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You are sufficient. You've always been that way. You may have been duped by a few
false hearts that led you to believe you were just not. You might be around people who
continually comparing you to their ex-boyfriends in an attempt to change you into something
you're not. You might have been around people who didn't value your qualities since they
lacked them as well.

You might be around folks who created you feel disposable and made you doubt
yourself and your worth, but I'm hate to disappoint it to you, they would not be the barometer
by which you judge your ego, and they would not be an example of a person or hearts whom
can truly love and appreciate you for who you are.

We're all guilty of it. We all forget from time to time that we'd be doing so much better
or that we are entitled to so much more. We all give folks we want to stay in our life incentives.
We all find apologies for the individuals we believe have promise, but then when they help you
feel because you're not good enough because no despite what you do, you'll never measure up
to their standard of perfection, it's time to call it quits.

Because no one gets to feel as though their best will never be good enough for
someone's petty standards or unrealistic love requirements. No one wants to be regarded as a
second-class citizen, and no one ought to spend all their time attempting to convince others of
their value.

So pardon oneself for all the moments you made compromises because you hoped
things would improve. Allow yourself to forgive yourself for letting someone linger in your
system longer than they had to. Forgive yourselves for putting your trust in people who never
genuinely presented you with a compelling offer. Forgive yourselves for believing what people
say and not paying enough attention to what they do.

As that's how people develop and, strangely, how you recall your value. When someone
doesn't appreciate you, you'll hear your inner voice yelling at you. That's when your intellect
keeps you up at night pleading with you to leave, and your heart suddenly shuts down because
it's had enough of temporary and false protestations of love. It is done with those who do not
understand how to respect it.

So pardon yourselves for battling for the wrong causes; they eventually taught you what
is truly worth fighting for. They told you that you'll always be enough for the wrong guy, but
you'll still be far more than the right one.

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