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“Life of 18 Year old Teenager”

Life of an 18 year old teenager is a lot messier. No one can understand how we feel . We
become alone even when we are surrounded by a lot of people around us. We cannot share
anything with our parents because they cannot understand . They can only point out the
mistakes . And then the frustration changes into hatred. Just like in my case .
I am Keith ,an 18 year old teenager , who is always in frustration and always pissed on my
mom. She is like an annoying radio which specializes in showing my mistakes , my flaws . I
cannot share anything with her because she cannot understand me but always pulls out the
negative in me. She has the old age thinking and on that basis she judges a "good" or "bad"
I am so tired and sick of this family . Annoyed by my little sister who keeps interfering in my
business and my father who doesn't even have time to talk to me ,who never has attended my
school function and I always end up waiting for him to come. Well , I am only satisfied by my 10
months old brother . I like him the most in the family because he can't speak , he can't say
anything . All he can do is make funny and cute faces and melt my anger down .
There was a serious bust up today between mom and me . I didn't show up at dinner and no
one bothered to call because I am sure mom would be assuming this as my act of ego.
I just want to sleep to end the day but I am so tired to live like this and I want something to
happen . So I prayed .
" Dear god please , I am exhausted from fighting with my mother . No one understands me
here. I want to be alone. That would be fine if no one would be here to understand me but at
least no one would be present to judge me or negate me or punish me on unnecessary things.
Just make everyone else disappear . Please God please. " I finished my prayer with drops of
I closed my eyes to sleep and as I was towards deep sleep everything went black . In a couple
of moments , it was morning. I woke up by myself . Got a reminder of yesterday's dispute in my
head . I was feeling hungry so I got out of my room and went to the kitchen. I pulled up a chair
and took some bread to eat.
" Did you brush?" Mom asked. " God , Keith stop being such a stubborn child " " you are the
eldest in your siblings and yet you behave like a 6 year old child " she started yelling. I could do
nothing but to ignore her and moved toward Jamie , my brother, to play with him . Mother huffed
in displeasure.
" Your physics teacher called to remind you about your today's assignment because you were
not submitting your assignments on time from the last 4 times. "
" Is your assignment ready?" She asked.
" After yesterday's fight , you think that i could concentrate on my assignment and make it ready
?" I replied.
" Stop blaming me Keith for your unresponsive behavior " " i am not always the reason behind
your stupidity"
" Enough mom , can you please let me live for a single day or are you really happy with me lying
dead ?" I screamed at mom.
" Keith , watch your tone " she yelled.
I left with anger and hurry and accidently hit the flower vase , it broke down . Sally was standing
at the door of her room with her doll in her hands . She dropped the doll . I slammed the door of
my room . I took a shower but my face was all red with anger and hate . I packed my bag for
school and left home without eating.
I was walking furiously and my neighbor was arguing with her husband so loudly that I could
hear her from the street . All of a sudden the weather began to change . It was getting dark . A
car hit a street light pole . I just saw these things on my way but my mind was distracted
elsewhere and I continued walking. I reached the main street where my school bus arrives. I
stood at the side of the road and waited for the bus . I plugged in my earphones and started
music that was on play earlier. Lighting began to crackle in the sky . All of a sudden the weather
was changing and the wind started to blow slowly. My bus arrived and I walked into the bus and
sat on the last seat to be alone so that no one could be around me for a little while . The bus
stopped after some time and the driver talked on his phone.
" Listen you guys, the school has been alerted that a serious thunderstorm could happen today .
So I have to drop you all to your homes and schools will be closed today." The driver informed
All I wanted was to get away from my home a couple of times and my fate couldn't make me
happy for a second.
Bus dropped me off at the main street from where I had to walk to my home. The wind started
blowing hard . It was getting darker and darker. A street light pole had fallen on the way . The
alert siren sounded in the city . A man was running in front of me to get to his home soon.
" Get to your home fast girl" a stranger told me .
" A storm is likely to come soon and you need to be inside so move fast "
" Yeah , my home is just a little far," I said.
He ran to the other side

moving hurriedly to get inside my home. As I reached my house, the whole city went into
complete blackout. And it was dark everywhere. I went inside the house. I was scared.

