bedding planes) may occur. When
. sandstone;
the roof rock is exposed, a distinct horizontally banded
. shale;
lamination gives rise to exploitation of roof rocks,
. laminations of sandstone and shale;
whereas cross, intersecting or oblique bedding is found
. intercalation of sandstone and shale;
devoid of such ®ssility.
. clay and mottu clay.
Therefore Indian coal measure rocks may also be
Of the ®ve, sandstone and shale account for >90% of classi®ed as:
Indian coal measure rocks, whereas the clay and
mottu clay beds are negligible. 1. laminated rock formations; and
Sandstone dominates in the above classi®cation. 2. massive rock formations.
Nearly 50% to >85% of coal measure rocks comprise Lamination depends not only on the character of the
of sandstone. Beside these ®ve rock groups, burnt planes of weakening but on their number. It was
coals (Jhama), siderite or pyrite bands, etc. are oc- observed that coarse grained sandstone with carbon-
casionally found. aceous intercalation 0.05±0.1 m thick and sandy layers
Sandstone may be classi®ed into ®ve groups based 0.3±0.4 m thick are very ®ssile rocks. Rocks whose
on grain size. They are: `argillaceous', `®ne grained', grain sizes are ®ner than sandstone but coarser than
`medium grained', `coarse grained', and `gritty'. Like- clay, consisting of a considerable amount of carbon-
wise shale can be divided into three types: `carbon- aceous material parallel to the bedding, and also
aceous', `sandy' and `shaly coal'. Laminations and clayey rocks with carbonaceous bands thicker than
intercalation of various types of shale and sandstone 0.1 m split up and separate due to vibrations during
are frequently encountered in the Indian Coal®elds. blasting or coal cutting by the shearer. Alternate
Hence, they constitute the two major rock groups. bands of ®ne and very ®ne grained sandstone with bed
Carbonaceous clay type rocks are not frequent. thickness in the range of 0.1±0.3 m readily split up but
The following are the various common type of rocks will not split up if the thickness is >0.7 m. Medium to
which are present in Indian coal®elds: ®ne grained sandstones are ®ssile in nature.
1. argillaceous sandstone, ®ne-grained sandstone, In the majority of the Indian coal measure strata
coarse grained sandstone, gritty sandstone, various there are numerous cracks and fractures which
combinations like ®ne and medium grained sand- adversely a€ect the strength and stability of rockmass.
stone, argillaceous and ®ne grained sandstone, med- These cracks also act as conduits for water in®ltration
ium and coarse grained sandstone, coarse grained which, in turn, weakens the rock mass considerably. In
and gritty sandstone etc.; some of the cases, the Indian massive coal measure
2. carbonaceous shale, sandy shale, shaly coal; strata, such as massive sandstone (®ne grained and
3. various laminations of sandstone and shale like medium grained type), does not cave easily since bed-
argillaceous sandstone and shale, ®ne grained sand- ding planes in such cases are very thick. The presence
stone and shale, medium grained sandstone and of such massive strata calls for induced caving by
shale, etc.; blasting or hydro-fracturing. However, in some of the
S.K. Das / International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 37 (2000) 585±597 587

