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LN Translation

Learning through reading

Chapter 1
redhare404 October 26, 2019 Uncategorized

嘆きの亡霊は引退したい 〜最弱ハンターは英雄の夢を見る〜

1 メンバー募集
Member recruitment

Lets become Treasure Hunters.

It’s an old story, from when I was a kid less than ten years old.

We were a group that was always playing together, one of my childhood friends had
brought it up.

A reckless, physically strong, yet heroic boy.

Lets become Treasure Hunters. Treasure shrines are all over the world, riches and
glory can be ours.

Our aim will be just one thing; to be the strongest heroes in the world. If it’s us… us
six, it’s pretty much a sure thing.

To this totally baseless proposal, the quick and dexterous friend agreed.

The friend that loved to read books timidly complied, and the taciturn yet reliable
one gave a nod.

The sister always clinging to my back peeked up at me awaitingly, and I also gave
my approval.

Treasure Hunters that tour various ruins from all over to bring back mysterious
relics have been shining stars from olden times until now.
Wealth, prestige, there is no faster way in the world to obtain everything and
become someone great.

Of course there are risks. There is an absurdly terrible risk called death.

And after several years. As a result of working hard and supporting each other, we
safely aquired the qualifications to be hunters.
Although having said that, you can just apply for the qualifications and recieve
them immediately.

The reckless, strong, and heroic boy became an unparalleled swordsman. The quick
dextrous friend became a thief that could see through any trap to guide a party (not
like they were actual criminals – it’s just the common name).

For better or worse, each friend had a special talent that made them irreplaceable
But even before becoming hunters, something became clear when we were training
for our respective roles.

I was the only one that had no special talent.

Just the one… the person that was unable to be better than average at something
was me.
Four friends, my younger sister, and me. Only me of us six. The one person of us
that couldn’t do anything.

Out of us all I was the only one that couldn’t see a path to becoming a hero.

§ § §

Ever since the morning I had been feeling the worst.

Thick black clouds covered the sky. If you shut your eyes you could hear the sound
of raindrops hitting the ground. The water stunk. The smell of mud.
The ground was completely muddy due to the bad weather that had been going on
for three days. It was daytime yet it was gloomy outside.
Despite the incessant rain, various different men and women were lining up by the
side of a sturdy looking stone building.

A person that looked dead on the inside. A person that was yelling out in a loud
voice. There weren’t just pure humans either, some had the striking characteristics
that distinguished them as being from a different race. The only common point
between them, was that they all had imposing figures.

Dirty armor that you couldn’t tell what kind of leather it was made from. An
overcoat that concealed the whole body of it’s wearer.
Some of them wore complete sets of metal armor. Not a small amount held swords
or other heavy handheld weapons.

Due to the bad weather the streets were mostly empty of people, and so only one
block in the city was caught up in a bizarre fervor.
Each and every person was gathered there for a slight chance.
To flout their name and strength as a treasure hunter, in an attempt to enter into a

The occupation of Treasure Hunter has always been that flashy kind of job.

The risks were extremely high compared to other professions, but if you had talent
– wealth, prestige, power; you could obtain everything.
The name of a noble house, or whether you were born into a merchant family, it’s
the kind of glory that is beyond reach.

Hunters often worked in groups called parties. If a hunter joined an experienced

party from the start, they could dramatically lower their risks compared to starting
from nothing.

Active hunters were always looking for skilled comrades. The people gathered
together currently were also at that place for that kind of event.

Since it was raining I didn’t think many people would show up, but an extreme
amount had come. With a sigh I also took my place at the back of the line.
Because there was no roof, everybody in line was dripping wet.
I put on my overcoats hood, drew my body in to make my body smaller and waited.
When you are standing in line without anyone you know it quickly becomes

“Aaaaaah! Why the hell, when there’s this many people! Nobody has even entered
in yet!”

An irritated yell comes out from the front of the line, I shrunk myself in even

Even at the best of times waiting can be horrible, it’s even worse in the cold rain. I
understand the annoyance, but everyone here feels the same.

Hunters are a strong bunch. There are also a lot of hot-headed types. No one will
be happy if a fight breaks out and they get dragged into it.
One of a hunter’s talents was their physique. I have an average physique, but most
of the people in my vicinity were heads above me.
They held power far above regular people and used it to fight on equal grounds
with monsters.
The true nature of these people was that they were themselves monsters wearing
human skin.

All I could do was stand by and pray that the situation defused peacefully and past
me by.
Unusually, this time my prayers were granted and there were no further uproars.

The line moved forward a small amount. While I was busy trying to make my body
shrink further in and not make any eye contact, the person in front turned their
head around to look at me.

Beautiful blue eyes stared back at me.

“Hey, can I bother you? Were you also looking to join a party?”

“Ah… Yeah”

An unusually cheeful voice. It seems like I might cause trouble if I ignored it, so I
begrudgingly look at a spot just below their eyes.

The voice that greeted me was from a female hunter that seemed to be in their late
teens. Well cared for light brown hair, and bright blue eyes.
She wore a long coat and a thick belt with a large pouch set to it.
Her attire was standard for hunters, but her undamaged hair and friendly
appearance didn’t give off the look of a hunter that spent their time searching
hazardous ruins.
Her clothes were practically brand new without a blemish on them.

In modern times it wasn’t rare to see female hunters, but in my experience there
are roughly two types of hunters.

One that’s still full of hope just before or immediately after becoming a hunter.
And those that have stuck through countless risky adventures without losing their
shine, ones that held outstanding talents.
Like my friends from back then, genuine『monsters』.

Nine out of ten cases were of the former type, but you can never be sure. In the
hunter world there were numerous people that concealed their abilities.
Indeed, to my suspicious gaze the lady hunter gave a forced smile, but then put on
a brighter expression and offered her hand.
Seems like they aren’t the type that immediately tries to beat you up.

In my brain I secretly gave the hunter a danger rating of E. This is the level given to
those that look safe if you’re only judging by their surface level appearance.
“My name, it’s Ruda Runebeck. A Level 3 Hunter. Well, I only just rose to that level
the other day though.”

Level 3 Hunter… mid-range then. Seems like she’s better than she looks.
I silently rased my danger rating of the girl before me to D. She’s not a fresh hunter
at least from the looks of it.

The treasure hunters are under the management of a hunting association

commonly called “Explorers”, which bestows levels dependant on ones
There are up to 10 levels that can be granted, and so a level of 3 guarantees mid-
level ability and achievements.
There are statistics that say that 70% of hunters stop progressing at level 3, so for
Ruda to reach that level while still young shows she has good prospects.

There is nothing to be lost from remaining cautious.

I open my lips. I haven’t had a drop of water to drink since morning, and I had
been running to arrive here.
The voice that came out was very dry.

“……My name’s…. Cry Andoric… nice to meet you, Ruda”

I answered without shaking her offered hand.

The greatest thing I gained in my five years as a hunter is a sense of danger.

You may get thrown if you take that hand, and if you don’t get thrown they might
crush you instead.
In the instant you grasp their hand there is potential for you to be killed.

Of course if you don’t shake their hand there is also the potential that the other will
consider you their enemy.

Ruda furrowed her eyebrows for a moment, but then let out a spirited voice.

“Are you also solo then? Everyone’s on edge…. it’s a pretty bad feeling.”


“I’ve been hunting alone up till now, but recently I’ve hit a bit of a wall… at that
time I heard that there was a large scale hunter recruitment going on so I decided
to come along.”

Linked to the belt on her waist was a scabbard. She tapped on the dagger hanging
Inside of treasure shrines there are various gimmicks. Having just a dagger with
low killing potential, Ruda is probably a hunter that excels at solving these
gimmicks rather than having great combat abilities.

No, all those abilities are essential for solo hunters.

Capturing a treasure shrine requires several different skills, it’s next to impossible
to cover them all on your own.

Not every treasure hunter explores shrines, but to receive a level 3 ranking, the
achievement of capturing a shrine is necessary.
If you have the ability to do that solo, then I would agree with giving a ranking of
level 3 in such a short time.

It’s what one might call a『genius』I suppose.

I don’t know what I should say, so I give a reluctant smile.

When something seems impossible you should laugh, it was something I picked up
on in the last few years.

“Being alone… it’s terribly unreasonable isn’t it”

“Yeah! It’s just like that! I went to the 『White Wolves Den』 but I couldn’t cut it
on my own…”

Ruda’s eyes sparkled as if she had been starved for a conversation partner.

“That’s the reason why… I thought I’d try and enter another party.
If there were another five hunters at level 3 then we could fully capture the 『White
Wolves Den』.

“Hah. 『White Wolves Den』 you say? Do you understand the kind of place you’re
at right now?”

All at once Ruda’s expression turned severe because of the words spoken like they
were looking down on her.

From the direction of the voice there was a large man standing in front of us.
They were wearing combined leather and metal armor with an overcoat darkened
from bloodstains.
Ruda was like a shiny first year hunter, and the man a grizzled long service veteran.

It’s not like hunters were just made up of guys like this, but it’s true that there were
countless hot blooded types.
Furthermore the more skill a hunter had, the greater tendency they had to be hot
In the Explorers it’s even said that being hot blooded is part of hunter culture.

Sure enough, Ruda yelled back at the man that was two heads larger then her
without any fear.

“What’s that? Just gonna butt in? If you have a complaint then say it already!”

“Sheesh, a level 3 hunter? The 『White Wolves Den』? This isn’t the place for
newbies to get together.”

The large mans cheek twitches with a smile that you wouldn’t really call a smile.
Other people in the line are looking back like they are seeing something either
annoying or something amusing.

I stealthily took a step back. I tried to prudently avoid getting involved in the
quarrel. It’s another thing I learned being a hunter.
If you get caught up in something and get injured, nobody will come to help you.

“The only people gathered here are ones that can be confident in their abilities.
After all, the party that’s recruiting members today is 『Footprints』 understand?
It’s a rising clan, but it’s currently the one with the most momentum in the entire
imperial capital. No matter how you put it, having fresh dregs like you around is
just an annoyance to the rest of us!”

A clan is a group formed of hunters.

A group that acts together on a routine basis is a party. If many parties gather
together they can form a clan.

There are various reasons to form together. For example – sharing information or
lending items. If members are missing from a party they can be borrowed from
another. And if a treasure shrine is of high difficulty, parties can challenge it

Building a network of relationships is necessary for smooth hunting. Therefore the

Explorers association also recommended hunters to form clans.

This occassions party member recruitment is also being held by a clan.

『Footprints』 is a clan that has made a name for itself in the imperial capital

The formal name is 『First Step』. It’s a clan that many parties made of young
people belong to. Even with its short history, it’s a clan that has gained a lot of
influence within the Imperial Capital. Originally hunter party recruitment was
done on an as-needed basis, but each year 『Footprints』 gathered parties to hold
a large scale member recruitment.
That was where we were currently.

Regardless of age, level and so forth, candidates were offered a test. If they passed
they would be accepted as members.
Of course the average level of a member of 『Footprints』 was high. There were
only a few people accepted in.
But for a hunter that had confidence in their own skill but were without
connections, it was a great opportunity.

But they are usually mistaken. The party members of Footprints were the cream of
the crop of the Imperial Capital.
Like my friends, the level of talent needed is on the level of at least being a genius.
Most people who take the test will have their self confidence shattered and ground
down to motes of dust.

“Haa? The recruitment note didn’t mention a level requirement, and in the first
place I’m a level 3 you know!”

“Hmph! Level 3 is certainly a mid-range level but you see-! Footprints already has
more level 3s then it has any use for!”

The large man’s teeth were bared at Ruda as he yells at her.

It was as the big man says. Level 3 is only mid-range… purely put it’s average. For a
famed party a level 3 had little worth. Most members of footprints were above that
However, Ruda’s level of 3 is only for the current moment. 70 percent of hunters
end their growth at level 3, but as long as you have the ability your level will raise.
For a person that raised themselves that far solo, quickly gaining experience with
the support of a party wouldn’t be difficult.

It’s for this reason that Footprints has no level requirements.

Those were my inner thoughts, but it would probably be bad to make any
arguments, so I held my toungue.
I probably shouldn’t say anything unnecesary.
While I stood by and watched silently, the big man and Ruda were quickly getting

While the large man was hurling abuse, he touched the sword on his waist. It’s a
long sword about one meter in length.
Unlike Ruda’s dagger it’s a weapon made for cutting down monsters and
phantoms, killing them head-on.
With just a dagger Ruda is at a large disadvantage. The large man is definitely not
lower than level 3.
“Oh-? You’re not going to do anything? Fine by me, I’ll be the one to do it.”

However, even with that Ruda showed no indication of backing down. Her graceful
lips became warped, and a wild smile showed on her face.
In the same way as the large man, she caressed the dagger on her hips with
familiarity, and then pulled it out.

Treasure Hunters are treated differently to ordinary people. If a hunter fights with
a regular citizen, the hunter will be blamed one sidedly. But in the case of a quarrel
between fellow hunters, it’s the one that draws their blade first that gets

Ruda had been losing her cool just like the large man, and it was for that reason
that he didn’t draw first.
Must be experienced in starting brawls.

Even if Ruda was to be beaten up by the large man she didn’t even know the name
of, any extenuating circumstances would not be taken into account.
Even if there’s a level difference between them, the courts won’t take it into

They’re both monsters. Why do I have to go through this when we were just lining

Growing tired of the wind and rain and the tedious fight that was breaking out in
front of me, a man in the white uniform of the Imperial military came out of the
On his collar was a mark of silver footprints. It was proof that he belonged to the
clan First Step.

His grizzled looks were in no way inferior to the large man in front of me. His
cheek carried a deep scar, and he stared at Ruda and the large man with a
dangerous gaze.
He shouted in a rough voice that was equal to the other two.

“Hey! Quit your bitching! Go find another spot to fight! You two, I’ll kick you both
out without letting you go through testing!”

The large man who had drawn his sword smacked his lips and returned to his spot
in line. Ruda also sheathed her dagger.
And so, the line slowly moved forward.

Translator Notes
The author uses a lot of nicknames made from the Kanji of longer names.
It doesn’t always make much sense in English.
-For example: Footprints is the nickname of First Step.
The Kanji that makes First Step is “Origin of Footprints”, therefore taking just Footprints out makes
it the shortened form.
Just keep in mind they both refer to the same clan.
LN Translation
Learning through reading

Chapter 2
redhare404 October 26, 2019 Uncategorized

member recruitment 2

Inside the building that usually operated as a pub, there was a fervor incomparable
to before.

The faint smell of liquor lingered. Most of the tables that were usually out had been
stored to the sides of the room.
Aspiring candidates formed a line in the remaining spacious interior of the store.

The atmosphere was burning hot. Ruda who was leading the way widened her eyes
when she saw the spectacle.
Seems like she had already completely forgotten about the quarrel from before.

“Wow… everyone here is a hunter?”

The store interior still had some tables scattered about.

At each sat several people wearing white uniforms. They would be members of the
clan First Step.

Picking a party at random from 『Footprints』 you will find all sorts.
Some parties have a number of prominent members, while some only have a well
known leader.
Some parties are looking for attackers, while others want somebody specialised.
Every applicant seeks to join a table where they are given a test.
The contents will vary party to party, from interviews to practical exams, there are
even parties that put an emphasis on inspiration.

To Ruda who was quite obviously looking lost, I asked a question.

“This is your first time?”

“….It’s not yours Cry?”

“….This is my fifth, I guess”

“Fifth time… so many times – s-sorry”

I’m not sure why, but Ruda offers a heartfelt apology.

“No, it’s fine… most likely, today isn’t the first time for a lot of people here I would

Hunters are rated on their merits. Talented people will get picked up right away,
but it’s not like people without talent have no chance.
I’m a person that has given up on their own talent, but came here for the slight
That kind of resigned attitude could also be called a talent of sorts.

First off should be some scouting. I took some distance from the people lining up
and stood in a corner close to the entrance.
It seems like there are more parties recruiting members than usual.

Even if it’s said that Footprints is recruiting, it doesn’t mean that every one of their
parties will come.
However it seems like nearly all of them really have come this time.
The number of people wanting to join has also increased.
Was that the reason there was a line going out the door?

Ruda talks to me over-familiarly even though our only connection is some time
lining up in the same line.

“Cry, if you don’t mind could you fill me in on a few things? I really don’t know
much about this whole thing.”

“…Sure. It’s not a bad idea to have a skilled hunter owe me one”.

At the very least she won’t stay a level 3. If she doesn’t die, that is.

To my words, Ruda’s facial expression loosens up a bit.

“It’s been a long time since I’ve been to the capital. Let me know the names of the
famous hunters.
I think this will be a good opportunity.”

First off, even if you join a party, it may not be suitable for you.
The party will have specific roles outlined, and will have their own strategies and
If you’re able to join an excellent party it wouldn’t be a mistake, but even if you did
join a skilled party you might not be able to fit in.
If the difference in talent between party members is too high, it could lead to some
I think Ruda’s thinking is on the right track, but the Imperial capital is a place
where many hunters confident in their abilities gather.

On the surface they appear human, but they are undoubtedly completely seperate
life forms. My friends as well – they were the same way.

“I don’t know what Ruda wants, or even what you are capable of. You carry that
dagger, but I’m guessing you have skills that lay outside of combat?”

Giving a scrutinising look over her appearance, I reviewed her equipment. In

addition to her dagger, there is a small leather bag on her waist worn in a way that
doesn’t obstruct movement.
Perhaps it contains tools for picking?

When a solo hunter is invited into a party, it’s most likely because of their skills in

The fact that they are solo in the first place means they have survived attacks from
monsters and phantoms, so their fighting ability tends to be high.
On the other hand, joining for a specialised role isn’t likely, due to a lack of

Soloers have to look out for traps and search for enemies.
You must do everything from forming solutions to fighting in combat – following
that logic, their individual skills will be inferior to a member of a party that just has
to focus on one thing.
But the person in question already knows this, thrusting that fact in their face will
bear nothing but resentment.

Seeing Ruda’s earnest expression, I point to the inner part of the room and

“First off, there’s a rule to this room. The further in the higher the level of the

Just like hunters are recognised by their level, Explorers gives clans and parties
rankings in a similar way.
There are differences between parties belonging to the same clan.

Deep into the room was a large table, there was a noticeably large amount of
hunters gathered around it.

“That’s the strongest party recruiting right now – Arch Brave (TN- Kanji meaning
‘Children of the Holy Spirit’).
Never heard of them? Their average age is 21 years old, and with only six people
they captured a level 7 shrine.
The elite of the elite.”

They stand out even in the Imperial capital that’s thick with monsters.
Each member has so much talent you would think they were touched by god, not to
mention their leader that’s praised by the public as a hero.

Incidentally, the 『White Wolves Den』 that Ruda attempted was a level 3 shrine.
As the level ranking of a treasure shrines goes up by one, the degree of difficulty
increases tenfold.
The gap between this girl and them is like the distance between heaven and earth.

If you enter into that party, your success is guaranteed.

If you don’t manage to enter… well if one of their members gives you a little bit of
praise, another party will probably try to scout you.

Whether you’re solo, or have little experience, you’ve most likely heard their name.
As expected Ruda draws closer and asks in a small voice.

“…Well, I’m just going to ask but… do you think I have a chance?”

“That depends on you. Though, as far as I know Arch Brave has never recruited a
member from here before.”

It’s the biggest name in the capital. If you’re young, you’ll definitely try once or
twice to get in.

The party members already perfectly compliment each other, perhaps the hunters
trying to be recruited don’t even expect to pass in the first place.
The lot swarming there probably just want a chance to see them close up, or have
the pretext of forming some type of connection with them.

While looking at the crowd of people, Ruda didn’t complain and let out a sigh.
When she heard of the level 7 shrine, she probably realised it was too difficult for

I continued to inform her of the other parties in the room. Most of them had names
you would hear if you stayed in the capital for a month or two.
Ruda was a soloer so she just hadn’t heard of them, but it was all information that
was easy to get if you spent a small amount of time investigating.

I pointed out the different parties one by one and gave them an evaluation. There
were rarer parties then usual participating this time.
It seems like most of Footprints is recruiting this year.
Listening to my drawn out talk, Ruda speaks to me in amazement.

“…Cry, you’re pretty well informed. I’m getting tired just listening to you talk.”

“Just this much is natural though.”

“…I’ve been meaning to ask but, what do you wish for in coming here?”

“What I wish for? …Nothing really… I…can’t really do much, I guess.”

I don’t have a specialty. And I’m not an all rounder either, I’m just bad at
Jack of all trades and master of none… below that. That’s me.

I don’t have the courage of a hunter and I don’t have their hot-headed passion
The passion I had when I still believed in my own talent dissipated before I knew it.
Hunters have a high risk, high reward occupation. There are even statistics that
70% of hunters die inside treasure shrines.
I don’t have the fortitude to swallow down a risk like that.

I have the excuse that I’m not as talented as my friends, but the real reason is
probably that.
I want to throw up.

“I see……then, if you want to, would you like to form a party with me?”

To my weak willed words, Ruda makes a proposal in an unnaturally bright voice.

I think she’s actually serious. My heart constricts and breathing becomes difficult.

In a world of good for nothing hunters, Ruda is a genuinely good person.

I’m almost certain she isn’t just saying those words to play around.
However holding back someone else from being successful is so agonising I can’t
endure it.

“Thank you for your offer, but I don’t need your sympathy. For the sake of your
future you should be on the lookout for the party that is most suitable for you.”


Thrown off a bit, I touched the silver chain hanging from my belt which calmed me
down slightly.

I needed a way to casually change the topic of conversation.

Arch Brave’s recruitment table. In the same inner part of the room there was a
large table where no one was seated.
I exaggeratedly pointed at it.

“O-Oh? Hey, that reminds me, that empty table over there, I wonder why no one
packed it away?”

“You’re kidding me, you guys, you really came here without knowing anything?”

“! ?”

The large man we got entagled with outside was approaching us with a smirk.
His face was red from being caught up in the excitement.
His overly developed muscled arms and riveted armor gave him a wild style that
looked even more brutal when viewed under the interior lighting.

I don’t know what results he obtained, but he seems to be in a much better mood
than before.

Dampening the mood, Ruda narrowed her eyes and glared back at him.

“…What business do you have with us? Gonna get all mad again?”

“Don’t be like that. Your senior hunter Greg-sama just wants to help out the little

Greg-sama… haven’t heard of him. Saying that, I only have a small fraction of
I’m a little familiar with the hunter world, but it’s only of the top level hunters that
everybody knows about.

There are way too many strong hunters I have no knowledge of, and there’s also the
possibility that he just hasn’t done anything to stand out yet.

“The table next to 『Arch Brave』 is the table of the founding members of
Although, they aren’t coming this time either looks like.”

“The founders… party?”

Ruda blinks back, and Greg-sama lowers his voice as he continues.

“Footprints have held a number of recruitments, but this time there are a lot more
people than usual.
Just the other day, the shrine that no one else could crack was captured by 『Holy
Spirit』and even he came. The usual recruiters『Iron』 and 『Sacred Lightning』
are also here.
And… look, see the guys standing about with footprint marks other than the party

Greg-sama gave a fleeting glance at a sullen looking male hunter standing with his
arms crossed against a wall.

The clothing worn isn’t the same as the recruiters uniform, but if you look closely
they have buttons in the design of footprints on their collars and sleeves, and a
footprints accessory hanging.
There are rules that a clans symbol must be displayed somewhere visible.

“Ordinarily you’d think there’s little meaning for all these hunters of footprints to
come here without the purpose of recruitment.
But there is that reason.”

In response to his way of trying to imply a hidden meaning, I decide to interject.

Greg-sama has done a suprising amount of investigating, but I know a little bit

“…Those are solo hunters belonging to Footprints.”

” ! ? They joined as soloers… you can do something like that?”

“Parties need to be made of at least one member… So you just apply as a solo party
and join that way.
You have to have be considerably skilled though…”

In other words Ruda didn’t have the ability.

Looking away from the man, he points near the empty table to a bored looking girl
that’s staring off into space.

Shes wearing a tightly fitted black leather combat uniform. A dagger hangs from
her belt, her hair is cut short and she’s dressed for ease of movement.
Her age is most likely less then Ruda.

“That’s Tino Shade. She’s level 4, and she’s a soloer of Footprints. She’s a famous

“That little girl is…”

“…You probably shouldn’t say anything extra. Her age, looks, and quick temper are
Her role is thief.

Not a person that steals things. It’s about looking for signs of enemies and
intercepting them, and the name comes from their skill with traps and locks.
If it’s the White Wolves Den, she could capture it by herself. She’s an existence
above Ruda. One of Footprint’s monsters.
Greg-sama looks my way as if he only just realised I existed. He has an interested

“…You don’t really look like a hunter, but you seem to know a lot don’t you.”

“That’s because gathering information is important. Well actually that girl is… the
apprentice of an acquaintance.”

I pull down on the hood I was still wearing to try and hide my face. More
specifically, it’s my friends apprentice.

In other words my friend is even more of a monster than that girl. Probably isn’t
worth mentioning.

“An acquaintance?”

“You’re a soloer and yet you still came here, I really don’t get it…”

Maybe she wants to stop being solo and came here in search of a party don’t you
It’s not certain you’ll be able to fill your specialty in the outside world.

Greg-sama tilted his head to one side at me, then crossed his arms proudly and
smiled down on me.

“It must be that. That you know? Everyones come here because… of a rumour.
Today, one of the parties that hasn’t recruited anyone in a long time,
someone from First Steps founding party – 『Strangry』(嘆霊 grieving soul) is
coming to recruit for the first time in years.”

Translator Notes
Some more nicknames.
Arch Brave is made of the Kanji “Children of the Holy Spirit”.
So when they mention ‘Holy Spirit‘ it’s most likely referring to Arch Brave,
and perhaps their leader at that. Sorry if this has been unclear.
Strangry is, well for now lets just say the katakana is Stoguri.

Referring to yourself with Sama is very arrogant. So when Cry says Greg-sama every single time he
mentions him (from the safety of his own thoughts), I believe it is in mockery.
LN Translation
Learning through reading

Chapter 3
redhare404 October 26, 2019 Uncategorized

member recruitment 3

It was like the world had stopped spinning in just this one place.

Noticing the state I was in, Greg-samas lips curved upwards.

“『Strangry』 has only ever selected a few people. Even with this chance it’s not
like you’ll be noticed, not to mention invited to their party.
If we’re lucky enough that they show up, there will probably be some other reason
for it.”

An over excited voice. In response to his heated manner Ruda stares back in

『Strangry』. That word caused my stomach to cramp up.

It was some years back. My friends and I came to the Imperial Capital together and
incidentally took that as the name of our party.
Made up of five monsters, in a flash it distinguished itself as a party of youngsters.
These days Arch Brave is another party on equal grounds that’s made up of young

The official name is 『Strange Grief』 (Kanji – the spirit/soul of grief).

I didn’t know when my throat had become so dry. Because of the tension, I had
broken into a strange sweat.

I shuffled deeper into my hood. As if to hide myself just a little more.

“W-What’s wrong? Are you feeling ok?”

Seeing me shrink down and the state of my trembling body, Ruda ask after me in
I’m gonna throw up.

“Well I guess it was all just bogus information. I thought it might’ve just been
people trying to show off, but I couldn’t help getting some hopes up…”

Greg-sama shrugs his shoulders.

It’s not just 『Arch Brave』 and 『Strange Grief』, most of the parties belonging to
Footprints were high level.
Even though Greg-sama was short tempered, if one party was a no show he wasn’t
about to make a complaint.

“Hey, what the hell is this! Where’s『Strangry』!”

However, it seems like someone else was going to complain.

Eyes turned to the loud voice that shouted out all of a sudden.
At that point was a young boy with burning red hair. On his back was a heavy two
handed sword that couldn’t be swung with ordinary strength.
Though he wasn’t tall, you could see that his body was well trained.

Like I’ve said many times before, quick tempers are proportional to how much
power a hunter has.
What no one else would say – even Greg-sama, that guy shouted out in front of
Even with everyone around him as opponents, his eyes showed unwavering
confidence. Perhaps he even had the power to back it up.

His sword emitted a unique shine, a characteristic marking it’s creation by

inhuman hands.
It’s what people commonly refer to as a Relic (Kanji – Treasure Tool), a treasure
that guy must have obtained in a shrine.

His age is clearly lower than mine, but to dismiss him without knowing his abilities
was too dangerous.

“There’s so many small-fry around isn’t there. I heard the top guys would be
coming, so I came all this way!”

The boy doesn’t wait for anyones response, he just keeps running his mouth.

“So young aren’t you? Is your plan to make everyone here your enemy?”
Greg-sama was looking at him curiously and muttered a few words.
Although he has a rough look to him, it seems he gained some wisdom in his
advanced age.

For treasure hunters networking is important. If there’s a problem with you, it’ll
spread in a flash.
It doesn’t matter how strong you are if you’re beyond help.

Maybe this has worked out for him up until now, but the people gathered here are
only ones that want to gain positive attention from Footprints.
Moreover these are all skilled people. Having a relic isn’t that rare.

The boy that lost his cool is surrounded by people, but none of them show any
indications that they are going to put a stop to him.
Probably because his words speak for the inner thoughts of a lot of the hunters
The other ones are watching him make a fool of himself, careful to see what will
happen next.

The boy glares with killing intent, trying to intimidate the members of Footprints
at each table.
But for the most part no one challenges him. Higher level hunters aren’t used to
dealing with naughty kids.

Heating up even further, the boy yells louder. Like a beast trying to intimidate.

“I’m the man that will one day become the strongest hunter, after all I’m already
level 4!
Even though I wanted to knock shoulders with the Empires strongest, it’s this

He said something pretty amazing. He’ll be a big shot, this guy. Either that or die.

He’s still in his mid teens I’d say. Reaching level 4 at that age is certainly
I can’t say as much for his sky rocketed self confidence and arrogant attitude, but
justice goes to the one that keeps on winning.

Hunters lived in that kind of world.

Ruda’s face cramped up. Seems like it was a bit shocking to realise that idiots level
was higher than hers.
Don’t worry too much, there’s still the potential he raised his level with the help of
a party.
When his frustration was about to blow, a member of Footprints finally
approached him.

Someone came out, but it wasn’t any of the recruiting members.

It was the one that had been standing isolated in the far corner of the room, Tino

She walked over in a casual stride and when she reached the boys side, she looked
down at him with cold eyes.

“Huh? What the hell do you want!?”

“You don’t know your place. Lets take this outside”.

A penetratingly cold, low voice.

The other footprint members that had been calm rushed over.

“Hey, Tino. Todays about recruiting members, not about causing a disturbance.”

“It’ll be over in an instant. A strike. If Onee-sama was here I’m sure she’d do the
If you want to enter 『Strange Grief』 then get past me. If you’re stronger, you can
join I promise you.”

Point blank. She has grit to stop just out of range of his long sword.
The quick tempered idiot boy isn’t much different.
He looks ready to spring at Tino at any moment while she’s surrounded by
members trying to talk her down.
I don’t know which one is in the wrong.

“Leave the fool alone, he’s a waste of time. We have directions to end things
peacefully whenever possible!
We all share collective responsibility, so we’ll be punished alongside you!”

“Hah!? Who’s the fool! I’ll beat you to death!”

“It’s you, you idiot! Go die on your own so we can get back to work!”

Some of Footprints members start to backtalk the boy with the attitude problem.

It’s a superior clan and everything, but in the end it’s made of the same types of
Everyones a monster, and they’re all looking for the slightest chance to exercise
their power.
Like pouring fuel on a fire, the uproar spreads further.
It was preferable that not many objects were left laying around, because it wouldn’t
be strange for a weapon to be drawn now.
And if someone pulls out their weapon, it can’t be stopped halfway. The fight won’t
end until one of the two are dead.

A fight between fellow treasure hunters is a disaster.

All the people here are hunters, and among them not just a few are in posession of
If they start using them, one or two buildings could easily be blown away.

“Ohh! Well well! The strength of 『Footprints』, let me see it!”

Greg-sama starts to instigate in a vulgar voice. Everyone else is also getting drawn
in. Some among them are members of Footprints.
It’s already spiralled out of control.

I pull on Ruda’s sleeve who was watching stunned, I speak softly.

“Ruda. It’s better to give up this time and leave. If a fight breaks out we can’t stay.
We’ll get sucked into it and get killed.”

Hunters can’t handle being made light of.

If you’re attacked, then attack back. And if they attack back, then attack back.
It’s a negative chain. Even if it’s collateral damage, it won’t be forgiven. It doesn’t
end until the last person standing runs out of strength.

Tino shrugs her shoulders, then taps the tips of her shoes to be sure.
I recognise her behavior, she intends to blow off his head.
A well trained hunters kick will easily cave in the ground and break through walls.

The guardians of treasure shrines can’t be harmed with only heavy weapons –
those 『phantoms』, so it’s not unbelievable.


“My ability to detect danger is the only thing I have self confidence in. Come on,
before the fight begins lets leave…”

“B-But, I, came here to find a party!?”

It’s impossible. They all have muscles for brains. Which is more important, joining
a party or your life?
This is how I’ve managed to live for the last five years. Ruda doesn’t understand
how high level hunters fight.
It really would have been better not to come here. I regret it while trying to
persuade her.

“I-I get it. I’ll help you search! I’ll help you out next time! Right now… living is
more important.”

“! ? I-I understand. Ok.”

The temperature of the room which was already hot, rises even further.

The young boy was holding his sword – and it was burning. Relic. A tool endowed
with inhuman power.
Crimson flames coil around the blade, the brightness illuminates the unfazed face
of Tino.

From the corner I creep towards the exit.

It’s a miserable feeling. But it’s safer. The back and forth argument can be heard
continuing behind us.

“I’ll think things through after I slaughter you. It’s something I learned from onee-

“…Fine then, shorty. Come at me, I can’t promise I’ll be able to take it easy on you!”

“Are you gonna destroy the place. Huh? If you’re gonna do it, do it outside!”

If they do it outside, the Empire’s knights will definitely come flying over.
These days everyone is more sensitive to problems involving hunters.
If you drag in regular people it’s inexcusable.

Outsiders keep fanning the flames.

I don’t want to think about it too much, but some are the voices of Footprints
It’s getting too chaotic.

“Yeah, do it! Ready—Fight!!”

“Hey don’t stir them up…”

A screaming voice. A coarse whistle. So noisy.

As we stealthily head towards the exit, someone gave the start signal.

Almost simultaneously the wind blew.

The air in the room that was heated up, in one instant was blown away.
The sudden shock made me fall on my butt. My hood fell off.

Ruda who was behind me gave a short scream.

Something cast a shadow on my field of vision. My heart was thumping loudly.

I timidly looked up.

Ruda’s eyes were wide open and let out a tiny voice.

“…when did you…at what time….”

Clear eyes like black diamonds were looking down. It was the one who was facing
the boy a moment ago, Tino.
Her evenly cut hair flows back after a short delay.
An elegant pair of bare legs were before my eyes.
The sullen facial expression is gone, she looks at me absentmindedly.

“U-Um… what is it…?”

Ruda asks in a quavering voice.

