You are on page 1of 38



Optimizing your channels to build


your audience

Optimizing your website to build a contact list 6
Effective tactics to expand your subscriber base 9
Support the customer journey with transactional 11

Create engagement and collect data
from your subscriber base

Leverage automated messages to build loyalty 15

Segmenting your subscriber base strategically 20
Success Story: Great British Chefs 24

Driving retention and loyalty with user


experience and in-life education

Leverage email marketing for further engagement 26

Using automated scenarios for building loyalty 31
Key metrics to track success 35

Dear reader,

With the time subscribers spend consuming online content heavily increasing,
and fierce competition rising by the day in the media & publishing industries,
it is crucial for companies in these fields to have a solid cross-channel
marketing strategy. Whether you’re a news portal or a streaming platform
looking to keep your subscribers’ attention and loyalty in the long run, email still
proves to be the ideal channel to drive conversions for your business type with the
highest ROI in the marketing mix.

Email marketing is effective for media & publishing brands as they are looking to
communicate with thousands of people who’ve asked to hear from them. This is
because a majority of media & publishing businesses operate on a subscription
model. According to our 2020 Industry Benchmark, the media industry has an
email click rate of almost 1.6% which is one of the highest. This means that
when it comes to exploring content online, subscribers value, want, and act
based on your recommendations.

Done right, email marketing can be a powerful part of a media business to grow
both their readership and revenue. From driving customer acquisition and
increasing brand awareness to building loyalty, email marketing can provide
companies in the media industry with a unique competitive advantage to target
audiences finely, personalize the customer experience according to users’
preferences, as well as allow marketing professionals to understand engagement
and conversion, which helps them optimize the content offered.

We‘ve created this ebook to help media & publishing brands unlock the potential
of email marketing to increase their subscriber base, drive conversions, and
create a solid relationship with their customers to support their retention efforts.

Enjoy the reading!

Laura Parra,
Digital Marketing Specialist at Sendinblue
Our clients
Optimizing your channels to
build your audience
Optimizing your website is key for
a solid contact list
If you work for a media company, you’ve probably heard the phrase “the
money is in the list” and you know having a solid subscriber list is the best
way to reach potential and current customers. For this reason, it is key to
have an optimized website to capture your visitors' details to help you build
your contact list to later nurture them with the right content.

Any person visiting your website and subscribing to your newsletter will
only do so because there is something valuable to be obtained from
that action. Whether this is additional information, a free trial, or getting
news on releases, you have to make sure that the value is clearly stated on
your subscription box at all times and across your channels.

1. Try different placements of a subscriber box on your website

A newsletter signup form visible in different places on your website is ideal

since it will let your potential subscribers spot it right away and let them know
about the benefits of subscribing to your list, plus a way to sign up
immediately. Use various placements across your site, for example:

● The sidebar

● The footer

● Underneath each

● On the “About” page

With Sendinblue, you can easily create a form
for the process of adding new subscribers to
your lists in the platform and add it directly on
your website or landing page. To set it up, start
by navigating to the “Contacts” tab on the left
menu, then click on “Forms”. We recommend
selecting the double opt-in confirmation
process and keeping the number of fields as
low as possible.

2. Use pop ups on your website

Pop-ups are an ideal resource to build a solid contact list since they’re
highly visible and catch a visitor’s attention. Additionally, you can set them
up so that they only display for a specific segment of your audience,
for example, returning visitors.
Sendinblue partners with
WisePops, a leading pop up
provider in the market, which
allows you to very easily add a pop
up form to the web pages of your
choice. Even if they are very
effective, be careful when using
them, and make sure the user
experience is optimally tested
when including them on your
site. An exit pop-up is an excellent
choice, since it won't be
interrupting the navigation,
especially if we take into account
that for some industries, this
element can salvage up to 35% of An example of a pop-up displayed at
the New York Times store site
otherwise lost visitors.

3. Direct visitors to focused landing pages

Creating a dedicated landing page to get new subscribers can be a great

resource, since they will be designed for the very specific purpose of
growing your list, increasing the chance of your visitors completing this
action. These pages usually consist of a quick description of the offering,
followed by form fields to collect information for the signup process.