cases, the Indian massive sandstone (generally coarse new strata mechanics concepts for the longwall panels
grained type) laminates and caves in with little di- are developed.
culty. It is also observed in Indian coal mines that at a The behaviour of Indian Coal measure roof rocks
greater depth the vertical and abutment stresses con- were thoroughly studied and explained through a gen-
tribute to the formation of induced breaking in the eralized borehole lithology study as shown in Fig. 1.
roof ahead of the longwall face, which facilitates cav- Here a number of layers of rocks are either grouped
ing. Low compressive strength sandstone beds are fre- into several composite layers or simply taken as a unit
quently encountered but they are not always easily rock layer, depending upon the nature, thickness, phy-
cavable into the goaf if the stratum is thick and they sico-mechanical properties of rock, parting planes of
do not contain microscopic parting planes. weakening, etc.
In immediate contact with the coal seams, shales are For installing longwall face equipment a set-up
frequently encountered which cave in regularly into the entry of 5.5±6 m wide is driven along the face at the
goaf as soon as support advances. The contact shale starting point of the panel. Thereafter, as the winning
beds vary from very thin to thin are ®ssile and act as operation proceeds, the goaf containing the intact roof
slip planes. Weak, ®ssile and laminated shale bulks will be left open for a distance of around 10±11 m
into the goaf. Bed separation in the strong shale from the starting barrier pillar edge, depending upon
encountered in Indian coal measure rocks, normally the physico-mechanical properties of roof rock and
takes place in distinct parting planes. presence of geological disturbances. As the width of
Laminated rock formations are predominant in the the open goaf widens up, the immediate ®rst composite
Jharia and Raniganj Coal®elds, but infrequent in the roof layer will disintegrate from the second composite
Pranhita±Godavari Valley and Sonhat Coal®elds. roof layer at the middle, start to bend and sag. Shear
Most of the coal measure rocks in the Pranhita±Goda- cracks are generated into the ®rst and also in the sec-
vari Valley Coal®eld are weak massive sandstone or ond composite layers in a non-systematic manner but
low to medium compressive strength laminated rock in a curvilinear shape with the upper part bending
formations. Massive sandstones having low to medium towards the goaf. Except for the case of a massive
compressive strength are also frequent in the Sonhat sandstone roof, in Indian mining conditions, this dis-
Coal®eld. However, in the Raniganj Coal®eld, the tance generally varies from 11 to 15 m from the start-
massive sandstone rocks are infrequent and their com- ing barrier pillar edge (Fig. 2) in the case of any
pressive strengths are moderate. The compressive
strength of the laminated rock formations of the Rani-
ganj and Jharia Coal®elds are medium to high,
whereas in the case of the Sonhat Coal®eld they are of
the medium type.
Indian Coal measure rocks may also be divided into
three categories based on caving behaviour viz. weak
roof, good roof and massive roof. It has already been
mentioned that carbonaceous, weak and thinly lami-
nated shale, highly fractured sandstone or a combi-
nation of sandstone and shale constitute a weak roof.
This type of roof rock caves easily after the advance of
the roof supports. Cavities are often formed in this
type of friable roof. A good roof essentially consists of
stronger beds which always overhang a considerable
distance. Parting planes are generally weak zones of
fractured beds or macroscopic identi®able ®ssile sur-
faces in the strata constituting the roof. This type of
roof can o€er both easy and dicult caving circum-
stances. There are instances of the presence of an over-
hang at around 30 m behind the face supports.

3. Analysis of roof strata behaviour

The studies and experiments enabled observations of

the behaviour of coal measure roof strata [1,2] and Fig. 1. A borehole litholog.
588 S.K. Das / International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 37 (2000) 585±597

composite layer(s). However, in the case of the thick mining conditions. However, if the immediate roof
sandstone/massive sandstone layer, this distance will strata is strong and the generated shear cracks are not
vary and depend upon the thickness of the immediate of a perfect curvilinear shape, and also if the upper
roof layer and the physico-mechanical properties of portion does not bend towards the goaf but is inclined
roof rocks. towards the face, then during caving down the simple
The immediate roof rocks until that time behave like ended beam it may o€er a slight load over the pow-
a ®xed ended beam. But as the span increases beyond ered supports through the intact cantilever of the same
that limit, the curvilinear shear cracks will develop to rock layer/composite layer whose one end is ®xed with
the void created by disintegration of the ®rst compo- the face. Except in the case of an immediate massive
site layer from the second composite layer. These sandstone roof layer, the failure of ®rst composite
cracks will then completely cut the ®rst composite layer will occur when the longwall face moves up at a
layer and the ®xed ended beam forming a smaller distance of around 15±20 m from the barrier pillar
simple ended beam. The location of the maximum edge.
axial tensile stress switches over to the lower surface at If the ®rst composite layer does not naturally fail
the mid-point of the simple ended beam. When the and caves, then induced blasting must be carried out
face progresses further, this simple ended beam loses for its failure to avert the occurrence of air blast. After
support, falls and is broken into various sizes depend- the failure of the simple ended beam, the de¯ected can-
ing upon the height of the face, the amount of shear tilever of the ®rst composite beam over the powered
cracks, number of beds in the composite layers, phy- supports will shorten in size gradually by the cutting
sico-mechanical properties of rock, etc. (Fig. 3). Until of the shear cracks generated into it and will ultimately
the ®rst composite layer caves in, the former and either overhang behind the powered supports or cut
maybe the second composite layer will o€er loading just behind the powered supports leaving no overhang.
over the powered supports due to the de¯ection only. The length of the overhang depends upon the physico-
Low capacity powered supports may yield and con- mechanical properties of rock, the thickness of the
verge due to this load. roof rock layer/composite layer, the type and nature of
Roof weighting has never been felt in longwall faces roof rock, the rupturing thrust by the powdered sup-
during caving of this ®rst composite layer in Indian ports, etc. The immediate roof rock cantilever there-
after starts breaking regularly with a particular caving
angle and at a particular overhang length. Except in
the case of thick and stronger sandstone rock, this im-
mediate ®rst composite roof layer, in many occasions,