Tino doesn’t answer, but she speaks to me in a voice that has an equal tremble.

“………Ah…W-What, What are you doing? Master? Since how long have you been

Ah- …I’m gonna throw up.

Translator Notes
Terms I’ve made arbitrary decisions about so far:
Relic – I’m not calling them Treasure Tools, it sounds awkward to me.
Explorers – I debated attaching Guild or Co to the end, but didn’t.

This Chapters Nickname:

Strangry – Strange Grief
The katana is something like Storanji Guriefu so in Japanese the nickname is Stoguri.
Strangry is the logical translation, but sounds too much like Hangry for my liking.
I might try not to use Strangry much. Unless someone has a better idea.
LN Translation
Learning through reading

Chapter 4
redhare404 October 26, 2019 Uncategorized

member recruitment 4

When we came of age at 15 years old, as planned we formed a group of six. We

challenged several level 1 shrines to test our abilities.

They are all called Treasure shrines, but they are ranked according to location,
gimmick difficulty, threats, and the obtainable treasures.
Level 1 shrines were popular with novice hunters and were quite simple.
For us that went through grueling training and held inexhaustable enthusiasm,
they weren’t a challenge.

Within our generation of novice hunters we were the fastest at capturing shrines.
The future of Treasure Hunters.
While having that kind of reaction, I became convinced my ability was one or two
times beneath the others.

While I had some awareness while we were training, when I was thrown into the
thick of it, it was like I had fallen into an abyss.

The difference in ability wasn’t too severe for the moment, but in a few years I
wouldn’t be able to keep up on their hunts.
While they were geniuses, I only had talent within the range of ordinary Treasure
An excessive hindrance.

At that time, in that moment, for the first time I understood it from the bottom of
my heart.

We, were not equal.

The same age, raised in the same environment, but we were not born equal.
A person with more magic power, someone that’s physically stronger.
Even though we were siblings, my younger sister had talent in magic, while I had
It was such a frustrating thing.
Well, my sister wasn’t blood related though.

We were best friends that grew up together.

Before making the decision to become hunters, we were always together in the
same group.
Sometimes we had a difference in opinion, and sometimes we fought, but it always
came good in the end.
My hometown was a tiny neighbourhood, so we were like half family.

I truly was the weakest one.

Everyone probably noticed my lack of talent and slow growth, but they didn’t say
anything about it out of kindness.

And so the night we first captured a shrine, at the inn we were staying at – for the
first time in my life I cried into a pillow by myself.
I worried all night long, and then finally came to the decision to give up on

Treasure shrines store up on dangers and riches.

Dense concentrations of Mana Material create Relics, but at the same time give
birth to Phantoms – to reject intruders.

If we were to continue hunting together, one day I would get in the way and put the
whole party at risk.
If I were to make an error and get abandoned I’d just die.
But that’s not the problem (well, it is a problem though).
They definitely wouldn’t make that choice. Besides I don’t want to die either.

It’s shameful to give up on your dreams, but it’s a better choice than putting your
friends in danger.

My adventure ended with the capture of a beginner shrine.

Depending how you view it, I could at least boast that I had been a part of the same
group as those guys.

The next day I assembled them all in one room of the inn, and told everyone I was
giving up on being a treasure hunter.
Tears had already been shed the previous night, so that’s probably why I didn’t cry.

And then, the friend that first brought up becoming Treasure Hunters way back at
the start, later on the disciple of a sword master and becoming widely known for
phantasmagoric (ever changing) sword – Luke Sycor spoke up with an
undefeatably earnest expression.

“I also spent the night thinking about it, but Cry, you don’t have a particular role so
become our leader.”

“…..Hey now, did you not listen to anything I just said?”

That was the begining of everything, and the end.

My friends talent exceeded my expectations by far, and the level of the Shrines we
captured quickly rose.

After just one year I couldn’t keep up with them, but I always remained as the
leader. Because they were a bunch of idiots.
Stupidest, but the strongest. My enthusiasm quickly dried up as I alone was
swallowed by the fear of death.
Ever since that point I have felt like retiring as a hunter, but I stayed on as the

And several years down the line till now, the outcome is that I still carry the burden
of being the leader of ever increasing monsters.

§ § §

“Is that the rumoured guy from Strangry? Isn’t he kinda weak? He can’t even stand

“What has he been doing until now? He’s caused an uproar.”

“…A little while ago that guy, he was lined up behind me outside…”

Gossip starts up. I’m paying for my mistakes.

I absentmindedly run my gaze across the table of 『Strange Grief』.

Since the party members apart from me rarely attend, we’re monopolising a vacant
More precisely the others left the Imperial Capital to capture a shrine, so they
aren’t here.

The convergence of everyones line of sight feels awful.

I have the the attention of every single person.
But nobody comes closer.

What have I done… All I did was sleep in a bit late.

This is why I wanted to go home so bad!
This wouldn’t have happened if I wasn’t here right?!

“So this… is loneliness, huh…”

I give a nihilistic smile, and utter a soliloquy.

My stomach cramped so much it hurt. I am definitely the one with the weakest
body in the room.
Trying to escape from this wasn’t a trifling joke. It scared me.

What kind of reaction would these pepole have if they knew I wasn’t just a member
of Strange Grief, but it’s leader?

Tino who was pulling me over to the table looked like her head would explode from
wanting to keep them all in check. She had a dangerous look in her eyes.

“Master, don’t mind them please. The magnificence of Master, I’m the one who
knows it best.”

“It’s your fault that I am suffering from this mental anguish in the first place.”

Tino Shade is my childhood friend’s, the Genocidal Monster 『Peerless Shadow』

Liz-chan’s apprentice.

Back then, I recalled the circumstances just after I came to the Imperial Capital.
A few years after she became Liz Smarts apprentice, I along with Arch Brave and a
few other parties formed the clan First Step, and that girl was also there with us.

She adores Liz as her Onee-sama, and from that connection she calls me Master.
She’s not a party member of Strange Grief, something more like a half mascot.
Before long it wasn’t really appropriate to call her a mascot, and she became
another monster with crazy prospects.

By the way, I’m referred to as master while being the leader of Strange Grief,
because I’m also the clan master of First Step.
In other words I’m at the top of the monsters. At the time it was being decided
everyone was just going along with things because no one wanted the position, so
before I knew it I was the one in the seat. Just remembering it makes me want to
throw up.

“What are you here for? A Hunt?”

To my question Tino held my arm, got closer to my body and looked at me with
upturned eyes.
The cutesy act and short temper is surely from her teacher’s bad influence.
“……because, today, Master’s Strange Grief was, was searching… for party
members, I heard…”

“……I didn’t say so. I would tell you that face to face….”

It’s because of the deputy clan leader, who was angry that the creator of this event
never showed up to it.
More or less, I show up everytime but disguised as a guest.

In the first place, I think it’s strange for people to make so much noise over such
vague gossip.
However since it draws so many people, we should leak rumours next time too.
The members of Strange Grief are already solidified, but there are still parties
searching for excellent members.

I don’t think I should come anymore. Next time… or rather, I’m never coming
Please just get along without fighting each other.

My dramatic appearance had thrown everyone off their bearings, and it was nice
that nobody was approaching while I was chatting to Tino.
Then from the next table over a handsome guy started coming.

The people in the surroundings broke apart creating a fissure to let him pass.

A man that looks better than any one else here in that white uniform created in the
style of the Imperial military.
Silky smooth golden hair, friendly blue eyes.
Born and raised in the empire, and undoubtedly one of the strongest hunters in it.

Lion. Hero. Arch Brave’s leader.

『Silver Star Heavy Thunder』is his alias, one of the five people in the Empire
given a level 7 hunter ranking.
Ark Rodin.

He’s also the rival of my childhood friends.

A guy that gets to party up with cute girls, quite an unpleasant person.
Furthermore he’s freaking strong but isn’t self obsessed about it, he’s so wonderful
that it grates on your nerves.
And the fact that he sees right through my petty jealousy just makes me more
It’s a negative chain.

“Cry, you’re late. Something happen?”

“…Not really. I just overslept.”

“Ahahahahaha, your jokes are as funny as ever.”

Ark laughs cheerfully, saying I was being funny. It wasn’t a joke though.

“Don’t get any closer to Master. You faker.”


Tino tried intimidating the handsome guy.

For some reason he’s not mad about it and starts pounding the table while
It’s terrifying.

We’re not in private so I don’t think it’s a good idea to snap at each other.
It’s a mistake in education.

“You were thinking about the fun you would have today, so you couldn’t sleep

I was so full of anxiety I laid awake until dawn. That’s the reason I slept in.

Appearing before a bunch of quick tempered and strange monsters, I would never
do so if I wasn’t so afraid of the clan deputy.
The hunters have superior abilities, so even though I’m the master my position is at
the bottom.

“I see… so you were hiding in the shadows as a participant so you could judge from
…Quite underhanded isn’t it? There was that big rule of having to wear a uniform,
yet you aren’t wearing one, and you’re not displaying your mark.”

“I just said I overslept didn’t I? Listen to people.”

I didn’t have any time to prepare.

Ark narrows his eyes and gives me a scrutinising look.
Even if he’s a handsome genius, he’s still a hunter and doesn’t listen to people
when they are talking.

There was no judging going on. Whoever other parties recruit isn’t my concern,
and no one was being invited to my party.
Todays participation was just some window dressing.

“Master, this man is too impolite. He should be expelled from the clan.”

“Ahahahahahahahaha, Tino you’re the same as ever, so hilarious!”

“I’d be happy if everyone was as broad minded as Ark though.”

Ark, Greg-sama, Tino and that boy from before, a fight has nearly broken out three
times now.

Ark reaches out to stroke Tino’s head, and she avoids it like a threat.
You have courage to touch the small monster. You can stroke it but be careful if it
bites you.

I don’t want to get in fights so I rarely go outside, if I do I wear a disguise.

The most well known face here is probably Ark’s.

A number of hunters are peeking this way.

Ark was being reserved, but there was no sign of any one coming forward to get
between us.
Before the member recruitment is over, by all means please come have a chat with

“So, did you find a good member?”

To my question, Ark collects his attention on me.

Even now Arch Brave is screening prospective applicants.

He’s their leader, so a new member could be decided once he says a name.
Even if it’s not an invitation, other parties would scramble to recieve someone
that gained the attention of a super celebrity like Ark.

Ark furrowed his eyebrows for a moment, then let out a small groan and shook his

“Frankly, it’s difficult. There are some great people here, but would they keep up
with me if we went to capture a shrine?”

His words made me widen my eyes unintentionally.

That’s exactly it. Monsters are born within monsters.

The strength of a hunter for some reason, is proportional to how many shrines they
have captured.
Arch Brave is continually capturing higher difficulty shrines, there’s no easy way
for someone to catch up and be ready to join a party like that.
If you had that much power, you would already be flourishing.

This is an event to find people with good future prospects.

The applicants that have been given an infinitely high hurdle seem a bit pitiable.

Arks eyes shine with a momentary glimmer of light. He asks in a calm tone of voice.
“Speaking of, has Cry found anyone?”

I don’t know since I haven’t been searching at all.

I raise my head and take a look around.
Whenever my line of sight meets with a hunter, their face freezes from the tension.

Standing next to the wall looking uncomfortable, my line of sight meets with Ruda.
Next to her with his eyes wide open was Greg-sama, wearing an indescribable facial
The red headed boy that was trying to pick a fight with everyone had his arms
restrained behind his back by members of Footprints. His teeth were bared even

Looking at Tino as he struggled and shook his shoulders.

“Hm-? We have enough members already. If I named someone, would you take
them in?”

Ark shut his eyes and meditated on the words I said as a joke.

“……Yes. I trust in your words Cry.”

Everyone in the room became noisy.

While we were in the same clan, which party leaves the choosing of its members up
to someone else?
Furthermore it’s one the top parties in the empire, that gets competitive over a
single spot.

“Wha-, Ark!?”

One of his party – a priest girl raises her voice in panic.

I raise myself up, fold my arms, and lean back with my legs crossed. I smile.

“……Oh. Interesting. Anything goes?”

“…Just one person. I don’t have the surplus to raise more than that.”

Ark gulps back saliva. This guy is really tolerant.

But a reccomendation, huh? Interesting. An interesting thing to think about, Ark.

This is a good opportunity. It’ll become a hot topic.

People will talk about it, and then even more people will come to the next
I’ll need to rent an even bigger room.
The problem is, I haven’t been able to pick any one out.

From what I’ve seen, there’s some trash with a small amount of talent, a hunter
with some experience that’s a slightly amusing piece of trash, and a passably strong
piece of trash that doesn’t know it’s own place.
Not exactly the kind of lineup you would recommend to Arch Brave, and I have no
special ability to understand someone’s latent potential.

No matter what I say, if I can’t produce a suitable applicant it’s going to create
some friction.
The quickest way would be to recommend this solo girl here from Footprints.
Our clan is excellent so a certain amount of ability will be guaranteed.

Our eyes casually meet, and she blushes as she speaks.

“Master, how wonderful. But I’ve decided to go to the same places as Master, to be
able to choose you is an honor.
I refuse to enter into this faker’s party. Please choose someone apart from me.”

“I really need to check on what Liz has been teaching you.”

My friends have been long time rivals of Arch Brave.

Different from the tolerant 『Holy Spirit』 here, my party was extremely narrow

For a moment I check again to see if I can find someone good, but I can’t.
Maybe it’s better just to keep the cocky smile I have going and just say there isn’t

But, there’s some monsters peeking this way with a serious look that might take an
issue with that.

I knit my brows together and put on a face like I had done a lot of thinking as I
Although I had given up on my past motivation, my current goal was to at least
look like a hardboiled cool and strong guy.

“Hmm, yeah… there is someone, it’s just. I was waiting to bring them over to ours
at the the right time.”


A voice filled with hostility. The boy that had been restrained had forcibly shaken
off the members of Footprints.
He’s thrusting his finger towards me in a grand gesture.
As expected of someone who was granted level 4, it seems like they have some

“No matter what, you owe me an apology! If you want to nominate someone, make
it me!”

He shouted so hard he’s left gasping for breath. The nerves on this guy.
Anyway to Arch Brave a level 4 hunter may as well be an ordinary person.

“You, are you already in a party?”

“…That type of thing, is unrelated!!”

No, it’s related though.

I put my hand on my chin, and give the boy a serious look over.
He must have talent. He has courage. His sharp toungue and rudeness is
something Arks team could discipline him on.
Comparing all rounders to single minded types, statistics point to one being

I’d be worried he might get someone killed if I entered him into Strange Grief,
but if he’s in Holy Spirit it becomes Arks problem so I don’t care.

I put my hands together in a loud clap and grinned at the boy.

“Your name is?”

“…Gilbert Bush. Gilbert, of the 『Sword of Purgatory』!”

He was excited for a moment, but managed to control his shouting voice in the last
I guess that Sword of Purgatory refers to the Relic he carries on his back.

Probably isn’t an actual alias. There are only a few hunters in the capital that are
known by one.

Ark is looking over Gilbert seriously. Even with a reassessment he will still look like
a brat.

I clapped my hands and spoke condescendingly.

“Alright then Gilbert. I’ll recommend you to Ark. But there’s just one condition.

“There’s…a condition!?”
I can’t get a good judgement. Ruda seems like slightly talented trash, Greg-sama
looks like amusing trash, and Gilbert looks like trash that doesn’t know it’s place.
But nothing is certain.

I can’t be a good judge, so whoever I choose will come down to luck anyway.

“Yeah. Just one condition… 『Don’t lose』. What’s the most necessary thing for a
hunter? 『Victory』”

Gilbert is looking over with a puzzled expression. No, everyone in the clan is quietly
listening to me.

I’m just spouting out a bunch of random words, don’t take it so seriously… I want
to throw up.

“If you don’t have that ability you will expose your party to danger. For this reason
show me that you 『Don’t lose』.
By the way ever since I became a hunter… I have never been defeated.”


I haven’t fought anyone. It’s because I never fight.

I use any measures to run away from a battle.
Sometimes I use my friends as a shield, sometimes my influence, at others wealth.

That’s why I’ll play the same hand in this battle.

From the little finger on my left hand I pull out a gold ring, I fling it at Gilbert.

That ring is the 『Bullet Finger』. It’s quite a common thing, but it’s a Relic from a
It has a trivial amount of power, but it has value if you want to sell it.

Catching it with his right hand, the boy Gilbert frowns.

I smile and loudly shout.

“Every member here listen up. I plan on giving Gilbert a recommendation.

But if someone knocks him down and takes that ring, I’ll recommend them to Arch
Incidentally, that ring is a Relic, so if you don’t want a recommendation, I’ll just
give you that instead.

Ark lets out a short whistle.

Tino understands the situation immediately, and in an instant closes the distance
on Gilbert and gives him a hard kick to the face.

My smile is cramping up, so before any one notices I quietly stand up.

“…Now then, lets escape.”

§ § §

This is the story of a hero.

The Golden Age of treasure hunters.

Men and women search for wealth, honor, power – an era where people wish for

The story of the childhood friends with brilliant talents aiming to become the
The clan that aims for the same,
And one person, the one concerned thats consigned to be a bystander watching
over it all,

My story, the tale of Strange Grief.

Translator Notes
– Again Holy Spirit refers to Arch Brave here.
– Ark’s main descriptor is Ikeman – basically as cool and good looking as a movie star.
Tino often calls him a false Ikeman or calls him shallow, but it was hard for me to translate it in.
– Cry is an unreliable narrator – he misrepresents the truth to the reader, and his own narrated
opinions can be incorrect. Hopefully I can get this across accurately.

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Chapter 36 Chapter 25 Chapter 32

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redhare404 October 26, 2019 Uncategorized

LN Translation
Learning through reading

Chapter 5
redhare404 October 27, 2019 Uncategorized

5 帝都
Imperial Capital

It’s impossible. I’m out of my depth.

To the members of Strange Grief – my childhood friends, I appealed in a sorrowful


“With you guys… I just can’t keep up. You get it don’t you, this times shrine
capture… it was my fault we took so long.”

Treasure Hunter parties have assigned roles.

Attackers that drive back monsters. Swordsmen and Mages.

Supporters that track enemies and solve Gimmicks. Thieves and Alchemists.
Healers that cure injuries and are in charge of protecting the party. Paladins.

Without those skills I was just a lump of extra baggage.

I worked hard. But out of someone with talent and someone without, it is self
evident which one will become stronger.

And my friends – Luke and the others were hard working to an amazing degree.
Every human is only given 24 hours in a day each, so it’s impossible to catch up
with them.

A general party is made up of five or six people.

If I wasn’t there – and one or two others instead, Luke and my friends could
proceed with greater ease.

Listening to my words, Luke Sycor nodded his head sadly.

“Aah… certainly Cry, as you say we don’t have enough power.”


“Sorry Cry-chan. We’ll get even stronger so you don’t have to worry…”

The person sitting next to me. Liz Smart gives her agreement.

“No, I didn’t mean…”

They are strong. Already at the level of too strong.

The reason they can keep capturing higher and higher level shrines even with me
weighing them down, is because they are strong.
If I wasn’t with them, the five of them would have it easier.

Warding off my persuasion as if it was a breeze, Luke talked with a distant look.

“It won’t be good enough like this… haha…

If things stay the same, being the strongest hunters will just remain a dream within
a dream.
Thanks, because of you I was able to wake up.
I’m going to retrain myself from the start, by becoming the pupil of a master

Luke went for a stroll, and became the pupil of a swordsman whose name was
roared throughout the capital.
Each of the others as well, left to raise their power.

I don’t think they heard the same thing as I said.

Those guys are hopeless. They think everything will be solved if they themselves
are stronger.
No matter how strong you are I will remain weak.

And so, I was struck by an idea.

Lets make a clan. Right now things aren’t good. I’m gonna get killed.
Even if I don’t die, I’m going to suffer.
Lets make a clan. Make a clan with other talented parties.
For the express purpose of getting a new strong member to join 『Strange Grief』.

A new wind is needed. For the sake of taking a fresh step forward.

In this way I founded 『First Step』, and with the pretext of managing it I was able
to successfully escape from Shrine hunting.

That was three years ago.

§ § §
There exists a substance called Mana Material.

I’m not fully knowledgable on the intricate details, but it seems to be the
fundamental force this world is built from.
It’s a substance invisible to the naked eye, but exists everywhere.
It’s fine to just imagine it as an invisible fog.

Naturally it exist in equal amounts all over the world, but it can become
concentrated due to Earth Veins or other influences.
At that time, the power that is normally invisible, creates an extremely limited
miniature world based on information it extracts from the worlds root.

Those are Treasure Shrines. They are the reason why Treasure Hunters have been
around since ancient times.

The form of a Treasure Shrine varies. For example, Towers, Castles, Forests,
Deserts, Underground Labyrinths, oddly placed boats in the sky, waterfalls and so
A different plane that exists based on information randomly extracted from all over
the world.

The aim of Hunters, and the reason the shrines are called Treasure shrines – is
because at the time the new world is created there is a high likelihood that a unique
item called a Relic (Kanji – Treasure Tool) will manifest.

For instance, a canteen that never runs out of water.

For instance, a ring that will protect you once only.
For instance, a cloak that will let you fly when worn.

Occasionally treasure shrines are like that, they’ll produce an item that cannot be
recreated in modern civilisation.
According to its strength you may be able to sell one that gets you enough money to
play around with your whole life, genuine treasure.

Of course there are also risks.

In places thick with Mana Material you will encounter tough life-forms – monsters.
And through the same concept, a treasure shrine can manifest a living apparition –
a Phantom.

There can also be traps, and the terrain itself can be no small obstacle.
You could also lose your life getting into an argument with a fellow Hunter.

However, even in the face of direct threats to their life, Hunters never stop
exploring Treasure Shrines.
Wealth, prestige, and, through conquest of atmosphere dense with Mana Material,
you can obtain『power』.
The Treasure Shrines are too enticing to give up on.

The Imperial Capital Zebrudia was, at least for Treasure Hunters, a first rate

Convenience of transport. Town development. The Country’s power. Security.

Above all that, numerous earth veins thick with Mana Material.
The existence of various Treasure Shrines of differing difficulty made the Imperial
Capital the holy land for Treasure Hunters.

Innumerable Relics gathered together, Monster materials sought after by

merchants – these collected supplies attracting more hunters.
If famous Hunters gathered together, the security of the city is assured.
It was this cycle that made the Zebrudia Empire into a major world power, and
gave it the greatest national influence.

From the remote town where we first decided to become Treasure Hunters, we had
to travel by transferring over several different horse drawn carriages.
The distance to the Imperial Capital was slightly absurd. We treated it as
environmental training and thought of it as a shortcut to glory.
In actuality we did get a little experience, and even now I don’t think it was the
wrong decision.

The Imperial Capital… Zebrudia is a country developed by hunters.

Empire laws are favorable to Treasure Hunters, in terms of taxes, in the sense of
facilities, everything is convenient in various ways.

The clan headquarters of First Step was in the heart of the Imperial Capital. It
stood in a good location on the main street.
The headquarters were also known as the clan house, so with the membership fee
that was cheated out of Footprints members, a five storey tower was built.

On the top floor. Bright light was shining into the clan-masters office as I nodded
off, when the Deputy clan-master Eva ripped open the door forcibly and rushed
into the room.

Confirming from my surprise that I was awake, she breathed out a deep sigh.

“Cry-san, you’ve been exposed.”

“Ah-… really?”

The clan’s deputy master Eva Renfeed and the staff below her that do
administrative work are not Hunters.
Different from those monsters, a purely grown delicate body.
Slim red rimmed glasses, and behind them radiant eyes like amethysts. Her brown
hair is also nice and well ordered.
Unlike the crude hunters, she has a suitable appearance for work.

There are about ten other people below her, but without them Footprints would
I gathered them here and there from the shadows of Footprints in order to retire.
I tried to act in secret, because the priority of not getting beaten to death was high.

With a grumpy expression she places a newspaper on my desk.

It was the one that boasted of being the number one shared newspaper in the
Empire, Zebrudia Days.

One page features a large photo of the building from yesterdays member
However the signboard that was usually above the entrance was missing, the wall
had a huge hole in it, and here and there it was burning.
Through the big hole in the wall you could see the figures of hunters brawling.

The title was “Major Clan ‘Arch Brave’ Recruitment Outbreaks in Brawl”

I may have made a serious mistake. I feel like throwing up.

I yawn widely as I read through the paper. The first thing I need to make sure of…

“Were there any civilian casualties?”

“Fortunately, it seems like there weren’t any.”

“Then we’re good. If a civilian was injured it would be terrible.”

It was good to evacuate the pub owner beforehand. Only hunters were involved.

First class hunters can kill people with one finger. But, our clan motto is to not
harm citizens.
A destroyed building can be repaired, but a person that has died can not be brought

I briefly read the article, fortunately the name Strange Grief didn’t come up.
Thanks to Zelbrudia Days our members are only seen as idiots.
They still have some wiggle room.

But those monsters. We’re in trouble because they don’t understand moderation.
Destroying a building over a mere low class, little fingers worth of Relic.
Eva who doesn’t know the full details, glasses shimmer as she glares at me.

“Cry-san, you poured fuel on the fire didn’t you?.”

“No- I hadn’t planned on pouring anything, actually I didn’t pour anything – you’re
being a little too cruel aren’t you?”

After all that the member recruitment ended in a vague manner.

I didn’t know the results because I ran away around the time tables started flying
about. It looks like things got pretty heated.

That Gilbert boy was targeted by Tino early on. That’s why she’s a muscle brain.

Everyone there had such a fiery nature, once a fire started it spread quickly.

Ah- …I want to move to somewhere far away…

“What did Ark have to say?”

“I met him in the lounge earlier, but he was roaring with laughter as he read the
news. I don’t think it bothered him”

That guy, he has a big heart. With the caliber of a hero, I guessed he’d be that way.
Having his party ‘Arch Brave’ as the number two in Footprints is something I’m
truly thankful for.
Honestly, they’ve saved us a lot.

Flinging aside the Newspaper and putting my legs up on the table, I start to
carefully wipe down the Ring relics I always wear on my fingers.
Eva puts her palm on her forehead.
The silver chains I had scattered about made a shrill sound.

“What’s the payment amount for the destroyed pub?”

“The invoice was sent to Ark. You should compensate for our opportunity loss. I
made that sort of argument.”

“Complaints are coming in from Explorers.”

“Deal with it appropriately.”

I’m used to complaints. At first I felt like throwing up every time I got one, but
since our members are our members, the complaints came all year round.
I can’t throw up over every single one.
To me who can’t relax, Eva added.

“Don’t be troublesome, go over and give a proper explanation.”

“ah- …I hear someone calling for me……..I want to throw up.”

My stomach lets out a pained sound.

The Imperial Capital is a city of Treasure Hunters.

The largest management organisation is the 『Explorers Association』, which
holds a great amount of political influence.
On paper ‘First Step’ is also underneath them, so there’s no right to veto their

With a distorted expression Eva amazed me with her true feelings.

“You should be used to it by now. How many times does this make it?”

“It doesn’t matter how many times they summon me, I’ll never get used to it.
The Imperial branch chief Gark-san is super scary ok. He has definitely killed some

“Again with this…”

The head of the Imperial Capital branch of Explorers, Gark-san is a former hunter.

When he started his retirement, he became a staff member of Explorers. He’s a

former monster.
It’s been a while since he started his retirement but his health is still going strong.
He’s a manly person that intervenes in hunter brawls without batting an eyelid.

Additionally, around the time we first came to the capital we became indebted to
him, so I can’t raise my head to him.
I’m at a loss.

“Really though… If you ignore it, that person will come over here on their own.”

On one occasion I carelessly disregarded a problem and it became troublesome.

Now they’re the person at the top of my list of those who you shouldn’t go up
Above all else, the assistant branch head is a good natured person, so it’s actually
easier to go straight to Explorers so I can meet them.

I wish someone else could go instead of me but… yeah, Eva who administrates all
of the clan operations is a regular person. I can’t bring myself to send her into the
thick of all those hunters.
“I wonder if Ark would go instead?”

“Cry-san, don’t you rely on Ark too much?”

Because there isn’t anyone else decent enough.

Great power doesn’t come with great personality.

For a moment I frantically mulled it over, but in the end nothing good came to

“….Can’t be helped. I don’t want to go, but I will. I really don’t want to go.
There’s no one to guard me. And my disguise Relic was broken the other day.”

If everyone from Strange Grief was here, someone would follow me as an escort.
But since they’re challenging a shrine with a high degree of difficulty I don’t know
when they will be back.

“It’ll be ok. It’s the Imperial Capital you know?”

“You can’t say there won’t be an attack in the whole city.

Well, there hasn’t been any recently because we crushed everything though.”

I put my most well polished ring on my index finger.

I placed the other rings in my pouch, fastened the chains to my belt, and stood up.

Now it’s time for me to get serious, and display my magnificent skill in prostrating
myself on the floor.

Translator Notes
-This chapter had a lot of exposition (info dumping)
if there’s anything unclear, leave a comment and I’ll try answer.
-The translated line that sounds like a spiderman reference is coincidence,
if you absolutely hate that kind of thing showing up even coincidently let me know.
-If I have made any errors feel free to point them out.

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Chapter 48 Chapter 25 Chapter 49

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LN Translation
Learning through reading

Chapter 6
redhare404 October 28, 2019 Uncategorized

6 罰ゲーム
Punishment game

The Explorers Association Zebrudia Branch is about a 15 minute walk from clan
headquarters, sandwiched between a large shop and a tavern.
Although it is smaller in size than the other two businesses, it is bigger in terms of
There was a fluttering flag with the symbol of a Treasure chest upon a red

I double checked my surroundings, and then passed through the entrance, feeling
the urge to throw up.
Hot air enveloped me and I furrowed my brows in discomfort.

Within this building is the citadel of monsters.

There is a distinct difference between ordinary people and treasure hunters.

I’m not talking about their equipment, or some other visible difference.
It’s about forcefulness, should I say the difference in nature between each living

The Imperial Capital is called the holy land of treasure hunters, but the total
amount of them is still not that many.
It would be hard to meet one just walking around outside, but there are places
where more of them haunt, and I’d call the Explorers branch the biggest
I straightened my back and moved through the wide lobby.

In the atrium room, roaring voices, snickering, and jovial singing constantly echo
out. It’s like a war scene.
There’s an indistinct combination of blood, sweat, alcohol and metal that creates
the unique stench that you could call the adventurer’s odour.
A giant hunter that was at least twice as big as me glanced downwards at me, then
passed by without a word.
Are Hunters truly the same as people, I remain doubtful.

The Explorers Association – An organisation that supports hunters.

From Relics to monster material trading, item restocking and services to provide
information on parties. Anything and everything necessary for the hunter trade; an
organisation that shares the same history with the profession of Treasure Hunter

Shrines and Hunters, parties and clans – Explorers is responsible for allocating
levels and ranks to them all.
Invading a Shrine is possible even if you aren’t a hunter, but it’s a good way to die.
It’s half common sense to enter the Explorers and become a hunter.

Of course membership isn’t free. Each year you are charged according to your
earnings. And from time to time, a request will be pushed onto you.
When the clan is on the scale of Footprints, people take care of it themselves.
Most clans are like that, not wanting to keep a personal eye on everything.
Well, since the fee takes care of itself, I was content to be a dog of the Explorers.

The receptionist girl is like an incredibly cute looking model.

The organisation is useful in various ways.

Among the mass of hunters that reek of blood and excitement, I straightened my
back and strolled forward with a swagger.
I passed by hunters wrapped in bandages from old wounds, it’s terrifying but I
know from experience that I was more likely to get entangled with them if my head
was cast down.

The weak get eaten. This place, why does the centre of town end up ruled by the
laws of the jungle?

A hunter suddenly spread a newspaper which came into view.

It was the picture of the pub that was partially destroyed.
It wasn’t the Zebrudia Days newspaper, but apparently other newspapers had
posted similar articles.

It’s not my fault. It’s not my fault.

Blame it on someone else you tabloid trash!

“Fame is… a miserable thing.”

I feel queazy, but on the surface I show a nihilistic smile and line up at the
reception desk.
While praying for my turn in line not to come, it comes quickly.

“Thank you for using the Explorers Association today.”

The black haired girl at the desk gives a smile that soothes the heart.
The Explorers receptionist isn’t a hunter.
The reason our clan staff also aren’t hunters is because I was envious.

Trying to act cool, I place both hands down on the counter with a bang, and then
give my best low voice impersonation.
After all, my aim is to be hard boiled.

“I have business with Chief Gark. We have a meeting, please guide me through.”

The receptionist responded with a full smile, without any reaction to my counter

“Oh, yes. The total destruction of a pub wasn’t it. Come on through to get lectured.
Cry-san, I say this every time, but when you get summoned you don’t have to line
up you know?”

It wasn’t total destruction, it was partial.

“I apologise for causing so much trouble!!”


A sincere apology is important.

A self important countenance is generally fine elsewhere.
But if your opponent is Gark, then it’s ok to throw away your pride without
At any rate he’s seen me in a miserable state countless times before.

After passing through reception, the moment I came face to face with him I knelt
down on the ground.
As expected, making eye contact with the veteran Chief Gark makes my face freeze

The branch chief Gark is a human being. He looks like a monster, but he really is

His height is over two meters. Running diagonally across his cheek is an old scar,
and from his bald head, veins bulge out.
His body was so well trained you wouldn’t think he was retired.
He had a truly villainous face, but he was human.
A distinguished one at that. He always wore a sword but he was a normal part of
the general public (currently).

When you line him up next to the cheerful smiling face of the deputy branch chief
Kaina-san like this, you really get that beauty and the beast feeling.

He was human though.

It’s a secret that I think a wild beast would be more docile.

I am much obliged as always thank you.

“O-Oi, Cry…?”

“It wasn’t deliberate. There was no ill will involved!

In order not to bother the public, we received permission from the pub owner to
destroy it in advance-!!”

It’s the truth.

Thinking things could turn out this way, I paid meticulous attention as to not draw
in the public.

In my growth as a leader I gained the apology skill, the preparation skill, and the
bluff skill.
Quite good I’d say!

I kept rattling on breathlessly.

“The point is, those guys are really troublesome, right?

You want things to stop, but they don’t, and then you have no choice but to go
through with things!!
Hey, tell me how to get them to stop, those guys!!
I want them to stop. I truly want them to stop ok!
If I could do it I would, those bastaaaaaards!!”

I couldn’t help it, in a place where it wouldn’t bother ordinary people I let off some

Ordinarily it’s better not to give excuses, but my excuses were precise.
It was to invite sympathy. It’s not like Gark was that mad either.

There was no damage to regular people therewasnodamagetoregularpeople,

above all else there was no damage to regular people.

I get back on my feet, and from receiving the force of my apology, Gark takes a step
“Oi… don’t try to just push past this.”

“The main point, is that we only demolished a building don’t you think!?
It’s just some Newspapers reporting nothing broken, there aren’t any complaints
Fine, we broke a little building! But we didn’t break people so isn’t that fine!
I’ll pay the reparations!! The owner and I go way back, and he’s a great guy so don’t
Just forgive me with a smile!! I want to eat ice cream.”