With Sendinblue, you can create easily customizable and responsive

landing pages with our drag & drop builder. You can also choose from a
selection of high-converting predefined templates and stock photos, in-app
and ready to use on your site. With Sendinblue landing pages, you can
capture unique information with custom form fields and sync them
immediately to your contact lists on the platform.

Check out the full guides to creating Forms and Landing Pages with Sendinblue
available on our Help Center

Do you want to know the 16 Email List-Building Tactics That

Work in 2021? Don’t miss our complete guide!

Use the most effective tactics to
expand your reader or viewer base
Consolidating a good contact list from day one is important, since it can
determine the amount of subscriptions to your platform. During this stage,
it is imperative to collect all relevant information from the potential clients,
since it will help you segment your list, personalize, and tailor your content
better for driving conversions. Let’s take a look at the different techniques
that media companies can use to expand their contact base.

1. Offer creative and high-value resources as your lead magnets

A lead magnet is a resource that a

website visitor receives in exchange
for their information. This lead
magnet could be an ebook, cheat
sheet, or infographic, etc and they are
highly effective for blogs and
informative media sites. But as free as
a lead magnet might sound, unless
these visitors believe it’s valuable
enough to provide their
information they won’t budge.

Lead magnets are important if you

want to build your email list. And
email marketing, as you know, has an
unbeatable ROI, so these two make a
great tag team. Be sure you are
creating top-quality lead magnets as
well as sending personalized emails to
these contacts since personalized
attention is what will connect you with
your audience at a human level and
Make the most of Sendinblue’s Landing
Pages to promote your lead magnets results in more sales opportunities.

2. Leverage the free trial period

When signing up for a news portal or OTT

service, the quality and variety of content
are without a doubt the key elements for
users. However, the option of free trailing
the site for some time results in a very
convenient way to explore the content and
the experience on the site itself. Many media
companies that have arisen in the past few
years, have used the free trial period as
one of the most effective tactics to drive
conversions. They encourage people to sign
up to the platform to get a certain amount of
days or weeks free of charge. After this, the
paid subscription begins. However,
remember you have a limited window to
prove your product is worth paying for. So
remember, for this method to be effective in
terms of getting new paying clients, the user Login screen from streaming site Hulu
experience and content must be optimal.

3. Offer a free content sample on a gated site

For some media businesses,

a free trial period is not the
ideal lead magnet for their
site. If you have an attractive
content library only
accessible for paid users, as
an alternative, you can offer
a free content sample to
encourage subscriptions.

Leave available a few episodes, videos, or a limited amount of articles for free
viewing after collecting the users’ email addresses. After they reach the limit, you
can always encourage them to upgrade to a paid plan.

Support the customer journey from the
beginning with transactional emails
Often overlooked, transactional emails are vital to set the tone of your
customer relationships from the very first moment. They are essential
in any media or publishing business since they are a key element of the
user experience after a subscription has been made. These emails
deliver messages for users that need to arrive as quickly as possible and
are sent after being triggered by a transaction or event on your platform,
site or app. Because of this, transactional emails are sent over a dedicated
SMTP server or transactional email API, to ensure optimal deliverability.

With a dedicated email service like Sendinblue, you will ensure your
transactional emails are well-delivered thanks to our SMTP solution, and
on-brand thanks to our template builder. Here are a few of the most
important transactional emails any media or publishing company should

Account creation

Sent after a user creates an

account, this type of transactional
email typically serves as a means
of verifying a new customer’s
email address. Be careful not to
confuse the account or subscription
confirmation email with the
welcome email. This serves more of
a marketing purpose and can be
sent with simple email
autoresponder software.

Order or payment confirmation email

We can’t stress enough the importance of confirmation emails. This is without a

doubt the transactional email that clients anticipate the most. For any online
transactions, it’s essential that you send an order confirmation to ensure a positive
customer experience.

