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This is Nigeria, a country who once had pride in its oil, resources and people now headed for
major debt, economical crisis and ethnic differences.
No one has been able to point out a particular reason for all these happening for a
country who once was called the giant of Africa and the imminent downfall of a country who
once had the majority of Africa’s economic quota, vast resources and the pride of the people.
This is a country that dwells in the past glory it has achieved and doesn’t want to move away
from the past and focus on the future, corrupt leaders blaming the citizens for not fully
supporting them, embezzling public funds and hiding it in various places.
The average Nigerian youth can’t rely on the educational system of the nation, either
suffering from strike or mismanaged funds to build the classrooms and therefore giving
substandard education to the youths who are termed ‘’the future of tomorrow ‘’. How’s the
future of the country supposed to be secure when its untrained hands who want to make
money as soon as possible in any way either legal or ‘’illegal’’. The educational sector of the
country has turned to an investment scheme for the already rich men of the nation to build
private schools and keep charging exorbitant fees for their own so-called standard of education,
of course we can’t blame them they’re business men taking chance of the country’s situation.
Let’s not start with our politicians who use our offices to amass wealth, I said our offices
because its in the hands of the majority who stays and who goes but apparently Nigeria has a
different meaning for majority(which means rich by the way) and try to create offices for their
friends and children. If you look at the history books, the leaders still alive during the military
administration still take up offices for themselves with little or no relevance.
Nigeria as a country is in shambles and anyone who thinks otherwise probably isn’t in
their right state of mind. These problems aren’t problems that can be solved in few years to
come, probably our future generations might be able to see a changed Nigeria but definitely
not us. The best thing we can do as citizens is to hope and pray the country doesn’t drain us.
This is Nigeria.

Thank you.


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