" Keith ?" Mom screamed .

" Oh thank god , you re safe " " i was calling at school and i was worried that i don't know
where you would have been"

" What's happening mom?" i asked.

" I don't know but the news said that there's a serious thunderstorm coming and it's been
assumed that it would be so wild like we've never seen before."

" Mommy , i'm scared " Sally came to us crying.

" Don't worry baby , everything's gonna be okay"

" Your dad hasn't come home yet , i am so worried about him" mom said .

" But it's all dark out there and everything is so scary , where would dad be right now?" i

" I don't know Keith " she started crying.

" Mom hold yourself together , i am sure dad will be on his way home"

Suddenly we heard a loud thunder nearby . Me and mom came to the door to look outside.
The wind was blowing so hard that we had to hold on to the door frame. All of a sudden
lightning started to strike the people outside. Everyone was running. And we saw dad .

" Jake , Jake hurry up please" mom shouted.

" Dad, please be careful," I shouted .

Dad was running so fast and escaped through the lightning . He reached in front of the
house . He smiled at us in relief.

" Jake come inside please" mom said with tears in her eyes. Dad moved towards us and
suddenly from nowhere lightning struck him and he just converted into a standing figure of
ash . Like the lightning was so strong , it burned his bones too.

" Noooooooo" mom screamed and fell down crying so heartbroken.

I was crying and I was so scared to see the horrible death of my father seconds ago .

It all became an unforgettable tragedy all of a sudden .

" Mom we have to get inside please , we have to see upon Sally and Jake " "They are alone
and scared. The need you mother , I need you " i requested my broken mother to come
inside. I pulled up my mother and made her cond inside shutting the door and seated get on
" Where is dad Keith ?" " When will he come home?" Sally asked . Mom started crying
senselessly .

"He will be here soon, Sal , don't worry, okay. When it all ends then he will be here with us . " I

" I am scared of Keith " she said.

" Come here " I hugged her.

I gave her some cookies and made her comfortable on the couch.

I sat with mom and held her hand trying to hold her together.

" I needed more time with him too" " I needed him to tell me that i am his daughter and he
has time for me" i started crying . I couldn't hide my tears .

" At Least you had a father a couple of minutes before Keith" she replied and broke into her
grief again.

" I need to check on Jamie " I stood up and walked . Jamie was playing with his toys in
mom's room.

"Hey you boy" I sat down with him.

" I don't know what is happening and why it is happening " " but i am really scared and i am
shattered about our father's death" i started sobbing .

Suddenly I heard a loud female scream , a very freakishly horrible loud scream . I ran
outside to mom and Sally and closed the door to make Jamie safe inside .

" Mom , Sally you guys are okay?" I asked with tenses.

" Yeah we bit this scream " " it freaked me out" mom said .

" Mommy i am scared" Sally started crying loudly .

And then I started hearing a lot of screams . Me and mom walked slowly in fear towards the
door to look outside .

We peeked a little by the wall at the door.

And I was numbed by what I just saw. There was a giant scary wolf standing at the door
frame and he broke down the door to get inside.

My mother and I ran inside .

" Sally, go to your brother , now" mom screamed. The wolf came inside behind us. I was
frightened like hell now.

"Mom, we have to get inside the room and hold the door."

I felt something and I stopped . I turned to look at mom . But she fell on the flower under the
wolf and the wolf was standing on her , staring at her face.

" Keith, you have to take care of your brother and sister . I love you so much my girl" she
said and the wolf ate her head with its big sharp teeth . I screamed loudly and I broke down
in grief and fear . I just became an orphan. There was blood on the floor and my headless
mother was lying in front of me .