Order confirmation emails have several objectives:

● Confirm the price and plan that was


● Reassure the customer that the

purchase went through

● Provide all the necessary information

for keeping track of the order (order
number, type of plan or subscription,
customer service contact details,

● Give additional information on how

the payments will be charged to
the user (monthly or yearly, for
example), where to find their billing
history, and how to cancel a
subscription, if applicable.
(remember this is a legal
requirement in many countries)

Consumers often worry there are problems with their order or billing information.
This email alleviates any concerns by confirming the exact amount that was
charged and giving details of what they have purchased.
This is especially important for customers who are used to traditional or printed
media and are transitioning to consume content online. That’s why you’ve got to
make sure your order confirmation emails are set up to provide all the necessary
details and put customers at ease.

Password Reset

Many companies think these types of emails should be boring, technical,

and limited to their main purpose: a link or instructions to reset a
password. But everything you send out is relevant to your brand
positioning. Even password reset emails! Focus on creating a nice
branded and well-designed message. Besides emails, using a
transactional SMS to send a code is a great option for the password
reset action since it provides an additional layer of security.

By having a dedicated
email service for your
transactional emails, you
can have access to detailed
reports that give you a clear
view of your statistics and
proof that your emails are
being delivered. In
Sendinblue, you will enjoy
real-time tracking of your
transactional emails
including order
confirmations, all the
statistics filtered by tag or
sender, and the entire
history of logs which can be
filtered by the type of event
or simply the recipient's
email address.

Create engagement
and collect data from
your subscriber base
Leverage automated messages to
start building loyalty
Once you’ve found the best tactics for building the subscribers lists for your
news or content site, it’s time to start a conversation with them. Creating
engagement from the beginning will allow you to start collecting valuable
data from your subscribers quickly. It will be useful to segment your
audience strategically. This is is what will ultimately determine the user
journey for each contact, since media customers require highly
personalized communications to drive repeat business.

Your success as a media or content business relies heavily on having many

subscribers to drive enough traffic to their site. For this reason, it is
impossible to manage communications manually. Automated scenarios and
messages will become your best allies to start creating valuable interactions
with your newly acquired subscribers to understand who they are and start
collecting their preferences.

1. Take advantage of the welcome email

The first contact that you make with a new subscriber is essential to convert
them into an actual paying customer, and even better, a loyal one,
further down the road. If a new member signs up directly on your website,
creates a free account, or starts a free trial period, this is a great opportunity
to forge a strong connection at the time when they’re most interested in your

With marketing automation, you can easily set up this welcome message and
have it sent to any new user immediately after they sign up. Welcome emails
lay the foundation for your client relationships and give you the chance to
introduce yourself, all while learning your leads’ needs and preferences.

To be effective, your welcome message should:

● Make readers want to

explore your site

● Guide them on the next

steps they should take
to make getting started
as easy as possible

● Help the reader

understand the value of
your paid content

● Encourage engagement
with future email

Depending on your business

model and solution, there
are multiple options
available to onboard your
Template of an automated welcome email
automation workflow
● A welcome offer

● A reminder of your free content offer or free trial period

● A reminder of your company’s value proposition

● Send relevant content for the onboarding stage (blog articles or FAQs)

To illustrate our points, the above is an example of a welcome message scenario,

which can be automated in a marketing platform such as Sendinblue.

2. Send surveys to collect preferences
Interactive questionnaires or email surveys can be the perfect tool for engaging
with current subscribers and customers. By creating authentic, engaging, and
personalized interactions with your subscribers through email surveys, quizzes,
or other interactive forms, you can collect valuable insights and customer
preferences which will be crucial for your audience segmentation (more on
segmentation at the end of this chapter). This data can also guide the continued
improvement of your product, email campaigns, lead conversion, and customer

Many marketers spend a lot of time building surveys to learn more about leads
or customers but don’t have the time to take action or use the insights gleaned
from this engagement. With Sendinblue, there are helpful software
integrations that will do some of this work for you and the automation
feature will help you in the creation of new contact attributes and
preferences to better manage your contact segmentation.

