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D. Read the text and complete the sentences.

◆◆ ◆◆ 、
t was血e 5血century B.C. in A血ens, Greece. A O’Brien is also al)le to remember血ousands of foreign

J group ofpeople were having dinner in a small words in minutes. T址s shows that the Method ofLoci

building. Suddenly a boy came into血e room wi血 is an easy and powerful way to help leam a foreign
a message for one of血e men, Simonides ofCeos. language. People ofall ages can use it,缶om children,

Simonides stood up and walked outside. As soon as he to adults, to血e elderly.草y using血is meth(遍緬

left,血e buildmg collapsed. A]1 of血e people who were new vocab血ary and you’ll be amazed at how皿

inside died. 」rou Can remember.

People soon arrived at血e scene of血e accident. They

Were WOrried about血eir loved ones and began asking

-. Simonides questions, ``who was in血ere? How many

PeOPle?’’At first, he couldn’t answer血eir questions.

Later; he was al)le to remember almost every person.

Howi By remembering everyone’s Iocation, Or Where

血ey were sitting around血e tal)le.

Simonides later developed a me血od for remembering

血ings. He based his me血od on his experience of

visualizing locations in a room. People st皿use血is

me血od today; and itis often called血e Me血od ofLoci.

The Me血od ofLoci is one of血e systems used

in rmemonics, Or “血e art ofmemo野” stu坤ng

rmemonics he車s you remember names, dates,

numbers, eventS, etC. The great rmemonic artist of

PreSent times, Dominic O’Brien, uSeS血e Me血od of

Loci in his own way He is able to memorize historical
facts and geographical places very easily. For血is

reason, he has won血e Wbrld Memory Championship

eight times. This competition takes place every year

and competitors try to remember as much information
as possible wi血in a certain period oftime.

1. Simonides lived in Athenes Grece

a boy came intothe room with a
2. Simonides left the dinner party because message outside.
location and where their were
3・ Simonides remembered all the people by thinking about their
4. The way of remembering which Simonides developed is the Method of Loci

Dominic O'Brien has won the World Memory Championship many times.
People of all ages Can uSe the Method ofLoci to leam foreign languages.

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