Fig. 2. First and second composite roof layer disintegrated and

sagged at the centre. Cracks generated at the upper layer. Fig. 3. First composite layer failed.
S.K. Das / International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 37 (2000) 585±597 589

detaches right from the face. Thereafter, it o€ers total resistance against self breaking, the caving angle will
weighting of the detached rock layer instead of load be less and the `weighting zone' will tend towards the
due to de¯ection by the cantilever. goaf side in a fourth degree parabolic manner. The
It must always be presumed during the selection of next layer most likely will not play any signi®cant role
the capacity of powered roof supports that the bot- to o€er load over the powered supports. All the com-
tom-most layer/composite layer will be detached posites layers or layers will cave down successively one
during the coal winning process and hence its total after another within a short time span for a consider-
dead load must be taken into account. Like the ®rst able height depending upon the type, nature and
composite layer (as shown in Fig. 3), the same strength of the immediate roof rockmass. A sudden
phenomenon will occur in the second composite layer weighting may be felt in the face if some of the super-
too. A composite layer consisting of thinner beds will incumbent strata layers are strong and thick but, if the
have more cracks in it. Due to the presence of more superincumbent rocks are very weak, then such
weak parting planes, the caving will be good in this phenomena will never be felt in the face.
case, and the length of overhang will be either nil or The failure of the thick, competent rockmass in the
very small, and this type of composite layer(s) gener- `weighting zone' occurs after a sucient de¯ection has
ally cannot o€er any surge weighting over the powered occurred. If a number of thick competent rock layers
roof supports except the dead load of its own detached are present in close succession, and if they break one
rockmass or load due to only de¯ection. It is not after another in the `weighting zone' after sucient
necessary that a composite layer will detach right from de¯ection, then the longwall face will also feel surge
the weakest plane as demarcated and cave, but if any pressure but at a lower intensity. In other words, as
layer in the envelope of the same composite layer has the caving height increases, the intensity of weighting
a chance to fail then it may detach from the immediate to be o€ered by the thick and competent stratum over
top layer and cave. If the second composite layer is the longwall face will decrease proportionately. Above
weak, then its cantilever may also detach from the the outer fourth degree parabolic curve (Fig. 4) the
longwall face and will o€er load on to the powered rockmass is stable, intact and does not play any role,
supports by its own weight. However, when the face except in the case of an abnormal situation. However,
progresses at a faster rate, there is less probability of it is better if this rockmass is termed a `stable superin-
such a type of composite roof layer detatching from cumbent roof'. The rockmass below the inner fourth
the face. degree parabolic curve is the caved rockmass and the
Caving of such a composite layer may take place at rockmass in between these two outer and inner fourth
a span distance around 18±22 m from the starting degree parabolic curves is the active rockmass which
point of the barrier pillar. The third sandstone roof mainly o€ers load over the longwall face. The face
layer, as usual, will be detached from the fourth com- supports mainly withstand the load by the `weighting
posite roof layer, it will bend, sag and provide load zone' caused as follows:
over the second composite layer by de¯ection. This
1. the load caused by the de¯ection of strata, only if
layer is suciently thick (see Fig. 1) and strong, and
the immediate roof strata layer is thick and very
may fail and cave at a span distance of 023±35 m
from the starting point of the barrier pillar. During
2. the combination of load o€ered by the detached
caving, the sandstone beam will be broken into pieces
roof rockmass of the lower layer(s)/composite
throughout its length. The ®rst cave causes the for-
layer(s) and load o€ered by the de¯ection of the
mation of a large length of overhang cantilever beam
upper layer(s)/composite layer(s);
behind the face supports. In the course of time, when
3. the load totally o€ered by the detached roof rock-
this larger length cantilever beam fails and if the
mass if the strata layer(s) are very unstable.
detached strata edge near to the face side enters into
the `weighting zone' then the face supports will experi- Therefore, load o€ered by the immediate superincum-
ence a roof weighting Ð otherwise no weighting will bent strata over the longwall face solely depends upon
be felt by the supports. In general, weak to moderately the site-speci®c conditions. So, the capacity of powered
stronger rock beams always break beyond the `weight- roof supports must be determined accordingly after
ing zone' and hence no roof weighting is felt by the studying thoroughly the physico-mechanical properties
face supports. After the caving of the third layer, the of the roof rock, borehole lithology, geology, geo-tech-
fourth composite layer will fail in a similar manner as nical environment of the site, etc.
has happened in the case of the ®rst and second com- Cracks are always present inside the rock beams.
posite layers. More cracks are also generated and widen up
In this way, layer after layer of superincumbent during the de¯ection process which may cut the
strata will be disturbed. But if any of the layers is very layer after a certain amount of de¯ection and ulti-
strong and suciently thick, then it will o€er sucient mately the central portion of the beam may fail.
590 S.K. Das / International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 37 (2000) 585±597

Fig. 4. Shearing envelope of superincumbent strata over a longwall face.