The partially destroyed store is a pub, but it also sells super delicious ice cream.
Their ice cream making has to put them in the top three ice cream stores in the
Imperial Capital.

After I continually persuaded while feeling like throwing up, Kaina who had
remained silent until now had a twitch in her smile.

“N-Now now, calm down, Cry-kun. While the chief wanted to reprimand you, there
hasn’t been any criminal offences filed.”

Each time Gark would get furious, Kaina would let out a ‘now now’ that reigns him
I guess they are balancing out the same role.
Gark has the role of being angry and giving threats, while Kaina searches for a

Like I thought, Gark lets out a long sigh.

“I haven’t done any reprimanding yet though… Well alright. Sit.”

All right- I’m forgiven. I wouldn’t do such a showy apology just anywhere.

I obediently took a seat on the fluffy sofa. The feeling of wanting to throw up
receded slightly.
As I relaxed and let my guard down, Gark slammed both hands down on his table
with a bang.
The sudden noise reverberated in my body.

He stared at me with his teeth bared.

“This time as well, Cry. I’ve summoned you when I didn’t want to.”

If you didn’t want to, then don’t summon me, it would be better.

In his admonishing tone of voice Gark continued.

“You know, even if there was nothing filed, it was something that appeared in the
newspapers right? I can’t just forgive you for this one.”



You should forgive me. If we went by the usual Explorers standards you would
usually give me a bit of leeway.
Anyway, there was no one hurt. The destruction of a building falls under Empire
A broken pub is something small. There’s no way a pro at cleaning up after people
like Gark doesn’t understand that.

I looked to Kaina-san but she had a bitter smile on her face.

Guess it can’t be helped. I’ll toss this to Ark.

“This wouldn’t be, a punishment game right?”


To my question, Gark’s expression soured over.

The Explorers main duty is to assist hunters in capturing Shrines. Coincident with
that, it ran a service of receiving and appointing requests.
Hunters were strong to the point that you stopped thinking of them as being
human, so requests would come from merchants and countries that sought to
borrow their strength.

Escort jobs and monster suppression, obtaining specific Relics.

The level of difficulty and job type differs, but beginner hunters that can’t capture
shrines or form connections will pick up requests if they want some extra money.

However there are some requests that go unaccepted by hunters, whether it’s
because the reward is too small, the time constraints are too inconvenient, the level
of difficulty is too high, or because of some reason involving the client.

From here, whether it’s paying for a mistake or something else, Explorers finds
themselves in troubling circumstances. So they exercise their authority over the
hunters that show weakness or become involved in scandals.

We hunters give those types of request the honourable name of ‘punishment

games’, and avoid them.

To my choice of words, Garks eyelids twitched in spasms.

“Oi, don’t use that phrase in front of me.”

“Gark-san’s a former hunter right? The main point is that it’s that kind of trouble
isn’t it. More or less, I’m also burdened by the weight of my clan.

There are various ways that clans are run, but ours is a democracy.
Even though I’m the master, we decided by majority vote. My influence is really not
that great.

I have some high ground now, seeing me immediately cross my legs and recline
back cockily, Gark’s eyes peeled back in anger.

He let out a sigh, and seemed to be preparing to admonish me again.

“No no, I’m not saying I won’t accept it. How long has Gark been taking care of us
until now, I also understand our position. Allow me to accept.
However I won’t do anything unreasonable. One only. This time we haven’t done
anything that bad.”

“Cry-kun, does your agitation skill increase every time we meet?”

When you have no choice but to bow and scrape, at that time you bow and scrape,
and when you have to be overbearing, then be overbearing.
If you aways remain scared you will die. That’s my worldly wisdom.

As I got carried away with myself, Gark involuntarily started grinding his teeth. He
spoke in a threatening low voice.

“Bring it here.”

Kaina-san brought over a leather bound file and placed it in front of me.

The Explorer Association practically coerced hunters into taking requests, but from
rumours it seems like there were a lot of guys that rejected them without batting an

Hunters have tough egos, and they hate being tied down by people. In particular
the tendency to crush up requests is strong with veteran hunters.

As expected, a lot of the ‘punishment game’ requests had been collected. To be in

the position of having this many stockpile up, I can feel some sympathy, but we are
a business. I can’t give anymore than I must.

Gark turned his gaze on me before speaking, and I could feel murderous intent
smouldering behind his eyes.


I flip and skim through the pages.

The punishment games can also be categorised from best to worst. Time involved.
Request contents. Reward. The are many cases where the request circumstances
are bothersome.

I’ll pick out the number one simplest request and dump it on Ark.

Going from one to the next, as expected they were only fitting as ‘punishment
games’. There are many that I would hate to even think about.
If it’s Ark, his party could handle any one of them, but a hunters pride was
connected with capturing Shrines.

Keeping that in mind, for now lets just look at the ones that deal with Shrines.

Level 5. Level 6. Level 5. Level 5. Level 4. Level 6. Level 3. Level 7. Level 6 –

Ah, just now, that was a level 3!

Flip back to the page. Then check over the contents… Yep, this one’s ok.

Many of the Punishment games were difficult, that I could get one that was level 3
was pure luck.

『Silver Star Heavy Thunder』the alias of Ark Rodin – his level 7 rank was one of
the best in the Imperial Capital.
The hunter ranking is an approximation of the difficulty of shrine they should

If it’s a level 3 shrine then it’s a easy win. The reward was low and the time period
was reasonably long. I mean, it’s a volunteer request, but it’s not much of an
obstacle to clear.

I pulled the request out of the file and shook it in front of Gark.

“Alright, I’ve decided. Gark-san, I’ll take on this easy『body retrieval』request.

“……Cry-! Saying that’s a bad omen! It’s not『body retrieval』, it’s『emergency

rescue 』.

…Eh? There’s no way to tell whether they’re alive though?

§ § §

Like a storm.

When Cry left, deputy brach chief Kaina breathed out in relief.

She held the urgent request file under her arms, and turned a forced smile at Gark.

“…The same as ever, that child is like a storm… but it turned out well right?”

“…It went well. He got caught in the moment at just the right time.”

As the very picture of self control, Gark answered.

In terms of scale itself, there are many older clans that are larger sized, but
compared to those half stagnant clans Footprints was still in the middle of its

The fact that they gathered the attention of newspapers was proof of that.

Rather, from Gark’s standpoint, Cry consistently maintaining the same attitude
from when he first started out as a hunter, despite forming such a large clan – was
the best.

By all rights, it was strange that he hadn’t left the Explorers yet. To a clan with a
certain amount of power, there were few merits to staying with the Explorer

In fact, the promising clans that had left weren’t just a few.

Although he took on a frivolous attitude, it was obvious how Cry treated the
Explorers with care.

“To begin with, he said it was easy, but he took on the most dangerous request.”

“…Well that’s… the same as always.”

Out of more than twenty requests, recalling how he picked that one without
hesitation, Kaina smiled fondly.

Certainly, the Shrine he picked was the lowest level. But a shrine’s level and a
request’s level were different.

A leader needed to have a discerning eye that could reliably assess risk. The
request’s contents had also been accurately outlined.
Cry that carried a large clan on his shoulders, and was the leader of『Strange
Grief』, it was impossible for such a person to misjudge the degree of difficulty on
a request.

Actually in the past, Cry had always chosen the requests with the highest difficulty.
Did he feel so obliged to the Explorers?

“God only knows what may happen… Well, if it was someone else apart from Cry
that would be the case. Regardless of how he acts – that guy has a good eye.”

“We owe him one don’t we?”

Translator Notes

-Paraphrasing, the receptionist is described as a kawaii Idol. I know some people probably prefer it
left like that, but to me it requires a little more obscure understanding of Japanese pop culture. Her
mannerisms are like cutesy mixed with professionalism I suppose.

-The excuses Cry gives in argument are shouted with comically long sentence endings –
Deshooooou? Desuuuuuu! I wasn’t sure how to make that as funny in English, sorry.

-『銀星万雷』 Silver Star Heavy Thunder – also still unsure about this translation, seems too long.
LN Translation
Learning through reading

Chapter 7
redhare404 October 29, 2019 Uncategorized

7 想定外
Beyond Expectations

“Eh? Ark isn’t here? Why not?”

“He was invited by a noble to capture『Prism Garden』a while ago… he won’t be

back for some time.”

“Ah- I see. That’s some bad timing.”

While she was looking at some documents, Eva answered back without raising her

The party Ark leads – “Arch Brave” is popular in the Capital.

The leader is handsome and gentle mannered, a hunter with the uncommon trait of
magnanimity. To top it off he is nonsensically strong.
It was a matter of course that nobles wanting to form connections would call on

I should have expected it this time in particular, since they had just cleared a shrine
of high difficulty.
It’s probably more lucky that he hadn’t left until this morning.

But the timing is bad. I thought I could just choose whatever request and toss it
over to Ark.
Ark works diligently, but being so busy has its own drawbacks.

“Shouldn’t it be ok if you just go Cry-san?”

Are you telling me to go die?

There are people that look at Shrines sweetly, particularly non-hunters.
If you ask me, their outlook is way too sugar coated.

There are no problems when an ordinary person only enters level 1 rated shrines,
it’s only after that where things become more devilish. If an ordinary person enters
a higher ranked shrine they will likely die, it’s that sort of world.

The main thing, is that I have already half retreated from the front.

“You see, I don’t really hunt anymore, so I’ve become quite weak now.”

“You’ve been skipping too many duties.”

Hunters are strong. The circumstances are different. One of the reasons they are
powerful, is because of the accumulation of Mana Material.

Shrines are densely filled with Mana Material.

Hunters that capture them are exposed to strong concentrations of Mana Material,
and by absorbing it they receive power that deviates from the normal human

Through this method, hunters that enter higher level shrines have continuously
increasing power. However, Mana Material does not subside inside the human
body for long.

Although it differs from person to person, if you stay in a city that has low
concentration like mine, the power accumulated in your body will be gone in the
blink of an eye, and then you will return to being an ordinary person. This is the
main reason why hunters that often capture Shrines are stronger than regular
military soldiers.

Even when I was at my best my abilities were weak, compared to a year ago I am
much weaker after avoiding the front lines.

A Shrine of Level 3 wouldn’t pose a challenge to the clan members, but for me who
grows at one thousandth the rate of others, it was impossible.

Plus I had no motivation to do so.

If it was me that had to undertake the request, I would have rejected it no matter
what. That’s right though. Even without Ark here, I still have Footprints.

“Well- all right. I’ll go look in the lounge to try and find someone that seems free.”

“…Forcing urgent requests onto other people, that’s not right.”

Eva frowns as she looks at me with accusatory eyes. In my defence ‘Good jobs are
done by the right people’, it’s something like that right.

On the second floor of Clan headquarters there is a lounge.

It’s a room with a high ceiling and sunshine that flows through a large window
which brightens up the spacious interior.

Large tables are in place to fit each party down to the number of their members,
and alongside a wall there is a bar counter.
Besides being used for meetings, the bar counter serves simple meals and drinks
free of charge. Members will often gather together to relax in their free time.

In any case it was money collected from everyone, so I couldn’t just put it in my
wallet. With the intention that it would all be used up I entrusted everything to
Nowadays it’s become our clan’s number one selling point. I’m not sure how it
worked out like that.

I took a look around our prided lounge, but soon had a frown on my face.

“…How rare. No ones here.”

“Master! Good morning. Today again, it’s your real face isn’t it… what happened to

“It broke.”

It’s daytime but only Tino’s here. Whats the matter with the other guys?

I approach the sad sight of Tino sitting alone with an open book.

It had been her that was the ringleader of yesterdays partial pub destruction, but
there was no sign of worry in her expression.

“Master, I think your regular face is much better than that weird mask you wear.”

“If you had told me you thought the mask looked better, I wouldn’t have been able
to take the hit.”

Up until a week ago I had been concealing my face with a special Relic.

『Rebirth Face』 (Kanji – changing/diverting human face). A mask of flesh that

can freely change at will.
Some Hunters can’t help but make their faces known to everyone, but I’m the exact
opposite type.

But, the Relics already gone. It broke unfortunately.

I didn’t have a back up. Relics are created spontaneously, so unusual items are
hard to find and sell at extremely high prices.

Incidentally, a Relic that can hide your identity up to a certain level of perception
ability is infringing on several Empire laws. It’s something you would have to
stumble upon with good luck in a Shrine, otherwise you wouldn’t be able to obtain

Now that it’s like this, I won’t be able to easily go outside. I want to throw up.

Tino nervously checked her surroundings, then with the aura of a lost puppy she
spoke up.

“Master… Have you heard from Onee-sama?”

“If it’s about Liz and the others, they’re at a Shrine. It’s the Level 8 『Fortress』.
This time they were real enthusiastic about getting somewhere deep and bringing
something back. I have a feeling they’ll be there a while.”

It’s that bad timing again. If even one of them were here I could toss them the
Punishment game.

And I’m not able to just wait for them to come back either.

To my words, Tino blinked several times and showed an odd expression, but soon
she was smiling again and had thrust out her hand.

“That reminds me, Master. Look, I got it.”


In a flaunting manner, Tino unveiled something flickering in the palm of her left
hand. A recognisable ring Relic was there.
I had unconsciously let out a weird noise.

Unexpected. Certainly Tino Shade had achieved remarkable growth, but she was
still developing. In that place there had been several monsters that were stronger.

She had finished that boy Gilbert off with a surprise attack, so I could see how she
had snatched the ring. But Tino didn’t have the level of power necessary to defend
the ring to the last.
But then, the result was in front of my eyes… So it’s like that. While I wasn’t
watching the sweet little sister grew up into a splendid monster.

“I don’t care about that lame person’s party, but letting Masters ring fall into the
hands of some mere scoundrel is unthinkable.”

“No, it’s just a common bullet finger.”

『Shot Ring』is a Relic that lets you shoot magic bullets.

Rings are the type of Relic that are found most often, so they are also the Relic of
least value.

That big sword of Gilbert’s was probably priced higher.

The fact that Tino looked so delighted made me feel guilty.

“Going to that place, it was worth it. It was an interesting event, even that lame guy
said so.”

“Hey Tino, it’s Ark.”

“Master… Will you really give this, to me?”

“I won’t tell a lie. Take it take it, I feel a little sorry for you though.”


While we are on the topic of Relics, ability and price can also be ranked. The
amount of hunters that can make use of shot rings are limited.

Tino also shouldn’t have any use for it, but she let out a small cheer of joy and
started whirling around without a care in the world. This girl is easily pleased.
Tears were coming out.

…I only have Tino left here, but will she really be ok?

The request’s shrine level is 3. Tino is level 4, so she could probably come along.

“Tino, are you free right now?”


Tino came to a instant stop, and her eyes widened slowly.

From the start, she’s a solo hunter. Her time should be flexible.
Although they are called Hunters, they really don’t have much time outside of

Stacking on training is necessary to always be at top performance. And to capture a

Shrine relatively safely, you need to spend time gathering information beforehand.

A clan can support you to some extent, but since they can die if they are negligent,
most hunters keep themselves busy.
Even more so for someone that is solo, they needed to be absolutely prepared.

However, to my words Tino immediately gave a smile that lit up her whole face, a
rare sight.

“I’m free! Maybe the most free I’ve ever been in my whole life! Because, Master I’ve
been waiting on you!”

When I had inquired from her teacher, I had heard that a horridly severe
curriculum had been put together for her.

But, to be free to that extent…

Without any reservations, I pushed the punishment game I received from Gark-san
onto Tino.

“Great. Work came in from the Explorers. I’ll leave it to you.”


Tino had an expression like she’d swallowed something bad.

“Master, I’ve just received the number one shock of my life. My maidens heart was
shred to pieces. I never thought Master was the type of person who would do such
a cruel thing. I’ve been deceived.”

“I didn’t trick, and I didn’t deceive.”

“You raised me up just to drop me.”

“I didn’t drop, and I didn’t raise.”

Tino hasn’t even done anything yet, but she’s lost all motivation.

She had lifeless eyes.

She was laying her face on the table side on as she looked at me with bitter eyes.

In that posture she spoke without hiding her non-existent motivation


“If I can be honest, I had thought that with Master, we were going to go eat ice
cream together.”

Tino is extremely weak to sweet foods. Someday I think someone will take
advantage of that nature of hers.

“Your teacher said that you shouldn’t eat too many sweets.”

“That was a ruse. Onee-sama, she just doesn’t like Master going on dates when she
isn’t around.”

Dates she says. If the teacher’s the teacher, the pupil’s the pupil.

Perhaps she thought the times I had asked her to escort me, was as companions. I
might have made a mistake.

I’ve known her since around the time I became a hunter. In terms of how easy she
is to manage, it’s about the same as my friends and Ark.

Her appearance scores high points in adorability. When she gives me a tough
attitude, it’s hard for me to ask for her help.

Tino was drained of all energy, without hesitation I pushed the file towards her.

“Here you go, Tino-? I’ve got a fun fun job see, isn’t that great?”

“Master, to you, am I just a convenient woman?”

“It seems like our pure Tino has been tainted by some guy.”

It went in a strange direction.

“Master, it was you. You did it.”

Tino listlessly started reading the document.

And after being silent for a while, she grumbled.

“This seems like a record-breaking level of shit request, Master.”

“Yeah, I know.”
“Reward, time required, request contents, shrine difficulty, it’s completely without
any good points. Who would take on something like this?”

“Yeah, I know.”

“…It’s almost like a punishment game.”

“Yeah, it is.”


That’s why it flowed over here. That son of a bitch Gark used us in place of a
garbage dump.

If there wasn’t any underlings I could coax with some lip service, then I would have
refused. It’s been this way in all time periods and everywhere, things trickle down
to those in weaker positions.

Tino was moving around restlessly, she spoke with a terribly reluctant expression.

“Master, I’m still just level 4. I’m a beginner. Even though I really truly want to be
of help to Master, this time I will show some restraint. …It’s impossible to rescue 5
people solo.”


“……I remembered some things I need to do.”

Tino got up with vigour. Before I could blink, she had started running.

As expected, she’s a thief. I stared in wonder as she disappeared from the lounge.

The request paper was left behind on the table.

An enchanting style of getaway.

Hey wait, did that ‘I’ll defend it to the last’ Tino actually just snatch the ring and
then run away?

Surely because of all the severe training assignments from Liz she’s learned how to
run away well.
Hmm, now that I think about it, I can feel some affinity welling up.

I silently unfastened the two meter long chains that hung from my belt, and put
them on the table.
Glittering slender silver chains, even without me touching them they squirmed in a
snakelike fashion, making a jingling sound.

They are beasts. While they are chains, they are also 『Loyal beasts』.

Tireless, without hunger, and most importantly oath sworn fangless dogs.

Therefore they are called 『Dogs Chain』.

In the period of ancient time of which there are few written accounts remaining,
there was a household that used chains.
Trained in special arts, the chains would squirm without touch. Each held a
mysterious power, and they were used to support their way of life.

Now all that remains of that time is legend, but among the Relics that appear in
shrines『Chain types』are popular. Most likely they are the heritage of a ruined

The chains rise up and for an instant, they take the form of a miniature dog.

I motioned with my chin, and it’s current form was lost as it left the lounge in
snake like movements.

Translator Notes

-Tino is easily pleased by the ring – this hurt to read, he calls her a ‘cheap child’ in japanese T-T
-Convenient woman: In English this is sexual. But in Japanese it’s more someone that will listen to
whatever even with one sided feelings. In the most positive interpretation a convenient woman
would be one thats always willing to help out. Think Yun Yun from Konosuba, really nice,
completely taken advantage of, and thrown away when finished with. She is just used out of
convenience and not genuine friendship.

This chapter was rushed a little. May have some errors.

I’ll be taking a break tomorrow, so no release.

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LN Translation
Learning through reading

Chapter 8
redhare404 October 31, 2019 Uncategorized

8 闇鍋
Stew in the Dark

“If I could just say one thing first, Master. I wasn’t really trying to escape you

“Yeah yeah, sure.”

“Masters chains are certainly a little persistent, and it’s troublesome how they don’t
get fatigued. But for me it would be simple to break them.”

Tino says this with a serious face, ignoring the fact that she is wrapped up several
times over in chains that could restrain a robust man.

“And yet I still haven’t broken them. Since these are Masters important chains,
Master might start hating me. Taking these extenuating circumstances into
consideration, you could give me a bit of leeway don’t you think?”

Tino asked with calculative upturned eyes, these mannerisms were learned from
her teacher. A completely negative influence.

The『Dogs Chain』appear silver, but they are definitely not made from silver.
Items created from Mana Material are strong regardless of what form they take.

If it can break, then break it… there are a lot of people around me that think like
that, Tino also seems to be doing considerably unreasonable things.

It’s something that’s impossible without delving through many Shrines.

“Tino, it’s not good to do unreasonable things. That’s the number one most
important thing.

“……Master, that’s you. You.”

“If we’re talking about absurd, that’s your teacher. I’m nothing compared to that

At the same time as I answered, the『Dogs Chain』restricting Tino lost its power
and fell to the floor.

Relics are handy, but it’s not like they’re limitless. Tino ran around more than
expected trying to escape, and the mana acting as the power source finally cut out.
To be able to run away this far from the chains that pursue at high speed, it’s

Tino speaks while rubbing her body where the chains had been binding against her.

“I am aware. Master thinks deeply about how close we can come to death in order
for us to grow. When you hand over a request I am very aware of that, so please
keep it within the realm of Spartan.”


But that’s not what I intended though?

It’s a Level 3. Just a Level 3 shrine. It wouldn’t be that difficult for Tino. I wouldn’t
give a request to someone if I thought they would get killed. The request contents is
“body retrieval”.

Hunters are essentially responsible for themselves, but there are occasionally
requests to help Hunters that have met with misfortune. Even when the other party
are pros, in nearly every case it’s too late to help and they are already dead.

In the circumstance that they’re dead, you simply confirm their death and the
request is complete. That’s why that type of quest is called “body retrieval”. Since
they are so rarely still alive, there’s no reason not to go.

On top of that, Tino is also a level 4 hunter. Reluctantly I take another look over the

The Shrines designation is Level 3 -『White Wolves Den』. In terms of how close it
is to the Imperial Capital it’s mid-range, so it’s not very convenient. It’s not a
popular Shrine.

The whereabouts of the five people became unknown three days ago. It’s cutting it
close. If it had been one week, survival would be hopeless, but with three days it’s

The time limit is one week, and the reward is 300,000 gil. If it was an ordinary
household, that much could support them for one month. But to a hunter it may as
well be garbage.

The hunter that accepts such garbage would be a complete volunteer, but in the
first place it can’t be helped since it is a Punishment game.

I don’t understand the problem at all. But, I raised my head from the request, then
nodded like I knew what I was talking about.

“Yeah I get it. I understand what you’re trying to say.”


“You don’t want to go on your own, something like that right?”

I get it. I truly know that feeling.

Even though the degree of difficulty is within your limits, a Shrine is still a danger
zone. You never know what might happen.

Since she’s always solo I figured she would be fine, but I didn’t put enough thought
into it.

I was only thinking in the case that the people would be dead already, but thinking
rationally it actually is impossible to rescue five people alone.
A person only has two arms, how would they carry five injured people?

“Eh…? Well… Yes.”

When I had looked around the lounge, no one was there except Tino. I turned my
eyes towards something promising.

Everyone seemed busy today but I thought of a good idea.

『White Wolves Den』. I thought I had heard that name before.

Tino is Level 4 which seemed like enough already, so if we add a few more people
at Level 3 then it will probably sufficient. Today I can look up happily.

Tino nervously begins to talk.

“If Master comes with me then-“

“It’s them. The other day at the member recruitment, there was someone that
wanted to go to the White Wolves Den, you should take that person with you. She
was called Ruda I’m pretty sure.”

The left-over members? Greg-sama and that boy Gilbert should cover it.

Tino looks like she isn’t used to being in a party, so this can be part of her lessons.
How convenient.

As I was feeling smug after giving her advice, Tino’s eye was twitching as she stared
back at me.

§ § §

Tino Shade was born in the Imperial Capital of Zebrudia. Born and raised in the
Capital. A slightly quiet, yet very active girl.

From old until now Treasure Hunter has always been an occupation of stardom.
But because of the high risks, people with good sense tended to avoid it.

Zebrudia is full of hunters, and has several branches of the Explorers, but for that
reason Tino didn’t have thoughts of becoming a hunter.

People have befitting ways to live their lives. Wealth, fame, and power, Tino wasn’t
really drawn to them, and found the existence called Hunters frightening.

The impetus for Tino’s sudden turnaround was, at that time, a party that
materialised in the Capital like a comet.

A party with a stand out name like an unusual existence, a party more intense than
any other.

An ominous name that made people keep their distance, and even if the empire
itself was hostile they destroyed every obstacle in their path. In only a few years
there was no unknown member in their party.

They were shining. Seen by an ordinary person, for a girl with no interest in
hunters, they were an attractive radiant brilliance that she wanted to take in her

Like a flash.

Like a shooting star.

Level 10 – the highest rank of treasure hunter only held by three people in the
world. The strongest name boasted of as if the second coming of Exceed Sequence,
was the leader of 『Arch Brave』, ‘Silver Star Heavy Thunder’ Ark Rodin.
The founder of the『First Step』that became one of the most prominent clans. The
one that held the reigns of the wilful members of『Strange Grief』, and could
boast of ingenious schemes that raised them to the top of the Imperial Capital –
Cry Andoric.

A Golden Age.

Drawn to talent shining with the radiance of a burning star, gifted hunters
appeared in succession, the Explorers Association named this era as such.

And Tino Shade, she held the belief that sooner or later this moment would be left
behind in legend. So with her trusted teacher and master she became a hunter to
engrave her name beside them.

And now, continuing the hopes and dreams of her younger self, that trusted
“Master” was making her run his errands.

The Explorers Association Imperial Branch.

Without warning Tino appeared, at a table was a girl with a downcast expression,
her eyes widened.

They were a hunter that was together with Master at the member recruitment. She
had heard their information.

Their name was Ruda Runebeck. Wanting to find members that could help her
capture the『White Wolves Den』she came along to the Footprint’s recruitment.

Their role was probably thief. A hunter that detected traps and enemies, and
opened locks. She was less outfitted, and was lower ranked than Tino who had
been trained by a reliable (yet muscle brained) teacher.

But it was fine. This was for Master and her revered Onee-sama… no, well the wish
of her revered Master. It couldn’t be helped.

“W-what? What is it? Ah… yesterday, you were together with Cry-“

Rudas eyes went wide. From there Tino glanced across, then she decided to search
for different party members.

Translator Notes
This chapter was short yet difficult. Sentences in Japanese can be so long.
-The title ‘Stew in the Dark’ in Japanese is Yaminabe -a hot pot a group of people will eat together in
the dark. My guess is that it most likely refers to how Cry is setting up Tino with other people and
keeping her in the dark about it. Maybe I should have called it Plot in the Dark. A Hot P[l]ot even.

Something I don’t really want to mention because it’s embarrassing is that after reading a little of
the next chapter I can confirm I messed up the series title name. It’s something I figured might be
the case, but at the beginning my guess was that Cry’s alias was also “strange grief” since it is fitting
to his character and he is the party’s leader.
But yeah the title should be ‘Strange Grief [I] want to retire [from it]’. (Probably)
LN Translation
Learning through reading

Chapter 9
redhare404 November 1, 2019 Uncategorized

9 ハンター

Clan Upper Floor. In an office room that general members are prohibited from
After listening to me talk, Eva went silent for a moment. Before too long her glasses
flashed with light as she spoke.

“A setup then.”

“How rude.”

It’s the truth, but there are things you should say and things you shouldn’t.

“…For someone that just does solo work like Tino, isn’t it a bit premature to have
her lead a party?”

“This is also for her sake, that’s what I believe.”

When I said that with a serious expression, Eva sighed in disappointment and said
nothing more.

But, her words were appropriate.

I am the clan master, and a party leader.

But my judgements are frankly, unreliably made.

At the start I put serious thought into things, and days at a time went by where I
wouldn’t be able to sleep. It became a problem.

When I was the leader of only one party, I made the decisions for everyone in it.
Once the clan was created, those decisions only increased in number.
When our name spread, many parties and other clans also came seeking my
judgement. At times, even the Explorers asked for my opinions.

I couldn’t go on like that if I took everything seriously. I can’t be held responsible, I

didn’t start up the clan for those sorts of things in the first place.

Even now the only decisions that worry me are the ones I make for『Strange
Grief』. It’s ok. Tino is strong. In particular her agility is praised by her teacher.

If something terrible happened, she could just escape and manage somehow or
another. And if she doesn’t manage it somehow, Tino who wasn’t able to do
anything is the one at fault.

In regards to Hunters, death is their own responsibility. Meeting with accidents is a

matter of course, therefore hunters must always be fully prepared.
If my member selection was extremely terrible, it is Tino’s responsibility to make a
larger complaint about it.

No one takes responsibility for their mistakes. Just as I had too hastily made the
decision to give up on capturing Shrines, sometimes you need to be able to reject
the opinions of others as well.

After Tino goes through a bitter experience, I hope she can obtain the ability to say
no to things. My true so-called setup of Tino, was actually a lesson in tough love
that will benefit her future.

With this the conversation is over.

I recline fully into my soft chair, and stretch out completely.

“Ah-, I want to go to a hot spring and wash away everything troublesome…”

“…Do you want to go together with the clan members?”

“…Sounds good. Lets get all the staff together and go together shall we?”

Eva was originally working energetically at a big company, I scouted her for the
position of deputy.
The flexible ideas that she comes up with sometimes are probably due to her
previous position.

Outside of the Imperial Capital there are wild monsters, and at times phantoms
that have strayed out of Shrines.
It’s dangerous, but we deal with monsters by the dozens. Under the idea of raising
unity among other such things, everyone would easily come along together.
The problem is, if everyone in the clan leaves the capital together, the Explorers
and those nobility bastards will probably start complaining.
Later, all the meatheads would probably start having their own complaints about
the destination. After all there is only so much you can manage on such a trip.
No, it’s no good. Who knows what problems our party members would raise.

I’ve reached my limit. I want to throw up.

I flipped through the material collected by Eva and the others.

It’s data concerning Greg-sama and the others.

Footprints collects data on other Hunters and Shrines. Perhaps not for newcomers,
but information is collected on Hunters that have a certain level of

Ruda is… excellent. Considering that she’s solo, she’s done incredibly well. She has
talent to be able to survive this long without taking a major injury, but in my
opinion I’d say she has been lucky.

Greg-sama is… a veteran. There aren’t many that can remain stable as hunters for
years on end.

The boy Gilbert… he’s a problem child with a big mouth and nothing to show for it.
He came from the rural countryside and joined a party. He had friction with
another member, and then left the party.

Well, among hunters it’s a pretty common story. If we make a mistake that’s how it
turns out. It happens.

Looking overall – it’s mediocre. The capital is the holy land of hunters trying to
make their mark, more or less they all hold confidence in their own power.

I know of real monsters.

Without thinking of their own condition or making wise judgements, true monsters
can cut through high difficulty shrines with pure power.

But it’s enough. It’s a Shrine Tino could handle by herself somehow or another, so
with four people it’ll be simple.

I don’t have any trust in my own judgement, but I have trust in the power of my
clan members.

“But, will Tino really be ok… Even though it’s a level 3 Shrine, the request did come
from the Explorers.”
“It’s fine it’s fine. If it really seems too dangerous, she can ask the clan members for
help. Tino isn’t a child.”
She wasn’t a hunter back then, but Tino has been around watching since the
founding of the clan while she still looked like a child.

To the vice-master that was prone to worrying I made a show of shrugging my

shoulders. At the same time the door was thrown open without so much as a knock.

“Masteeeeer! Please help! After all, this really is impossible for me!!”

“…You’ve accepted defeat a little fast there Tino-san.”

After rushing in, her eyes met with mine then swept to Eva standing next to me.
Immediately after, in a tackle she clung onto me. She started rubbing her head into
my stomach.

She’s definitely acting. The tension in her voice doesn’t match with what she’s
saying. She’s quite a cunning child. Since I gave her instructions, she hasn’t even
been to the Shrine.

Furthermore, this room is prohibited from entering.

Eva was looking at Tino dumbfounded. This is why I said not to worry. It seems she
has received some truly terrible influence from her teacher.

“What’s wrong?”

“Everything, Master. The burden I have to shoulder is too heavy…”

In the lounge, the members I selected had gathered together.

Ruda Runebeck. Greg-sama, and the boy Gilbert.

The reasons for choosing them were completely appropriate. Ruda, because she
said she wanted to go to the White Wolves Den. And the other two, as add ons.

Ruda, Greg-sama, and the boy Gilbert. Ignoring their personalities, they all have
around mid-level ability.

I didn’t put any thought into their party roles, but with enough people I truly
thought that the Shrine capture would be simple.
Since the aim is to rescue, they might not even have to go in that deep.
After that, even with some discord in the party they would still probably survive at
least. I’ll just feel a little sorry for forming the party.

Ruda was fidgeting as she looked around the lounge nervously.

Greg-sama and the boy Gilbert also seemed a little on edge.
The headquarters of a clan you don’t belong to. To them it must be like being
behind enemy lines.

As Tino took my hand and drew herself closer, Ruda sighed at our familiarity and
her facial expression slackened.

Speaking of, because the conversation started violently mid-way, I hadn’t offered
her any greetings yet. I feel like I need to apologise.

“Ah, Cry-“

“…You’re late. You kept us waiting too long!”

Ruda’s voice gets drowned out by the loud boy Gilbert. Ruda scowled at him
He’s as obnoxious as ever, but because of this particular location, this time his
voice and what he says is slightly more restrained.

However, this guy came here even after being walloped into the ground by Tino.
Greg-sama looked at me and his lips bent into a derisive grin. But, his face was a
little stiff.

They were causing me trouble, so I set all their danger rankings to E. Since Tino
was on my side I could act confident.

“Ga-Gahaha… I’m in the headquarters of Footprints… You-You’re really a member

of Strangry then aren’t you…”

“I was really surprised yesterday. You told me that you had been to the recruitment
before many times.”

Lining up was a really thoughtless action. But, it was impossible for me to just push
my way through it and enter the building. It was my fault for sleeping in.

While I was feeling relieved at the peaceful exchange of conversation, the boy
Gilbert was gazing at me impudently.

“Someone as weak looking as this, is a member of『Strange Grief』are they…

I heard they were the strongest party in the Imperial Capital, but it’s not like the
rumours say.”
“…We aren’t really, we’re nowhere near the strongest in the Capital. Who would
spread a rumour like that…”

I don’t really need to think about it. It was probably my childhood friends. They
have a lot of self confidence.

Certainly they are in the strongest class among young people, but there’s also Ark
and his lot, and in the history of the Capital there are many powerful veteran
parties. Even if you look at it with a clear bias, we couldn’t be called the strongest.

As I frowned Tino hugged my arm closely. Although low key, a soft feeling hits
against my upper arm. It’s probably on purpose.
Another bad influence from her teacher.

The bad influence has gone too far.

