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The case of religious refugees during this period is notable in at least two aspects, both

in its size and the nature of the migration. First, the migration was virtually
unprecedented in terms of the numbers of refugees it produced. Second, the cause
uniquely exposes itself as religious persecutions of the marginal sects.

Colonialism in both cases was defined by a foreign power’s seizure of sovereignty from
an indigenous population. But the world-historical context of modern colonialism
differed in ways that had important implications for racism. The rise of discourses of
citizenship, human rights, and explicit anti-colonialism made empire increasingly
suspect in wide scales of Western perspective.

Put simply, plant-life in the Canadian conceptual system does not fully accord with the
natural scientific model of flora. Plants are ever-present protagonists in the multi-
species performance of life. Indeed, certain plants are - or can be - powerful persons
endowed with animating spirits, exhibiting various extra-botanical capacities.

Beauty is frequently found by artists and critics in the nonhuman world: oceans,
flowers, snowy mountains, celestial objects, birdsong, and the sound of words are
favorite sources. Yet for all the privilege the non-human enjoys as a trigger to aesthetic
experience, beauty is ultimately a deeply human category. So, we can say that beauty’s
innate symmetry is intimately related to a notion of justice based upon proportion and
The essence of sentimentalism lied in its possession of a philanthropic worldview which
included weeping at the cruelties and follies of the characters, regardless of the weeper’s
hypocritical self-pity. The sentimental perspective under the domination of the
Parliament implemented a collection of common values and expectations with the
support of the new landed gentry and middling class.

Empathy, in other words, does not have to presuppose the other. Rather, it may help to
fashion it, and in turn to legitimize its destruction. This form of tactical empathy, which
creates an Other through an empathic identification driven by the ambition to
ultimately destroy the other, has a problematic paradox. Here, empathy differs from
sympathy, although the two are often confused.

Many critics have affirmed that the description of the debauched, or libertine, atheist
stemmed from the strong assumption that one who was afraid of God’s judgement
would not deny the existence of revelations and beings related to God. For that reason,
the aristocratic libertine becomes the epitome of the most common atheist archetype.

School and public libraries consistently comprised the largest market for mainstream
children's literature, but consumers were hungry for children's books. Throughout the
twentieth century, publishers responded with inexpensive reprints of children's classics
and other low-priced books shunned by the library market.
Traditionally, the study of planet formation has proved frustrating, as astronomers have
never been sure whether their theories apply to other planetary systems. This is because
the solar system is the only known example of a planetary system. Now, however, the
observations of debris discs around stars of different masses and ages are helping to
place our solar system in context.

Most of the military robotic systems currently operating are airborne. This is because
robots for use in a ground war present serious problems as conditions are more complex
and less predictable. For instance, what works in a desert will be unsuited to jungles.
Similarly, a machine designed for use in cities is unlikely to adapt to mountains.

Elucidating how the limitations on “being” have been eradicated to include nonhumans
into the status of “presence” together with social, discursive and material practices, the
author also underlines the binary oppositions born out of anthropocentric point of view,
which presupposes that human beings have a privileged status due to their “intellectual”
In the past five years, there was a substantial increase of interest in the fear of being
laughed at. It is found out in the researches that those who fear being laughed at might
not be able to distinguish between friendly and hostile laughter. Nevertheless, this fear is
rare among adults in normal population when compared to children.

Life began in the oceans, but many life forms have since adapted to terrestrial life in a
sea of air. Every single organism living on land has to meet the same environmental
challenges: obtaining enough water; preventing excessive water loss; getting enough
energy; and in polar regions, tolerating widely varying temperature extremes. How
those challenges are met varies from one organism to another.

For almost 200 years, the idea of cosmic events affecting life on Earth was viewed as
heretical by the church, which regarded catastrophe as proof of divine intervention, and
as nonsense by the scientific establishment, which dismissed it as superstition. Yet in the
end, the sheer weight of evidence has swept away all doubt about the reality of global
An organism must divide its energy between maintenance, repair and reproduction.
Even a well-fed organism has to cope with energy limitations. As a result, organisms face
a tough problem: What is the best allocation of finite metabolic energy to maximize
reproduction and repair?

In any school, in any week of the year a dyslexic child experiences a huge amount of
failure. With sequencing difficulties, any form of writing or maths is going to present
severe problems. The dyslexic child cannot fail to notice that almost all the other
children can do the work fairly easily. He therefore concludes that he must be stupid
and his confidence goes.

When a patient sees a doctor, the patient is seeking help - to regain or retain health. The
physician’s task is to work for the patient’s health. The doctor does so by treating
disease, by relieving discomfort, by assisting the patient with any disability, by
preventing premature death, and by maximizing contentment. In the best of
circumstances, the doctor is able to prevent disease and help the patient remain healthy.
Folk ballads were songs sung by the common people of England. Their origins remain a
mystery. Most seem to have been composed between 1200 and 1500, and while there has
been much argument, no one is exactly sure how they were created. Present-day theories
suggest that many were invented by local minstrels, descendants of the Anglo-Saxons,
who entertained the humble people of a village by making up songs.

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