However, since the length of the cantilever after the 4. Failure of the rock mass
®rst failure of the lowest beam near to the face is
longer, a higher weighting compared to the periodic It is observed that the caving curve is in the form of
weighting (because of the failure of the cantilever of a fourth degree parabola, which is curved near to the
the same beam) may be felt in the face provided face and then gradually straightens in the goaf area. It
is distinct in the case of a weaker strata condition. In
that detachment occurs inside the `weighting zone'.
this case, the curvilinear line of the fourth degree para-
This somewhat higher load should be taken into
bola will coincide with the line of caving angle. But as
consideration and should be included in the safety the strength of the strata increases, this curvature will
factor during calculation of the capacity of the appear distinctly. The formation of this curvature also
powered roof support. depends upon the presence of a number of layers, frac-
Therefore, the failure of strata from the top of the ture plane, water condition, geological disturbances,
support is governed in a chronological sequence. Thick etc.
and stronger strata may be present or may not be pre- Since the roof strata were very weak in the case of
sent. There is no `main roof' as commonly quoted. In the W2 panel of Jhanjra Project, Panel 4A, Panel 5
and Panel 7 of GDK Ð 11A incline and A2 panel of
the absence of thick stronger strata, the so-called main
East Katras Colliery, no such curvature was found in
and periodic weighting may never be felt at the face them. Their `curvature' coincided with the straight line
[3,5,7]. Hence the main and periodic weighting termi- of the respective caving angles. However, the curvature
nology is limited only to site-speci®c conditions, i.e. it was seen distinctly over the strong roof stratum of the
is valid for the case of thick and stronger strata being C2 panel, the D5 panel and the PS3 panel (ML-1/3
present within the caving height (Table 1). panel) of the Moonidih colliery. Within the curvature,
S.K. Das / International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 37 (2000) 585±597 591

Two to six times the extracted

stronger strata layers/composite layers were de¯ected
and a void was always noticed in between the de¯ected
caving height to extracted
Caving height (caves within short time after Ratio between immediate

strata layer/composite layer and the top intact strata

layer/composite layer. Therefore, weaker strata caves
quickly with or without any distinct de¯ection,




whereas the stronger strata de¯ects ®rst before its

shear failure. If two curved planes are drawn from the


face edge (Figs. 4 and 5) and the other from the over-
hang edge in the goaf by connecting the points of
intersection of the caving angle lines of various layers/
composite layers, then the rock stratum which will fall
under the envelope of the two curved planes will pro-
vide load over the powered supports located in the
longwall face.
The rockmass bounded by the two curves is termed
supports are advanced) (m)

the `weighting zone'. The rock mass outside this

`weighting zone' generally does not play any role in
o€ering load over the powered supports, except in the
case of any geologically disturbed area, faulted area,
etc. Because of the geologically disturbed zone in the
Panel 5 of GDK Ð 11A incline, the roof stone used to





¯ow out from the face side and fall freely through the

gap in between the face and canopy tip of the chock-

Four to 8.5 times the extracted

shield supports. In this case, the `weighting zone' was

Ratio between total a€ected

enlarged and the outer loading zone curve shifted

roof height to extracted

towards the face side. The strata inside the `weighting

zone', which o€ers load over the powered supports,


depends on the physico-mechanical and geotechnical





parameters of the rock mass. But the lower most rock



layer/composite layer always becomes very weak due

to frequent rupturing by the powered supports during
the numerous setting and re-setting of the latter. So
this bottom-most roof layer/composite layer generally
Total height of roof a€ected
above the powered supports

caves easily instead of de¯ecting.