Maintaining your Keeping your

contacts’ details subscribers details and
and preferences preferences up-to-date
ensures they
receive your
and helps you
increase their

Sendinblue offers
a specific type of
form to help you
collect updated information about your subscribers, such as their details,
preferences, and even which lists they want to be subscribed to.

We recommend including a link to this form in the footer of all of your

emails to help subscribers share their preferences with you.

3. Increase your site’s traffic with RSS campaigns
RSS stands for Really Simple Syndication. It’s a web feed to which people can
subscribe and receive updates without having to visit the actual site. The
obvious advantage of RSS campaigns is the ability to send notifications
straight to your subscribers’ inboxes when a new article is published, so RSS
emails are highly effective in driving visitors to your latest articles and website
updates. This, of course, increases the chances of the post being read.

Feedly is one of the biggest and most popular RSS feed readers used today.
Don’t miss our full article on how to increase your site’s traffic with RSS campaigns

With the evolution of permission-based email marketing, the inbox has come to
represent a curated, personal space. People don’t give their email addresses
to just anyone anymore. If someone signs up to your email list, it’s because
they’re genuinely interested in your content. What’s great about RSS emails is
that you’re sending a post notification to an already engaged audience.

The other advantage of recurring RSS campaigns is that they’re automated. Set it,
forget it, then sit back and watch the traffic roll in. With Sendinblue you can set
up a recurring RSS campaign on a weekly/monthly basis or choose to send a
new email as soon as new content is added to your RSS feed.

4. Set a scoring system straight from the beginning

Having a scoring system is a great way to understand and measure your

subscribers' interest and therefore the probability of converting them into
paying clients or upgrading their plans. With marketing automation, you can
easily set up a lead scoring system, by defining the relevant criteria for your
business, and the actions the software will perform depending on the score of
each user.

This is a shortlist of actions to

which you could assign a score
to determine interest:

● Opening/clicking on a
● Creating a free account
● X amount of time spent on the
● X number of articles read or
videos watched
● Downloading a free resource

5. Customer profiling

Setting up a scoring system goes

hand in hand with customer
profiling. With marketing
automation, you can save
countless hours of work by leaving
all the heavy lifting of the list
management task to the software.

All you have to do is create automation workflows that move contacts to

specific lists depending on web pages visited, email engagement, etc. You can
use automation to keep your database up to date by automatically assigning
attributes to individual customer profiles. This is easy to achieve with a
platform like Sendinblue since it offers dynamic segmentation.

Segmenting your subscriber base
Having an understanding of who your subscribers are, is valuable
information for your audience segmentation. For media companies, there
are different factors to keep in mind when performing segmentation. The
more relevant information you have about your subscribers and their
behavior, the more chances you’ll understand their needs and be able
to offer the perfect content from your library. List segmentation will
allow you to create and send tailored campaigns to different groups
according to their preferences.

The benefits of using segmentation are :

● Increased engagement and conversion rate

● Increased loyalty
● Better campaign deliverability

Email Segmentation tactics Demographic Psychographic

segmentation segmentation

1. Demographic data

Segmenting by demographics is a
common place to start since
it’s based on more concrete

Demographic segmentation
factors include: Geographic Behavioral
segmentation segmentation
● Age
● Gender identity
● Life stage and family status Learn more about How to Segment Your
Lists for Targeted Email Marketing
● Income

Segment by device → Sendinblue offers advanced
campaign reporting which tells you what device
subscribers are opening your emails on, and you
can use this data to improve their experience. To do
so, divide your audience into those that favor mobile
and those that tend to use desktop. Then send them
different email designs optimized for their
preferred device. For example, you could make the
following adjustments for mobile users:
● A shorter subject line
● Less text
● Buttons rather than text hyperlinks
● Single rather than multi-column layouts

2. Psychographic characteristics

Psychographic segmentation goes a step further than demographics as you

consider not just who a contact is but the psychological factors motivating
consumer behavior. These may include interests, lifestyle and values

Segment by type of customer → Someone who has only just discovered your
brand will need different content to a customer who has been with you for years.
To keep all customers engaged, you should tailor campaigns to the stage
they are in their journey. Some categories for customers include:

New subscribers who are yet to buy: you don’t want to turn off
these prospects with a mistimed promotional message. Instead
craft a series of welcome emails that introduce them to your
brand and feed their interest through inspirational content.