“These people are much too rude. I refuse to enter a Shrine with people that lack
the appropriate respect for Master. Even though Master is Master.”

“Yes, that’s right. Even though I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

I nod with a smile. But it’s not something I really care about.

Whether I am the master or a member, I am nothing more and nothing less than

But for Greg-sama, those words held a heavy impact.

Nerves of steel or not, his face froze up and his thick lips trembled as he spoke.

He was turning pale.

“W-Wait… Master? The… Mas…ter? Of Footprints?

“Well… by your leave, Greg-sama.”

He really is brazen. Having to tell Greg-sama this is extremely painful.

“…It can’t, be……..That…..『Infinite Variety』…? Is it?”

“If you understand how great Master is, you should kneel.”

While still clinging to me, she glares at Greg-sama with cold eyes.
Yeah. Please stop being so threatening. I want to throw up.

Someone that creates ingenious schemes, whoever decided that wasn’t suitable to.

Some treasure hunters are given an alias.

In this way the Explorers create something like celebrities among hunters.

Strange Grief was a party with specialised roles. As for me, I didn’t have one.
The only thing I did was throw away my pride and bow my head in all directions.
Whenever possible trying to soothe others in order to reduce any damage that
might be inflicted.
『Infinite Variety』was the kindly given pseudonym of the leader of 『Strange
Grief』, the strongest young party.

Somehow there was a person mixed in with the monsters, those guys, what were
they thinking.

That nickname would better suit the big shot in Explorers that comes up with these

However, as a party there was nothing wrong concerning our achievements. The
reality of what I did (running away while feeling like throwing up) was a truth only
known to the members of Strange Grief that adventured together.

Thus I got famous for unknown reasons, and received an alias because they wanted
me to have one.

『Strange Grief』was kind of vague, but it became known that it was led by an
amazing hunter『Infinite Variety』.

The considerably ironic nickname soon took on a life of it’s own. In proportion to
the power of ‘Strange Grief’, the Hunter ‘Infinite Variety’ that had never been seen
to fight took on a powerful feeling.
And like a house of cards, I was relatively satisfied with the situation.

Pretty hard boiled I’d say.

I wanted to refute it, but I also didn’t want to experience getting attacked while I
was on a walk outside.

It made me want to throw up.

Well but it’s a fact that the name helps me get the upper hand, so I can’t deny that
it’s useful.
Greg-sama’s complexion was still pale. As I thought, he didn’t get that old for
nothing. His face was blank with amazement and while he looked at me he spoke
with a tremor.

“Ridiculous… I had heard they were young but- you’re too young.”

“Well, all that doesn’t really matter. I came here today to ask you… if you would
help Tino in the job I gave her, I believe.”

It’s asking them abruptly, but since they came all the way here, there should be
some opportunity.

If I ask while keeping up with the current pace, I should be able to win them over.

Ruda was originally trying to go to the White Wolves Den, and Greg-sama is
thinking a lot about Hunter things. His belief that the strong dominate the weak
seems to have merged with who I am. He looks like he wants to have a drink

And then, the last question remaining had his teeth bared towards me.

“Like you could be… that strongest in the Capital『Infinite Variety』huh!? What a
joke! You haven’t trained at all!”

“No, that strongest rumour though-“


Who is spreading those weird rumours? Each and every time this is how it makes
me suffer.
As I start to say something, Tino speaks over me.

“You don’t understand Master’s strength, how pitiful. Ninety percent of your life
has been wasted.”

“Mm. I still don’t know what your talking about but can you stay quiet?”

“Master, as I thought it’s impossible to join up with this guy. People that can only
mouth off are the ones I dislike the most.”

People that can only mouth off, that can also be perfectly said about me though…

For the boy Gilbert to say I haven’t trained is also only natural. Because I truly
haven’t trained.
If Gilbert and I were to face off against each other under equal conditions it would
end in my complete defeat.
Gilbert looked like he was about to spring at me at any minute, so Greg-sama held
him down.

“I-Idiot – look at your opponent before fighting! He’s – one of the greats, the
youngest ranked『Level 8』Hunter you know!?”

“Get off me old man! Fuck, I won’t accept it!”

The boy Gilbert had an angry look, like he’d bite your hand if you held it out to him.

He has amazing guts, if I was in his position and found out I was in front of a Level
8 Hunter I would already be kneeling on the ground.
That quick temperedness and fighting spirit is similar to those of first rate Hunters.

I turn toward Ruda.

“Will you help us out Ruda?”

“That’s… what I was going to ask you but… are you really Level 8?”

She has a suspicious look like she’s trying to find the mistake in a made up story.
A level ranking isn’t always a good indicator of true ability.

The process to certify level that the Explorers use, depends on multiple factors.

“It’s only a number that goes up ok. The fact that I’m a party leader and a clan
master, as well as the members achievements. They are all added in to the
Since Footprints is a huge clan, the vast amounts of achievement points needed to
gain my level were collected almost immediately.”

“Master, of course I too have been dedicating the points from my achievements you

Ruda’s facial expression shows that she doesn’t really accept it.

This is only a small part of it. The Explorers want to promote the growth of the next
generation. The reality is that all high level Hunters are party leaders and clan
masters. Either that or teachers or those carrying similar responsibilities.

Otherwise, unless you’re at the forefront capturing Shrines, it would be impossible

to have a higher level than Ark.

At my words, the boy Gilbert started to criticise loudly.

“There see! He’s nothing! Who would believe that someone like you could ever be a
top Hunter!”

I admitted his willpower already, but he’s starting to become annoying.

With a sigh, I look to Gilbert with his red face and speak.

“No, it’s not like level 8 is the highest rank… in the first place it’s fine if you don’t
believe it.”

I’m already used to it. I’m aware that I don’t look strong, and compared with the
monsters belonging to Footprints, I’m really not.

It wasn’t my idea to be sitting in this position, but no one else would do it so it

couldn’t be helped.
If I wasn’t alone, that would also be nice.

“Well it’s fine if he doesn’t want to. Greg-sama will you be helping us?”


“O-Oh…? T-That’s… of course… no problem, but…”

It was just an invitation, I don’t plan to compel the boy Gilbert that looks like he
hates me. And I’m also not going to bow my head and beg him either.

Regardless of the issue of pride, this is the clan lounge. To see the clan master bow
his head, nobody will feel good about it. Why should I lose the trust of my clan
members just to have one trashy person join up?

Whether you would say he meets the skill requirements of Ark, he is a level 4
Level 4 or higher vanguards, out of our members we have as many as we need if we
want to exchange them.

“O-Oi, is that really fine!? I really won’t be joining!?”

“Aah, that’s quite unfortunate. But it can’t be helped. Tino, go find one of our clan
members that looks suitable to help out.”

It’s still noon, but if you go over to the tavern next to the Explorers, there should be
some people around.
Tino was approving of me happily, then gave me her upturned eyes as she pleaded.

“Master, come with me please…”

“No. Way.”
What would I do if I went? I said a Level 3 Shrine was easy, but it’s still a danger to
your life.

Although I gave a clear answer, Tino stared at me with teary eyes. From the start
she has acted like a spoiled child time and again. I was content to receive the cool
older brother position, but this time it’s pushing it a little far.

As I gripped her head and tried to pull it away, the boy Gilbert ignored us and



What is this guy on about now? While I still gripped her head, Tino also blinked
and looked at Gilbert.
Like he couldn’t stand our gazes he shouted again. His extended finger pointed
towards me.

“A match. Infinite Variety! With me, if you defeat me… I’ll become your member.”


What are you saying you octopus. I unconsciously bit back these words that nearly
came out.

Still I could only stare back in amazement.

To sort of borrow Tino’s words, he really doesn’t know his social position.

Certainly I don’t know what will happen if we fight head on, but still I’m a Level 8

For this particular case I really am a crappy small fry so it’s not applicable, but a
true Level 8 and Level 4 Hunter are in seperate dimensions.
Even to the Level 7 Ark, Gilbert is completely worthless.

And finally, why do I, who escapes from every battle. This Infinite Variety.
For the sake of adding this trash to the party, why must I expressly enter into a
fight I don’t know whether I can win or not.

If you want to fight me, beat down all the members of『Strange Grief』, and then
I’ll receive you.

Greg-sama also seems to think it’s ill advised and doesn’t try to say anything to
The boy Gilbert continues on. He clasps the large sword next to him by the handle.
A behaviour he has mastered. Like a declaration of war.

“I won’t obey the orders of someone that’s weaker than me!!”

“…Then I’m not the one you should be fighting, that’s Tino right?”


Because the one that will be the party leader is Tino.

“Deflecting things really is Masters strong point isn’t it? But, it’s fine.
You’ve taken an extremely rude attitude towards Master.
On behalf of Onee-sama – I, Tino Shade shall hand out your divine retribution.”

Tino releases herself from my body, and overflows with fighting spirit.
She glares at Gilbert who has a stupefied expression.

Translator Notes

The boy Gilbert. In english this gets a bit repetitive, but basically like Greg-sama, I believe Cry is
disrespecting him by calling him boy. It might simply just be a descriptor so you don’t forget how
young he is, but calling a teenager a ‘little boy’ is the feeling I get.

Use of Swears
So there’s a lot to be said about fansubs.
Japanese uses Kuso for a lot of its blaspheming. To me it can be translated however abusive (or
non-abusive) it seems from context.
For me, when a young obnoxious teen gets held back, the first word that came to my mind that he
would say is ‘Fuck’. So I won’t try to go over board with cursing, but I’m not going to avoid reality
either. I’m happy to hear your thoughts on this.

Clearing up some words:

Master – This might be a bit late and obvious to say, but I thought I should mention it.
Tino doesn’t call Cry Master in a fetishised way. A servant would call their master goshujin-sama
but the Japanese in the story literally says master (in hiragana).
He is the clan Master, and Eva is the deputy or vice Master.

Shrine Capture – The word capture is a bit clunky. The Japanese word I believe is more like
complete or conquer/overcome. But I don’t think I’ll change it. ‘Shrine Get’ maybe.

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LN Translation
Learning through reading

Chapter 10
redhare404 January 13, 2020 Uncategorized

10 腕試し
Testing Your Ability

“Please watch, Master. This flexibility, it’s a skill directly passed on to me from
Onee-sama. I can get in any position.”

“Uh-huh. I don’t really know what you’re talking about, but that’s amazing.”

Spreading her legs 180 degrees, Tino flopped down on the floor.
Her dark hair scattered off her shoulders and onto the floor.

A flexible body is essential for Hunters. For a thief it is particularly indispensable.

Liz has the body of a mollusc that can fold up impossibly until she could fit into a

Even though she would shortly be taking part in a contest, Tino didn’t give off a
fighting vibe.
It’s probably due to her regular training routine.

Liz Smart’s training was self-taught. Genius comes in two types, the reasoning type
and the intuitive type.
As a genius of intuition, Liz-chan took all the training she went through and
created a harsher arrangement before imposing it on Tino.

After going through training that was half malicious, Tino consequently always
remained in a relaxed manner at all times.

A big difference with me who always wants to throw up. This adorable junior is
now also a species of monster.

In the underground levels of the clan headquarters there are several floors
dedicated to training facilities.
To test the skill of the boy Gilbert, we had come to the facility on the first floor of
the underground level.

It was a wide area 100 meters on all sides (328ft). The ceiling was 5 meters high
The air time is high, the layout was designed so that a person that excels in three
dimensional battle can move somewhat freely.
Because the hardness of the ground is identical to reality, if a hunter was slammed
into it without defending themselves, they wouldn’t be able to escape getting

The boy Gilbert was looking at our condition with glaring eyes.

The figure of Tino who had slammed him into the ground. Her thighs that were
largely bare, the enticing gap in her hair that showed off the nape of her neck.
Those were the eyes of someone that was perfectly sizing up their enemy.

His atmosphere was brimming with the mood of victory. Youth is wonderful.

He sort of resembles Luke from back then.

“…You dare to look down on me…”

“It’s because she’s Level 4.”


“Master, please don’t give my details out to my opponent.”

Gilbert’s eyes widened for an instant. He never thought they would be the same

Tino is a silent, if a little cold – beautiful girl with a delicate physique. The boy
Gilbert is small for a man, and she is even slightly smaller than him.

But don’t get the wrong idea. Gilbert is a swordsman. Small stature is no benefit to
a swordsman, and it can become a drawback, but for thieves it’s different.
For those in the vanguard position, the lightness of their body is a weapon.

Gilbert watches Tino doing her flexibility warm ups.

“Compared with Master, I’m nothing.”

“In your eyes what the heck am I exactly?”

Praising me to the sky wasn’t something rare.

Tino removed the fixtures on her belt, and her dagger and item pouch fell to the
Looks like she doesn’t want to use a weapon.
Gilbert’s eyes widened in anger. Tino gave a shrug.

“In order not to kill you, I need to make some allowances.”


A vein popped out on Gilbert’s forehead. Stirring people up is one more thing Tino
is strong at.

Ruda rushed over to me and asked with a worried expression.

“Will that girl be ok?”

“Mmm…? Yeah Probably.”

Their ranking level was the same, but Tino unmistakably had outstanding talent.
She was still level 4 due to being a solo hunter, but if she had the help of a party she
might already have made level 5.
At any rate she is the product of my childhood friend.

Usually though, a swordsman would be unrivalled in fighting a head on battle.

Explorers level rankings are earned.
Gilbert has the ability of a Level 4, so it would pay not to be careless.

In addition, the boy has that large sword Relic.

The effectiveness of Relics are extremely varied. They can turnover a difference in
level, they are genuine trump cards.
From seeing it at the member recruitment, his Relic didn’t seem to have an unusual
power. But it still creates a large difference.

Tino doesn’t have any Relics (except the shot-ring I gave her that has no practical
use) so it’s a big handicap.
Though saying that, she is used to one on one combat, and she most likely knows to
be cautious.

Well from where I’m standing they are both monsters though.

While I was thinking all of that, Gilbert clasped his sword and threw it away
He clenched his fist and his joints cracked threateningly.

“…To fight a bare handed woman, I don’t need a weapon either.”

What is a swordsman doing casting away their sword… is he an idiot?

By the way, it might have seemed like a handicap when Tino got rid of her knife,
but she’s the type that talks with her fists. Her kicks in particular are her specialty.

The distance between the boy and Tino is about 5 meters.

“Master, we’ll go eat ice-cream-“

“I made no such promise…”

Tino was in such good spirits she was singing. While performing some sort of
dance steps.

Gilbert was grinding his teeth. It wouldn’t matter who the opponent was, Tino’s
behavior would be annoying to anyone.

I didn’t make any promises… but I did one sidedly force orders on her.
Once in a while it’s ok to go out with her. As an escort.

“Well, alright. Once you safely finish the request.”

“! Yees”

The instant I answer, her dance changed. Loose steps turn into sharp ones.
She rotated on a pivot and from that unstable posture, in one go her body spun at
top speed.

Her eyes changed from wide and innocent to ones that were aiming at prey.

From where I was watching from a distance it looked like a splendid change of

A swordsman excels in power, and a thief prioritises agility.

In a Shrine their role is scouting and opening locks, but it’s not like they can’t fight.
They can approach their opponent soundlessly and defeat them in an instant. A
high speed versatile warrior.

The distance of five meters shrunk in only one step. When Gilbert’s eyes became
aware of it, it was too late, Tino’s hand shot out like a spear aimed at his neck.

Starting before the signal had been given was an unfair bad habit. Most likely
throwing away her equipment was also a distraction for this.

Even still as expected of a level 4, Gilbert wasn’t completely caught unaware and he
took a step back and slanted to avoid the strike. Following his actions like a stream,
Tino’s knee shot up into his stomach.

From light movements like a feather came a heavy impact. Gilbert was left without
options and was blown away.

That was undoubtedly complete domination.

Without armour or equipment, Tino’s slender arms and legs were enough of a

To the actions that were over in a moment, Ruda and Greg-sama were lost for
Without looking in the direction of the blown away Gilbert, Tino flashed a small
smile towards me.

“Master, did you see? Divine punishment.”

“-…Not, yet…”

Gilbert was raising his body that had fallen several meters away. He coughed
violently and he staggered, but it wasn’t so bad he wouldn’t be able to move.

He’s sturdy. A person that constantly absorbs Mana Material can gain durability
beyond an armoured man, and more stamina than a wild beast. Their flesh, bones
and their flowing blood are different than ordinary people.

Tino feels the sharp murderous glare of Gilbert, and laughs scornfully. She runs her
hand through her hair.

“I think you already know, but I was holding back. I could have broken your neck.
I’ll teach you the hard way not to speak to Master so brazenly.
Master is your god, every day you should turn towards clan headquarters and pray
to him. Bring me an offering regularly. I’ll give it to Master for you.”


Without responding to Tino’s joking demands, Gilbert rushed in.

His small body came at Tino with the force suitable of a level 4.
To his vigorous spirit I took a step back without saying anything.

Tino turned on a pivot and evaded him. His hand thrust out to grab her in a
surprise attack, but like she had been expecting it Tino warded it away lightly with
the back of her hand, and then thrust the heel of her palm into Gilbert’s temple.
A dull sound rang out. The seemingly sturdy Gilbert staggered unsteadily for a few
steps, then collapsed.
He tried to stand back up desperately, but his eyes were out of focus.

Did that shake his brain? In this state I think it’s just good he’s still moving. If it
was me I would definitely be throwing up.

Tino clapped her hands and brushed them down, and then spoke proudly.

“Look Master. At my growth! Thanks to Master, I was able to grow like this.”

I didn’t do anything, shouldn’t you be saying that to Liz?

At the match that was over so quickly, Greg-sama’s lips trembled. Making
comparisons to herself, Ruda was also mumbling.

“So strong… Gilbert was also bare handed, but to overwhelm a swordsman that’s
used to fighting head on… more than anything she’s used to battle.
To be this terrifying and still be a teenager, or should I say… is this the power of

“…To fight bare handed…I haven’t experienced it…”

A swordsman without a sword isn’t a swordsman.

“Not yet, I can…still, I can fight…”

The boy Gilbert staggered to his feet. He had no wounds, but his sense of balance
was off, and his eyes were still a little hazy.

In the first place, bare handed fighting was Tino’s strong point, so when she incited
Gilbert to throw away his weapon the battle was already over. Miracles and the like
don’t exist.
Even so, was it a hunters pride to stand back up?

Did I have that same passion and willpower as a hunter when I first started out?

Made to kneel by someone overwhelmingly strong, and still having the will to stand
up is a type of talent. It seems like he really does hold the qualities to become a
That recklessness is a hard to come by personality. Same for not having the ability
to step on the brakes.

Tino had a very irritated expression. I clapped and called out some encouragement.
“Tino, bring down your opponent. We didn’t decide on the winning conditions.
Beating him until he’s out is fine. It’ll be a good experience.”

You guys will become friends after fighting right?

§ § §

Gilbert Bush was a prodigy.

About the time he was able to make his own judgements, he decided power was
needed and was praised for his ability ever since he picked up the sword.

Effort doesn’t lie. Sometimes learning from a teacher, sometimes coming up with
his own ideas, he kept swinging the sword and gained strength over the years.
When he was ten he had earned strength such that others in the village he was born
in, including adults, could not come close to him.

There are various types of human talent, one of which is Mana Material absorption
rate and tolerance limits.
The faster the absorption rate the faster you can get stronger, and the higher the
tolerance limit the further you can go.

Gilbert was far higher in both than an ordinary person. Even in a village with a low
concentration of Mana Material he was able to become stronger than ordinary

For Gilbert Bush to take up the job of Treasure Hunter was only natural.

Even now moment by moment he was continually capturing more and more
shrines, overcoming phantoms and monsters to gain in fame.
It’s the fastest way to obtain everything in the world. If you explore Shrines filled
with mana, you can reach strength you couldn’t by staying in the village.

And so when Gilbert became of age at 15 he pushed through any opposition and
came to the holy land of hunters, the Imperial Capital.

His first visit to the Imperial city, everything was so large that it was incomparable
to the village, overflowing with things, satisfying Gilbert.

Food that couldn’t be obtained in his village while he was on his own, a countless
number of huge buildings.
On streets wide enough for horse drawn carriages to travel side by side, so many
people passed by each day you might have thought a festival was taking place.
Most of all was something that was hardly ever seen in the village, people dressed
as Treasure Hunters.
After registering with the Explorers Association, Gilbert’s steady advance hadn’t
slowed since his first time hunting a Shrine.
Gilbert was rare among rookie Treasure Hunters, in that he didn’t lack training and
he had talent.
And above all, he was brave to the point that the Explorers would admonish him as
reckless… and then there was also luck.

With fellow rookies, a five person party was formed. In a flash Gilbert was able to
raise the level of Shrines he could hunt.

With the large sword that was found by chance in his very first Shrine, the
phantoms that were expected to be difficult battles were easily slayed. The run of
the mill monsters couldn’t even draw near.

Golden Age. There were whispers from a few years back, a generation of genius
rookie hunters being born one after another.
Gilbert was considered to be part of the second wave.

There was some resentment held to being second, but hunters that surpass human
reasoning are numerous.
Particularly, by capturing countless Treasure Shrines, and if you were a veteran
that absorbed Mana Material over a large period of time, you could become
unbelievably strong.

At this stage in Gilbert’s eyes, he couldn’t see anyone that was a match for him. But
he wasn’t impatient.

With time they could definitely catch up. Gilbert held that conviction.

The future was bright. Gilbert was sure he could see the staircase to glory.

Then shadows came into view, they were first seen a few weeks ago.

“At last, the engines can get started. With this the request can move ahead. As
expected of Master, such enchanting judgement…”

A voice from overhead could be heard without a trace of tension in it.

Due to the all over beating, forcibly moving his body brought out sharp pains. He
glared back at Tino who was calmly looking down from overhead.

Cold eyes as if looking at an insect.

Strong. Terribly strong even though she was from the same generation.
Each blow hit fast and heavy.

He rushed out headlong – however, an attack that had enough power to damage a
『Phantom』 only lightly grazed him. That attack sent Gilbert flying.

It was different to the riffraff that Gilbert had met up until now.

Above all, it was most clear that Tino’s movements were intended to be inter-

Relative to humans, Phantoms have a much tougher constitution. Techniques like

shaking the brain or warding off attacks with your palms aren’t used on them.

And yet the opponent still had that much of a surplus.

It was said there were a lot of young Hunters with good prospects in the clan
members of Footprints, but this was more than expected.

The first attack really did come unexpectedly, but he wasn’t careless since. He
simply had to recognise the differences in their ability was far and high away.
It was a shock for the boy who had never lost to a human from the same age group.

Not having the sword that he always used wasn’t something that could be given as
an excuse. He threw it away himself, and his opponent also had no weapon.
There were no excuses.

Gilberts goal was beyond that.

“You’re still conscious?”

He tried to stand up, but had no strength. There was no sensation in his fingertips.
No power in his arms or legs. If he could stand up, could he even move properly?

Gilbert’s body was sturdy enough to receive several bullets and still move freely. He
had been injured during a hunt before. But this was the first time he had
experienced being knocked around without any weapons involved.

“Damn… it…”

“That sword, it’s fine if you use it.”

Tino said with a tiresome voice. Gilbert’s main equipment – the Purgatory sword
was tossed away by him at the start of the mock battle. Now it lay barely within his
field of vision.

『Purgatory sword』
The relic obtained from the level 1 Shrine 『Veteran’s training ground』.

It was a powerful weapon that had supported Gilbert from the very beginning.

It’s acquisition could probably be said to be the greatest luck for Gilbert, who was
nearly broke living in the Imperial capital.

Scowling at the edge of the blade that was faintly tinged with red, Gilbert crawled
to his hands and knees and shouted.

“Who’s, going, to, use, it!”

So pathetic. The Purgatory sword certainly was a powerful weapon. At the time it
was obtained, the experts that appraised it at the Explorers were astonished.
The excellence of the weapon far exceeded the rank of the Shrine it was obtained

Yet, it was for that reason that Gilbert couldn’t take it in this moment. Of the same
age, and also facing a bare handed opponent.
If he took up what he had thrown away, it would have the feeling that all his
achievements so far were due to his relic.

Tino didn’t come after him. After a short period of rest, Gilbert stood up once

Tino’s shapely eyebrows knit together in a frown, and she spat out some words.

“It’s worthless, your pride.”

Her stance had no gaps. She wasn’t tired, she didn’t even have a drop of sweat on
her. But still, she didn’t show a fragment of carelessness against an opponent of a
far lower level.

He knew. If she was serious he would already be dead.

From that physical strength he was assured, the girl in front of him had the power
to do it.

While each breath came out roughly, and he endured the dull pain that came from
his joints all over his body when he moved, he lowered his stance.

He didn’t even have the stamina to yell. He glared with the eyes of an animal.
Where were her gaps? Tino had a delicate frame. Her stamina was probably higher
than his, but if he could land a heavy blow…”
But he couldn’t lay a hit on her. When he attacked she had perfectly seen through

While he was desperately searching for a thread of victory, suddenly the voice of
Infinite Variety entered his ears.

He had the same carefree voice since the start of the mock battle.

“Should we leave it around here? The purpose this time was to evaluate your
ability, you understand that right?”


“Hey so, the party you were with up until now, you voluntarily withdrew from it
didn’t you?”


He reflexively looked at Infinite Variety. His facial expression held a thin smile.

As usual his appearance held no sense of intimidation. Black hair and black pupils,
an ordinary appearance.

The particular countenance of a hunter with large stores of mana material was
The symbol of footprints that was required to be worn, was also nowhere to be
The party symbol of Strange Grief wasn’t there. Without the black overcoat he
wouldn’t even be seen as a hunter.

Indeed, he withdrew. He had no choice but to leave. The party he had joined when
he first came to the capital – he had been together with for nearly six months.

His companions, they couldn’t accompany the talent of Gilbert Bush.

His skin had goosebumps. Infinite Variety had spoken with a mysterious smile.

In the short time Gilbert Bush had been at the Imperial Capital, he had heard it
many times. At the highest peak among treasure hunters in the Capital, there was
one person.

A group of hunters with nicknames only given to the elite, the leader of Strange

“Because I also have similar memories… when there was too big of a difference in
I get it. With my situation with Strange Grief, I didn’t desert them though.”

The words hid their true meaning, so for a moment he didn’t understand what was
being said.

However, right afterwards the true meaning hit him and made his face stiffen.

The amount of nicknames that are given out truly are only a small handful.
They are only given to hunters that have special talent, and have captured many
Shrines. It’s something out of reach for Gilbert right now.

That person, the one everyone unanimously speaks praises of their strength, all
members holding jewel like talents – the man in front of his eyes…

“I think this party will be a really good experience for you. There may be some
things you want to think about. But it won’t be bad to get along with other similar
young people right?”

An appearance that’s full of weaknesses, and physical strength that seems much
lower than Tino’s.

At the time they first met, Gilbert thought he was an overwhelmingly weak person.
But right now, that fact was terrifying.

Before he knew it, his arms and legs were shaking. His cheek was twitching and he
was having trouble breathing. His mouth had gone dry, but he couldn’t take his
gaze off the young man in front of him.

There are many phantoms inside Shrines.

Phantoms that eat people. Phantoms that pose as people.
Some have intelligence, and some have peculiar abilities, others are simply strong,
and some lead you astray with words.

However compared to those 『phantoms』, the man in front of him was more
difficult to comprehend.
Infinite Variety. He often heard that name, but no one actually said what type of
Hunter he was.

Infinite Variety walked forward at ease, and approached the Purgatory sword.
And then, in that manner he touched the edge of the sword with his foot.

In that instant, with the sword still in its sheathe, bright red flames started to swirl.
Thunderously, the sound of the wind accompanied as the flames formed into a
He didn’t know what was happening. The phenomenon was caught in his field of
vision, but his brain rejected it.

Greg looked at Ruda in blank amazement.

Within the spiral of flame, without any signs of being burned Infinite Variety

“Attribute bestowal and attack range extension, is it? A simple but good sword, you
should take care of it.”

His arms, they were wrapped entirely in flame, like armour. In a trance bright red
eyes were reflected.

“Im- Impossible. You can’t… use it! The Purgatory sword is… a Relic! It’s, a Relic!”

Relics were powerful items, but at the same time they required subtle
The more powerful a Relic was, the more training would be needed to show it’s true

The flames crawled, and upon Infinite Variety’s back a pair of blazing wings

The bad treatment from Tino. Anguish. Regret. Stubbornness. Everything was
forgotten and he shouted.

“Without even, holding the grip…!? You can’t! Something like that.. is possible…”

As the owner, Gilbert had only recently learned 『Sharpened Sword Blade』 just
reaching the point where it was useful, just enough to cover the sword in flames.

Operating it was not difficult. But in the first place, it’s not like there was a switch,
and there was no instruction manual.

He could recognise how unlikely what Infinite Variety was doing, because it was his
own Relic that he had personal experience with.

The young man was smiling surrounded by the flames. Black hair reflected the
flames light and shined brilliantly.
Impossible. It was different from Tino who was high in skill.

The path Gilbert was heading on, at the end of it, was no such figure.
Something unknown. A sight that was not even in his imagination. Words that
naturally rose to him left his mouth. A shivering voice that didn’t seem like his.
His voice trembled.


Without surprise, Tino looked down at Gilbert.

Due to the flames, the shadow of Infinite Variety was projected, seeming much like
his party name. A screaming grieving spirit could be seen.

Translator Notes

The meaning of Gilbert leaving his group.

My thinking is that from Gilbert’s perspective, Cry is calling him a deserter. And that Cry is like him,
much more skilled than a bunch of people. But more so, a talent that even geniuses can’t keep up
But when Cry talks about how he didn’t desert his party, I don’t think it’s a criticism of Gilbert
because of the reversed circumstances. Thats my own opinion though.

The last sentence talks about Cry’s shadow being like his party’s name.
Strange Grief is the katakana used for 嘆きの亡霊. Which means Grieving/Lamenting Ghost or
When I think about it, the book title doesn’t use katakana, which means I truly did screw up the
series title in a glorious fashion.
LN Translation
Learning through reading

Chapter 11
redhare404 January 20, 2020 Uncategorized

11 白狼の巣
White Wolves Den

Northwest of the Imperial Capital Zebrudia was a large area of forest.

Many wild monsters inhabited the forest, and wedging its way through the middle
of it was something akin to an animal trail, a road that led to a Shrine.

『White Wolves Den』.

Originally in the large woodlands area, there lived monsters native to the region.
Wolves with fur like a shining silver moon.
It was said the whole area was the territory of a large-scale pack – the 『Silver

Within the difficult to navigate forest, they moved at high speed through the gaps
between the many kinds of trees, with strong limbs and fur that could repel all
attack natured magic.
Fangs that crunched on experienced Hunters, with the intelligence to command
magic, though only to small effect. Large packs that acted together to hunt
monsters of much higher rank in comparison to themselves, the forest’s reapers of
death (shinigami).

Known as dreadful monsters that couldn’t be dealt with via ordinary means, the
Silver Moon still had two major points of weakness.

Even as an adult, its body only grew to about one meter, it could only be called a
small physique.
And finally, what any kind of person couldn’t help but be captivated by, the origin
of their name – the moonlight fur.

The bones, fangs and the fur as well, the body’s materials could boast of being
among the most valuable of monsters.
Unmistakably, there were risks in capturing a Shrine – with equivalent returns.
Consequently, the Silver Moon became the prey of passing Hunters.
Intelligence, power, numbers, they were monsters that had everything.
Yet, they were game to Hunters that held higher numbers, more power, and greater

Monsters were living things. No matter how much power they held, they did not
spawn spontaneously like the 『Phantoms』 that roamed Shrines.

Thus, shortly after, the wolves were hunted to exhaustion.

As if in inverse proportion, the Silver Moon declined as the Imperial Capital
developed. That fact further raised the value of their fur.
The existence that once caused vigilance when entering the forest, degraded to
being a meeting that would be called 『good luck』.

And so, at the time the Imperial Capital would be called the Holy Land of Hunters,
the large packs of Silver Moon had left behind dens scattered widely, and had been
perfectly erased.

『White Wolves Den』

In the dens that were expected to be empty, there was talk of a wolf that had
appeared with it’s whole body wet with blood. Around the area the rumour had
been going for the last ten years.

“Scary! This is definitely a deep seated grudge right… Ah-, it’s not my fault.”

I threw away the documents, my body was shaking. Just thinking about it a little
made me want to throw up.

At the best of times I was a little fish, but in the haunted Shrines I was even more
famous in the party as a small fry.

A human being that would never be said to have nerves of steel.

Firstly, there was no nerve to begin with.

To my face that had become pale, Eva looked at me with a faint smile.

“To be frightened to that extent…”

“It’s more a type of reflection on history. Because of past sins you see.”

Shrines fundamentally manifested in places where mana material overflowed;

there were known to be a few different types.
Ones completely unrelated to their location.
Ones that had characteristics tending towards the environment it manifested in.
And… those that reflected a locations history.

The rules behind a Shrines manifestation were still actively being researched by
each nation.
The truth was still not fully understood, but at the moment it was thought that
were two or three factors.

Once exterminated by humans, roaming through the dens that were left behind, a
large crimson wolf appearing out of nowhere.
It’s not like I particularly held sympathy for the Silver Moon, but it wasn’t a
pleasant thing to think about.

“From testimony of Hunters that had experience battling the Silver Moon… it
seems like it’s much stronger than the originals.”

“Hahaha… and none of the fur remains. There’s no point in it.”

At least it’ll give you an empty laugh.

Shrines that appear from the earth give life to apparitions – 『Phantoms』 that
follow the same principle as Shrines that form due to Mana Material.
If you are comparing whether Phantoms are strong or weak in relation to
monsters, there are a few distinct differences.

One of them – there is no corpse left behind.

When a 『Phantom』 is destroyed it will return into Mana Material, and it will
immediately dissipate into the surrounding air.

Yeah. Quite entirely – like an illusion.

Extremely rarely, one strongly manifested portion of the body or so may remain,
but the pelt at least wouldn’t be able to be skinned.

That kind of rampant monster emerging in that particular place, could only be said
to be Hunters paying for their mistakes.

Eva had a thoughtful expression as she flipped through the data she had collected
on the Shrine.

It wasn’t a state of fear. It’s probably like considering another world.

“With this information it looks like the Level 3 ranking wasn’t due to the
environment or Gimmicks, but because of the strength of the 『Phantom』.”
“Hmm. Well, it should be alright. Tino knows the gist of it too…”

The ranking of a Shrine was decided from the degree of difficulty to things like the
number of Hunters that had returned alive. It was a comprehensive definition.
When the gimmicks and environment were simple, the Phantoms that appeared
tended to be strong.
Success depended on a Hunters strong points, but in this case both Tino and
Gilbert were muscle brains, so if a powerful Phantom appeared they’d manage it

Or rather, after seeing Tino fight for the first time in a while, half of her had ceased
being human.
I had some expectations, but they were not enough.

“It was good Gilbert accepted obedience.”

“Well, it was only really after Tino beat him all over wasn’t it? Perhaps it would
have been better to use the information Eva gathered…”

Eva Renfeed was an amazing person.