Therefore, the loads o€ered over the powered sup-
ports by the roof layers are due to a combination of
both simply detaching and caving (bottom layer(s)/
composite layer(s)) and the de¯ection of roof strata
Roof height above the powered supports a€ected near the face

above this bottom layer(s). The fourth degree para-

bolic curve may be drawn from a distance of around





2±3 m away from the face and from the top of the
lower freely detached roof blocks. It has been seen
Average height

that an average 3±4 m length rock cantilever skirt

of extraction

always overhangs by the side of the gate roads and

hence it is expected that the same amount of rock can-

tilever will also overhang in the longwall face. A height








of up to 5 m of the de¯ected roof layer/composite

Scale for searching for the total
a€ected roof height and caving

layer may impose its full de¯ected load over the pow-
ered supports; whereas the rest rockmass above that
3. XVI Bottom Seam

de¯ected roof layer/composite layer may not provide

GDK Ð 11 A Incline
1. XVII Top Seam

4. XVII Top Seam

2. XVI Top Seam

any load. In other words, the load due to the de¯ected

roof layer/composite layer will gradually decrease from
Jhanjra Project
R-VII Seam
Churcha West

the bottom to top.

East Katras

V Seam

Beyond this weighting envelope on the goaf side, i.e.

1 Seam
X Seam
Table 1

in the `caving zone', the roof will cave freely under


gravity without o€ering load over the powered sup-

592 S.K. Das / International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 37 (2000) 585±597

ports (except in the case of some abnormal situations). A ®eld study was conducted in a number of mining
The roof rocks beyond this `weighting zone' and near blocks of a number of coal mines at various coal®elds
to the face, i.e. in the `stable superincumbent roof in India, viz. Moonidih colliery and East Katras Pro-
zone', will remain intact and will not generally provide ject of BCCL of Jharia Coal®eld, Jhanjra Project of
any load over the powered supports. From the ®eld E.C.L. of Raniganj Coal®eld and GDK Ð 11A incline
study, it is con®rmed that the bulk volume of the of SCCL of Pranhita Ð Godavari Valley Coal®eld for
caved rock never ®lls the total void near the face, nor a number of years. The study enabled a new approach
is the de¯ected rock layer/composite layer likely to towards the concepts regarding the bulk volume and
touch the caved rock near the face. But during failure bulking factor controlled caving. These ®ndings are
and caving, some thrust is applied over the bottom based on the measurement of the surface subsidence.
layer(s)/composite layer(s) of the roof causing some All the ®eld observations con®rmed that the ultimate
weighting in the face area. If this stronger strata is bulk volume ®lls around 45±60% of the total caving
thick, it breaks periodically and hence some periodic height and the remaining 40±55% caving height
weighting may be felt in the face. The fourth degree remains void causing surface subsidence. Based on the
parabolic-shape roof stratum far behind the face ®eld study and calculation, it is found that the ultimate
bends, sags, and caves layer after layer to a particular in situ bulking factor of coal measure strata at a long-
height, and then will touch one after another in a sag- wall face is less than 1.05. The value of bulking factor
ging condition generating upward moving voids which starts with 1.05 and its value decreases exponentially
ultimately can cause surface subsidence. with the increase of caving height of the superincum-

Fig. 5. Failure of fourth composite layer after the failure of third layer which will fail after delaying a little. Fifth layer a€ected by cracks, sagged
and imparting pressure over the face and powered supports.
S.K. Das / International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 37 (2000) 585±597 593

bent strata (Fig. 6). This is because the caved strata 5. Components of force
does not have much space to extend itself. Besides this,
at higher caving height, the superincumbent strata The load o€ers by the roof over the powered sup-
only fractures and subsides in a larger mass in ports causes two components of force viz: (1) vertical
sequence. Therefore the surface subsidence is inevitable and (2) horizontal.
over the caved longwall workings of the coal seam(s) The horizontal force which is to be withstood by the
which are situated deeper. However, the time lag to powered supports is generated for the following
disturb totally the superincumbent strata after ®nishing reasons:
a longwall panel depends upon the geo-technical par-
1. If the immediate roof layer/composite layer is very
ameters of the roof rocks viz. types, nature, strength,
weak, there may not be any overhang and even the
thickness and dip of the strata, depth of workings, the immediate roof layer may break over the powered
presence of fractured strata, geological disturbances, support causing a small void in between the roof
water condition, superincumbent strata pressure, etc.
and canopy of the powered support near to the
In Fig. 6 it is shown that the zone:
goaf side. If the roof is detached from the face and
. within the curvature MN represents the caving zone if the distance between the face and the centre of
(caving height 00±25 m or 00±8.5 H); gravity of load becomes less, compared to the dis-
. within the curvature NP represents larger crack for- tance from the face to the centroid of resistance
mation and a mass caving zone (caving height from o€ered by the powered supports, then the horizon-
025 m or 08.5 H to 60 m); tal force by the immediate roof will act from face to
. after P on the curvature represents a crack for- goaf. The design of the powered support also plays
mation and mass sagging (caving) zone which ulti- an important role in this regard.
mately reaches to the surface causing surface 2. If the immediate roof rock is moderately strong or
subsidence; very strong, then there will be a large overhang
behind the powered supports. The distance from the
where H is the height of extraction in metres.
face to the centre of gravity of either the de¯ected
load (due to the de¯ection of strata) or the load of
the detached rock mass will be higher compared to
the distance between the centroid of resistance
o€ered by the powered supports and the face. In
such a case, the horizontal component of force will
act from goaf to face side. The mechanics of the
powered roof support also plays an important role
in this regard.
3. If the distance between the face and the centre of
gravity of the roof load is equal to the distance
between the face and the centroid of resistance
o€ered by the powered support, the powered sup-
port will experience only the vertical load.
Therefore evaluation of the horizontal force is clearly
de®ned and is due mainly to the in¯uence of the over-
hang and centre of gravity of the detached layer/com-
posite layer of the immediate roof rock mass. Due to
this component of load of the detached rockmass, a
horizontal force develops. The horizontal force is also
due to the component of de¯ection force and ultimate
failure of the de¯ected rockmass above the detached
layer/composite layer. The total horizontal force is a
combination of these two main forces and the other
component is the vertical force.