The wolf turned towards me . I had to take the wolf away from Sally and Jamie ,so I started
walking slowly and quietly towards the kitchen . The wolf started coming towards me . I sat
down quietly . The wolf came closer and now it was above me . It's head came close to me
and started opening its mouth to eat me. I was just about to die when I gathered all my
courage and body power and stabbed a knife in its neck hard and fast . I didn't give it any
chance to move or run . I stabbed it several times. I disposed of my good anger on the wolf
for killing my mother in front of my eyes . I was full of wolf's blood all over me . I dropped
the knife and ran to Sally and Jamie . I opened the door. I saw them sitting on the floor .
Sally was hugging Jamie because she was terrified . I was relieved to see them fine .
Suddenly I looked at the wall and it was breached. Suddenly the crack started growing and it
went to the ceiling with my sight. My heart palpitations increased. As I moved into the room
to save my brother and sister , the ceiling came down , and the room was shattered
completely . Sally and Jamie both drowned in it .
At this moment , I was alone .

It was just like I wished that everyone would disappear. I fell down. And in the next second I
opened my eyes . Lying in my bed . There was sunlight outside and electricity in my room . I
sat hurriedly . I touched my body and saw blood on my clothes . But everything was fine and
perfect . I realised that it all was just a dream . I huffed with relief . I felt hungry because i
slept without eating so I walked to the kitchen.

" Did you brush your teeth?" Mom asked

"Umm… What ? " I felt strange as the first dialogue of my mom in the dream was just the

" God Keith stop being such a stubborn child " she yelled .

" You are eldest in your siblings and yet to behave like a 6 year old child "

Yes the same lines but I guess my mind knows what she can sound like with her words . I
ignored her and moved to Jamie . She huffed with displeasure .

" Your physics teacher called to remind you about your today's assignment because you
have not submitted your assignments on time from the last 4 times. "

" Is your assignment ready?" She is.

Now I am feeling weird but I thought my teachers calling had to happen but not because of
any assignment . I had my reply framed already .

"After yesterday's fight , you think that i could concentrate on my assignment and make it
ready ?" I replied.

" Stop blaming me for your unresponsive behaviour " " i am not always the reason behind
your stupidity

I left without saying anything and I hit the flower vase . It broke just like I saw in my dream. I
walked towards my room and Sally was standing with her doll in her hand and she dropped
the doll . I was surprised and feeling weird at the same time. I packed my bag and left the
house. But I was not angry . I was thinking that this is really a coincidence only . Maybe I
was overthinking. And then on my way showed the car hitting the pole. I was a little bit in
tension now. Am I having a premonition? Is everything I dreamt last night going to happen
now ? I waited for the bus at main street and the weather started changing , getting darker
and lightning started crackling in the sky. The bus arrived and I walked inside . I sat in the
last seat. And the bus driver answered his call and said the words just like he said in my
dream . Now I can't even think of it as a coincidence . It was all true and it was going to
happen soon. I was freaking out and I ran out of the bus towards my house . I saw
everything just like I saw in my dream on the way. The people running , the street pole and
the man telling me to get inside. I reached home and I screamed " Mom????"

" Keith ?" Mom screamed .

" Oh thank god , you re safe " " i was calling at school and i was worried that i don't know
where you would have been"
We need to go somewhere safe . We walked into a bathroom which was closed with no
windows . Me and Sally sat beside our father and hugged him tightly . We all were scared .
Although I was frightened about the dream .

" Dear god, I pray that you keep my children happy and safe . I pray to keep them away from
any kind of damage . I pray that you never let my children be alone " Mom prayed . Tears
rolled down my cheeks . And the storm calmed down after a couple of minutes waiting and
hugging my family and holding each other together.

Family is supposed to look after each other. We meet people out there who will laugh at our
flaws but family tells us to make the flaws beautiful . I guess I am happy that I have my
family and I am not alone . I can't let my sadness take over my emotions and love , and let it
convert my feelings into hatred. And to make us understand , God sometimes gives us
horrible premonitions like this.

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