With no experience as a hunter, she had already managed the clan for several years
now. Above all else she had a lot of trade experience living in the Imperial Capital.
She was still on friendly terms with her original company.
From purchasing clan materials to using her connections to gather intelligence – or
to when the Empires top echelons came to do an inspection. She can skilfully carry
out all manner of work.

The information on those three was also gathered in a short time and presented to
I was truly no match for her. To about the same extent as Ark.

If there wasn’t the stipulation that a Clan Master had to be at least a level 5 Hunter,
I would easily concede the seat of Clan Master.

Gilbert’s expression when I suddenly spoke out crossed my mind, and a smile rose

“No, that was a good expression. Being talented also has it’s troubles.”

Capturing Shrines with unstoppable force. Yet your companions can’t follow you.

In these circles, it’s something heard any and everywhere. It happens because
differences in talent can be seen clearly.
Different to my situation, Gilbert was the only one in his party that was a prodigy.
With the desire to reduce the ill-feelings of the others, he made the decision to
leave the party of his own volition.

More precisely it wasn’t a light decision.

It was surely half stubbornness as well. The way he spoke and acted had the air of
desperation to it.

A young prodigy becomes conceited, and it gives rise to a feud – it’s really a
commonplace story.
Rather, a pattern like mine was the one that was uncommon.

Well, the number one victims were the party members pulled along by Gilbert,
recklessly rushing into Shrines beyond his own level, and any other members that
get kicked out of their party due to a quarrel.

“Did you offer him the chance to be reborn?”

“No. I just said what I wanted to say, and did what I wanted to do. I kind of took
him by surprise, but frankly this isn’t a mouth that could talk about being reborn.”

There’s Miss Tino bearing a strange worship this way, and the one that
indoctrinated it Liz-chan. When it comes to Gilbert there’s too many awful things
it’s not worth considering.

And above all else – for me that ran the clan carelessly, who was in the position to
offer up a self-important sermon?

Occasionally clan members will come for a consultation over their personal
relationships. But forgive me, I can’t take responsibility so go away.

As usual Eva had a lovely straight backed figure as she nodded.

“Understood. Lets take care of it like that.”


Eva was excellent but she had a strange way of understanding like that.
But she does the work she’s given well. I’m not going to make a complaint to
someone that’s doing me a favour.

It had become inconvenient so I changed the topic.

“Which reminds me, the boy Gilbert was holding a Relic – it was quite a good one
wasn’t it?”
“The purgatory sword?”

Remembering the large sword in the black scabbard, I grinned.

I like Relics. They are my sole comfort.

Relics were nice. Wonderful. In all ages, Hunters put their life on the line searching
for them.

What’s so wonderful? It’s that anybody can use them. Anybody can use power like
a miracle. Even without any special talent. What a wonderful thing.

Well, I don’t really use the ones I have, but still good things are good.

“So nice… the Purgatory Sword. Would he sell it I wonder… flame element
bestowal and range expansion, if I could examine it properly maybe there are other
effects as well-“

But he probably wouldn’t sell. Relics take time to get used to, and once you are
used to them, you wouldn’t want to let go in a hurry.

Talking a little about the splendour I felt when I touched the Purgatory sword, I
noticed that Eva had an exasperated expression.

Before knowing it I had become a bit passionate. I stiffened my loosened

expression. Eva gave a reminder.

“It’s not good to waste money.”

“No no, it’s not a waste though…”

“Element bestowal and range expansion, Cry-san how many Relics like that do you
already own?”

Relics like that? Please don’t jumble them all together. Each Relic produces a
different miracle, with small and large variations with their own idiosyncrasies.

I was about to raise that objection, but noticed that Eva’s gaze had become severe.

Because my position was weak, I answered in a small voice.

“…Well, element bestowal and range expansion, those are quite common for
weapon type Relics aren’t they…”

In the Capital there are plenty of shops that traded Relics.

If you disregarded power and ease of handling you would find quite a lot.
However if you want to find a Relic with both it was not easy.

To say nothing of the 『Purgatory Sword』. Up until now I had only touched seven
Relics that compared with its docile ease of use. Because it was like that, it’s
understandable that Gilbert was able to use it in such a short time.

But, if I gave that reason to Eva right now she probably wouldn’t agree.

Maybe it could leak that I occasionally pilfered the clan expenses to buy Relics. (Of
course, I would make it up later.)

Eva’s face was staring fixedly. Those light purple eyes had a translucent feeling as if
they could see through everything and peer right into your thoughts.

As a last resort, I offered up a half-hearted smile to try and flatter her.

“…So-So anyhow, if you like… you know, would you like to go get something sweet
to eat?”

If they eat something sugary people became nicer. At my suggestion, Eva’s eyelid

“…That, isn’t that what Cry-san wants to eat?”

“………No, not at all.”

That Eva, when did she realise I had a sweet tooth?

It was bad for my image so I was supposed to hide it…. I was careless.

§ § §

Clan Lounge.

In a serious manner Tino looked at the members of the temporary party, and gave
her first orders.

“First off, write down your will.”

“W-Wait a minute!?”

Flustered, Ruda stood up with her hands on the table.

Translator Notes
-Gimmicks – It’s how the author styles this word. The Kanji means something along the lines of
mechanism. I’m sure it’ll be explained later as something like puzzles or traps.

-The discussion about rebirth was a little above my ability to translate so it might be worded
confusingly. The general idea was that Cry didn’t think he was in the position to offer Gilbert or
anyone new chances, even though the others revered him for some reason.
LN Translation
Learning through reading

Chapter 12
redhare404 January 23, 2020 Uncategorized

12 節穴
Bad Eyes

Ah – that reminds me, I need to have a charge done.

While thinking that it would be about the time that Tino and the others would be
reaching the Shrine, I was polishing the 『Dogs Chain』 and suddenly
remembered that the chains Mana had run dry.

The Relics obtained from Shrines didn’t have powers that could be used

Relics were powered by Magi through the consumption of Mana, and if a Relic was
strong, then it was required that a huge amount of mana be accumulated

That was one reason why Treasure Hunters didn’t carry around a lot of Relics with

Putting mana into a Relic was simple, and all living things possessed mana itself.
The quantity held varied between person to person. Even for the legitimate Magi
that had mana reserves in proportion to their strength, if they were to pour their
mana into several Relics they would soon run empty.

In my case, sadly my mana quantity was below the average person, so I had to
entrust charging to my friends and clan members.
It was one of my reasons for wanting to give up on being a Hunter.
Give me just one good reason to continue.

The sunset shone through the window that took up the surface of a wall.
The entirety of the spacious lounge was illuminated in orange.
On some of the tables, the familiar clan members of Footprints were hanging out.
Until now nobody had been around, but perhaps todays work had finished so they
returned. They each engaged in relaxed chatting.

I thrust myself into one of the conversations without reading the mood.
If you want to get some charges, it’s necessary to choose a party.
This time it was only one chain that had run out of mana, so it was okay to choose
from anywhere.

The leader was a man with wiry black stubble. He looked at me and smiled
cheerfully. He seemed to be in a good mood.

“Oh, Master. Yesterday was crazy, hey.”

“Yeah well it’s a common occurrence. Sorry to ask, but would you charge a Relic?”

“Hm. How many people do you need?”

“It’s just one chain, so just one person is fine.”

“Just that much shouldn’t be a problem.”

Understanding in his good humour, he handed the Dogs Chain to one of his Magi
companions. The Magi was a woman, but she also didn’t appear to be bothered.

I’m filled with a guilty feeling, but even without using the mana in a Relic it will
become empty over time.
I asked quite frequently to the point that everybody had grown used to it.

Mana recovered naturally over time, but using it up was a large burden.
If it’s right before they were headed to a Shrine, I might be refused.
But still the status of Clan Master has an effect.

Due to Eva doing her best, the dissatisfaction of the clan members was dissolved in
gratitude for managing well.

Mana streamed into the 『Dogs Chain』 and it shone faintly.

Meanwhile the leader talked in a chatty tone.

“Ah, that reminds me Master. Did you hear? On the northern highway 『strays』
apparently showed up. It was only a small amount but a caravan was wiped out.”

The capital Zebrudia is a big city.

The main roads leading to it are catered to incomparably to other towns.
The surrounding monster inhabitants were periodically culled, but occasionally
there were unlucky people that were attacked.

On the main road to the Capital, the protection provided from monsters is
Because monsters rarely approach the main road, the monsters or phantoms that
do are referred to as 『strays』 fearfully.

They are difficult to predict in advance. To make things worse, these individuals
are often stronger than the usual varieties.

Around here was quite developed, but to travel further outside I’ve heard that
having guards is essential to safety.

If it were me I would never go outside without an escort, but for merchants it’s
quite troubling.

“So dangerous. Monsters? A Phantom? Since it’s a main road it’ll be a Phantom

To the north of the Imperial Capital is an extensive forest rich in resources.

It’s a suitable habitat for monsters, so the potential for them to travel the main
road and attack a caravan was low.

The leader raised his eyes to me, and gave a small agreement.

“Right. The order of knights have given out an alert and seem to be putting out a
recruitment for a subjugation party.
This time looks to be a fairly big deal. The caravan had three level 3 guards
escorting them.”

“Those hunters were really wiped out? How unlucky.”

Phantoms can’t be avoided unlike the monsters on the highway.

Phantoms consist of Mana Material so they will appear in Shrines and stay in that
But there are a lot of Shrines in the vicinity of the capital, so once every couple of
months or so something like this can happen.

Well, there’s no need to worry.

The fact that three level 3 Hunters were killed means that it was relatively strong,
but a phantom that has no physical body cannot exist in a place with thin Mana
Material for long.
It would take time for it to end naturally, but it will weaken in a short time and the
empire knights would be able to move in to subjugate it.

Well, it’s not related to me. Even strong Phantoms don’t enter the Imperial Capital.

The leader spoke as I was waiting in a composed manner for the chain to finish

“It’s probably coincidence, but from the talk of a passing Hunter it seemed to be a
wolf phantom. To be killed on an open road- it must have been due to the guards

“Oh really- …hm?”

Wolf. Wolves? A Wolf?

I’ve just recently heard that word, my brows knitted together.

The Capitals Northern Highway.

The 『White Wolves Den』 that Tino was just sent to was in the forest that spread
out right next to it.

The form and variety of 『Phantom』 that appears in a Shrine is somewhat fixed.
It was only natural to hear of the wolf type and put the two together.

Noticing my expression, the leader continued good naturedly.

“Most likely it’s a Shrine that wasn’t getting culled enough and underwent an
There are a lot of Shrines like that. If you ask Hunters, they’d probably say it’s a
good thing.”

“………W-Well, if it’s North of the Capital there are a lot of Shrines aren’t there?
Within the forest there are bound to be a few, and if it’s a wolf type Phantom then-“

“It’s definitely the 『White Wolves Den』 for sure.”

Following my words the Leader gave out a name. Just like a member of Footprints,
seems like he had information on the nearby Shrines in his head.

He spoke with conviction, but without breaking his smile. My stomach started to
feel nauseous.

“Y-yeah that 『White Wolves Den』 and the other ones-“

“Hm? Where else in that area does a 『Phantom』 in the form of a wolf appear?
It’s a Shrine that has a low rate of Relics and it’s unpopular, I think it meets the


I felt my facial expression tighten up.

The Magi in the middle of charging the 『Dogs Chain』 sees my change in
expression and gives me an odd look.

“The fact that one came out means the 『White Wolves Den』 is probably
overflowing with Phantoms. The Explorers should have put out an alert.
Most likely the country will put out an extermination request. It’ll be time to

Phantoms don’t leave a corpse behind so there was no money to be made from
them. However when they overflowed from a Shrine, it was a different matter.
Depending on the scale, it wasn’t uncommon for the country to give out
extermination requests through the Explorers at a non negligible price.

…But well, there’s a chance something could go wrong, and even if those
assumptions were correct, Tino’s four person group was heading out.

Gilbert has a Relic, they’ll manage it somehow.

“Leader, those wolves, they’re fairly strong so please don’t get careless and die.”

One of the party members teased the Leader with a solemn air.
It all resonated within me.

Strong? They’re strong? I’ve never been there, but are they really that strong?
No but, it’s just a fair amount right? Like for a level 3, around that strong.
A bit strong then. It’s alright, since Tino is also strong.

…but just to make sure, I’ll show them the request form. Not with any other
intentions though.

While smiling, I take out the written request that was folded in two from my
pocket, and spread it out on the table.

The Leader read it and his eyes widened in surprise.

He read the request from top to bottom and gave a big nod in comprehension,
smiling as if he was impressed.
“What’s this Master, so mischievous. Acting like you don’t know anything when
you’ve already made some moves.”

“Yeah, right… you’re right. …I handed it over to Tino.”

“!? To Tino, the Level 4 – is …is that so. Spartan as ever…”

The broad minded Leader that was full of composure up until now, in an instant
his expression froze up.
The other members withdrew slightly while smiling.

It’s always like this. I’m unlucky. My timing is awful.

It’s not on purpose. It’s not on purpose ok. It all took place around the same time
the caravan was attacked. There was no way I could have known that information.

I’m not a demon. If I knew, I wouldn’t have sent Tino. Or rather, If I had known I
wouldn’t have taken the request at all.

A thief looking person was looking at the request intently on his own and let out a

“It’s a Level 3 Shrine but, it’s a request about a Level 5 Hunter going missing…
A level 4, and a solo child at that being sent is how do you say…”

“W-well, this is also training so, …a level 5?”

“…Eh? No, you see here…”

While I asked again about the unknown information, the girl Magi seemed to finish
charging the 『Dogs Chain』 with Mana.
She put it on the table and then pointed to one part of the request form.

The place where the name of the target Hunter to be rescued was carefully written.
It was a place I had skipped passed without worrying about.

However, the girl seemed to have seen something else.

“This Rodolph Dave, they’re a Level 5 Hunter see. You could usually find him at the
Explorers. He’s a bit of a famous spear user. No way, didn’t you kn-“

“Idiot. The Master has information on all the Shrines and Hunters in the Capital in
his grasp, there’s no way he wouldn’t know something so basic. Ahahaha, I’m really
sorry, our Tina has done something impolite.”

The Leader had a stiff face as he made an apology. The Magi girl called Tina bowed
repeatedly in a fluster.
I kept smiling while I made gestures to say it’s fine, it’s fine.

It’s doubtful that I can match all the names and faces of the members of my clan,
and I have all information in my grasp?
Who is spreading such a rumour? There are too many candidates to narrow down.

I don’t know outside Hunters. Recently, when I go to the Explorers, there are times
when I get frustrated.
So what? I’m supposed to have intelligence on every single one of you guys? Do you
have any idea how many that is?

Ok, ok, ok, calm down.

Tino, despite appearances was reliable. Of course, if I had known a level 5 Hunter
had gone missing i wouldn’t have sent her. But still, it wasn’t time to panic.

…Come to think of it, when Tino had read the request she had said I’m still a Level
4 though hadn’t she.

Damn Gark, having the nerve to impose such absurd requests.

What am I going to do if my cute junior dies?

I take a deep breath and calm my heartbeat.

First of all I have to preserve the dignity of a clan master.

If I am chased out of the seat of master it isn’t a problem. It would be rather
welcome, that’s how not of a problem it was.

“T-This is also a learning experience. It’s ok, Tino took three others with her.”

The boy Gilbert more or less showed an attitude obedient to Tino.

It should be better to have Ruda and Greg-sama than to not.

But to my words, the Leader didn’t give an expected response.

His cheek had barely lifted and was twitching.


“…For missions that were difficult at the best of times… to add on further

“This is – 『Strangry』 what makes them famous as a top party huh-“

Superior Hunter – a gaze of awe not unlike when looking at a monster.

Famous!? What do you mean famous…

My expression that was unable to endure collapsing became flat.

The leader that had been cheerfully smiling moments ago stood up with a start.
His expression was serious as if facing a monster.

I took the charged 『Dogs Chain』 from the table and attached it to the usual place
on my belt with a clink.

I gave out a cough and then feigned being hardboiled.

“Sorry, but I have some minor business. I’m going to go spend some time around
here. Thanks for the charge.”

“N-No no. I should apologise for making you hear something so boring.”

His jovial tone of voice had become polite and professional.

Before I knew it, other tables of parties were glancing over at us.

Crap. If it remains like this I’ll be known as a piece of garbage that pushed an
impossible request onto Tino.

It’s different. It wasn’t on purpose.

I turned around. Anyway, I’m not sure what to aim at for now, so I’ll hurry to the
Clan Master’s room.

At a time like this, Ark wasn’t around to fall back on. And no members of Strange
Grief either.

Generally, requests were given particularly careful preparation. This time was a
retrieval request, so I had been hasty with it. Tino and the others had probably
already made it to the Shrine.

There was no time. In my state of chaos I tried to persuade myself.

“I-It’s ok. It’s ok. There’s the Purgatory Sword… since they have that Purgatory

Speaking of, that purgatory sword.

During the Ability Test I had exhausted all of it’s Mana. That boy Gilbert would
have charged it before heading to the Shrine right?
Translator Notes

-The chapter title ‘Bad Eyes’ is from an idiom that says something like ‘you have such bad
judgement you must have holes where your eyes should be’

-A Caravan meaning this, incase you were wondering (most likely a peddler or merchant):

-The Empire Knights are referred to as a chivalric order. From what I can tell in English this has
religious associations connected with the crusades.
The couple sentences I read on Japanese Wikipedia on chivalric orders gave samurai on horseback
as an example so I just ended calling them Knights for now.
LN Translation
Learning through reading

Chapter 13
redhare404 January 23, 2020 Uncategorized

13 弟子

The memories of the hunter called Tino Shade.

Engraved upon the deepest reaches of memory.

After the end of several months of foundational training. The scene of the first
training in hand to hand combat from her Teacher.

“You ok? Tee-“

The teacher sweetly smiles.

Different to the totally exhausted Tino, who breathes roughly on the bare earth.
Her Teacher’s face has not even a drop of sweat.

Glittery pink blonde hair tied behind her, pale pink iris’s and long eyelashes. Her
skin is tanned by the sun but is smooth without a scar or blemish.
Looking at her appearance, any one would say she was pretty.
Next to Tino who already had a small bust, her chest is even more modest in

Red heart shaped metal earrings on her ears. Thin limbs with no excessive fat.
Height that’s shorter than Tino who’s still growing. When they stood next to one
another Tino was mistaken as the older one time and time again.

At the moment – they wouldn’t.

“If Cry-chan says that a crow is white – it’s white. Do you get what I’m saying?”

A sugary voice that explains child like logic echoes out at Tino.
An index finger points out. From that short figure is a feeling of power greater than
any other Tino has encountered.
It’s unbelievable that their ages are only a few years apart.

Earlier than anyone else, they had quickly rushed up the stairway to glory.
A group of monsters that easily captured Shrines that had defeated many other
Hunters before them.
Others that were praised as excellent like Tino, were simply referred to as the
second generation only trying to follow on.

Consequently, Tino had not boasted of her talent even once.

It was decided that Tino would study under one of them, a girl.

Extreme speed that didn’t leave even a shadow behind. Therefore the given alias
was 『Severed Shadow』.

The 『Severed Shadow』 Liz Smart.

Like the wind, as if a shadow, running ahead more overwhelmingly than anyone
else. Simultaneously a figure of admiration, and a subject of awe.

A smile is set on her face, but her eyes gleam as if the energy in her body is leaking

“Things like loyalty or admiration and the like, it’s not that stuff. What I want from
Tee, it’s – 『absolute obedience』.”

If a quick tempered hunter heard that it would probably send them into a fit of
But, Liz’s voice was extremely serious.

“You know Cry-chan see-“

After a short breath, words shoot from her lips. Her staring pupils nailing in place
peering in.

“Whatever trivial thing it is, your opinion isn’t needed.”

“No matter if it’s a silly joke, if you receive an unreasonable order that you don’t
understand, even if your life will be endangered – I want you to faithfully follow his
will without thinking about anything.”

“If any enemies oppose Cry-chan, I want you to crush everyone down to the last.
Even if the other is an important noble, or if it’s a Hunter with amazing ability.
In this Zebrudia, no matter how great their power is boasted of, it’s irrelevant.”
“For me, if there’s a person that holds a rebellious spirit against us for even a
second it’s something intolerable. That’s why – I made you my disciple. If I’m here
I can slaughter everyone, but when I’m not there’ll be trouble don’t you think?”

“Tee is clever so, you get it right?”

“Haah, haah -…Y-Yes. Onee-sama.”

Sometimes talented hunters are called monsters.

Tino didn’t think that every Hunter called them that way.
But her Teacher was without a doubt, a monster those hunters would fear.

Her words were said in a joking manner, but there was a passion that wouldn’t
permit any resistance.

It was serious. There were no gaps to take advantage of, because she was hostile to
any and everything in her vicinity.
If in this moment Tino showed animosity towards Cry, in the same manner as
breaking apart a nearby flower, her Teacher would kill her.

Her height is less than Tino’s, limbs more delicate. At a glimpse it’s like seeing an
ordinary person.
But it’s only on the outside they are human.

It was something only noticed after the skill of the hunter Tino Shade had risen a

The abnormality was evident without even needing to search for it.

Within the densely grown forest. Cautiously walking on the road that narrowly
joined up with the 『White Wolves Den』.
The formation was led by Tino, after her was Gilbert, then Greg, and finally Ruda
cautiously acting in the role of rearguard.

For this impromptu party, there was no magi proficient in wide area destruction, or
an effective healer in the event someone was seriously injured.

Greg and Gilbert took the vanguard. Greg was a warrior proficient in various
weapons, while Gilbert wielded a large sword and was best at one on one battles.

The party balance was poor, but the other side was that there were two thieves that
excelled in detecting enemies.
Ruda had a sense of crisis that had the cautious characteristics peculiar to solo
hunters. Even if there was poor visibility, an approaching hostile Phantom
wouldn’t be missed.

Even before being able to finally find their way to the Shrine, the forest had a
strange atmosphere to it.
It was a peculiar air that was only recognisable because they were hunters that
continually fought against monsters and Phantoms.
Each party member had a stiff facial expression.

Suddenly the sound of howling echoed out from nowhere. Greg checked the
surroundings alertly, and spoke with a moan.

“Strange. …There’s a pungent odor of danger. We still haven’t even made it to the
Shrine yet-“

“That’s why you wrote a will.”

Tino answered narrowing her eyes at the various trees lined up.

“What you said is true, it’s written, but…”

Hunters were often struck by bad premonitions. Because of the supply of Mana
Material which the brain couldn’t process, the Hunters senses were strengthened
and their perception formed into intuition that rang alarm bells.

If they counted their lives as precious, when they felt a bad hunch they would
immediately turn back. This was the most well known rule of Treasure Hunters.

But, in this case, that rule wouldn’t apply.

Because they knew it would be like this long before, and they were here because
they had already accepted it.

And, even though it was a temporary party, they had talked through it in advance.
It was all talked about, except for whether it should be trusted or not.

Following cautiously from the back, Ruda blinked her eyes.

“So… Cry knew about this situation, and yet he still sent us?”

“If we’re talking about additional things… this party formation probably isn’t a

“Ha? H-hey come on, something like that’s-“

Two people specialised in detection and two in physical ability.

Certainly, when Master allocated the two members to Tino, he acted like it was
coincidence. But to the eyes of Tino, who was all ‘Master Master’, it was clearly a

Tino was a senior member of Footprints. Even before that, she had many
interactions with『Strange Grief』which her Master was apart of.

Tino’s life as a Hunter, was being given training similar to hell, saying that it was
all a test.

It wasn’t her first time receiving a request as a challenge from Cry.

At first Tino thought it was unbelievable, but now she understood.

“Master has read into the Shrines abnormalities and the events that occurred here,
he collected the necessary people and assembled them as the members here.
Gilbert, the ability test given to you was no exception.”

After the ability test, Gilbert had become much more submissive. He opened his
eyes widely.
Ruda interrupted in a panic.

“W-Wait!? The necessary people? No matter how you put it, me joining the
Footprints member recruitment was just a coincidence. T-The main thing, if he was
going to send the right people then there were many superior hunters to send in
our place.”

“Y-Yeah. In the first place, that was the first time I ever met Infinite Variety.

Not believable, and it can’t be believed.

Seeing the expressions on the faces of her party members, Tino let out a small sigh.

Still not even to the Shrine yet, but making enough noise that the likelihood of a
monster or Phantom attacking was high.

Maybe that was something predictable, but Tino wanted to quickly finish up and
return home.
Of course not as a corpse, but alive.

For that reason she needed to know this wasn’t an accident.

“Master is, – in the Imperial Capital whether it’s Hunters or Shrines, he has all
encompassing knowledge. Even if it’s someone he’s never met, reading through
their actions is simple for Master.”

Such things, not just Tino, everyone in Footprints knows it.

Mainly, Level 8 ranked Hunters don’t come late to a member recruitment for no
reason, then in that place fan the flames into an uproar, let it carry on until a pub is
partially destroyed, or change the target of Gilbert’s anger on to Tino without
That would just be moronic.

That’s all just acting. Even though it really doesn’t look like acting, it was just
because Tino’s eyes weren’t at the level of being able to see through the lies.

To Tino’s few, irritated words, Gilbert held his tongue on anything further.

Managing that much was easy to accomplish. That’s because the Infinite Variety
seen at the Training grounds certainly was strange.

The weight of the purgatory sword on his back was making him quite uneasy.

Among the magic used by Magi there were techniques that clad the user in water or
fire, increasing power and range.
Weapon type Relics often held 『Element Bestowal』 abilities, that had no need to
use a magic technique but demonstrated the same effect.

One of the abilities of the Purgatory sword was flame bestowal. The sword blade is
decorated in a sweltering blaze, it is possible to cut and burn simultaneously,
rapidly boosting offensive power.

In the Shrines so far, there had been no opponents that were a challenge.
But what about this time?

Infinite Variety succeeded in operating the purgatory sword in a way that was
outside of Gilbert’s belief. If that was the power of the purgatory sword, then he
had only used a fraction of it before.

Gilbert had captured various Shrines up until now, but this time the vibe of the
Shrine had a bad feeling that exceeded all of them.

Looking at the three uneasy people, Tino spoke in a light tone.

“Don’t mind it. Master understands everything. He doesn’t hand over hopeless
requests. If we don’t worry about dying, a capture is possible. No matter what
happens we can’t turn back. We have written our wills.”

“R-Right… thats true.”

The hunters theory was to escape in one shot, to what extent would they be willing
to bet their lives on a body retrieval request?
His inner thoughts were that he had been dragged into something dangerous, but
with his pride as a senior Greg gave a cramped smile.

In that moment, a shadow was cast on his field of vision.

A shadow that concealed the sun.

Without delay Tino noticed something falling from the sky and thrust Greg out of
the way.
A second after, a dull grey shine passed through where his head was a moment

A beat later Ruda and Gilbert distanced themselves, and took on a battle stance.
Greg rolled after being thrust away and reflexively took a defensive posture.

His eyes caught onto the target. The shadow that crept up without a sound or
Ruda’s eyes opened wide, the deep crimson beast crouched without moving, and
she raised a husky voice.

“…Eh…this phantom, isn’t it a wolf!?”

Facing the shining gold eyes, Gilbert stared back. He pointed the tip of the
purgatory sword in its direction.

The crimson beast’s attack was evaded and it stood up in a motion that could be
said to be slow.

-On two legs.

Wiry deep crimson fur, pointed canine like ears. At the rear a thick crimson tail
grew, and it’s nose moved in small motions as if in understanding of the situation.

However, most of the animal was covered in blood red armour. The hands and
wrists had protective guards, and it slowly swung its held weapon as if to keep
them in check.

“This guys… wearing armour!? It’s different to what I was told!!”

“It has a sword… Master… Master always goes further than my expectations
doesn’t he…”

The phantom appearing at the『White Wolves Den』was supposed to be a huge

However the opponent that had appeared before their eyes, except for the colour
and face, everything else from their assumptions was different.

As though to drown out the somewhat sad words from Tino, the wolf warrior let
out a roar.

§ § §

“Ah, I want to throw up. I want to quit being a Hunter already.”

A mumbling soliloquy spilled out, while I loitered in the vacant room of the Clan
If Eva was here she would be looking at me with cold eyes.

Truly if Tino had properly told me the reason and refused, even I would have-.

All that comes to mind are unproductive complaints.

Rescue targets that are unknown to even be dead or alive are far far less important
than Liz’s pupil.

Since she’s level 4 she’ll be aware of the Hunters theory. You should hurry and
come back if it’s dangerous.

But every member of footprints is reckless. No matter what strong enemy comes
out, they won’t make an easy retreat.

Tino has also been under this influence. Or rather the number one reckless
member of 『Strange Grief』 is her Master, so it’s likely her bad influence. Not

If Tino died from one of my orders, what would her Master Liz-chan do when she’s
quick tempered at the best of times?

“Ah, it’s ok to use that boy Gilbert or Greg-sama as a shield if worst comes to

They would also be satisfied to be a sacrifice for Tino, surely.

There were so many suitable members to choose from. I should have at least
chosen from other members of footprints.
That bastard Gark, properly give some prior caution – no, that’s not it. Without a
doubt the number one at fault was me. Excuses are pointless.

I’m sorryyyy!!!
It’ll surely be ok. Tino also knows about the huge wolf around the『White Wolves
Den』, and would have taken perfect countermeasures. That’s what I told myself
but somehow I couldn’t feel calm.

Outside it was totally dark. Inside the capital there are some streetlights, but
outside they are not installed.

Monsters and beasts are active at night, so night marches are avoided by everyone.
In the first place even if clan members from the lounge were dispatched they
wouldn’t catch up with Tino.

After all, without Ark I’m useless.

In the middle of trying to escape from reality, I resolved myself for the worst and
approached the bookcase on the wall of the Clan Masters room.
Books on clan management and the history of the Imperial Capital are lined up on
a solid shelf. I placed my hand on the unnaturally affixed handle there and pulled

The shelf opened inward without a sound. Beyond, stairs heading downwards
continued on.

Behind the concealed door is my private room. I ran down the stairs in a half jog. I
fumbled in the darkness searching for a switch.

When the switch was pressed, soft lamp light illuminated a room twice as large as
the clan masters room.

A room without windows. A large bed that could fit anyone. Bookshelves. A table.
Desk. Couch. On the wall was a not well understood picture received as a gift, and a
piece of paper on which three rules of clan policy were written.

But what was most noticeable over everything, was that the room was crowded
with organised Relics.

Swords. Spears. Armour. Cloaks. Chains. Rings. Various forms and types.

Some that were purchased, and some that were handed over. And of course also
ones gained from infiltrating Shrines.

This was our – the culmination of the work of the treasure hunters of 『Strange

If we sold all these Relics at a reasonable price we would probably be able to play
around for ten generations.
But we still haven’t achieved our main objective.
While the nauseating feel of my stomach weighed on me, I decided to search for a
Relic that could break through the current situation.

Translator Notes:

-Liz’s alias of Severed Shadow was a bit of a gamble from the context. It might be understood by
people more familiar with reading Kanji though.
LN Translation
Learning through reading

Chapter 14
redhare404 January 24, 2020 Uncategorized

14 白狼の巣②
White Wolves Den 2

Just as I finished climbing back up the stairs and came into the Clan Masters room,
I happened to meet Eva.

She looked at the open bookshelf and then at me, and blinked.

As much as I could, I had hastily outfitted myself in hand picked Relics.

Right now I was so to speak, a living Shrine.

A deep blue overcoat, on my back was a crossbow type Relic and a half size sword
On my hands, each finger was fitted with a ring type Relic.
Still not enough, from my waist hung many chain type Relics.
Yet still insufficient, I had put more into a tool bag that hung from my belt.

There are so many ring type Relics. Why do human hands only have five fingers

The clothes and underpants were not Relics. I was wearing lightweight sturdy
equipment that Hunters often wore. With the exception of that, everything else
worn was a Relic.
Even going that far, it was a situation where I didn’t know what could happen and
felt like I needed to throw up.

From my experience up until now, I knew that even if an ordinary person

strengthened their equipment with Relics they still wouldn’t be able to do
accomplish much.

As usual, the vice clan master was wearing a pressed white uniform. And even
though the day had already grown dark, there was no area with even a particle of
dust on it.
It was already night and she was still working? She truly is diligent.

Incidentally, the existence of the private room had pretty much leaked out to
everybody so it wasn’t something surprising.
Eva was involved in the construction of the clan house, and seeing through hidden
rooms was a Hunters speciality.

Even in everyday life, they are always checking ceiling height and wall distances for
empty space. It’s scary.

“What’s the matter, Cry-chan. So heavily armed…”

“Fufufufufu… I’m going for a stroll.”

“…Even though you’re that worried you are shaking.”

Found out in one shot.

“Fufufufufufu… I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

This has all put me at such my wits end that I had started to let out some weird
laughter. Eva was staring at me with shock.
It’s probably not because of the Relics that I’m equipped with. I was always
prepared with a whole body worth of Relics.

“Do you want someone from another party to go with you as a reinforcement?”

Eva made an attractive proposal.

Although a member of the same clan, they would be from a different party to me.

At such a time, there’s no party that would walk the roads at night, to a Shrine
known to be dangerous. I couldn’t make such an unreasonable request.

I calmed myself down and did my best to put on a strong front.

“Theres no problem. It’s all going according to plan.”

“Wait a moment.”

Without paying attention to my broken attempt to act tough, Eva suddenly came in
closer. Her gaze was on the pendant hanging from my neck.
It was a simple dangling metal capsule. It wasn’t a Relic.

“That, isn’t that Sytry’s slime?”


“If it’s used poorly it could completely destroy the Imperial Capital, so they said to
never open it.”

She stared at it but didn’t reach for it. She was in the middle of crisis management.

The capsule was something sleeping in the depths of my vault. It seemed to be a

slime that was selectively bred, but I’ve never seen it so I don’t know anything.

A slime is a particularly weak existence among monsters.

It’s whole body was composed of a sticky organ.
Because it was soft – striking, cutting, boiling, or roasting would easily defeat it.
There were a variety of species, most of which were truly insignificant.

Even to me a slime is a small fry among small frys.

I could say for sure, that among the so called monster kingdom, the one crammed
into this capsule seemed to be somewhat different.
I don’t know what’s different, just that it is different.

Relics were powerful, but the power and amount they could be used was limited by

The person that always loaded up my Relics with Mana was the rear guard of
『Strange Grief』.
The last time they had done so was before they all left on an expedition, not less
than two weeks ago. By now most of the Mana would have drained out. I couldn’t
expect much power.

The capsule was something of an alternative. Tino was excellent so I think she
should definitely be fine, and I planned to avoid fighting and escape as much as
But it’s only natural for a Hunter to set aside some measures in case of an

I’m a wary hard boiled kind of man.

The truth is I really didn’t like it, and I absolutely wanted to avoid bringing it, and
there were other weapon Relics I wanted to take but they were too large to carry
with me.

