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2AM - Governor has been saved. Tunnel has been cleared. The Temple's refugees have been saved.

3AM Langdedrosa's Challenge. Adran met the challenge, scarred in his face and on his leg.

Side Hooks:
Adran -
In the hatchery a vision from Hoar will identify one clutch of eggs as belonging to the dragon he seeks
vengeance on. This will of course attract the ire and investigation of the Young Red Shadow Dragon

Geryon is her patron

Mere of Dead Men -

(Voaraghamanthar/Waevaerendor) Black Death seek the tome of Strongor Bonebag and the Rings of
Myrkul they believe are in the possession of the Cult of the Dragon so that they can enslave Ebondeath.
If the adventure is not fulfilled, Ebondeath comes back later on in Rise of Tiamat as a threat that must be
dealt with.

Palasiraks - Vengeful daughter of the Dracolich Pelendralaar. Since her father's destruction at Myth
Drannor and her hunt for his killers she has rejoined the Cult of the Dragon's interests. She is a believer
in Rezmir's new cult, believing that Tiamat will wash away humanity and bring back her father's damned
soul. (Pelendralaar in a Shadowfell Realm of Dread?)

Othar - Mentor to Sarelle, former adventuring companion of Keygella. The middle-aged paladin holds a
torch for Keygella. Is aware of Sarelle's damnation.

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