First-time customers: once a contact converts your aim is to

keep building their trust. You could do this through testimonials
that expose them to more of your offering or educational
resources that help them get the most out of their purchase.

Loyal customers: by acknowledging long-term, regular
customers you can get even more value from them. Make them
feel special with VIP offers like early access to new products. You
can also capitalize on their loyalty by requesting a review or
inviting them to refer a friend in exchange for a reward.

Lapsed customers: for customers that have gone quiet since

their last purchase, a discount offer that fits their interests can be
an effective incentive to lure them back.

3. Contact behavior

The actions contacts take (or don’t take) also offer clues about their interest
in your company’s offer. Some activities to track for segmentation are email
engagement metrics like open rates and clicks, interactions with your
website , purchase history, and use of your product or service.

Segment by subscriber engagement → How

often contacts are clicking and opening your
emails gives you an idea of their current interest in
your brand. By tailoring your communications
accordingly you can capitalize on those
showing most promise and avoid disengaged
contacts dropping off completely.

Consider ways those with high engagement could

aid your brand. For example, you could add a CTA
to forward your email to a friend or ask them to fill
out a survey to help you better understand your

4. Geographic factors

This is a key segmentation strategy for stores with multiple locations or

businesses with an international audience.
You might group contacts by:
● Country, region, town, or zip code
● Time zone
● Language

Segment by time zone → Subscribers

will not only differ in how they interact
with your emails but also when they
are most likely to do so. To maximize
engagement, you can segment
campaigns to stagger send times
for different geographical groups.

This is particularly relevant for global audiences based across different time
zones. Another factor to consider is how often you email subscribers. Ask them
for their desired frequency via preference forms then use segmentation to
exclude those who want to hear from you less often from certain campaigns.

Tip: Whether you’re managing a monthly newsletter or daily promotional

campaigns, it’s very important to send your emails at the right time. Too early
and it will drown in the daily email deluge of your inbox competitors, too late
and it might not be opened at the opportune moment! Sendinblue feature “Send
at the best time” solves this problem without you having to do any work or
planning beforehand by simply “learning” the best time to send to each of your
individual contacts based on their past behavior.
It does this by essentially examining when each of your contacts open messages
they receive in the inbox and using this information to determine the best time
to send to that individual for optimal engagement.
Learn more about it here

Great British Chefs increases campaigns open
rates by 10% thanks to contact segmentation
Media company Great British Chefs, has been
inspiring food enthusiasts with its content by top
chefs and food writers, encouraging their
community to cook, eat well and better understand
the world of food and drink. The company partners
with many recognized brands and is considered by
many of them a key part of their marketing
strategies, and a vital channel to reach a relevant

The company’s focus is to maintain sustainable growth in its

e-commerce and membership categories and keep building
an engaged community. They offer a free plan, a silver
membership for unlimited content access, and a gold status
including extra perks and special offers.

The team uses contact management and segmentation as it

is one of the strongest features of the platform, given how
important it is for them to segment their database for the
campaigns they do involving partners.

The marketing manager at Great British Chefs is eager to start

leveraging the marketing automation feature to enjoy the
benefits of dynamic segmentation.

“For us, it was a significant jump to go from 25% to a 35% open rate in
our email campaigns. This way we can keep communicating to a much
more active and engaged audience!”
- Lindsay Clark, Marketing Manager at Great British Chefs

Using email marketing and
automation to drive
retention and loyalty

Leverage email marketing for
further engagement
No business would be able to survive without loyal customers, and the media
sector is no exception. And if you have read our ebook about retention and
loyalty, you know by now that it costs between 5 and 25 times more to
acquire a new client than to retain one. This means you need to
implement good practices that will help you build customers to retain those
newly converted subscribers.