The use of it was dubious, but inside a Shrine I could just throw it and run away
and hope for the best.
It couldn’t replace the life of my cute adorable junior.
“No way. That thing would violate the laws of the Empire, I wouldn’t carry
something like that.”


However, unlike me who respected the spirit of the law, there are times when my
childhood friends would break straight through it.

Since my faults were pointed out and exposed, I quickly headed behind my desk, to
the extensive window and gripped the handle to open it.
From the large open window, a breeze that was colder than expected blew in.

The reason it can open is because if it didn’t Liz would calmly break in. But
preparations such as these were also useful at a time like this.

Eva was looking at me with unusual worry. Her sight was on Sytry’s Slime.
I was doing something excessive, and she was worried it might have an effect on
clan management.

“A-Are you really alright?”

Yeah yeah, I know. It’s no good though…

Truthfully I want to take someone else as well, but the 『Night Sky’s Dark Wings』
can only be used by a single person.

§ § §

“Um… shouldn’t we just withdraw already?”

The raging warrior had vanished, leaving no evidence they ever existed.

Ruda’s mood had deflated after seeing the wolf warrior, and she made a suggestion
to Tino.
Greg also lowered his striking long sword, and gave his agreement.

“That’s right. At any rate, I doubt the rescue target could have survived. Continuing
is pointless.”

The wolf warrior had been strong. The body was covered in armour that could repel
most attacks, and receiving one of the slashes from it’s burly arms would have
inevitably resulted in fatal wounds.

Beast type phantoms originally tended to be quick and strong, and in addition this
wolf warrior had been armed. It most definitely didn’t seem like an enemy that
came from a level 3 Shrine.
Greg was a Level 4 veteran, but it would have been a difficult opponent to fight one
on one.

Nevertheless, they had somehow managed to defeat the phantom and remain
relatively unharmed. This was because it was an opponent that had strayed off, and
the number advantage was on their side.
Tino constantly attracted the warriors attention, so it’s attacks were kept in check.

But if anyone had been injured and had their movements slowed, the battle would
have dragged out.

In Greg and Ruda’s line of sight, their leaders eyebrows twitched.

“The decision hasn’t changed. Anyway, we haven’t even entered the Shrine yet.”

“H-Hey come on. What are you being stubborn for? Whatever it is, living is more
important!? The guy from just now obviously came from the 『White Wolves
Who knows how many more are swarming inside?”

“When I was here just the other day there were only ordinary wolves…”

Ruda looked in the direction of the Shrine and shivered.

Originally what appeared in the『White Wolves Den』were phantoms that were

simply slightly larger wolves.
Similar to the Silver Moon, there was also a variant phantom called the Red Moon.
It wasn’t a werewolf armed with a sword and armour.

That’s what had appeared when Ruda had visited a few weeks before, they were far
below the strength of that werewolf.

More than anything, the heavily armoured werewolf wasn’t going to be cut by the
dagger that Ruda carried.
The only way she could, would be to aim at the uncovered head or the thin gaps in
it’s armour.

For the skill Ruda currently held, to aim for the werewolf’s head while defending
against it’s attacks and matching it’s agile speed would be asking a lot.

“This is training.”

“Training… really…”

As if it was natural, Tino shrugged.

Despite the abnormal situation, she remained calm to a surprising degree.
Ruda felt a big difference to herself.
Having that attitude was like saying she had been through fights of that degree
many times over.

This was『Strange Grief』.

“Greg-sama is missing the main point.”

“Just Greg is fine.”

“Greg is making a misunderstanding.”

Gilbert was looking down quizzically at the sword in his hand.

He’s holding the most powerful weapon. No matter his personality, he is the main
attacker this time.

Master didn’t allocate the boy to Tino for no reason.

After all, the necessary things were all gathered here. Master was correct.

Tino gave a nod, and there were still intermittent howls coming from the Shrine as
she spoke.

“Since Master sent us here, that means the rescue target – is still alive.”


To Tino’s declaration, Greg was dumbfounded.

They didn’t understand. No it was normal not to understand.

Since Shrines were danger zones, most rescue targets would end up dead.
Hunters had trouble even asking for assistance at unpopular Shrines.

The only way to confirm if a target was alive was to visit the Shrine.

Can you predict something so far away while sitting in the capital?
Anyone would tell you it’s impossible. At best you could only calculate the
probability of survival from the date they went missing.

But you can. The impossible is possible. Smash through common sense.
It’s for this reason that Cry Andoric was Level 8. Master wasn’t just an ordinary
“The ingenious schemes of Master that are commanded to me definitely make
sense. Greg you’ve lived in the capital, do you think there are even 3 people at Level

To that coercive cool gaze, sweat ran down Greg’s cheek.

Trying to get rid of the bad atmosphere, Ruda forcefully spoke out in a light voice.

“Y-yeah. If the rescue target is still alive, we have no choice but to continue. Right,

Gilbert was suddenly called to, and he frowned while he spoke without touching on
the subject matter.

“The mana in the purgatory sword has run out. I only just charged it the other day
though… and I can’t charge it myself…”


Relics required a huge amount of mana.

Normally mana was used everyday. If you were not a Magi that could boast of
having several to ten times the regular quantity of mana, you needed to accumulate
mana in advance.

In the Capital there were even Magi that specialised in it. If your party had a Magi
then you would be able to receive a charge, but this party didn’t have one.

Gilbert spoke with confusion, and Tino quickly guessed the situation.

“Master… Master why do you hate me…?”

Tino and the others still hadn’t entered the Shrine yet.

Translator Notes

One of the names of Cry’s party is mentioned.

Katakana: Shitori. Difficult to say for sure, but I just went off how Shidoni = Sydney.
Sytry – Sitri : Not really a common name in English unless you are a demon.

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LN Translation
Learning through reading

Chapter 15
redhare404 January 24, 2020 Uncategorized

15 マスターの流儀
Master’s Way

The White Wolves Den was a cavernous form of Shrine.

Originally the Silver Moon had high intelligence and sociability, habitually forming
large packs. And their nature was to dig one den out together to live in.

At their peak, the pack was said to be over a thousand strong.

The Den of the Silver Moon was similar to an ant nest in how it wove back and
forth, and it’s size reached about that of a small village.

The Den remained after the Silver Moon went extinct, and even now after it
became a Shrine, its original form was mostly intact.

An enormous opening in the ground formed the entrance to the Shrine.

While surveying from the shadows of the bushes, Tino breathed out a sigh.

Originally when it was a den of beasts, one would need to be cautious around the
entrance for the Silver Moon that would roam around.

But now werewolves with crimson fur were the ones roaming.
They were more than ten meters away, yet they could feel hot breath with an
animal stench.
Only the glaring eyes stood out in the darkness.

The edge of the naked blades in their grips reflected the light of the hazy moon
shining in the night sky, and gave off a faint glow.

“Oi, it’s not just swords. There are guys holding bows and guns as well.”

“Damn it, looks like it wasn’t just that one that was strong. Is it because of an
excess supply of Mana Material? What’s going on here?”
Speaking to the scowling Gilbert, Greg frowned as he observed the Phantoms.

When the world’s Mana Material accumulated and reached a certain concentration,
Shrines and Phantoms were created.
And for some reason when the density rose high, Phantoms and Shrines took in the
Mana Material, channeling it to rise to a higher level existence.

Hunters called it 『Evolution』, a fearful irregular phenomenon.

Evolution wasn’t a usual occurrence.

Mana Material generally circulated freely along veins in the Earth.

As it was constantly flowing, there was a limit to the amount of Mana Material that
could accumulate at each location.

In general, evolution occurred due to changes in the Earth Veins or environment

and other external factors that increased the density of Mana Material over time.

The Zebrudian Empire which had gained great national power from the Shrines in
its vicinity was sensitive to fluctuations in the veins of the Earth.
If there were such signs, Hunters were expected to be aware of them. News of a
change in the environment had not been heard.

But, when there were so many high rank Phantoms right in front of your eyes, you
couldn’t help but make a complaint.

Tino breathed out in preparation, and calmly analysed their fighting power.

The size of the Phantoms was twice as large as the previously assumed Red Moon.
Also, in comparison to the Red Moon that walked on four legs, the werewolves in
front of them stood on two feet.
In terms of height, they were more than double the Red Moon.

“From the start the Den was built for the size of the Silver Moon. If they are that
big, their movements should be restricted.
They won’t be able to jump around… I think.”

“It would be better to fight inside rather than in a wide open area… but I don’t have
any ways to attack from a distance.”

Outside the burrow, there were five werewolves gathered together. Their whole
bodies were covered in armour, but their weapons were different.

Three swords, one bow, and one unrecognisable long barrelled firearm.
Due to the placement and number of werewolves, getting in the entrance unnoticed
would be impossible.
Considering the likelihood of a pincer attack, the party decided it was better not to
dive straight in and ignore them.

“Is the rescue target inside? Did they enter into this clearly dangerous looking

“…When a Shrine evolves, you can expect to find Relics.”

Shrines, Phantoms, and Relics all manifested under the same mechanism.

The more thick and dense the Mana Material, the more powerful a Relic will be.

Also, the lack of popularity was also an important component.

Because obtaining Relics was first come first serve.

“Does anyone here have a way to attack from long range?”

To the words of Tino who had turned her head to look behind her, Greg and Ruda
exchanged glances.

A long range attack in this situation meant something that could damage the
heavily armoured werewolves.

For example Ruda could throw her dagger, but theres armour, plus the thick heavy
werewolf pelt meant that no effective attack could be made.

After seeing the two fall into silence, Tino once again felt the poor balance of the

If it was a usual party, for a time like this it was common sense to include at least
one person that was skilled in long range attacks.

Gilbert gripped the purgatory sword with both hands, and raised himself slightly.

“Theres no helping it, I’ll cut my way through them. If we defeat the ones with the
gun and bow first, we’ll be able to manage somehow.”

“…Hah? Are you stupid?”

“Even without mana, the purgatory sword is stronger than an ordinary sword.
It’s fine, this type of thing – I’m used to it.”

Gilbert had lightweight equipment.

Thin metal plated leather armour was popular for Hunters that liked to be agile,
but it was most definitely not suited to the person in the role of bait.
It’s better than Tino or Ruda that specialised even further in lightness as thieves,
but he didn’t have a shield.
The two handed large sword excelled in offensive power, but it wouldn’t be said to
have easy handling.

From the enthusiastic voice that was unaffected by the five enemies, it gave the
implication that the boy really was used to these situations.

“Now that you mention it, didn’t you say that you were a one man party?”

The talent of Hunters varied greatly between each person. It was natural there
would be differences in power within a party, and for Hunters that were paired
with weaker companions, they had a tendency to go ahead first.
And then continually gain victories in that way. There are many times when this
becomes a source of friction when joining a new party.

Tino glared at Gilbert that was beginning to wind himself up.

“Don’t do things on your own. If you want to die it’s different, but although
temporary, I am the leader of this party and it’s my duty to return with everyone


To the unexpected words, Gilbert’s eyes opened in surprise.

From the way the party ended up together, it was unexpected for the leader to say
something out of concern for Gilbert given her personality.

To begin with, for the most agile in the party Tino, it would probably be easy to
escape from an engagement with the werewolves.

It may be they were experienced in hunts, but the the members were jumbled
In any case the likelihood of being shielded was little thought about.

In Gilbert’s line of sight, Tino’s eyebrows knitted together in discomfort and then
she made a declaration.

“I won’t run away. This time Master is expecting me to act in the role of a leader.
Without one person going missing and returning alive – those are the minimum

Even Tino knew that being a Hunter didn’t consist of all beautiful things.
Sometimes a judgement to abandon one member to save the whole party was a
necessary decision.
But that wasn’t what was needed this time.

The Master, although a special example, would not abandon the companions that
had been entrusted to him.

That’s the master of 『First Step』, the way of Cry Andoric.

Even if put together into a temporary party with strangers – no, it’s for this very
reason that Tino Shade was being challenged in her leadership.

Drawing in the cold night air, and suppressing the excitement from the
approaching battle.

Then looking to each party member, Tino spoke.

“As the most agile, Ruda and I will go out first to attract their attention. I have
training in evading long distance weapons.
In that interval, Greg and Gilbert will assault the rear guard from behind.
Firearms and arrows aren’t scary when you get in close.”

§ § §

Ah, please just let Tino live. It’s fine to use the other members as shields on this

I grit my teeth as I soared under nothing but the moon shining in the night sky.

A membrane of air stuck to my whole body.

With propulsion generated by the overcoat Relic, I was like a single arrow that had
been fired from a crossbow.
Same as an arrow, once fired it couldn’t turn back.

In the darkness I can only control the direction and continue forward.

The capital was surrounded by a wall, and in the blink of the eye I passed by its
huge gates.
Under my eyes were endless plains, and well maintained roads without lamplight.

It was a beautiful sight, but when I saw it my sentiments could be contained in a

few words about throwing up.

The『Dark Wings of the Night Sky』was an overcoat type Relic.

As if shaped from the night itself, it had beautiful deep blue fabric.
The Relic with a white jewel placed on the front of the neck gave the user the
extremely powerful ability of flight.
Relics that gave the ability to fly were rare, and their popularity was high so they
were also highly priced.
The only one in my collection was the 『Dark Wings of the Night Sky』, but this
Relic had many serious flaws.

The last owner became the subject of the 『Human Missile Affair』, and the truly
sad event made both the usefulness and the danger of the Relic well known.

With terrific propulsive force the Hunter had gone head first into the ceiling and
was called to heaven.
The 『Dark Wings of the Night Sky』 was about to be disposed of as the Relic that
killed an excellent Hunter when I took it into my possession.
It was an authentic defective product.

But with it, you could doubtlessly fly through the sky.

There was no fine control, and it put too much importance on propulsive force over
gravity control which made 『floating』 impossible like other flight Relics.
And there were no brakes in the first place, but doubtlessly, you could fly through
the sky.

And it was absurdly fast. It was a speed that could not be considered perfectly safe.
Since it manifested as a Relic, it must have been an item that existed at some point
in the past.
I want to give an hour long lecture to whoever thought it up.

A distance through uninhabited area that would take a Hunter more than an hour
by foot, I passed through in a flash and entered the forest as is.

Walking by ground your vision is obstructed by dense forestry, the stones and
foilage make it so stamina is wasted just from walking.
It’s all irrelevant to me when I’m racing through the sky.

Towards me flying at high speed far in the sky, the forest dwelling birds and beast
raised noisy screams.
I’m the one that wants to scream.

And somehow, through my extremely blurred field of vision I managed to find the
target Shrine.

An open area without trees. The ground opened up into a huge hole.
It was certain that there were no other cave type Shrines in the area.

Quick. With such speed even I would be fascinated by it.

Like this Tino will manage to survive.
The only problem from now is the lack of brakes.

And so I clenched my teeth, aimed my direction diagonally downwards, and

without change in momentum I burst into the opening.

Translator Notes

-the night skys dark wings, was changed to dark wings of the night sky.

-So I did some minimal searches about Earth Veins/Pulse (地脈).

Veins in geology via wikipedia are “a distinct sheetlike body of crystallized minerals within a rock.”
The story likely instead refers to the feng shui definition, in which earth chi runs in pulses through
underground waterways/spaces.
Building something on an Earth vein was said to bring prosperity, and practitioners used a Lo P’an
compass to locate them.
All this to say, when Earth Vein are mentioned you can just take it as ‘the pulse of Mana’, not
something connected with a geological concept (from what I can tell).

-seems like someone clicked on a site ad. I encourage everyone to use ublock origin on my site, it
won’t effect me. (chrome or firefox)
LN Translation
Learning through reading

Chapter 16
redhare404 January 25, 2020 Uncategorized

16 白狼の巣③
White Wolves Den 3

Phantoms were in no way unbeatable apparitions of chaos.

Like Relics that were based on『items that once existed』stored in the world’s
memory, Phantoms were also created based on once『living things』.

So it would appear those towering giants as well as their blades had existed at some
time and place.

Gilbert used both hands to grip his sword and stop the blade swinging down from
His arms creaked from the tremendous force, and his knees barely endured

Wolf Knight – what was decided to call the weapon wielding werewolves for ease of
They had different weapons, but they all shared fearsome strength and stamina,
and their giant bodies moved around with unbelievably light movements.

They had only fought a few, but their strength exceeded Gilbert’s who held pride in
his power, and their speed was a match for Ruda, with confidence in her agility.

Their physical strength and stamina was far higher than Tino and the others that
were human.

To receive an attack from them would result in serious injury. Putting Tino aside,
for Gilbert and Ruda that would only enter Shrines where they could battle with
some extra leeway, these opponents were several steps up.

They were truly formidable enemies, but fortunately there was a sole aspect
through which Tino and the others could gain victory.
That was – teamwork.

In the lapse when Gilbert caught a blade with his own, Greg stepped in with his
long sword aimed at an arm joint – piercing through a crevice at the forearm.
In the instant the force slackened, Gilbert took the huge burden bearing down on
him and pushed it to the left.

The large sharpened edge fell down next to Gilbert. The Wolf Knight growled, and
looked down on Gilbert and Greg with eyes wet with murder.

Then, the huge body shook violently and collapsed with it’s eyes wide open.

Tino had crept up from behind, springing high into the air and putting her blade
into the back of its neck.

The dark red short sword held in both hands was something luckily left behind by a
a Wolf Knight upon entering the『White Wolves Den』.

The blade used her body weight cutting through thick fur, muscle, and bone, biting
halfway into the neck.
It couldn’t sever the head, but it delivered a fatal blow upon which the Wolf Knight
dissolved into the air without so much as a scream.

Tino’s feet landed on the ground.

Gilbert was looking over for a moment, but then his shoulders loosened and he
breathed a sigh of relief.
There was some slight fatigue showing on his face.

“haa, haa, …did we do it?.”

“This really is a request that doesn’t pay isn’t it?”

Greg frowned at the touch of the fur that remained.

It was better than metal armour. The wolf knights fur was considerably hard, and it
was difficult to leave a fatal wound even if you put in all of your strength.

As Tino expected, the interior of the den was not fit for the large size of the wolf

The ceiling in particular was just barely the height of the knights.
They didn’t have to fear overhead attacks like the ones from the first surprise
But the feeling of tension facing the large beasts in dim confined spaces gradually
shaved away at the parties willpower.
Tino, who had used a weapon she had only just picked up to deal a fatal blow,
spoke without changing expression.

“As expected, taking them down with four people isn’t that difficult.
No matter how strong they are, they have no notion of cooperation.”

That was the Wolf Knights largest weak point.

They are strong individually, but there is no combination at all.

Even when one of their own is dying right in front of them, they place no priority
on helping them.
For example even if there were several wolf knights, and Tino with the most margin
for error lead all but one of them away – the strategy of attacking the remaining
one with three members was a solid one.

Of course there was some danger in that plan, but it was an effective tactic when
surrounded by strong enemies.

“I also now have this weapon.’

“It would be nice if one more would drop.”

One of Tino’s strong points was bare handed attacks, but she was at a disadvantage
when facing against the wolf knights.
She usually carried a dagger with her, but it was just a substitute weapon.
It was fortunate to obtain a weapon that could bring down a wolf knight in one

After vigilantly watching the surroundings from start to finish, Ruda took a

Despite the tension and fatigue, the Shrine exploration was going well.

With two thieves in the party there was a surplus in enemy detection. There was no
fear of being preempted.

It seemed that the wolf knights often acted on their own.

Inside the burrow that weaved freely it wasn’t difficult to avoid them while
Even if it came to fighting, they could manage with some impromptu teamwork.

Like at the Footprints meeting, Gilbert’s strength that he boasted about was fairly
high and Greg had abundant experience, the members were able to match each
other skilfully.
If someone stopped the enemies movement, Tino would finish them off.
Conversely, if Tino attracted the attention, the other three could do it.

Ruda didn’t actively stand out, but it wasn’t because she was weak.
If Tino wasn’t a thief, her role in enemy detection would be indispensable.

It would be a problem if one of them sustained an injury, but they had endured so

Everything had already been calculated.

Maybe even the weapon that dropped was something expected. If someone else
heard that they might think it was laughable.

“After all Master is right. Master is god.”

“…O-Oh. Right.”

To Tino muttering as if to assure herself, Greg’s expression was twitching.

Clan masters and party leaders were naturally charismatic, but Tino’s faith in her
Master looked like it went a little too far.

Above all from what Greg saw, Cry didn’t feel very charismatic.

As a long time Hunter with an eye for discernment, there wasn’t anything present
similar to the attraction of a powerful Hunter.

At the assembly hall when he found out Cry’s true identity, he had thought it was a
Even now he couldn’t believe he was Infinite Variety, everything was said to be
calculated but it all seemed like a mistake.

If it was said he had reached Level 8 through his connections he would believe it,
yet this superior Hunter Tino showed genuine trust.

He didn’t intend to cause any conflict while inside the party.

He had a lot of things he wanted to say but he could postpone them.

There would be a chance to do say it once he was ensured to return alive.

Right now he needed to do whatever it took to survive in this abnormal Shrine.

To Greg sheathing his large sword on his waist, Tino shook him on the shoulder
once and spoke with a serious voice.

“But, there is still something more to come. Masters trials aren’t usually like this.”
“…Hah? What the hell are you saying?”

Gilbert spoke out Greg’s inner thoughts in a shocked voice.

Even in the current situation a normal Hunter would without a doubt choose to

With a Shrine with no information on it, unexpected events with the appearance of
Phantoms put it at a state of emergency.

For Ruda, Greg, and also Gilbert, a trial further than this was unimaginable.

“…Firstly, lets advance carefully towards the center.

There were no signs around the entrance. No corpses. The rescue target should be
somewhere deeper in.”

Contrary to his whole body bent over in fatigue, Gilbert Bush’s mind was sharp.

The tingling air of the battlefield. Strong smells. There were『Phantoms』 that had
never been seen before, but there he felt not dread but exhilaration.

“I can’t go on like this with you. I can’t keep up. I’m leaving the party.”

Gilbert recalled the words raised by the young man the day before Gilbert dropped
out of his party.

He was a young man about three years older than Gilbert.

Gilbert had been in a party with him since he came to the city, but the true ability
of the young man was about one times less than Gilbert’s.

He knew he was putting in the effort, but the gap was only widening.
When receiving that notice, the other party members also left in the same way
without looking Gilbert in the face.
When he first heard what they said, it had made him furious and resentful.
But now that he was infiltrating a Shrine over his ability, he could understand
those feelings a little.

They were also troubled, and he should have thought more about what the other
members were thinking.

More than that though, struggling with other party members of equal and greater
ability filled Gilbert with exhilaration.
He had been in the same party since entering the capital. They occasionally had
temporary members join up, but basically all the companions that Gilbert had
worked with before were of less ability than him.

But now it was different.

There were companions that he could fight together with.

Greg’s sword weighed less than Gilbert’s, but it was versatile enough to find gaps in
Tino’s surprise attacks – leaping with no hesitation and accurately striking at the
base of the neck, were nothing other than superb.
Ruda’s poor weapons couldn’t fatally wound the Wolf Knights, but she could search
for enemies and keep them in check showing abiity in a bit of everything.

Fighting together against formidable Wolf Knights that would be difficult to face
off against alone.

Before long Gilbert felt the sensation of his hot blood circulating. As if fresh fuel
was flowing through him, the sword that should feel heavy from the accumulated
fatigue became easy to wield.

It had been a few hours since entering the Shrine. Greg spoke in amazement at
Gilbert who was still going strong.

“Oi Oi, still looking good there.”

“Psh. My good form is just finally showing itself.”

At first it was only possible to receive the Wolf Knights blades, but he was gradually
becoming able to push them back.

It’s not as though he was going easy at the outset. Putting aside the mental and
physical, this was visible growth.

Another one. At the sound of the Wolf Knight falling, Gilbert gasped for breath.

If there was a single thing to complain about, that would be –

“Haaa… I wish the purgatory sword had mana.”

He looked down at the purgatory sword in his hands and sighed.

At the moment the sword had lost its power as a relic. The mana needed to fill it
was too much for Gilbert.
It was the same for the other members.
If the power of the sword could be displayed, the Wolf Knights would be much
easier to defeat.
Even if he couldn’t imitate Infinite Variety, it would be possible to burn the wolf
knight’s swords in flame.
The exploration would have gone much smoother.

To Gilbert leaking out a regrettable voice, Tino spoke in amazement.

“Relics are too early for Gilbert. If you rely on them your skill will get rusty. That’s
why I don’t have one yet.”

“…You, you still don’t carry a Relic?”

He was already used to the self important words from the little leader.

Without anger, Gilbert stared back in wonder at the unexpected words.

Speaking of which, there hadn’t been a situation yet where Tino had used a Relic.

Regardless of what it was, it was expected that a Level 4 would have discovered one
or two Relics while they were exploring Shrines.
To say nothing of also being part of a large clan, where it should be possible to
inherit one from your friends.

Receiving the incredulous look from Gilbert, Tino continued on while tapping her

“In the end Relics are trump cards. You shouldn’t use them in ordinary battles, or
use them to fight enemies that you couldn’t win against without them.
This should be what Master is intentionally trying to teach you from this request.
There’s no doubt. It is.
He didn’t deplete the Mana in the sword to harass you.”

“…unthinkable meddling.”

Something unbelievable. However, because the information is coming from Tino

who didn’t use a Relic, authenticity was added to her words.
Certainly, in the test of ability, without using a Relic Gilbert couldn’t land a hand or
foot on Tino.

Tino added on as Gilbert gave another look down at the purgatory sword, frowning.

“That’s why when I find a Relic in a Shrine it gets passed over to Master through
onee-sama. If Master examines it and finds it to be good, he takes me out to get ice-
In other words Master is God.”
“…Isn’t that just being exploited out of convenience?”

Greg’s eyelid was twitching in convulsions while he looked at Tino.

“That’s not the case. Master isn’t good with sweet food and he keeps me company.
In other words Master is God.”

If pushed to say, Gilbert was of the same opinion as Greg. But looking at the
serious expression on Tino he couldn’t make an interjection.
LN Translation
Learning through reading

Chapter 17
redhare404 January 26, 2020 Uncategorized

17 白狼の巣④
White Wolves Den 4

After walking for a little less than an hour.

The surroundings opened up all of a sudden.
The passage widened, and the ceiling became high.

In her weariness Ruda wiped the sweat that was dripping with the back of her
hand, and looked around slowly.

Even disregarding the height of the ceiling, the width would allow several Wolf
Knights to line up next to each other.

Tino’s breathing was calm. Her expression since entering the Shrine had barely
changed, her attire undisturbed.

“The room of the king should be just up ahead. Before it became a Shrine, this
would have been the chamber of the pack’s boss.”

“The boss room, huh… can we take a rest?”

Greg grimaced at Tino’s words.

『Boss Room』 was Hunter terminology. A Shrine’s innermost place – an area

where an especially strong Phantom would be highly likely to appear.

Phantoms that manifested in Shrines were not random.

Basically, deepest in the Shrine was where Mana Material most easily accumulated,
and therefore where a stronger Phantom would likely appear.
Especially in Shrines that reflected an areas history, the place where a powerful
phantom would manifest was generally fixed.
In a castle, it would be the throne room. If it was modelled on a tower, it would be
the top floor. For a ship, it would be the captains cabin.

In this case it would be the pack leaders room.

Of course it wasn’t always certain that there would be a『Boss』, but it was better
to remain cautious.

From Greg’s words, Tino checked on the state of her companions.

Gilbert, Ruda, and then Greg.

Ruda was at level 3, and the other two level 4.

Everyone was at least a mid-level Hunter.
If they were at level 3, a hunter’s stamina would have been reinforced by Mana
Material to a certain degree.

All of the battles since invading the Shrine had been dangerous.
However, although the expressions on Ruda and Gilbert’s faces showed their
fatigue, it didn’t look like they had reached the point where they couldn’t move yet.

Understanding the meaning of her gaze, Gilbert clenched his fist strongly.

“I can still go on.”

“Me too… Well, I think I won’t have any problems for a little more.”

There were no safe places inside a Shrine.

Some safety could be guaranteed if there was a party member that could put up a
barrier, but currently there was no such convenient member.
If they stayed in one place, there was a good chance that a wandering Wolf Knight
would discover them.

If you took a break in such a dangerous area, you wouldn’t be able to feel rested.

The decision was made in an instant.

Seek life in a fatal situation. You should rest when you need to, but the state of the
party right now wasn’t that bad.
They should check out the Boss Room while they were still riding the momentum.

“Lets check the boss room out and then decide. The rescue target should be close
by. We should quickly save them and leave.”

“Ok Leader. Shall we do it together then?”

Greg breathed in, and looked towards the Boss Room.

Walking carefully not to make noise, they approached the boss room by the edges
of the wall.

Their visibility was poor, but perhaps placed by a previous Hunter, there were
glowing stones placed meters apart to ensure a small measure of illumination.

About ten meters from the boss room, Tino came to a stop.

Closing her eyes she placed her palm against the earth of the wall.
She focused her senses of hearing and smell.
Searching for any indications of a distant presence.

Cold air brushed gently against her face.

The soft breaths of her companions, the beat of their hearts.
She searched like that for a time, but soon sighed deeply.

“…Somethings there.”

“Ugh. Could it be the rescue target?”

“Eight or nine out of ten it’s the boss. Or rather, on a mission from Master theres
going to be something big.”

“Are you serious…”

No longer surprised, and not sure how to react to something with such low
credibility, Greg was making an indescribable expression.

Phantoms occurring in the Boss Room were usually one or two ranks above the
small fry outside it.

Considering the strength of the Wolf Knights along the way, it wasn’t like they
definitely couldn’t win. But it would be an ill-advised opponent.

Originally there might have been a Red Moon that was strengthened from being
twice as large as normal, but it probably wouldn’t come out this time.

A Shrine where powerful Phantoms appear but not Relics. It’s a place you would
usually definitely not want to go to.

“Wouldn’t it better to retreat?”

Greg suggested gruffly. Tino slightly raised her elegant eyebrows.

“I’ve said that from the start.”


“But, we’ve made it this far pretty much unharmed. We should be able to handle
the boss.”

Greg frowned and bit his lip upon receiving a negative result.

It was certainly true.

The power of the Wolf Knights were much higher than the Phantoms that appeared
in the Shrines Greg would frequent.
For Hunters, safety came first. The standard was to fight with Phantoms that you
could bring down with just yourself.

If he knew the White Wolves Den was in this state from the beginning, he wouldn’t
have joined the party.

At any rate, the reward was likely to be insignificant, and there was little chance of
finding a Relic. It was true volunteer work.
Since it was a direct request from the leader of the large clan『First Step』, he had
joined out of curiosity. But if it had not been, he would have most likely laughed
them down from the start.

He brushed against the handle of his long sword. It wasn’t a top quality item, but it
was a sword he cared for affectionately that had carried him through missions for
several years.

“Greg, the look on your face has gotten too cautious.”


Greg was astonished by the ridiculous words. Ruda and Gilbert also looked at each
other in surprise, and they watched the two attentively.

Like that Tino calmly continued.

“People don’t grow when they take on safe requests. Greg has enough skill as a
hunter. It’s a good thing to be cautious, to keep living just as you are, but
sometimes it’s necessary to do things recklessly.”

“No, but that’s… you see-“

Greg stumbled on the words of Tino who was younger than him. He thought that
her words weren’t exactly mistaken.
The casualty rate of Treasure Hunters was considerably high, but the most amount
of deaths were among rookie Hunters. The longer they lived, the lower the casualty
One reason was that their skills would improve, but the biggest was that their
ability to discern risk rose and they stopped attempting unreasonable things.

Stop being reckless. Don’t challenge opponents that you have little chance of
winning against.
Hunters that had seen their companions die tended to become this way.

Therefore, over time there were many hunters that remained at level 3, and then
there were people like Gilbert that sprinted to level 4 in a flash.

Certainly, absorbing Mana Material made Hunters tough, but it did not strengthen
the spirit.

Most Hunters were level 3 or below. A certification of level needed a required

amount of achievement points, and those points were difficult to accumulate
without challenging a Shrine that was suitable for your level.

And for level 3 Hunters, they could live a slightly easy life simply by overcoming
Shrines below their aptitude.
So the distribution of Hunters became skewed due to a bias.

Greg was level 4. Although he had passed the mid-level of 3, his own level hadn’t
risen in a long time.
It would be a lie to say that fact didn’t weigh on his mind.

Tino stared at Greg with piercing black eyes.

“Greg, you’ve had a long history as a hunter, yet you came to see『First Step』. I
think you should also have something you want to do.”


Tino’s words struck a chord. Unsure of what to say, Greg bit his lip.

The passion that had existed on first becoming a Hunter had long since subsided.
How long had it been since he visited a Shrine with powerful Phantoms?
Frowning, he tried to remember when, but he couldn’t.

In the silence, Tino said something incredible.

“That is surely the reason Master put you in this party.”

“This request is the best opportunity for Greg to break through his current
Otherwise there would be no need to add someone you only just met as a party
member. Master is trying to help everyone.
In other words, Master is God.”



At Tino’s words, Greg gulped down his saliva.

It was certainly strange. Why did he catch Infinite Variety’s attention?

At the member recruitment, Greg and Cry only had a small exchange.
It also wasn’t a very good one.
It wouldn’t be surprising for Ruda to be called on, but for him to be was clearly

At the time Tino had given him an invitation he had thought it was a case of
mistaken identity.

Greg was astounded.

He glanced over at the other two that had similar expressions remnant on their
faces, and Tino spoke with exasperation.

“No way, you didn’t think Master had just gathered people from around the area?
Master doesn’t do things like throw people together like he’s making a stew.
Everything is part of an ingenious scheme – through minute calculations.
In other words, Master is God.”

Tino declared. Thinking it was unbelievable, Greg looked toward Gilbert.

But, God or not, what she said was convincing.

The only issue was that the Cry Andoric that he had actually met didn’t match up
with the image Tino spoke of.

Infinite Variety. Suddenly the young man’s alias crossed his mind, and his body
gave a shudder.

Ruda timidly raised her arm.

“Um…… then why was I invited?”

Tino thought for a moment, and then gave Ruda an awfully unpleasant look down
the length of her body.
The glance remained on the swelling chest, far and away larger than her own.
Despite wearing the same type of leather jacket, their designs had become
something different entirely.
At that fact, Tino made an expression much more grim than when she was dealing
with Phantoms.

When Master had first introduced Ruda to Tino, he had said she was someone that
wanted to go to the『White Wolves Den』, but that was clearly a bluff.
When deciding party members that would be putting their life at risk, there would
be no way that kind of motive would be permitted.
If that were true, then what he later said『It should be fine if the left-overs are that
boy Gilbert and Greg-sama right?』, such an extremely irresponsible line would
also become true.

Her beloved Master couldn’t do something like that.

Ruda was bewildered by the grim look.

Tino remained silent for a moment, but as if unable to endure her own line of sight
she muttered a few words in reply.

“…………I don’t know. But I think it’s probably because you have such big breasts.
I’m going to get bigger soon too. I’ll be different from Onee-sama.”

“Huh? W-Wait a second!? What did you just say?”

“Who knows. Lets stop playing around and quickly bring down the boss so we can
complete the request.”