6. General characteristics and physico-mechanical

properties of the roof rocks

Fig. 6. Curve for ultimate in situ bulking factor. A relation between the ratio of compressive
594 S.K. Das / International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 37 (2000) 585±597

Table 2
Ratio of compressive strength to tensile strength and compressive strength to shear strength of coal measure rocks at various coal®elds in India

Sl. Name of mine Name of the coal®eld Mean compressive strength to tensile Mean compressive strength to shear
Number strength ratioa strength ratio

1. Moonidih Colliery, Jharia Coal®eld 8.43 (SD=7.78) 8.15 (SD=2.9)

2. East Katras Coalliery, Jharia Coal®eld 10.9 (SD=1.54) 9.83 (SD=1.94)
3. Churcha West Sonhat Coal®eld 9.8 (SD=0.9) ±
Colliery, SECL
4. Churcha Colliery, Sonhat Coal®eld 7.68 (SD=1.89) 4.537 (SD=0.7)
5. GDK Ð 11A Incline, Pranhita and Godavari valley 12.45 (SD=4.79) 4.55 (SD=0.84)
SECL Coal®eld
6. Dhemomain Colliery, Raniganj Coal®eld 10.68 (SD=1.98) 10.43 (SD=1.25)
7. Chinakuri Colliery, Raniganj Coal®eld 13.68 (SD=3.78) ±
Mean compressive strength to tensile strength and mean 10.51 (SD=1.95) 7.499 (SD=2.52)
compressive strength to shear strength ratio, total coal®eld as a

SD=Standard deviation.
Therefore, for India Coal Measure rock Ð compressive strength=10.51  tensile strength=10.5  tensile strength, and compressive
strength=7.499  shear strength=7.5  shear strength.

strength and tensile strength and between the com- strength (by Brazilian test) and shear strength (by
pressive strength and shear strength of the Indian punch shear test as well as by triaxial testing).
Coal measure rocks has been established as shown Similarly, based on the ®eld study and statistical
in Table 2. The collected rock cores were in stan- analysis, a relation between the strata formation, cav-
dard sizes and thereafter tested by the standard test ing angle and mean compressive strength has been
procedure for uniaxial compressive strength, tensile established, as shown in Table 3.

Table 3
Relation between strata formation, caving angle and mean compressive strengtha

Strata formation Caving angle Mean compressive strength (kgf/cm2) CTRATb

Extremely weak strata including very weak composite layer, very weak > 81±858 Less than 100 0±20.5
sandstone layer, etc., for example, extremely cavable strata.
Very weak sandstone, weak and soft carbonaceous shale, very soft and > 75±818 > 100±200 > 20.5±36
fractured intercalation, etc., for example, highly cavable strata
Most of the type of shale, shale sandstone, weak sandstone, intercalated > 65±758 > 200±300 > 36±52
shale and sandstone, etc., for example, moderately stronger very good
cavable strata
Hard, grey shale, medium strength sandstone, etc., for example, for > 50±658 > 300±450 > 52±67
good cavable strata.
Quite strong sandstone, medium strength massive sandstone, etc., for > 35±508 > 450±600 > 67±79.1
example, for poorly cavable strata.
Very thick massive sandstone, very strong sandy shale, competent ®ne > 30±358 > 600±800 > 79.1±93.3
grained sandstone with shale lamination i.e., example, for highly
uncavable strata.
Very thick strong massive sandstone i.e., for extremely uncavable strata. R 308 > 800 > 93.3±100

