Kindle Shortcuts

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Keyboard Shortcuts

Note on syntax: Keys separated by "+" should be held. Keys separated by "-" shou
ld be pressed and released.
Screenshot taken with Alt+Shift+G. Full Size
[edit] Global Keys
Alt+G refresh screen (anti-ghosting)
Alt+Shift+R reboot Kindle
Alt+Shift+. restart GUI
Alt+Shift+G screenshot
An SD card is required to store screenshots. They are saved in .GIF form
at in the card's root. No SD card required for the Kindle 2 Intl or Kindle3.
Alt+Shift+. your Serial Number with Bar code
[edit] Home Page
Alt+Shift+M Minesweeper game
Alt+Z rescan picture directories
Alt+T show time
Number Keys flip to entered book list page (e.g. entering 1-0 will take you
to page 10)
Alt+Home Open Amazon Store
[edit] Reader
Alt+B toggle bookmark
Alt+T spell out time
Alt+0 (zero) enable/disable slideshow (note that this will also work with te
xt. There is no control for speed but changing font size will help somewhat.)
Alt+1 start slideshow (if enabled)
Alt+2 stop slideshow
Alt+PageForward/PageBackward go to next/previous annotation or one "chunk" (
1/20th of a book) forward or backward
[edit] Settings Page
Alt+(3-1-1) search for and switch wireless provider
Alt+(4-1-1) show diagnostics data
Alt+(5-1-1) run loopback call test
Alt+(6-1-1) diagnostic data service call c/e/s
Alt+(1-2-6) Lab126 team members
[edit] Font List
J show/hide justification options
[edit] Picture Viewer
Alt+Shift+o set current picture as screensaver.
F toggle fullscreen mode. This is a bit buggy, whenever you wake the Kindle
up or reload the picture collection the screen will redraw wrong. Press F twice
to straighten this out.
R toggle rotating images 90°, or back upright. This rotation is added to which
ever direction the Kindle has set with the Aa key. Useful with the next 2..
0-9 Press any number to show a 1/10ths of the screen ruler. The ruler is alo
ng the "bottom" of the screen, if you want the ruler to display the other way, t
hen rotate via both the Aa settings and R key. On models without proper number k
eys, pressing Alt+# works.
Alt + 1-9 When the screen is only showing part of a larger image, this will
shift the view by less than a screenful. Ex: press Alt+3, and the invisible line
at ruler position 3 will be shifted to the left edge.
Q Zoom in
W Zoom out
E Reset the zoom level
The Minesweeper game. Full Size
[edit] Minesweeper
I,J,K,L up, left, down, right
M mark mine/unmark mine
R restart
Space/ScrollWheelClick open cell
ScrollWheel move cursor left/right or up/down depending on mode
Alt toggle scrollwheel mode for left/right or up/down movement
H return to Home screen
[edit] Text Input
Alt+Backspace clear all
Alt+H/Alt+J cursor left/right
Note: The following shortcuts do not work in search fields.
Alt+6 ?
Alt+7 ,
Alt+8 :
Alt+9 "
Alt+0 '
[edit] Browser
Alt+1 show current location in Google Maps
Alt+2 find gas station nearby
Alt+3 find restaurant nearby
Alt+5 find custom keyword nearby
Alt+D dump debug info to the log and toggle highlight default item
Alt+Z toggle zone drawing and show log
[edit] Audio Player
Alt+F next
Alt+P play/stop (Kindle)
Alt+Space play/stop (Kindle 3)
[edit] Search Commands
Note: These commands are to be entered into a search box, followed by keywords (
e.g. "@wiki amazon kindle" will search Wikipedia for articles about the Kindle).

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