“Wait!? W-why that reason!?”

After exchanging words with the noisy Ruda, Tino took a step closer to the Boss

Wolf Knights were huge.

Big, powerful, sturdy, quick unfaltering attacks. They were only largely inferior to
Tino in agility.

Tino’s teacher Liz Smart was a thief the same as Tino. That’s why her training also
went in that direction.
Tino, who had been thoroughly beaten down by a person that was far faster than
herself, had dynamic vision that captured each and every movement of the Wolf
Those movements were much more sluggish than what she observed during
Even if her opponent was one or two ranks above, she could keep up with their
So the question was, to what extent could they wound a body that would be covered
in thick tough hair?
The thief’s role normally wasn’t to defeat Phantoms.

“I think it’ll probably be one enemy. Lets take care of it before other Phantoms

At Tino’s words, they each prepared for combat. Greg took up his sword, and
Gilbert readied his own Purgatory sword.

Ruda also unsheathed her dagger, and took a step back.

Ruda’s role was to keep watch of their surroundings.
If there were any intruders, she had to attract their attention and keep them
When your strength was inferior to an opponents, getting caught in a pincer attack
must be avoided. It was an important role.

“I don’t know what the enemy will be, but wouldn’t it be best for me to go in first?”

Gilbert made a suggestion to Tino.

Tino took a deep, deep breath and gave a slight smile.

“It’s no problem. As Onee-sama always says. The first attack is glory. Whatever it
is, I’ll take it.”

“No, but glory though – it’s just dangerous. There’s not really anything you can
take from it.”

Tino stretched out her arms and legs, and relaxed her muscles. After checking her
condition she gave a large nod.

“Because – I’m a Hunter.”

And dashed towards the boss room.

The boss room was a spacious room with a length and width of more than 10
In addition to the path Tino entered through, there were narrow pathways leading
out the left and right.
The ceiling was also far higher than in the passageway. Unlike previously, the
height was now twice as high as a Wolf Knight.
When did they get this deep underground? Such thoughts entered their minds.

However, in such a large space, standing in the middle of the room, casting a large
shadow that seemed too small.

It was a wolf.

A werewolf holding a massive, deep-crimson battle-axe that was about the size of
Tino’s body.

The total body size was about twice as large as the Wolf Knights they had fought
until now, and the whole body excluding the head was covered in black plate
The Wolf Knight’s armour was already troublesome, but the wolf in front of them
had almost no gaps in their equipment. The joints were also perfectly guarded.

Not only the height, but the width was also greater than the Wolf Knights that were
already robust at the best of times.
It wasn’t adequate enough to just call that appearance towering.

And above all, this wolf was different to the blood red wolves they had encountered
up to now.
The colour of the moon, so beautiful it was chilling.
Silver coloured fur.
The ferocious left half of the face, was covered by a human skull.

The figure gave off a feeling of human resentment.

On the top of its head were two ears twitching in convulsion like quivers.
Regarding the sudden intruders without hurry, the wolf reminiscent of the Silver
Moon seized onto Tino with it’s eyes.

Murderous intent penetrated Tino’s whole body. The wolf howled.

Roughly at the same time Tino ran up right next to it.

A wolf in whole body armour. As expected, it was the worst pattern.

Tino’s boots had metal in the soles, but her kicks weren’t strong enough to smash
through metal and she would likely injure her feet in the process.
To injure her foot in this situation would mean death.

It was doubtful whether it would be possible to break it’s posture when it was so
Tension, and more than anything else, excitement pressured down on her heart.
The axe came flying. A battle axe inherently had a heavy center of gravity close to
the tip, and therefore it was a difficult weapon to maneuverer easily.
Yet the wolf flourished it like it was a wooden stick or something.

It had a gigantic blade that looked about a meter wide.

If it hit from the front it would finish her off in pieces, so to avoid the blow coming
she took a strong step backward.

Blood red eyes chased after Tino, filled with ugly hatred.
It turned it’s huge body. Just stepping to change direction shook the cave with
small vibrations.

Despite the size of its large body, there were no wasted movements.

-Strong. If you wanted to escape you may be able to do it.

The problem was in it’s difficulty to defeat.

It would be difficult for Gilbert to receive a blow from that battle-axe. And it would
also be difficult for his Purgatory sword to cut through that armour.

While passing, using the short sword – Tino slashed towards it’s legs.
Metal clashed against metal and a high pitched noise rang out, the blow leaving a
numbing impact on her palms.
A scrape like line was left on the armour, but as if rooted to the ground it’s posture
was unswayed.

And above all, the wolf had intelligence.

Even though the eyes wet with resentment were caught onto Tino, it remained
vigilant towards its surroundings.
It was different to the wolf knights fought against up until now.

The remaining members that entered – while rushing towards the back of the boss,
it’s imposing appearance gave them pause.
If it were a Wolf Knight like from before they would attack.
But Gilbert and the others also probably understood.
This wolf would be guarded against attacks from the rear.

Gilbert and Greg held their swords at ready, and quickly spread out to the left and

“What is this guy!?”

“Shit, I’ve never seen it-!”

Gilbert’s eyes were wide open tracing back and forth as the battle-axe jolted up and
Greg searched for weaknesses with a grim stare.

As planned, Ruda stood a short distance apart, and while remaining on guard she
observed its whole body.

The silver wolf was encircled by four opponents, however it did not lose
It gave off the dignity of a king.

–The head.

Tino settled on a conclusion.

The boss was far stronger than the wolf knights seen so far, and it was unique in
that it wore different armour.
The weakness was probably the same as the other Wolf Knights.

The problem was that the height of the boss was much greater than the other
Without a strong kick off the ground it wouldn’t be reached, and in that time you
would be defenceless.

An attack from behind like before probably wouldn’t work. You would just get
mowed down.
It’s eyes watched Gilbert, Greg, Ruda, and Tino. It consistently put most of it’s
attention on Tino.

“…What do we do?”

“Should we retreat?”

Fortunately neither Gilbert, Greg, nor Ruda, were swallowed up in fear from facing
the boss.

When they first saw it, they had felt some. But they already knew their courage
before coming here.
If they had none, they would have run away long before setting foot in the Shrine.

If there was a chance to win, then take it.

This opponent would be next to impossible for Tino to defeat on her own.
It was different to the Wolf Knights that she could do whatever with.

This was a trial.

Watch and understand the wolf boiling and bubbling with fighting spirit.

Cry Andoric gave prospective members trials where they had to put their life on the
From the words once said by a member of Strange Grief, and the nickname called
as such-

-One Thousand Tribulations.

They were the First Step to glory.

“Stop one strike. I’ll do something.”

LN Translation
Learning through reading

Chapter 18
redhare404 February 3, 2020 Uncategorized

18 千の試練
One Thousand Tribulations


Gilbert roared. On that cue the battle began.

The current scene of battle, was the most intense Ruda Runebeck had experienced
until now.

The Wolf Knight swung it’s battle-axe down endlessly in every direction.
Gilbert opened his eyes to their limit, whether swinging from overhead or to the
side, the purgatory sword was like a red wind as it repelled the attacks.
Each time the blades clashed, Gilbert strongly grasped the handle with both hands.

The Purgatory sword was an enormous weapon but the battle-axe of the Wolf
Knight, face hidden by human bones, was far larger.

Although the large swings created big opportunities, the power charged in each
blow was extraordinary.

Gilbert who had never taken a step back before now, slowly retreated while
repelling attacks.

He couldn’t receive them directly.

Gilbert had a reckless side to him, but at the same time he was a man who had
become a hunter after undergoing several years of training.
To a certain extent, Gilbert had experience fighting against opponents that were
stronger than him.

Sweat showed on his forehead.

He was panting in rough breaths but managed to deflect every strike, each which
had the power to be fatal if struck head on.
“Damn it, it’s tough. It’s impossible, my sword can’t cut through!”

Next to Gilbert fending off attacks, Greg aimed during a small break in the slashes,
and thrusted in.
A blow aimed at the hand, arm, or axe handle would only be effective enough to
delay the boss’s onslaught for a decimal of a second.

Incredible toughness, domineering power.

With merely just that, the boss was overwhelming four people.
Like a devastating storm, the battle-axe kept Gilbert and Greg busy from the front
while also keeping in check Tino, positioned in its blind spot.

The silver wolf knight was truly analysing the capabilities of each member.
And it’s greatest priority was not Gilbert with his large sword, or Greg with the
biggest body, but on Tino.

It was not until then that Ruda became aware of the horror from facing a Phantom
with high intelligence.

And also – The radiance of the Hunters that challenged them.

Tino avoided the swinging axe with minimal movement.

The battle-axe grazed by, and a number of glossy black hairs scattered into the air.
The edge had slashed into the beads of sweat on her skin, but her eyes were held
open, and showed no trace of fear.

How was such movement possible?

How could you act with composure in front of attacks that could kill you in one

Tino was not overwhelmingly fast.

No, no matter how fast she was, it wouldn’t be faster than the swinging axe.

What was being seen was boldness.

Under huge amounts of pressure, Tino evaded with elegant movements as if

dancing. Ruda was deeply moved from that sight.

Ruda who had been acting solo until now, had never seen a higher ranked thief
than her except at the Explorers open training grounds.
The movements and skill she saw there surpassed her own, but they did not move
her heart.
However today, she joined this party and saw Tino’s form.
Tino’s actions – faced against a higher rank yet not retreating, was something
different from others.

A thieve’s specialty was not fighting.

Perhaps, for a person in the role of thief, it could even be said to be a mistake.

But still, in that moment Ruda, seeing the girls figure that was the same or slightly
younger to herself – her body shook with a strong yearning towards her.

“…Damn, it’s movements aren’t slowing a bit!”

Gilbert groaned through clenched teeth.

A tremendous blow like it could tear through the world.

Phantoms should also have something similar to stamina, but the battle-axe that
was swung over and over again showed no signs of slowing.

Although he didn’t take them head on, the burden on his arms after warding off
blow after blow couldn’t be imagined.
If he hadn’t been wielding a Relic, his sword would probably have broken long ago.

The sounds of violent weapons, metal clashing against each other echoed in the
dim burrow.
That no one had been seriously injured yet was a miracle.
But, miracles didn’t last for long.


Sure enough it was someones voice.

A muffled sound resounded. In the air a fragment of blade whirled.

Gilbert and Tino widened their eyes, but the most dumbstruck one was Greg.

What was clasped in his right hand, the long sword he was accustomed to swinging
– had become half it’s length.
The broken fragment fell slowly to the ground, and made a dry sound.

The ones that realised the soonest, was the person watching from a distance Ruda,
and the silver Wolf Knight.

Time had been cut away.

In that moment, in seemingly accelerated stretched out time. Ruda was certain she
saw the big protruding jaw warp into a hideous smile.
The eyes weren’t directed at Tino or Gilbert, but looking down at the expression of
Greg that seemed struck stupid.
It raised the battle-axe overhead.

Ruda threw her dagger roughly on reflex.

While the dagger spun in rotations, it flew as if it was sucked towards the Boss’s
To the attacking dagger, the Boss used the side of its axe to repel.
It was really just an instant, but it created a space.

The battle-axe was immediately swung downwards, and in that space Gilbert
regained his footing and met it with his sword.
If deflected, it would hit Greg. If it wasn’t deflected like he had up until now, it
needed to be taken head on.

To the inhuman strength forced on the Purgatory Sword, Gilbert’s knees folded,
and he was sent onto his back, but for an instant there was a gap.

At that time Ruda had already broken into a run, and she pushed into the body of
Greg who was twice as large as her.

It was for a time like this, a time where she could follow up, that she had stayed out
of combat.

The delayed downward strike of the battle-axe brushed against Ruda’s back, and
chopped into the place Greg used to be.
The axes bulky edge made a weighty sound, and penetrated into the ground.

Greg and Ruda tumbled clumsily on the ground. While rolling they somehow
turned and looked in the Boss’s direction.

A large gap had occurred. And at that time, Tino had leaped.

Using the back of the huge axe sticking into the ground as a foothold, Tino’s petite
body fluttered high in the air.
For a moment astonishment replaced the glint of resentment in the Boss’s eyes.

The Boss made an instantaneous decision. It released it’s left hand tightly gripping
the axe, and chased after Tino with it.
The body of the Boss was massive, and Tino’s leap took her even further.
Claws sprung out of the reaching hand, and as Tino ascended before its eyes, they
grasped at Tino’s foot.

Tino’s dignified eyes warped in pain. Fresh blood fell from a shallow cut into her
right thigh. But her motion continued.
Tino cleared over its head like that, and clung to the back of the Boss.

The crimson short sword held in her right hand glistened. The Boss began to make
a large movement.

And without saying anything in particular, she promptly pierced her sword into it’s

Blood dripped and its eyes rotated around. It’s arm roamed in the air as if to grab
at Tino.
But in the end, the claws couldn’t get to Tino stuck on it’s back, and the giant’s
knees folded inwards.

At about the same time Tino landed on the ground, the huge body of the
『Phantom』 disappeared.

“We did it…?”

Gilbert’s shoulders were moving up and down with heavy breaths as he muttered in
The purgatory sword slipped from his hands and tumbled on the ground with a
heavy sound.
His tone of voice was different to when he had been deflecting the battle-axe, he
sounded younger, more appropriate to his age.


Tino applied pressure to the cut down her right thigh, and spoke with a voice with
no emotion put into it.

Like that she sat on the ground, and checked over the large cut.

A long scar over white skin.

The wound, as if cut by a sharp sword, luckily seemed to have avoided the artery.
It wasn’t life threatening, but it wouldn’t be good to leave it as it was.

If it wasn’t decided with that one blow, she probably wouldn’t have been able to
even escape.

Tino bit back the pain from the blood that slowly flowed out, and let out a small

“That was dangerous.”

Hanging from her belt, from a five slot potion holder, she took out a small glass
bottle with light red liquid inside it.

Created by alchemists, a magical wound curing medicine.

The fusion of science and magic brought forth medicine that, while not as effective
as a Healer, it treated wounds on the spot.
It was an indispensable item for a party without a healer.

Removing the cap, and pulling up her short pants to reveal her bare thigh, she
poured the potion directly on the open wound.

Pain similar to poking at the wound, it made her groan for a moment. But the
wound running from near the groin down to the back of her knee was immediately

Some internal pain remained, but that would also heal over time.

Greg had got up after he had tumbled, and looked at the splendidly broken blade in
his hand.
Fully understanding his situation just now, his face turned pale.

“Holy… I thought I’d die. Shit, for my sword to break at a time like that.”

“You only just lived, old man.”

“Gahaha, it wasn’t ‘only just’.”

He laughed like always, but his voice was slightly off.

While he set a cramped smile on his face, he looked in the direction of the one that
saved him without regard for her own danger, Ruda.

“You saved me, Ruda.”

“Yeah… it was good I was just in time. Tino, are you ok?”

“No problem. I should be able to walk. With some time it’ll return to normal.”

The potions Tino carried with her were high grade. Although it may take time, if it
wasn’t fatal most wounds could be cured.

Wiping away the blood, Tino slowly stood up.

Gilbert inwardly sighed in relief to the Leader that seemed to be fine.

A dreadful enemy that he had never faced before. If it was with Gilbert’s previous
party at least, even if the purgatory sword was charged it would have been unlikely
to win.

It was close to a miracle that they were able to defeat it without anyone being
seriously injured.
If only one of the party members wasn’t here, it was doubtful whether or not they
would have won. It was doubtless that this was a victory they had been treading
over thin ice to achieve.

His heart had been beating violently from the constant fear of death from the
attacks, Gilbert breathed out a sigh.

“But, the boss… he didn’t leave anything behind.”

“It’s unlucky. Compared with ordinary 『Phantoms』 there’s a higher chance that
something will remain.”

Greg also had a complex expression. He picked up the broken blade of his
cherished sword, and carefully stored it in his sheath.

It’s difficult to restore a sword that had been broken in two.

The most that could be done was to melt it down and reforge it. It was a heavy loss
considering the reward.

Ruda smiled bitterly and offered some small words of comfort.

“W-Well, it’s better that you’re still alive isn’t it? Don’t you think? You can always
buy a new sword.”

“…Hmm, I guess so.”

“I’ll give you this. It’s shorter than the sword you’re used to, but it’s better than


Greg received the crimson short sword and gave it some light swings to get a feel
for it.

The boss had been defeated but they still hadn’t achieved what they came for, and
there was still the return trip to consider.

Unlike monsters, 『Phantoms』 occurred spontaneously. You couldn’t be at peace

travelling on paths you had already been down once before.
Worn out, Greg and Gilbert sat down and started drinking from flasks they had
brought with them.

Ruda spoke while picturing the battle in her mind.

“But, from what came out just now… the request’s Hunters must also have had
trouble with them then.”

“Hm…Oh… The level 5? Would they have been done in by that?”

“Level 5…”

Tino frowned.

Certainly, the boss was considerably strong. Even with three level 4 members it
was a narrow victory, it wouldn’t have been odd for a Level 5 Hunter to lose.

At any rate, a level was a standard decided by the Explorers. It wasn’t always the
case that a level 5 Hunter would be stronger than a level 4.
Of course, it’s different for statuses such as levels 7 or 8 because they can only be
reached by acquiring a large amount of achievements.
But level 5 is a category that can be reached without much ability.

Once more, Tino checked over the boss room.

A spacious room. A high ceiling with stones embedded in the walls that give off
The light faintly illuminates the ground, but no pool of blood can be seen.
There are no signs that might indicate something that had gone wrong.

If a Hunter had gotten themselves into trouble, there should be some sort of trace
left behind.

The White Wolves Den wasn’t a very large Shrine. It was unlikely to become lost
and not be able to find a way back.
In the case that the strength of the Phantoms became an obstruction, it would be
natural for a level 5 Hunter to think about a rescue.
It was strange not to be able to find them at all.

This was a trial. A trial that Master deemed fitting for Tino’s decision making.
If so, an inexperienced Treasure Hunter such as Tino Shade should be able to come
up with a solution to this situation.

“…………Master, I don’t get it…-!?”

At the time of the murmuring voice that felt somehow lonely, Tino’s hearing
suddenly caught onto sounds.

Tino raised her face, and looked quizzically at the worn out sitting party members.

“What’s the matter, Leader?”

“Get up. Somethings coming.”

“!? A Phantom?”

Tension to relaxation. Tension released after the Boss battle.

Fighting against bodies on the edge of fatigue, three people stood up.

Something came flying through the air, and Tino swayed her body to evade it.

What had come flying was a single arrow. A long deep red arrow that stuck into the
wall with a thud.

And for the first time, Tino’s facial expression became pale.


Gilbert said stupidly after a delay.

The main path connected with the Boss room.

The one used when Tino and the others entered the room.
The black plate-armour silver wolf knight, the one somehow defeated only after
sustaining an injury.

Furthermore – not just one.

Entering in a row next to each other, eight blood red eyes glared at Tino and the

Was the Boss that was defeated just now, only waiting for his friends to show up?

That possibility came to Tino’s mind. Thinking in that way, the boss that had been
acting in a cautious manner had just been stalling for time.

Footsteps that made the ground tremble.

Like looking at a nightmare Greg’s lips quivered.

They looked exactly like the Boss that was defeated just before, but they all held
different weapons.

A large two handed great sword, and an enormous club that nearly reached the
A huge bow that clearly wasn’t meant for indoor use.
And along with a large bandolier (ammo belt) that dragged on the ground, a black
iron rifle that was probably a rapid-fire type.

They moved into the room unhurriedly, displaying an air of calmness. As if it in a

show of overwhelming superiority.

However, the resentment in their eyes directed towards the humans in front of
them was no different to the defeated one.

Ruda spoke in a hoarse trembling voice.

“Huh… why? Earlier, we should have already beaten it.”

“…Master, this second helping… as expected it’s unreasonable.”

Tino touched her right thigh that was injured a short time ago with her fingertip.

Some pain still remained.

She wouldn’t be able to fight like in the last battle.

If her wound opened midway, there would surely be no chance of victory.

In front of the overwhelmingly tiny humans, the silver wolf knights formed into a
The vanguard were the great sword and club users, and in the rear was the rifle and
bow users lined up next to each other.

The movements that were like looking at the regular army of the Empire, were
clearly different to the behaviour of the Wolf Knights that attacked disorderedly
along the way here.

Greg held the red short-sword ready, but in front of the bodies of the Wolf Knights
such an appearance seemed entirely helpless.
Gilbert raised the purgatory sword, but even with his aggressive stance, the valour
from earlier was missing on Gilbert’s face.

“W-What do we do?”

“…W-What we should do-…”

The party sent their gazes towards Tino.

Tino acted calm only on the surface, and answered in a voice that seemed subdued.

Making judgements in times of dilemma was the job of the Leader.

If the Leader broke, the party would collapse.
The present Tino didn’t have someone else to turn to.

“We have no choice…”

Her leg wound wasn’t deep, but it made it impossible to escape.

The enemies had ranged weapons, and were clad in the same armour as the boss
from before. Defeating them in an instant would be impossible if not for a miracle.

Nevertheless, there was no way they could give up.

To live, to fight, there was no way they would give up.

Right now, Tino carried responsibility for the lives of her party.

Different to the tension felt during battle, Tino’s heart was beating like an alarm
It was impossible to defeat them. So, find a path with a higher chance of survival.

What gave Tino support in that moment was the trust of the Master.

There was no way he would give her an impossible request.

Belief in such a Cry held her back from despair.

While being cautious of the bodies in front, she turned her gaze towards the path
leading out the right side of the boss room.
The silver wolf knights were huge in comparison to the ordinary ones. On the
narrow paths with lower ceilings, their movements would be greatly restricted.

Calming her breathing, she gave instructions to the others.

From that figure, the faint trembling of the party members stopped.

“It’s impossible to fight them in this wide Boss room. We’ll manage to escape on
the path on the right. On a narrower path we can limit the number of opponents we
fight at the same time. The sword and club will also get caught on the ceiling and
become unusable. I’ll take up the rear position.”

§ § §

“So I was struck with a good idea, but couldn’t we gather up powerful Relics?”
“Luke… No matter how good the equipment, if the body is weak people die when it
comes time to die.”

An old conversation with a friend crossed my mind.

At the speed at which Hunters enhanced by Mana Material were called to heaven,
my own instincts had already abandoned hope on living.

-Die! I’m gonna dieeeeee-!

The White Wolves Den was vast. It’s height and width were too large for a burrow,
but for the『Dark Wings of the Night Sky』with no brakes, it was way too narrow
to fly around.

It was dim inside the hole, but there were shining stones placed here and there.

There was a Relic attached to my right thumb, the 『Owl’s Eye』 that gave the
effect of night vision, giving me good enough visibility.

A wall came into view. I desperately manipulated the Relic to turn the corner.

Within the hole it was dark and gloomy. If it was as usual, this would be a place I
would never enter.
But right now the only thing going through my head was how I was going to be able
to stop myself.

I had brought a map, but I already had no idea where I had gone.

Turns that were too tight for the Relic, my body was violently knocked against the
walls and ceiling.
My vision was shaken violently from the impacts. I felt like I had become
something like a bouncy ball. I didn’t know what was going on anymore.

My face kept on twitching.

If I was thinking calmly, I should have stopped no matter what before entering the
My speed was getting way too fast.
I felt like I would throw up. I was paying for my own mistakes.

At high speed I passed by a huge Phantom that was blocking up the passageway.
Although it was far beyond the ability of humans, the Phantom couldn’t catch onto
my erratic movements at bullet like speed.
Even I didn’t know what was happening myself, so it was no wonder.
By the time it had turned my way, it was already too late and I was passing by

I’m going to pretend that I didn’t see a bi-pedal wolf holding a gigantic two handed

–Where is Tino!?

Unlike Phantoms that vanish upon death, a Hunters corpse remains for a long
Even in the case that you lose a fight and get devoured, it’s unlikely not a single
trace will remain.
But I guess it’s not impossible.

I had bad dynamic vision, at least when my vision was getting violently shaken, but
there hadn’t been the corpses of Tino and her delightful companions yet.
It’s not likely that they are dead.

If I had come this far, and Tino and the others hadn’t even left yet and were still
mulling about the Imperial Capital, that would be a super funny joke.

Tino, unlike me, had a strong sense of responsibility. So she wouldn’t just toss this
She’s Liz’s sole disciple though, so perhaps there was some sort of tricky situation.

With a thump my head hit strongly against the ceiling and my vision swayed.

A long straight passageway – movement at the end from a Wolf-like Phantom.

Seeing the sudden appearance of a human missile it’s eyes balked in astonishment.
And I passed by immediately. I collided with the shoulder of the Phantom, and the
recoil drove me crashing into the wall. The severe impact shook my whole body.

I managed to make a sharp turn while my body grazed against the wall. With my
dynamic vision it was a miracle that I hadn’t stuck myself straight into a wall yet.
My trajectory was also being altered slightly by Relics. Highest praise be unto

But although I was just holding on, it was certain that I would die if I didn’t do
something quick.

I’m certain that I’ll be passed down for eternity as the idiot that rushed into a
Shrine using the 『Dark Wings of the Night Sky』, which was already known for
killing one person, and became the human missile 2.0.
No matter how you put it, that would be beyond pathetic, I really hate it.
It’s already hopeless. Anything is fine, just let me come to a stop. I’ve already
crossed over the limit of what I can take.

Before I knew it I had exited into a wide pathway. I immediately saw the back of an
enormous Phantom in front of me.
In the middle of a life emergency, my sharpened judgement decided that would be
a good cushion.

After that was just resolving myself. At my wits end I shut my eyes and prayed

And then, my whole body underwent a violent impact harder than any so far.

Translator Notes:

If you have enjoyed this work so far and want to support the author, Tsukikage, they have a series
that has already been localised in English. Click Here! (Defeating the Demon Lord’s a Cinch)
The kindle edition is only 7.99USD. It’s a story that has more to it then meets the eye just like this
one so give it a chance!
LN Translation
Learning through reading

Chapter 19
redhare404 February 6, 2020 Uncategorized

19 千変万化
Infinite Variety

Apparently, it seemed like I was able to stop safely.

A little perplexed, I tried to lower my arms and stand up before realising that I was
already standing.

I was unharmed. It had been a huge impact, but I didn’t feel any pain. I seemed to
have survived somehow.

It had been a while since I had solid ground beneath my feet. I had to endure the
feelings of nausea.
I shook my head that was on the verge of a blackout, and maintained
Even someone that’s been away for a long time like me knows that loss of
consciousness inside a Shrine has a direct link with death.

With brushing strokes I dusted off my shoulder, and for the time being I just took a
deep breath.

My heart was still screaming. If I didn’t calm down quick, it would explode.
My face was also still frozen stiff. When I looked back on it though, only to this
degree was a great success.

As I thought, the 『Dark Wings of the Night Sky』 was an absolute defect.
What first came to mind was my childhood friends, the inventor must have been
about as crazy as that.
Shouldn’t the deceleration function be the thing you design at the outset?

The Phantom I used as my cushion was stuck entirely into the wall.
I couldn’t see that well, but it looked like there were two bodies there.
The piled up bodies were lying completely still.

Since they took a human missile from behind, the Phantoms of a level 3 Shrine
must be able to put up a bit of resistance.
The bulky black armour had a big dent in it, and had become cracked.
What the Phantoms had probably been carrying were rolling by the wall, a giant
bow and sword.

From the phantom’s size, to their form, to their colour, to just about everything was
different from what I had heard. Just what the heck was this?

What appeared in this Shrine should have been wolves, but what was knocked over
was clad in bulky armour and equipped with the gear of an advanced knight.
The poor direction this had gone in was in a class of it’s own.

In the olden days there was that time I was abducted in a Level 3 Shrine… no, the
Phantoms then were considerably weaker.
I hadn’t been going to Shrines lately, was this the way it was?

Maybe it’s just their outward appearances. I think I’m going to throw up.

And then, I finally took a look at my surroundings. My dizziness and blurred vision
became clearer.

When I was flying, I didn’t have time to check where I was going, but this was an
open room, not a passageway.
A high ceiling that you wouldn’t expect underground, and flat ground and walls
that you wouldn’t expect to have been dug by wolves.
If there was a window so it was bright instead of gloomy, and if there weren’t any
Phantoms it would be a wonderful room.

Near the walls I found a figure I recognised.

Black hair that had become disheveled, and a pale white face. There didn’t seem to
be any wounds, but compared to when we met at the clan house, the girl looked
extremely rough.

Or rather, that was Tino. That was Tino who I had accidentally handed down a
strange request to.

The boy Gilbert and Greg-sama were there next to her, and they were all gasping
and looking at me in amazement.

“Found you Tino.”


……No no, not ‘found you’.

After so much chaos, a lighthearted greeting was awful. This was the time for a
serious apology.

Although she was safe, compared to her usual appearance she looked unbelievably
worn out.
It was obvious this level 3 Shrine had taken it’s toll on Tino.

Had it finally become time to display my kneeling down skill to my junior?

I couldn’t do anything except smile.

To me grinning, Gilbert shouted with desperation.

“H-Hey, old guy. Behind you, Behind!”


It’s not old guy. It’s big bro.

That those words were what first came to mind was a show of my time away and
acclimatisation to peace.
Showing carelessness in a Shrine was a disgrace to Hunters.

When I turned my head leisurely, what came into my view was the same type of
Phantom that I had made into a cushion a short while ago.

A giant Phantom equipped in black iron armour. And there were two of them.

I didn’t notice before but it had the head of a wolf, not a human. And the right half
was concealed by a human skull.

It’s red blood like eyes shined in the darkness. It was looking down on me, an
intruder that couldn’t read the mood.

It rolled it’s shoulders and took a deep breath. Saliva dripped from it’s cleft palate.

If it were the usual me I would be unable to stand up from fear. Just the glint in it’s
eye would have me throwing up.
However, due to my complacency my senses were paralysed and I was struck by
another thought.
Huh. So recently level 3’s had guys as big as this coming out. Crazy.
If this is what you get at level 3, then what comes out at level 8?
I’m glad I stopped going to Shrines.

The old me, I seriously used to be in command. Wasn’t that amazing?

The wolf knight carrying a huge iron pole that nearly reached the ceiling took a step
back after seeing me grinning.
The wolf in behind with the rifle also let out a small growl and fell back.

Their noses were moving around. Their sharp eyes narrowed, and observed me

With this I finally understood the situation and dropped my smile.

Hm? Is this maybe, certain death?

Am I in a pinch?

There hadn’t been any attacks, but a promising Hunter like Tino had become this
battered, so there was no way I was going to be able to win.

As I frantically searched for a way through this situation, Greg let out a shaking
voice from behind me.

“Impossible…The…Bosses are… frightened!?


“It’s frightened?”

That’s impossible. Those guys are wolves and I’m a sheep.

The fortification of Mana Material was also missing, I’m a sheep with a high
certification level only.

When I raised my eyes towards it, the wolf knight in front of me took another step

It’s nose repeatedly moved in an up and down motion, it’s attention strayed from
Tino and was centred on me.
Indeed, you could see that it’s eyes were strongly alert.

What’s so scary about me? Greg-sama over there is scarier.

I followed it’s line of sight. I noticed the spot it’s eyes were directed at.
Those crimson glints weren’t looking at my face, but at my chest.
-To what was hanging from my neck; Sytry’s Slime inside the metal capsule.
I took a step forward. The wolf knights stepped back.
The eyes were turned this way, but they weren’t looking at me.

Hmmm? Huh?

These huge Phantoms were scared of this capsule just by looking at it.
What’s inside of it then?
What have I brought with me?

With one more step closer, the wolf knights both took two steps back together.
Did they completely recognise me as a poisoned sheep?

Luck had turned my way. Looks like this wasn’t going to be the place that I died.

Without taking my eyes from the Wolf Knights, I shouted behind me.
Although I was feigning calmness, my heart was beating painfully.

“Tino, can you run?”

“Y-Yes… of course!”

She answered back energetically.

This room has three paths out. The one in front was blocked by the Wolf Knights.
No matter how frightened they were, there was no denying one of the wolf knights
might reach the conclusion ‘Even though it’s poisoned it’s fine’.
Breaking through those two huge bodies was unreasonable.

“That way.”

I pointed at the road that was the closest. This wasn’t a very big Shrine. Once Tino
and the others got some rest, we would be able to escape together.

“U-Um, Master. Wouldn’t it be better, to defeat them?”

Yes yes, I know. If I could defeat them, that would be better wouldn’t it?

There is the all or nothing option of throwing Sytry’s Slime and betting that the
enemies will die, but entrusting our fate to a slime that you have no idea what it
could be was too risky.

If it worked while still inside the capsule, then it should be used as it is.

I breathed out a sigh, and then remonstrated my cute junior.

“Tino, don’t misjudge the most important thing.”

“!! That’s-“

The number one most important thing. It goes without saying.

It is – your own life.

In my point of view, putting your life on the line for a fight is something ridiculous.
You are responsible for yourself so you can do whatever you want on your own, but
it’s something I absolutely don’t want to do.

Then, a sudden clashing noise came from somewhere. Tino let out a small sound.


A shadow was cast over my field of view. Jet black armour approached before my

The wolf knight that had received the human missile had revived, and reduced the
distance between us in one step.
At the time I realised it, a giant sword that was as tall as my own height was
swinging downward from above.

An overpowering howl filled with resentment and the stench of a beast filled my
As if cramping up, my body went stiff.

I couldn’t react. I couldn’t move a single finger.

The blade came down like a guillotine.

A blow that could split my body as easily as cutting bamboo.

-And, without causing a single wound it was repelled.


Greg’s voice. The Wolf Knight opened it’s eyes wide. It must have been completely
It retreated a few steps back, and for a moment it forgot it’s resentment and stared
down at the sword it was holding.

Next, a heavy sound together with a huge arrow struck against my forehead and
were repelled in the same way.

Apparently the Phantom I had crashed into wasn’t dead after all.
And, it was mad. Naturally. I would get angry as well if I was suddenly thrown into
a wall from behind.

The bow, sword, and the other two Phantoms glared at me.

I just gave a forced smile. That was all I could do.

This was – death. I was going to die.

At my utmost limits, I finally came up with a counterattack.

I stuck out my index finger and pointed it at the Wolf Knights like a gun.

My left pinky finger was equipped with a Relic – a bullet finger, I started up the
『Shock Shot Ring』.

Blue light shined on my fingertip, building up a mana bullet.

Right before I fired the bullet, on a spinal reflex I had the idea to speak a hard
boiled line.

“It’s too bad isn’t it? My lives – I have 17 of them.

Treasure Hunters live in a world of talent.

The human body wasn’t originally made to go to Shrines full of Mana Material and
wage war on monsters and phantoms.
Even in this era in which Treasure Hunters were worshipped, the number of
Hunters was relatively fixed for this reason.

What was unfortunate for me was that it was only after I became a hunter that I
realized this.

And, luckily I was the only one among my childhood friends that had no talent.

Our party 『Strange Grief』, even without me had the ability to easily capture

Also, the wealth that was brought in and the accumulated honour made me feel a
little ‘better’ about it.