However, it is observed that the massive sandstone or thick moderately massive sandstone behaves peculiarly. In a very weak sandstone roof,
the caving angle was found around 75±908 whereas in a moderately stronger massive sandstone roof the caving angle was only between 27 and
358. Therefore, the caving angle in the case of a massive sandstone roof varies in a indistinct manner. But the composite layer beam consisting of
various strata has some consistency regarding the formation of the caving angle and the angle is generally in higher order compared to a single
layer of strata of the same thickness. The major factor to determine the caving angle is the mean weighted compressive strength, tensile strength,
thickness of strata, presence of fractured plane, density or rock etc.
CTRAT: Converted total rating into 100 under a given condition. For more simpli®cation when MWREC (Mean weighted rating of total
composite layer or layer) is considered then the equivalent value of CTRAT shall be considered against it.
Table 4
Roof rock classi®cation and ratings of Indian coal measure rocks in longwall panels based on concept of stability of various roof layers or composite layers

(A) Rock parameters Class

2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Mean weighted uniaxial 0±100 > 100±200 > 200±300 > 300±500 > 500±800 > 800
compressive strength (kg/
cm2) Ratings: (Maximum
rating 25)
0±3 > 3±6 > 6±9 > 9±15 > 15±24.9 > 24.9±25
Mean weighted RQD (%) 0±30 > 30±40 > 40±50 > 50±70 > 70±85 > 85±100
Ratings: (Maximum rating
0±6 > 6±8 > 8±10.5 > 10.5±16 > 16±20.5 > 20.5±25
Type of rocks Weak and soft Sandy shale, ®ssile rocks, Most of the types of shale, Hard shale, Medium strength Quite strong sandstone, Very strong
carbonaceous shale, weak and soft carbonaceous weak sandstone. Alternate sandstone, etc. hard shale etc. sandy shale,
lamination of shale in shale, very soft and fractured layers of various kinds of competent ®ne
argillaceous sandstone, intercalation coal, etc. rocks at a close succession. grained
very soft fractured Intercalated sandstone and sandstone with
intercalation, splinter shale. shale
shale, etc. laminations,
thick massive
dolerite etc.
Ratings: (Maximum rating 0±3 > 3±5.5 > 5.5±7.5 > 7.5±8.5 > 8.5±9.5 > 9.5±10
Absence of severe cracks, Presence of very high Presence of moderate cracks, Presence of moderate Cracks may be present but Slight cracks may be Not present
®ssile beds, splitting, slip density cracks, coarse ®ssile beds like carbonaceous cracks, ®ssile beds like can not do any adverse a€ect. present if ®ssile beds of
planes etc. (presence of a grained sandstone with material bed thicker than carbonaceous material, bed If ®ssile beds of very ®ne very ®ne grained
minor fault of >0.5 m carbonaceous 0.1 m, clayey rocks, etc. thicker than 0.1 m, clayey grained sandstone are present sandstone are present
average throw in a longwall intercalation around >0.2 m thick, zone near to rocks, etc. moderately then their (rarely) their thickness
panel in case of seam 0.05±0.08 m or less in the minor fault. thickness may vary in the may vary in the range
thickness of >2.0 m should thickness and ®ssile range 0.1±0.3 m. 0.3±0.6 m
be avoided. There shall not sandy layer of less than
be any fault in a seam of 0.15 m thick, zone near
less than 2 m thick.) to the minor fault
Ratings (Maximum rating 0±3 > 3±5.5 > 5.5±7.5 > 7.5±8.5 > 8.5±9.5 > 9.5±10
S.K. Das / International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 37 (2000) 585±597

Absence of groundwater Severe water problem Water under moderate Water under less pressure Moist only About completely dry Completely dry
Ratings (Maximum ratings 0±4 > 4±6 > 6±7 > 7±8 > 8±9 > 9±10
Thickness of prominent bed 0.0±0.35 > 0.35±1.0 > 1.0±2.0 > 2.0±3.0 > 3.0±4.0 Above 4.0
layer (m)
Ratings (Maximum ratings 0±1.5 > 1.5±5.0 > 5.0±10.5 > 10.5±16.0 > 16.0±19.9 > 19.9±20
Total ratings 100 0±20.5 > 20.5±36 > 36±52 > 52±72 > 72±93.3 > 93.3±100
Table 5
Behaviour of layers/composite layers of immediate roof rock mass in longwall panels (face length: 100±150 m)