If you are subscribed to any news

site or streaming platform, you're
probably familiar with messages
that include highly personalized
suggestions. Being a data-driven
company isn’t something that just
applies to the software sector, for
example. Media companies must
use the information about their
subscribers' habits to personalize
communications, which is key to
remain relevant. In the previous
chapter, we learned the importance
of collecting information,
preferences, and user segmentation.
Now, with this information, you can
assign personas to your users to
promote the most relevant content Create, test, and improve your
to them and take advantage of marketing campaigns with the
in-depth personalization to tailor help of a solution like Sendinblue
your different communications.

Nurturing subscribers with effective marketing campaigns
Using email marketing to inform clients is an excellent choice as it allows us to
guide customers through their journey and educate them on how they
can make the most of your site. This is one of the most common use cases
for email marketing in the media sector, especially when there is a lot of
content to choose from. Having an extensive library on your site might seem
like an infinite sea of resources for any given subscriber. So take matters into
your own hands, and guide them with your communications by showing
them the best-selected content based on their preferences.

To be effective, your email campaigns should:

● Remind your subscribers

what type of content
they can access with your
platform and the added
value that comes with
their subscription.

● Inform about releases

and relevant content
available based on their
profiles, so they don’t have
to look for this
information thus reducing

● Providing reassurance
that their preferences are
being taken into account.

Besides the content we saw in section one (blog posts, ebooks, webinars, and
how-to guides) that can be useful during the nurturing phase as well, there
are more specific actions to communicate with your leads during the
nurturing stage to increase their interest. Let’s review them!

The most popular email marketing communication to build relationships in
the media sector include:

Promoting popular content and


Send your subscribers a regular

newsletter with your most
popular content selection. Don’t
forget to include creative subject
lines to encourage them to visit your
site. Similarly, any content launch
that applies to the subscribers'
preferences, should be included in a
newsletter. This will remove a lot of
customer effort as they won’t have to
proactively look for the content and
spend time deciding what might be
interesting for them.

Sending offers to incentivize


Many subscribers could be

waiting for the right incentive to
take a step further and upgrade
to access more content on your
site. Seize all opportunities to
communicate this with your
contacts in both sales or
promotional and news emails to
generate sales.

Sharing “Behind the scenes” content

In the particular case of streaming companies, you can go beyond and

offer users additional content based on their preferences such as behind
the scenes, interviews, and trailers, This can can be a pleasant surprise
especially if they have watched and rated a movie or episode, for example.

Informing of time-sensitive events

For sport competitions, presidential

elections, or any other event that is
highly interesting for the majority of
your subscriber base, send a
campaign informing how your site
will be covering it, and the type of
information and updates they can
find on your site during the event.
Feel free to send updates on the
topic more regularly to subscribers
who have reacted to the
announcement campaign, so they
don't miss any updates.

Promoting content according to

the season

According to the time of the year,

your audience might be more
receptive to certain types of
content available on your site.
Take advantage of the seasonality,
promote it to the fullest, and drive
a good amount of traffic to your

Here is some practical advice for successful email campaigns:
● Prepare your templates to ensure brand consistency. Having an email
template ready is key to achieve a cohesive campaign that is consistent in
branding. With Sendinblue, you can design and save your email templates,
ready for you to use when needed.

● Stand out with your subject line, to maximize your open rates. For example,
it’s a good idea to include the person’s first name, which you can do directly
when setting up your subject line in Sendinblue. Consider including action
verbs, but as a rule of thumb, ensure that your subject line is short.

● Target your most engaged contacts, they’re more likely to share or

recommend the content available on your site.

● Place the call-to-action in different parts of your newsletter, to maximize

your chances of visits to your site.

● Be mindful of the mobile experience. Chances are many of your contacts will
read your email from their phone, so the experience must be impeccable there

Using automated scenarios for
building loyalty
By outsourcing different tasks to a software that does all the heavy lifting for you,
you can focus on your strategy and on tracking your results. For this reason, you
should consider investing in a sophisticated email automation tool such as
Sendinblue, to ensure you can successfully perform all the marketing tasks and
accelerate your growth.

