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Td重rya There you go. Sorry it’s a little late. Alex Sounds like fun. What games do I have?

Alex What’sthis? ’ 冊nya will, it comes with lots of sports games. Tchnis,

嶋Irya A birthday present. Go on, OPen it. You may baseball, boxing, gOlf.. What should we start wi
Peed scissors. Auex Doyouneedto ask?
Alex ` You really didn’t_need to buy me anything. .嶋nya Ofcourse, gOlf; your favorite.

勤nya So, What do you think? Alex So, yOu SWing the co租tro11er like this to hit the

Auex Umm… It’s a game console. But I already ba11.

have one. 丁h重rya You’re a fast leamer.

助nya Not like this one. Come on, OPen it. It’s awesome. Alex I’m going to beatypu!

My cousin Frank has one and he plays all day. TaIrya I’m really good at this golf game actually. So, I

Alex Is it the one w王th the wireless controller? COuld beatyou. ,

Tdya That’s right, here it is. Let ine show you. Let’s Alex Letis see!
say you’re playing a temis game. You hav示o

swing the controller to hit the ball, like this.

C. Read the dialogue and answer the questions.
Or for b9wling, yOu have to甲ove your arm
1・ Why does鴫nya apoIogize to Alex? Becuase she come latea. Somet
Iike this to throw the ball, just like in real
2. Why is Alex not very happy with his present in b. Somet
b owling・
the beginning? Because he has has another game consoleC. Somet
Alex But you don’t throw the controller, do you?
3. Who is Frank? Tanya's cousing
助Irya No, it might break. Anyway, it has a wrist strap
4. How do you “throw,, a bowling ball with the
to stop you from dropping it.
game console? _Only swinging the control
Alex What about soccer? How do you pass the ball or
5. What stops a player fr中dropping the controller?has
1 a wrist strap
っh○○t?- ’
6. Why do they choose to play golf? It's Alex's favorite game
Tbnya I’m not sure, but I know you can use the
7. `Who feels confident about winning the game?
COntrdller ̄like a normal game controller.
I'ts Tanya ¥時頼繭類誌函問題

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