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Name : Enggar Dwi Septian

NIM : 12203193025

Class : TBI 5B

Course : English Learning Assessment



A. Course Identity
1. Unit : Junior High School
2. Grade/Semester : VII/2nd Semester
3. Subject : English
4. Topic : Descriptive Text
5. Skill : Reading, Speaking, and Writing
6. Time Allocation : 2 x 40 Minutes
B. Purpose and Materials
1. Basic Competence:
3.7 Membandingkan fungsi social, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan beberapa
teks deskriptif lisan dan tulis dengan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait dengan
deskripsi orang, binatang, dan benda, sangat pendek dan sederhana, sesuai dengan
konteks penggunaannya.
4.7 Teks Deskriptif
4.7.1 Menangkap makna secara kontekstual terkait fungsi social, struktur teks, dan
unsur kebahasaan teks deskriptif lisan dan tulis, sangat pendek dan sederhana, terkait
orang, binatang, dan benda.
4.7.2 Menyusun teks deskriptif lisan dan tulis, sangat pendek dan sederhana, terkait
orang, binatang, dan benda, dengan memperhatikan fungsi social, struktur teks, dan
unsur kebahasaan, secara benar dan sesuai konteks.
2. Indicators:
a) Siswa mampu menyatakan dan menanyakan tentang deskripsi, orang, binatang,
dan benda, pendek dan sederhana.
b) Siswa mampu menyusun dan menulis teks deskriptif lisan dan tulis tentang
deskripsi orang, binatang, dan benda, sangat pendek dan sederhana.
c) Siswa mampu menangkap makna secara kontekstual terkait fungsi social, struktur
teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks deskriptif lisan dan tulis.
3. Materials:
Reading (Please Read the Descriptive Text Carefully!)
Ondel-ondel is very popular in Jakarta, the capital city of Indonesia. It is a giant
doll with a horrible face. The male ondel-ondel is dressed like a man. He has a sword
at his hip and a shawl over his shoulder. Its head is decorated with colorful paper
Ondel-ondel is made of bamboo structure. Its face is made of wood-mask. Its
hair is made of palm fiber. A man inside the structure moves it. The movement is very
clumsy. Its arms are dropping.
A pair of ondel-ondels are usually performed to celebrate a child circumcision.
Traditional music namely, Gambang Kromong, Gasidah, Tanjidor, or Gendang
Pencak, accompanies the procession. Of course, children are interested in following it.
In the old days people believed that a couple of ondel-ondels were the
manifestation of a god and a goddess who would protect the circumcised boy from
danger of evil. Now, ondel-ondel is performed to welcome guests in opening
ceremonies held in Jakarta and places nearby.
Exercise! (Discuss with your friend about the text above)
1. Identify what type of the text …
2. Mention the social function of the text …
3. Analysis the generic structure based on the text:
a. Identification :
b. Description :
4. The characteristic of language that are usually use on the text are …
C. Task Activities
a) Step 1 : Students are given some examples of Descriptive text.
b) Step 2 : Students read the texts and discuss with others to identify the generic
structure, social function, and the language features of Descriptive text.
c) Step 3 : Students make a summary of their discussion about the Descriptive
d) Step 4 : After understanding about the Descriptive text, students can choose
one of their family, friend, or someone and make the Descriptive text about
D. Scoring Rubrics/Scoring Procedures and Standard of Performances
1. Observation checklist for students’ discussion.
No Indicators Yes No
(1) (0)
1. The students read about the two text carefully
2. The students can immediately identify that the text is
Descriptive text
3. The students actively join the discussion with others
4. The students actively provide suggestions during
discussions with others
5. The students can mention the social function of the
Descriptive text during discussion
6. The students can explain to others about the generic
structures of the Descriptive text
7. The students can explain to others about analysis part
Identification of the Descriptive text
8. The students can explain to others about analysis part
Description of the Descriptive text
9. The students are able to know the characteristic of
language in the Descriptive text

2. Scoring rubric for writing the Descriptive text.

4 3 2 1
Generic The Descriptive The Descriptive The Descriptive The Descriptive
Structuretext is text is using the text is not text is not
developed correct generic including the developed
clearly based on structure but not description based on the
the correct developed correctly correct generic
generic clearly structure
Language The sentences The sentences The sentences The sentences
Feature are written in are written in are written in are not written
simple present simple present, simple present, in simple
with correct and the correct but the present, and the
grammar grammar in grammar is not grammar is not
some sentences correct correct
3. Scoring rubric for telling us the description of their family, friend, or someone.
4 3 2 1
Fluency The students The students The students The students
tell about the tell about the tell about the tell about the
Descriptive Descriptive Descriptive Descriptive
text they made text they made text they made text they made
fluently almost fluently enough not fluently
without any without any fluently with
pause pause some pause
Pronunciation The students The students The students The students
pronounce pronounce pronounce pronounce
every word every word is some words is almost each
correctly almost correct incorrect word incorrect
Content The students The students the students’ The students’
provide provide content is content is not
detailed of detailed of detailed, but detailed, and
their their the description the description
description in description in is less is randomly
clear sequence almost sequential
Performance The students The students The students The students
show their show their show their do not show
description description description their
with good with almost with just good description
position and good position position but with good
expression and expression lack of position and
expression expression

➢ Standard of Performance
a. Students’ participation in the discussion
The maximum score of observation is 9 (Because there are 9 items in
the Observation list)
❖ Very Active : 8-9
❖ Active : 6-7
❖ Fair : 3-5
❖ Passive : 1-2
b. Students’ writing
The maximum score of writing is 8 (4X2)
❖ Very Good : 7-8
❖ Good : 5-6
❖ Fair : 3-4
❖ Poor :2

c. Students’ speaking
The maximum score of speaking is 16 (4X4)
❖ Very Good : 15-16
❖ Good : 11-14
❖ Fair : 7-10
❖ Poor : 3-6

E. Self-Assessment and Peer-Assessment

1. Self-Assessment
No Aspect Yes No
1. I can recognize immediately a Descriptive text
2. I take part actively in the discussion
3. I can identify the generic structure of Descriptive text
4. I can identify the social function of Descriptive text
5. I can identify the language features of Descriptive text

2. Peer-Assessment
No Aspect Yes No
1. My friend can recognize immediately a Descriptive text
2. My friend take part actively in the discussion
3. My friend can identify the generic structure of Descriptive
4. My friend can identify the social function of Descriptive
5. My friend can identify the language features of Descriptive

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