SL. number Parameters Class


1. Stability nature Extremely unstable Highly unstable Stable Good stable Very good stable Highly stable
2. Caving nature Extremely cavable Highly cavable Very good cavable Good cavable Poor cavable Highly uncavable
3. Caving angle > 85±908 > 75±858 > 65±758 > 50±658 > 35±508 358 and less
4. Overhang length (m) 0 > 0±0.5 > 0.5±1.5 > 1.5±3.0 > 3.0±6.0 six and more
5. Longwall system Caving system Caving system Caving system Caving system Induced caving or Stowing system
favourable (induced blasting may stowing
sometimes be
necessary for initial
6. Support requirement Composite layer/layers Composite layers/layer Composite layers/ Composite layers/ For regular caving of Tremendous amount
of rock mass may be of rock mass may be layers of rock mass layers of rock mass immediate roof of load will be
dislocated right from dislocated right from will o€er more or less will o€er more loading induced method of generated by the roof
the face edge which (near to) the face edge equilibrium loading condition over the roof fracturing like strata at the time of
will o€er higher which will o€er higher over the powered rear side of the blasting, etc. may be failure in the case of
pressure at the front pressure at the front supports. I.F.S powered supports practised which is not caving system of
rows of the legs of the rows of the legs of the working mode support particularly those only time consuming, longwall mining which
powered supports. powered supports. system (in case of thin which are installed in cumbersome, costly may be the far beyond
I.F.S working mode I.F.S working mode seam) and the middle of the face. and less productive the highest capacity of
support system (in support system (in combination of For other cases the process but also it will the powered supports
case of thin seam) and case of thin seam) and conventional and higher pressure will be not give any guarantee so far developed in
combination of combination of I.F.S working mode felt in the rear rows of of caving of upper the world market.
conventional and conventional and along with powered the legs due to higher layers/composite Longwall method can
I.F.S working mode I.F.S working mode forepoling should be overhang. layers which may be practised along
along with powered along with powered selected in all other Conventional working cause severe loads on with the combination
forepoling should be forepoling should be cases. All legs of the mode (in case of thin the powered supports. of stowing.
selected in all other selected in all other chock shield powered seam) and High pressure will be
cases. All legs of the cases. All legs of the supports shall be combination of generated in the rear
powered supports powered supports either in `V' conventional and row of the chock
shall be inclined shall be inclined orientation fashion or I.F.S working mode shield supports. Very
towards the face. towards the face. shall be kept slightly along with powered compact conventional
inclined towards the forepoling should be design four-leg chock
face. selected in all other shield supports with
cases shall be used. all the legs inclined
S.K. Das / International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 37 (2000) 585±597

All legs of the chock towards the goaf shall

shield supports shall be used. Capacity of
be either oriented in the powered supports
`V' fashion or shall be should be very high as
kept slightly inclined far as practicable.
towards the goaf. Single telescopic legs
should be used.
However, longwall
with stowing method
will be the best in this
S.K. Das / International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 37 (2000) 585±597 597

Strata formations, thickness etc. were found from a€ected roof height and the extracted thickness of the
the study of a number of borehole lithologs and the coal seam varies from 4 to 8.5.
caving angle was determined by the caving method A roof-rock behaviour classi®cation system was
developed by the author. Based on the ®eld statistics, developed with ratings for longwall panels and incor-
a formula has been derived to ®nd the length of over- porating the characteristics and behaviour of various
hang of the immediate roof rock layer behind the pow- layer(s)/composite layer(s) of immediate roof rock
ered supports. The length of overhangs were mass. The new concept of the `weighting zone'
determined by a telescopic scale in both the gate-roads bounded between the two fourth degree parabolic
and also in between the powered supports throughout curves was introduced, and estimated the development
the length of the face. for loading by the de¯ected roof rockmass, the length
All the investigations helped the development of a of the overhang (cantilever), the caving angle in re-
simple, realistic roof rock classi®cation system with lation to the strata formation and the mean compres-
ratings for Indian coal measure rocks around the long- sive strength. These will be helpful for the calculation
wall panels. Roof rocks are classi®ed into six cat- of the powered roof support capacity and also for the
egories based on: determination of other criteria relating to the roof
rock mass at the time of coal mine and panel plan-
1. mean weighted uniaxial compressive strength;
2. RQD;
3. (a) type of rocks, (b) presence of cracks, ®ssile beds,
splitting, etc., (c) presence of water; and
4. thickness of bed layer (Table 4).
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