With automation, you can leverage data from your website, and use it as
events to trigger different automated scenarios. The possibilities are endless,
and depending on your site, you can create as many scenarios as you need to
cover and enhance the client experience across the entire customer journey.

- Plan renewal reminders

The expiration of a subscription plan is a

Plan expires
key touchpoint in the customer journey, in a month

particularly for yearly payments. When the

end date of the subscription is
approaching, inform your customers about
it and let them know if their subscription
Send reminder of
will be automatically renewed on a specific paid plan renewal

date. Always include information or a link in

case they want to cancel their subscription.
Email open after
You can send this communication easily 72 hours?

with an automated scenario that allows you Send email with

upgrade offer
to use the subscription information to
trigger the right communication at the right
time. You can also take into account
activities undertaken by the customer to
Send last Email open after
personalize even further. reminder email 1 week?

- Reactivating leads that have gone cold

Low engagement doesn’t necessarily mean that recipients are

uninterested in your content, it can depend on the moment you're
sending your campaigns and the frequency. To assess this, you should
send specific reactivation campaigns to evaluate leads’ interest based on
their response to your messages.

The first step is to define the

criteria to identify
unengaged users depending
on your business. You could
base this on campaign
reactivity, or on whether
they’ve recently made use of
their free account, free credits,
or visited your site during the
free trial period. Once you’ve
decided on your conditions,
you can create a segment.

Then you need to plan and

design your reactivation
campaign. You could start by
gaining your contact’s
attention with a message of a Don’t miss our complete guide about
Reactivation Emails
reconfirmation email to see if
they stay.

In addition, unengaged subscribers can sometimes be lured into activity

with a reminder of a benefit to them such as a special offer or discount.

Tips for sending a successful reactivation campaign

Plan several touch points. If a subscriber’s engagement

has dropped it’s likely to take more than one email to win
them back. Use a series of emails to gradually re-engage
them and remind them of the benefits they could get using
your product or platform.

Be creative with your subject lines. Use personalization

to appeal to the emotions of the recipient. Remember to
include the core of the campaign in them, and use
action-oriented verbs to give a sense of urgency!

Know when to stop. If a contact still isn’t interested, let it

go. Reactivation emails should also help you identify truly
inactive contacts who should be removed from your list.

Make the most of Sendinblue functions. Don’t forget to

check the option ‘don’t send to unengaged contacts’ at
the last step before sending your campaigns with
Sendinblue. Use of the “Send at best time” function to
make sure you are reaching leads at the best time. This will
increase engagement and reduce complaints.

In Sendinblue, you can create a segment

using the search filters function. Then when
creating a custom workflow, you can select
“Contact filter conditions” and choose
your filters to build your scenarios.

- Subscription cancellations

If a contact has decided to cancel their subscription, you can use the
automated communication as the last reminder of the benefits you
offer, and how they can reverse their decision. After all, your content
will still be there if they want to go back. With users who may not be
interested after all to continue using your service, this is a good
opportunity to ask for feedback and understand their reasons for leaving.
There is also the option of pitching them again with a free trial in the

Key metrics to track success

Ready to boost the email strategy
for your publishing business? Let’s go!
We hope that reading this guide has helped you realize the great
benefits of having a solid email marketing strategy and how important it
is for any media company to use email as a channel to accelerate their

Get started with Sendinblue to increase the effectiveness of your email

campaigns and to improve your subscribers and clients’ experience

Don’t hesitate to share with us your thoughts on email marketing for

media and publishing companies. We also invite you to check out our
further resources to deepen your knowledge of how you can make the
most of our solution!

If you have questions, our dedicated customer care team is standing

by to help! Send us a message at

This document is protected by copyright laws. Only copies and reproductions for strictly private and
non-collective use are authorized. Any other representation or reproduction, partial or as a whole, of this
document without Sendinblue’s consent is illegal and would constitute infringement of Sendinblue’s
proprietary rights.
Further Resources

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