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Name : Enggar Dwi Septian

NIM : 12203193025
Class : TBI 5B
Course : Critical Listening Comprehension
Gay Rights
Love is one of the cores of life for people all over the world. Love is a romantic
feeling that humans build towards other humans to establish a relationship. Generally, a
romantic relationship is done by a man with the opposite sex, namely women. However, there
is a term that mentions a relationship that is woven by a type of sesame, it is called LGBT.
Relationships formed from fellow women are called Lesbians, and relationships that are
woven by fellow men are called Gay. Currently, cases regarding Gay are more widely
revealed in various media. A complete explanation of gays is a popular term for people who
have homosexual personality. Homosexuality is a sexual orientation towards one gender.
Gender itself is defined as an expression of a person's identity regardless of gender.

Being a Gay and Lesbian certainly invites many pro and con opinions from various
parties. As gay cases have become more and more numerous these days in various countries,
it has caused problems and protests from the public. Those who agree with gays are mostly
from the LGBT community itself, while those who reject and disagree with gays are from a
society that feels that homosexuality is a disgrace because it is not in accordance with human
nature in romantic relationships. Therefore, gay rights are now widely done in some
countries. Many countries allow their citizens to have homosexual relations, be it gay or
lesbian, such as Mali, Niger, Gabon, Central African Republic, Republic of Congo,
Mozambique, South Africa, United States, Canada, Mexico, El Salvador, Guatemala,
Honduras, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Panama, and many more, although in those countries there
are some areas of the area prohibit it, but the government allows it. Aside from that country,
no other country is allowed in the country to have homosexual relations, either Gay or
Lesbian. But there are also countries that only allow Lesbians because they consider that
Lesbians are still better and humane than Gays, such as Kenya, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Grenada,
Jamaica, Turkmenistan, and some others. As in our country Indonesia also does not allow
gays and lesbians. Because the nature of man to establish a love relationship should be done
with between men and women, because that's why God created his creatures differently
between men and women.

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