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Skimming & scanning

Basic steps:
1. Look at the question and find the key words
2. With those key words in mind, quickly skimming and scanning the text to find the answers
3. The answers always appear in order
4. The key words always get paraphrased

Para1 Para4
chef n. Have an effect on
remote Adj. mood N.
In charge of rewarding Adj.
fascinating Adj. aspects N.
colleague n. limited Adj.
comment V. A range of
landscape N. opportunity N.
Stand out Come up with
Para2 ingredient N.
multinational Adj. Run out
adverts N. According to
catering N.饮食服务 Trade with
Application N. valuable Adj.
On the condition currency N.
Have no doubts Para5
straightaway minus 50 degrees Celsius
Para3 Put on
completely Adv. protective Adj.
Cut off Be busy doing
supply Make a difference
freeze V. Para 6
staff N. normal Adj.
On one’s own Bath/shower
Pop out dug V.
Chile salary N.

Grammar focus
1. One of the +最高级
Jennifer Doyle is a chef in one of the world’s remotest places.
Eg. ·长江是世界最长河流之一。




2. 现在分词做状语
Three years ago, Jennifer worked as Head Chef for a multinational company, preparing business
lunches and party food.
Eg. Falling leaves:
A barking dog:
The rising sun:
A sleeping child:

Eg.The exploited class:
The oppressed nations:
A respected writer:
Trained employees:

The sinking Titanic
The sunken Titanic

 最后我们看一个含有超多分词的例句,试着来翻译一下。
Police hunting the killer of a part-time police officer stabbed outside her home in northwest London are
seeking a man wearing a hooded top seen running away from the scene.

·首先我们先明确 2 个概念:逻辑主语和句子主语
Waiting for a bus, a glove fell on my head.

There was a mutual attraction between my sister and a trainee working at her office. However, both
being shy, they could barely even speak to each other. During an office party, my sister went into the
kitchen to get a drink and the trainee followed. Opening the freezer, he took out some ice, placed it on
the work surface and began smashing it with a tin of coffee. Smiling, she explained, “I just want to break
the ice between us.”
(1) After doing my homework, the method was gripped.
(2) Arriving factory , the door was found locked.
(3) Being a pop fan, Jay Chou is her favorite.
(4) Looking out of the global window, there are lots of people in the street.

Translate the sentences into English:
1. 她把这些材料发给了负责销售的人员。(in charge of)

2. 正是 Victor 的努力让他脱颖而出。(强调句+stand out)


3. 因为他一点也不突出,所以没有人注意到他。(stand out)

4. 一旦被摧毁,大脑细胞不能再生。(once)


5. 据说 2050 年世界上的淡水将会耗尽。(run out)

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