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GRoure NOVEMBER 2021 Your Mental Health Matters What is it? and Why is it important? ArT ae CORO Carel about mental terse NTE tute g vulnerable to EN? Mele mental health? The Stigma Against Mental Health How to deal and Mental health primarily refers to a person's psychological ‘motional, and social well-being; it influences how they think, feel, and act, ere) eM ted ‘Moreover, it serves in deciding how one copes with stress, makes decisions, and interacts with others, ‘Mental health issues can have an impact on one's everyday routines, relationships, and physical well-being. Discrimination can result from stigma Discrimination can be explicit and direct, sueh as when someone makes a disparaging comment about your mental condition or treatment. It could also be unintended or subtle, such as someone avoiding you because they perceive you are crazy, violent, o dangerous asa result of your mental illness. ‘You might even pass judgment on yourself o THE ADVERSE EFFECTS OF STIGMA ON MENTAL HEALTH © Lack of willingness to seek assistance or treatment Fan ly, friends, coworkers, and others’ lack of understanding * Work, school, or social possibilities are limited, and housing is difficult to come by. ‘+ Harassment, bullying, or physical assault # Inadequate health insurance coverage for mental illness treatment © Belief that you will never succeed at specific tasks or that you would never be able to overcome your conditio. ‘Stigma impacts not only those who suffer from. ‘mental illness, but also those who love them, which often involves family members. ‘Mental illness stigma is particularly prevalent in several varied racial and cultural communities, and it can be significant barrier to persons from those cultures seeking mental health treatment, Seeking professional care for mental illness, for ‘example, may run against to traditional norms of strong family, emotional restraint, and avoiding humiliation in various Asian cultures, Disregarding the mental health care system can be a barrier to obtaining help for some populations, particularly the African American community. 02 ‘THE SUSCEPTIBILITY OF MENTAL ILLNESS IN TODAY'S GENERATION According to studies, Generation Z is the loneliest generation, Its easy to see why Gen Z is stressed out due to sleep, social media, and the environment around them. The factors are all around them: family crisis , various kinds of discrimination , deep-seated traumas, sexual hharassments and abuse, political and social issues including injustices that could have a direct impact on their futures, and so on. ‘And these are only a handful of the anxiety-inducing and depressing social situations that Gen Z. is constantly confronted with, Research says that Gen more bothered about these concerns than older generations [As a result of these stressful conditions, they are also more prone to developing direct mental and physical health problems. THE LINK BETWEEN SOCIAL MEDIA AND MENTAL HEALTH Many of us use social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, YouTube, and Instagram to discover and communicate with ‘one another in today's society. However, consuming excessive time on social media, ironically for a technology supposed to bring people closer together, can instead make you feel more lonely and isolated—and aggravate mental health issues like anxiety and depression 03 LOOK AFTER YOUR MENTAL HEALTH «Taking care of your physical health, since your physical and mental health are connected, Being physically active, Exercise can reduce feelings of stress and depression and improve your mood, Getting enough sleep. Sleep affects your mood. If you don't get a good sleep, you may become more easily annoyed and ange. - Healthy eating. Good nutrition will help you fel beter: physical but could also improve your mood and decrease anxiety and stress ‘+ Making connections with ther people. - Humans are socal creatures, and having strong, healthy ‘elationships with others is essential Having a strong socal support system can help you avoid the negative effects of sre. Ws also beneficial to have a variety of relationships + Establishing a sense of purpose and meaning in one's lite = This could be accomplished through your career, humanitarian work, learning new shill, or spiritual exploration. + Acquiring coping abilities or techniques for dealing with dificult conditions. They may assist you in confronting. an Issue, taking action, remaining lexble, and not giving up easly. + Meditation isa mind-body activity that reaches you how te concentrate your attention and awareness. There are ‘many different styles of meditation, inluding awareness and transcendental meditation, + Working Out += Doing excercises and some physical activities release endorphins from our brains that boost our moods and ‘energy. Through working out, your mind let loose all the temsions and sre. is ENDING THE STIGMA AGAINST MENTAL HEALTH P” i 3 + Discuss mental health openly. ‘The fact chat i is ‘common condition that can be treated. + Enlighten yourself and others around you, Understand more about how to overcome from mental ines Atenda traning session on suicide prevention Suicide is preventable, You can save a life by understanding the warning signs and how to seek assistance. Vist these sites for more information: National Suicide Prevention Lifeline ‘Mental Health America Mentalfteath gov National Alliance on Mental Iiness + Beaware of the wording you use eis crucial to use appropriate language. Never use the terms “crazy “maniac,” or ‘pevcho' as insults; abvays address the person, not the illness. "Person with schizophrenia vs “schizophrenic? + Physical and mental health should be treated squall. Considering so much of what we do physically has significant effect on our mental health, i's crucial to pay attention to both, + Express empathy for those who are suffering from mennal illness. Provide the same level of support to people with ‘mental illnesses and theie families as you would if they had a physical illnes. ‘When someone stigmatizes mental health, let them realize, Don't silently endorse stigma by saying nothing FACTORS AFFECTING GEN Zs MENTAL, HEALTH THROUGH SOCIAL MEDIA + Discontentment can be triggered by social media People may feel as though their lives or appearances do not measure up to those of others on social media, Which can results to emotions of jealousy and lissatisfaction, + Poor sleep quality and delays have been linked to social media use. Sleep deprivation is linked to negative mental health effects like depression and memory loss, according to research + Individuals may experience mental health problems. asa result of being exposed to cyberbullying on social media Researchers found that approximately half of the people aged 10 to 18 have experienced cyberbullying in a 2020 sur xy of more than 6,000 people, These social media platforms allow people to establish or circulate hurtful gossips and use abusive Language, ‘hich ean leave people emotionally traumatized SYMPTOMS THAT MIGHT BE A SIGNAL y FOR POOR MENTAL HEALTH ‘Sadness or iiablity that las for longer than normal Friendships and relatives are being cut off Loss of interes in hobbies and activities Extremes of emotion, both high and low ‘Major shifts in sleeping or eating patterns Concerns or fears that appear tobe out ofrange Ignoring basic hygiene and personal care Changes in your libido ‘Thoughas that are disorganized or confusing Anger that is out of control Abuse of drugs or alcoho! Several inexplicable bodily alments Ideas that arent based on reality Seeing or hearing things that others are unable to see or hear Planning or talking abou suicide os 06. BPED 1A, Group 6 Julia Martina Ostonal Abbygail Buhala Jeffry Escauriaga

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