So, I showed no signs of talent or courage, no dreams, aspirations, or luck, but I

was still alive.
The Safe Ring (kanji – barrier finger) was a ring among Relics that was about as
famous as the Shot Ring.

Its effect was, at the time of an attack to set an automatic fixed strength barrier up
for a period of time.
Simply put… it was a Relic that could prevent attacks only once.

Even though they were called Safe Rings, the price and rarity varied according to
the strength and time duration of the barrier.
For me that didn’t want to die no matter what, the strength or how long it lasted
was irrelevant.
No matter what price it was I bought as many as I could.

The amount in my hands now was – 17. The cost was about as much as buying two
or three multi-floor clan headquarter buildings.

Originally this Relic would be like an amulet worn by the elite Hunters for their
greatest time of need.
I’m probably the only one in the entire Imperial Capital with this many treating
them as regular equipment.

Naturally I can’t fit all of them on with only ten fingers, but the others were stored
in my bag so the result was still there.
Rather, without them, terrifying Relics like the 『Dark Wings of the Night Sky』
couldn’t be used.

Of course, I wasn’t invincible.

The barrier activation time of the Safe Ring is at most one second. Usually it’s an

Once activated all of its charged Mana was consumed. Since I activated a few when
I was crashing into walls on the way here, after blocking a few more hits I guess I’ll
be crushed flat.

By that time I need to have made an escape.

Saying I had 17 lives was an exaggeration.

“…they dodged.”

Ruda exclaimed. The wolf Knight holding the large sword made a quick reaction to
the blue bullet that came as fast as an arrow.

Aimed at the head, it stooped lower to avoid it.

The blue bullet passed by overhead – and a thunderous roar shook within the


The Wolf Knight was thrown violently against the ground by the strong impact.
Shortly after passing by, the bullet turned around and hit it directly in the back of
the head.

The Wolf Knights were agitated. I looked away from them and shouted.

“Tino, run!”

“!? Y-Yes”

In a snap Tino, the boy Gilbert and the others broke off running.
The Wolf Knights only watched me, and didn’t chase after them.

Shot Ring was the general term for Relics that shot bullets of Mana.

The 『Shock Shot Ring』 was a bullet finger that could fire seven bullets that
delivered a charged shock at the time of impact.

But regrettably, although the appearance was showy it had little power to speak of.
The Wolf Knight that was hit in the back of the head and forced into the ground
also seemed surprised.
There were a variety of different types of Shot Rings, but none that could defeat a
powerful Phantom. They were only useful for keeping them in check.

The Wolf Knight on the ground rose slowly, pushing itself back up with both it’s
hands. Like I expected, it didn’t have any noticeable wounds.

The wolves formed a fan shaped formation with me at the center. Two vanguards
and two rear guards, it seemed well balanced.

Isn’t that gun bad news? Rapid fire types are the worst match up for me.

They had been frightened of Sytry’s Slime, but it looked like their anger at my
counterattack had won out.
In their eyes was 10% fear, 30% anger, 30% resentment, and 30% caution

The first thing I needed to do was make a bit of time for Tino. In the worst case, I
would just fly again.

If I took out my weapon, I thought I would more or less be able to hold off the
With a foolish smile on my face, I reached for the scabbard I carried on my back to
unsheathe my sword Relic – and grasped at empty air.

I tried to grab for it quite a few times, but all I touched was the crossbow type Relic.
It held the ability to manipulate trajectory. It altered the course of the mana bullet
and my human missile, both of which it didn’t fire.
It was just called the 『Certain hit bullet-kun』 (The person that named it was me,
it definitely didn’t have the ability to hit things with certainty).

“Seriously… I dropped it?”

I had the scabbard but there was nothing inside it.

I recalled my trip here, I was desperate to reduce the number of times I crashed so
I don’t even remember when I dropped it. Even though it was expensive.
Well, in any case, I didn’t have a way to break through this situation…

The Wolf Knights were watching my nonsensical movements with caution.

“Master-!? What are you -“

Tino, who was supposed to be running, was looking back at me from the entrance
of the pathway.
It wasn’t just Tino, the other members were also waiting for me.
But I told you to run though!

Also what is it, I need to hear it. What is it I’m trying to do here exactly?
To drop a Relic inside a Shrine, what am I doing? It’s not bad luck. Isn’t it just

…Just an idiot.

It’s unavoidable, let’s resolve ourselves. We can fall together like this.

“It can’t be helped, I didn’t want to use this.”

Feeling half desperate, from what was hanging from my neck, I removed the metal
capsule that was about the size of my index finger.

The wolf knights eyes went wide as if suddenly remembering and they took several
steps back.
After all, what these guys were afraid of, it wasn’t me. It was this. I knew it.

If we were going to die anyway, then everybody can go by this excessively

dangerous Slime made by Sytry-chan.
Getting swallowed up is fine. I didn’t want to know any further details.
With fingers shaking from nervousness, I took off the cap. I took a secretive glance
inside it.


I rubbed my eyes and looked once more to confirm. Frowning, I timidly put my
index finger inside.
Tino and the others were watching with worry.

I gave a big nod, and then retightened the capsule.

Like that I held it up, and then at the same time I threw it at the Wolf Knights I
sent out a Shock Shot as well.

The Wolf Knights made a commotion, with nimble movements they quickly created
a great distance.
As soon as I had confirmed that the mana bullet had made impact, I started
running towards Tino.

“Tino, move!”

Seeing me rush over, Tino and the others all started running together.

The metal capsule burst open.

The Wolf Knights let out an overpowering howl, but I didn’t have the spare time to
care about it.

We needed to hurry away before they noticed it was empty.

What’s with that? Where were the contents? Scary.

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redhare404 February 6, 2020 Uncategorized

LN Translation
Learning through reading

Chapter 20
redhare404 February 7, 2020 Uncategorized

20 千変万化②
Infinite Variety 2

Run while squeezing out every last ounce of strength. While frantically breathing,
just keep moving your legs.

On the gloomy narrow path, just single-mindedly advance. Cool air brushed
against my face.

Greg-sama, the boy Gilbert, Ruda and then Tino were running directly in front of

Even though I was exerting all my energy, the distance between us didn’t shrink.
I made a realisation.

Hm? Are they perhaps making adjustments so they don’t leave me behind?

The boy Gilbert was running calmly with his large sword in hand, and looked back
at me and frowned.

Despite the crisis he was in before I came, he still had room to make such an
He couldn’t have recovered while he was running right?

“At this speed they’re gonna catch up. We should go faster-“

“Idiot! Cry is thinking of Tino!”

“!! O-Oh, that’s right…. sorry.”

To Ruda pointing out angrily, Gilbert made an apology in surprise.

Eh? She was injured? And my speed using all my power was the same as Tino when
she’s injured?
Eh? It’s not that I’m slow right? Isn’t it just that Tino is that fast?

Did I maybe subconsciously take her into consideration?

My feelings were a little hurt, but that thought made me feel a little better.
Making sure there was no strange sounds coming from behind us I came to a stop.
I didn’t have the skills of a thief, but if we had any pursuers Tino would be able to
tell us.
It looks like we lost them.

When I came to a stop, the others looked at me and also stopped. During an
exploration our relationships had become better, they were extremely obedient.

“?? Is this enough?”

“Seems like we lost them. That was dangerous. You really saved us.”

Greg-sama gave his thanks, but really it should be me that’s giving an apology.

But the first thing was to get everything in order.

Enduring the feeling of throwing up, and regaining my lightly worn out breath, I
then looked towards Tino.

To my gaze, she hugged her own shoulders as if she was frightened.


“Cry. Tino also – She truly did do her best.”

Ruda, for some reason spoke with the tone of giving an excuse.

“Uh-huh. Seems so. Sorry. How good would it be if everything could be settled with
just one word?”


It didn’t need to be said. You could tell just by looking at her.

From intense movements, her hair that was always prettily arranged was
disordered, and her complexion was poor.

Maybe she’d gotten caught on something, her shorts were torn in the area of her
right thigh and you could see her white skin. The contrast attracts the eye.
Perhaps noticing my line of sight, Tino unexpectedly grabbed the hem and exposed
a large amount of bare thigh.

…..Hey you, what are you doing in this kind of place? Even under normal
circumstances they are already short… I can see your panties.

Tino looked away in embarrassment. She pursed her lips as I scrutinised her, and
Gilbert spoke in a shocked voice.

“Infinite Variety, You, can also cure people?”

………Ah-, you were wounded there. You should’ve said so. I didn’t realise. I
thought it was just another one of your usual pranks.

No, well the reason I stopped was to give treatment though.

As if flaunting, she presented her developed white thigh.

Some faint blood vessels showed through, but I couldn’t see any wounds.

But well, I guess there was damage there that couldn’t be seen.
It seems like she could only run at the same speed as me at my best because of that.

Of course I also carried a Relic that could be used for restoration. Or rather, there’s
no way I wouldn’t have one.

I removed my hanging silver cross necklace – 『Healing Hope』, and held it

against Tino’s thigh.
Blue light was emitted from the cross and vanished after permeating her thigh. For
a moment her expression relaxed. I’m sorry, I didn’t notice.

“Thank you. Master. It’s not painful anymore.”

Well, I still need Tino to work hard.

Seeing the scene of treatment, the boy Gilbert spoke somewhat relieved.

“Aah… as expected it’s a treatment Relic.”

All of it, anything and everything is a Relic but so what?? Hmm? Got a problem?
If I wasn’t inside a Shrine, I would get offended and return to the Clan House.

“Cry. Those Wolf Knights… did you defeat them?”

Greg asked while watching the road we came down cautiously.

If you ask whether they were defeated or not, then without a doubt they weren’t

Wolves have effective noses. The Wolf Knights from earlier? They were afraid of
the smell sticking to the capsule from the slime.
I’m not sure whether the Slime smells, but I couldn’t think of another reason.

They would probably be in a rage by now. They were tricked by an empty metal
capsule and missed out on their prey.

The only thing we should think about now is escape.

They were scary, but once we left the Shrine, the Phantoms wouldn’t follow.

At any rate the rescue target must be dead.

I breathed out a sigh, and stretched out widely. It’s too bad about the sword, but
life is more important.

“You don’t need to think about that now. Lets just start walking.”


Now, the question is… where is this, and where is the exit?

With me in the lead we walked in silence. Probably due to fatigue, there was no

I had seen the map of the White Wolves Den beforehand, it had thin pathways that
diverged off like an ants nest. Similar sights repeated themselves and I didn’t know
where to go.

It wasn’t a very large Shrine, so maybe we were walking on the same roads.

Anyway, why am I the one in the lead? I’m not a thief though? This is the role of a
thief isn’t it?
And in this party there are two of them.

Earlier I stopped to let them go first, but when I stopped they did too. And no
matter how much time passed I remained in the lead.

What happened to your usual assertiveness Tino?

Looking in her direction, our eyes met, and she immediately glanced away.
It looked just like a rejection. She didn’t want to talk, it was like being told to go
and die.

Hmm? Would it be better to quickly kneel down in front of her? Inside this
dangerous Shrine? Am I in a jam?

There was nothing I could do, so I kept moving forward without knowing the
reason. Sometimes I entered a side path depending on how I felt.

My sole relief was that this seemed to be a Shrine without many Phantoms, and we
didn’t encounter even one. Maybe Tino was guiding me indirectly on a direction
without Phantoms.

Occasionally you could hear howls echoing, but they still seemed far away.
I thought they were far away. They were far away weren’t they? If they were far
away that’d be nice.

However, after walking quite a bit we didn’t reach the exit.

I thought our direction was probably right, but this was why I hated cave type

It was about time I knelt down and apologised to Tino.

When I started thinking in that direction, the boy Gilbert raised his voice as if
unable to endure anymore.

“Say… If this is on purpose I’m sorry but… like, where are we headed towards? The

He had become awfully meek… but I’m sorry to say that I also didn’t know. Well
the objective was to get to the exit though.

When I went to say that, Tino hurriedly cut in.

“Gilbert, reading Masters intentions is also part of training. He isn’t headed

towards the exit. The road to the right of the boss room doesn’t lead that way.

“S-So thats how it was…”

S-So thats how it was… I had the same thought as the boy Gilbert.

The exit. I was definitely headed for the exit you know.
But I see, the right side didn’t lead back… Rather, so that was the boss room was it?

So now what? Do we have to turn back?

And also, what was that? Tino, were you training in this situation?
With the exception of the exit, was there anywhere else I would go? What else is

“But, hey Cry. Could you say where you’re heading soon-“


Ruda gingerly asked a question. I became miserable from that voice.

Where am I headed to? I’ve always been a lost child in life.

There aren’t any signposts. Rather, I don’t get why but, i’ve become the signpost.

For the time being, lets make a u-turn. It’s been quite a while, so those guys are
probably gone by now.

Ah, I feel like my life needs to make a u-turn. I wanted to cry, but at most my
expression stiffened.

I chose a curved path. Two turns in the same direction was the same thing as a U-

After several minutes going by feeling in the new direction, Greg suddenly let out a
dry voice.

I turned my head to look at him, and he was looking at me as if I was a monster.

“Impossible… there were… no traces. You didn’t even examine anything – how?”

“…That’s why I said. Master doesn’t do anything carelessly.”

“This isn’t the time to talk about that! W-We need to help!”

Ruda started off running. And then, I finally noticed a number of figures lying
further up the path.

The size wasn’t like that of a Phantom. If I strained my eyes, I could see a slight

What was that? Did Greg-sama say he noticed that just now?

You guys, you truly have some good eyesight. If I was careless, I would have taken
the fork on the way there without noticing them.

But, no doubt these were the rescue targets from the request?
No way, they were still alive… how lucky. I want them to share their good luck with
Tino puffed up her chest proudly, and looked at me with dazzling eyes.

“I said so. Master had predicted everything.”

“No no, if you think about it sensibly, no matter how you look at it this is a
coincidence don’t you think?”

Something like predicting the future is impossible even with Relics.

“…Why is the person that lead us here saying that?”

Saying something that was a matter of course, Gilbert was shocked.

The rescue target was a man even larger than Greg-sama.

Shining dark grey armour and a large shield painted green.

Flat by his side so it could be grabbed at any time was a conical shape spear, not a
kind that would be used by infantry for war.

Rodolph Davie. I hadn’t heard of him before, and right now he was lying limp.
That the huge bodied Hunter was acknowledged as a Level 5 Hunter was
convincing from his appearance.

It seems like he had broken a bone.

With a smooth motion, his armour which I had no idea where it connected up was
stripped, and a potion was applied to him. Tino and the others did so.

The other members were collapsed nearby, battered with severe wounds.
Somehow they all seemed to be clinging to life.
To fall in such a place and not be finished off by now, was something close to a

“Are you hurt?”

To Tino’s words, Rodolph thanked her in a hoarse voice.

“Ha…Haa, Haa, T-Thanks. W-We’re saved.”

“You should thank Master.”

“No, I didn’t do anything…”

I was genuinely unable to do anything and was useless. All I did was send in Tino.
Hm? Maybe I should be thanked?

Roldolph looked at me with hazy eyes.

He had been in a cave for three days. Even if his pain was erased, the exhaustion of
his stamina would be extreme.
I felt a little sorry at least, so from my pocket I handed over the chocolate bar that I
always carried around as a snack in-between meals.

Rodolph crunched on it insatiably, devouring it. I waited for him to calm down
before asking questions.

“Your food?”

“…ooh…t-that was it.”

“Master, we’re also out. We planned to camp outside.”

“Ah-, is that right? We were always camping inside.”

My childhood friends thought it was a convenient spot since a dangerous Shrine let
you train at any time.

The survivors were all gathered together. Some were unconscious, but after giving
them potions there was no longer any danger of death.

But now that everyone was alive, new problems came forth.

It was good news for the Explorers that made the request, but it’s more trouble for
the side that’s helping them.

Firstly, carrying out five injured people was a lot of work. Even more so when such
frightening Phantoms can appear.

We can’t afford to either. Rodolph can be relied on as a Level 5 Hunter, but after
practically not eating or drinking for three days and ending in a disastrous state, it
wouldn’t be possible for him to take on those Phantoms.

In the first place, it’s because they were defeated that we’re in this situation.

Rather can you move? With such big armour.

I wouldn’t be able to carry it. Maybe I wouldn’t even be able to lift the spear.
It’s a different matter if there were Relics though. If worst comes to worse I’d
undress you to receive them.
While reprimanding Rodolph who’s consciousness was stabilising, Tino began to
check on our circumstances.

If you had remained fallen in this place, there would be no telling when the
Phantoms might have come.
Rodolf might be lucky, but I had terribly bad luck.

Rodolf is a veteran. With five people he probably wouldn’t be defeated by the silver
Wolf Knights.

In response to Tino’s question, Rodolph pursed his lips and then raised a quivering

His wide open green eyes told of the magnitude of dread he was struck by.

“Haa, Haa, I-It was terrible. This isn’t Level 3… there’s something, crazy here. We
weren’t, careless. But – it wasn’t enough. My spear, that guy, his attacks-“

“Oh, I know. Something like a Wolf Knight with bones covering half their face
right? We also fought them.”

At Rodolph’s trembling voice, Gilbert made a show of shrugging his shoulders. This
boy can’t read the atmosphere.

But, at those words, Rodolph’s eyes went wide open and gave a large shake of his

“Ha…Half? N-No. The one that did it, that injured us – was a Phantom, with it’s
whole face, hidden by bones. Escape quickly-“

A pale expression. His wide eyes shook with fear as if envisioning the ‘enemy’.

I feel like I should claim compensation.

There were even stronger ones? …What’s going on with this Shrine?

…No matter how much bad luck I say I have, t-there’s no way we’d meet them

I wanted to laugh it off, but I completely wasn’t in the mood to.

§ § §

The small shadow suddenly came in without the sound of a single footstep.
Slowly the Silver Wolf Knight raised it’s head.
Underneath it’s foot was a crushed piece of metal.
Without even needing to sniff at it, it was strongly steeped in the scent of death.

But it was safe, and he had been tricked, he was a specimen that held intelligence
equal or greater to the once existing Silver Moon so he understood it.

The next time they met, he would break them apart.

He raised the great sword that was as large as his body, and looking somewhat
annoyed he turned to face the shadow slowly.
The crimson eyes showing through the bones that concealed the right half of his
face contained greater resentment than before.

The other two that had gathered in the room to lie in wait – the bow and club
wielding Wolf Knights of the same rank, similarly raised their heads.

Beyond their lines of sight – was a small figure with a delighted smile, it’s whole
face hidden by a skull.

It wasn’t even one third of the size of the Wolf Knights who’s size reached to the
But it’s body was cloaked in death in a way far beyond those Wolf Knights.

In it’s hand was a mid-size sword. Unlike the weapons of the Wolf Knights, it was a
transparent seeming clear blade.

『Silent Air』

Obviously a Relic with it’s distinct shine, it was casually swung.

That was once on the back of a Level 8 Hunter. The Wolf Knights didn’t know it
was something that was thrown away on the way here.

It wasn’t wearing plate mail, but it was outfitted to emphasise lightness, quite
similar to a human.
However the boots that went up to the knees were reminiscent of the shining iron
of the Wolf Knights armour.

The Shrine of the 『White Wolves Den』 had a history of being trampled down,
and this was the curse of the Silver Moon beasts itself.

The deeply ingrained resentment had a strong influence on the accumulated Mana
Material in the burrow.

There was a deep hatred of people, but at the same time a strong yearning.
A yearning for power. A yearning for a form. A yearning for intelligence.
Yearning and loathing were two sides of the same coin.
The Silver Wolf Knights stood on two feet, and using tools was also a manifestation
of this.
The skull that covered half their heads was another imitation.

And in the case of the individual with it’s whole face covered in bones?

Due to a lack of Mana Material, the full strength of the curse could not be
implemented. Now, the Shrine had transformed into a haunt that could drive back
Level 5 Hunters.

In front of the three silver Wolf Knights, the shadow with the front of it’s face
covered by a grinning skull uninterestedly continued walking forward.

With all the hatred they contained, the Wolf Knights howled.
LN Translation
Learning through reading

Chapter 21
redhare404 February 8, 2020 Uncategorized

21 千変万化③
Infinite Variety 3

When all the members came to, we commenced the return that would decide our

Even in war, retreating was the most damaging.

Much less when over half of the people are injured, in a situation where
abnormalities are occurring. Honestly, everyone surviving now would be up to a

Greg-sama supported the two with the largest builds. Gilbert was with one, and
Ruda supported the lightest member, a girl.

As he could help in battle, I used up all the mana of 『Healing Hope』 on Rodolph
so he could walk on his own.
He used his spear like a walking stick, and step by step we slowly advanced.

Tino remained vigilant as she took the lead.

With no power or stamina, I was complete baggage.
But I had the highest level though.

Rodolph looked like he was going to pass out at any second now, but he spoke

“In the event that the Boss comes out, I’ll be your shield. I’ll buy you a little time.”

“We’re not going to abandon you.”

“My friends lives… please. Somehow, take them to Zebrudia, I beg you.”

That voice held strong regret.

Hunters required luck even greater than their own strength.
A certified high level genius that disappeared before you knew it, it was a common

I’m not sure what they came to do in this place, but it seems like they were
prepared well enough.
You could only say they had indescribably bad luck.

This task would be difficult. Even without crossing paths with the Boss with it’s
whole face covered by bones. If we just encountered the Silver Wolf Knights it
would be tough to keep everyone alive.

Rodolph would have a stronger understanding of this fact than me. And in that
situation, the most exhausted rescue subjects would be the first to be abandoned.

A certification of Level 5 wasn’t just for show.

Those eyes had surely seen the deaths of many companions and friends up till now.

To his words that were filled with heroic resolution, Tino flippantly replied.

“Don’t worry. It’s not a problem as long as Master is here.”

Isn’t that dependability extreme? All I can do is run away.

The 『Dark Wings of the Night Sky』 were for one person only. But, if you pushed
yourself really hard you could fly while holding another person.

Luckily Tino had a petite build. In the worst case, I’d abandon the boy Gilbert and
the others, as well as the rescue targets, and fly away with only Tino.

Of course, after coming this far everyone should return alive. I intended to exhaust
myself doing my best, but I wasn’t going to mistake my priorities.

Rodolf looked at me in silence and inclined a bow to me.

However, I’m not a god, so I can’t do anything about your prayers.

As we walked down the narrow path, Roldolf talked about his first bout.

“We remained alive because – he was surely just playing with us.”

“He was playing?”

“They held a sword. Dreadfully skilled. If they were serious, everyone, they would
have been killed immediately.
That guy, he injured us, then left us alone. I’m afraid that most likely, they wanted
to weaken us, torturing as before we were killed.
Either that, or they were leaving us to starve to death.
Cruelty, intelligence, and power, they were all abnormal.”

The scraps that he came out with held unbelievable content. The boy Gilbert also
had a grave expression.

Phantoms that were deeply and densely filled with Mana Material became strong.

Intelligence. Power. Equipment. In low rank Shrines, the Phantoms are little better
than beasts. As they become higher ranking it wasn’t rare for ones to hold
intelligence to the degree that they understood human speech.

But clearly, this Shrine didn’t originally have such an existence.

Rodolph continued.

“I…, have entered a Level 6 Shrine only once. In the middle of it, I had to run back
home, but the Phantom I met this time – exceeded that. I’m certain of it.”

That’s ridiculous.

This used to be a Level 3 Shrine. Even if something like a change in environment

occurs, it’s unimaginable that the degree of difficulty would double all of a sudden.
A more powerful Phantom may be produced through a mutation, but I hadn’t
heard of a gap that wide before.

“It’s unbelievable…I know. But, I…saw it.”

Those words however, were bloodcurdling.

He may have fear after being defeated, but to say that much to the person that
came to help you.
That’s definitely an encounter I want to avoid.

It wasn’t likely Tino could win. Damn it, I should have waited for Ark after all.

Since a while ago, over and over again the sound of howling could be heard. Each
time I thought my heart was going to freeze.
Since it echoed within the narrow passageways, there was no telling how far it was.

“That guy was… tiny. The half faced Knights, not even half their height. The
average size of the half-face knights – it was far away from that.”

“….Is today, an unlucky day, I wonder?”

Greg-sama breathed out a very deep sigh. I truly was of the same opinion.
As I thought, it looked like he would be a good drinking buddy.

Only if we could both survive and return safely though.

Rodolph had also come here, and was defeated by some Phantom.
He defeated who knows how many of the Knights wearing the half skulls. And after
mostly finished with his exploration, he was attacked when he was about to return.

It was an unpopular request. If we hadn’t come, they clearly would have run out of

The man Gilbert was supporting muttered deliriously.

“Rodolph is… for my sake, in this place-“

“…Don’t speak. Helian.”

Apparently Rodolph’s team had it’s own set of circumstances.

That kind of talk would be depressing under normal circumstances, I didn’t want to
hear it now. I shrugged and softly pointed out.

“Well, let’s stop that kind of talk there. You can continue back at the capital.


“As expected, Master… is a god.”

If I was a god I would drop lightning on this Shrine and burn it to nothing.

Matching the pace of the rescue subjects, we proceeded slowly.

Were we about halfway back? Around then Greg-sama’s eyebrows distorted.

He said what everybody was thinking even if they didn’t say it.

“Oi, isn’t this bad?”

“…What’s going on?”

The boy Gilbert also looked uneasy.

The frequency of the echoing howls of wolves had increased from a short while ago.
At first they stopped after echoing out, but now it was rare for it to be silent.

I didn’t know what was happening, but obviously something was.

Of the 17 Safe Rings, there were only six remaining. In other words, when the
seventh attack came I would die.

I had few useful Relics on me. There were a few chains and Shot Rings, but they
wouldn’t do anything more than keep enemies grounded.

After that was a Relic that could stock Mana. But with the amount my Sister put
into it, the surrounding area would be crushed flat, so it was a last resort.
Only one shot could be used. In the first place it was assumed to be used against
strong Level 7 Phantoms, so it was a bit dubious.

Hm, am I in trouble? Did I mess up with my choice of Relics?

Everything was beyond expectations.

It was beyond expectation that there would be Phantoms that Tino wasn’t a match
for in this Shrine, and it was beyond expectation that the rescue targets were alive.
That the boy Gilbert and the others had persevered was something good that was
beyond my expectations. But outside of that everything else had been bad.

To make matters worse, I lost a Relic. It’s terrible.

Continuously complaining in my thoughts, Tino came to a stop ahead of me.

“……M-Master. Something… big is coming.

Her expression when she looked back, the shock that had been fleeting on her face
was the most anxious I’d seen from her up to now.
It really stirred up my desire to protect.

From her words, the boy Gilbert and the others instantly prepared for battle. He
dropped the person he was supporting and came close to the wall.
Rodolph’s rugged face had sunk into a cold sweat, and he raised his spear.

Reluctantly, I reached out my hand and put it on Tino’s back, to take the vanguard
Even I have a little bit of pride.


“It’s dangerous, so fall back.”

It can’t be helped.
Now, I’ll show you the strongest human missile.
Actually, the amount of Mana remaining in the 『Dark Wings of the Night Sky』 is
a bit suspect, but there should be enough for one hit.
The enemy also shouldn’t be thinking that someone would plunge into them at a
recklessly fast speed, so the first attack should hit… I think.

Before I struck armour, but if a miracle occurred I could take out their head.
Of course when I hit them, my lives would be reduced by one. But for this occasion
it’s unavoidable.

I had excessive anxiety, but conversely my heartbeat was calm.

After one round it seemed to have gone flat. Was there such a thing?

Straining my eyes, I glared in front of me.

And, within the vague dim lighting, from a bend in the path – it appeared.


Rodolph gasped. From around the corner, just the way he told, there was a human
size figure with it’s face covered by a human skull.

Roughly half the size of the Silver Wolf Knights, about the same as me.
The pressure I felt from it’s body wasn’t like the Wolf Knights from before.

A figure that far more resembled a human being than the Wolf Knights.
From the sides you could see wolf ears growing, but the shape of the head and hair
were like a human being.

In it’s hand it clasped a black sword – slowly dragged behind it.

“What’s with… that guy.”

Gilberts voice cracked. His body was shaking.

It’s a Phantom that even I could tell the difference in rank. He probably understood
the difference even better.

Then, as if to corner us, another figure emerged.

Compared to the other it looked kind of comical, a smiling skeleton was attached to
the small figure.

They were lightly dressed and wore no armour, but they had metal boots that
covered their legs up to the knees.
In the hand of the skeleton that approached with light steps, was a Relic I
recognised… the one I dropped somewhere 『Silent Air』 was grasped in their
I reflexively rubbed my eyes, and fixedly stared at them.

“There are… two!?”

“This… C-Cry – what do we do?”

Greg and Ruda let out voices of despair.

However the one with the biggest reaction was Tino.

A tragic voice that seemed like she would burst into tears at any moment, she clung
to my arm.
It wasn’t like the other day when she was acting like a spoiled child, it was from

“!? M-Master… this… help me Master, it’s all over. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’ll do my
best. I’ll do anything. Please just forgive me this time. Please help me”


Tino that was always showing a cool exterior had become like this. Gilbert, the
other temporary party members, and Rodolph were dumbfounded.

Then, the grinning skeleton slowly moved it’s head in our direction, and turned
towards me.

The eye sockets held darkness deeper than the wolf knights, the warped mouth
formed a smile while at the same time seeming to grieve at the world.

I didn’t have any idea what was happening. I couldn’t believe it.

I stroked and rubbed Tino’s head to try and soothe her as she clung to me.
Leaving everyone in the depths of despair, for the time being I just said what I was

“Hmm, it’s little Liz-chan.”

Why are you in this place?

Translator notes:
-So if you’re reading this novel you probably already know the following about Japanese culture, but
it won’t hurt to repeat it in case there’s someone that doesn’t know.
Japanese culture has different degrees of respect through bowing. (The degrees are literal, 15, 30,
45, 70 – those are all degrees of bow).
Cry talks about performing ‘dogeza’, and it’s basically grovelling or begging for your life. He claims
it’s his great skill, when in reality it’s something seen as disgraceful. (Although there is the
contradiction of people having the ‘courage’ to do something so ‘cowardly’.)
-He calls Liz – Lizchanyan. Chan and Yan are basically the same thing from a google search, so it
seems to be a double cutesy honorific to me.
Perhaps yan is a way of twisting jan(janai?). So he’s saying ‘Isn’t that Liz-chan?’
LN Translation
Learning through reading

Chapter 22
redhare404 February 9, 2020 Uncategorized

22 嘆きの亡霊
The Grieving Spirit

The immense Mana Material manifested in a way befitting for the White Wolves

Self awareness awakened. The brain immediately initiated thought. The

establishment of self.

The first sensation was not ‘resentment’ but ‘exilaration’.

Eyes that could see through the darkness. Ears that could distinguish far echoing
sounds with precision.
With motion, vast amounts of information entered the brain. It understood that
the whole body was filled with power.
And also, the way to use the sword worn on it’s waist.

To liken it, would be to the King of the Silver Moon.

The existence at the end of an untold amount of resentment and ideals.

It’s figure resembled the imitation of a person, yet it was decisively different.

It’s face was covered by human bones, but there was still proof it was a wolf. But
the truth was that it was closer to a person than a beast.

The vast Mana Material accumulated in the White Wolves Den remade the
originally existing Phantoms, the Red Moon, into higher ranking existences.

With intelligence and the skill to wield weapons, countless Silver Wolf Knights
were created.

Those were retainers. Superior Knights to serve the pack Boss.

The Silver Moon that had perished holding curses and resentment, had been dead
for more than ten years. They had now arrived at their intrinsic ideal form.

If they had held such power from the beginning, the magic beasts would never have
been annihilated.

It had power. Five hunters had invaded with higher ability than the ones that once
hunted the Silver Moon with greed. But those Hunters could not be it’s opponents.

The giant that carried the spear held the most power. But with the Boss of the pack
in command, he was not a strong enemy.
The spear held the power to penetrate through thick armour in one strike, but
there was no point to it when it couldn’t hit.

Power, agility, skill, and even intelligence. The Boss now surpassed the Hunters

Unlike the other wolves, the Boss didn’t harbour resentment. Just exhilaration.

The foolish Hunters that knelt down after exerting all their strength. Their state of
writhing while knowing of what they were unable to accomplish.
The moment their hopes were smashed and their expressions transformed to
despair. Everything about it was laughable, it couldn’t help but enjoy it.

It overlooked the Hunters that had fled in a direction with no exit.

The 『White Wolves Den』 was a hunting ground.

The pitiful prey that slipped inside the burrow could only wait for death. No one
could escape the blade of the boss.

The foolish invaders that contaminated the Lords domain would be met with
Drive them into a corner, give them hope, and make them despair.
The Hunters that writhed in agony would console the Boss and his pack from their

Ultimately, they would consider expanding the Den. But only after they increased
their pack-mates.

While away from the room of the Pack-Boss that the Hunters would likely aim for,
the howls of it’s pack-mates entered its ears.
Precisely at that time, it gradually contemplated cornering the Hunters that it had

And then, they met.

With the 『Grieving Spirit』, that showed a smile of delight.

§ § §

If I was to make a comparison it would be – Wind.

Shadow. Lighting. Flame. Or perhaps, a Storm.


The boy Gilbert let out an idiotic voice.

I didn’t blink at all. Without warning the Boss was blown away.

It’s body bounced off the ground, and a dull sound was heard off in the distance. At
the same time, before I knew it, in front of my eyes stood the 『Smiling Skeleton』.


Next to Roldolph with his eyes spread to their limits, he noticed the sudden
appearance of the 『smiling skeleton』.
The bottom of his long spear rattled against the ground as he, rather than glare,
stared with a stunned gaze that could not comprehend the current situation.

Soon after, when the Hunter that had experienced many battles was able to move
one finger, the smiling skeleton spoke.

The voice that came from under the mask was muttered, but it was a slightly high
and sweet one.

“I just want to check to make sure, Cry-chan”

Tino clinging to my arm tried to hide behind my back.

The smiling skeleton paid her no notice.

“Is that by any chance… our new member?”

It was a voice without hostility. Somehow I felt relieved that it was the same as

Down on it’s knees, the Boss that had been blown into a nearby wall stood back up.
It glared at the 『smiling skeleton』 that had turned away from it.

I didn’t know such a dangerous acquaintance… no, but there’s someone even more
dangerous here.
As the Smiling Skeleton continued talking, with the exception of Tino, everyone
else was afraid. No, was the one that was the most frightened Tino?
I forcibly changed the stiff expression on my face, and smiled.

“It’s not. Also, will you take off the mask?”

“…Yeah it isn’t right. That’s good. No well, Liz-chan didn’t think it was like that, but
didn’t you also have a similar mask? Ah, you dropped this. It’s Cry-chan’s right?”

Ah, she’s super angry isn’t she.

It was somewhere in her sugary sweet sounding voice.

Liz-chan presented the 『Silent Air』.
When she began referring to herself in the first person it was a signal that she was

Then assuming an air of importance she touched the mask that completely covered
her appearance, and it was removed.

Nobody moved. Of course Greg-sama and the boy Gilbert, but also the Boss that
was ignored couldn’t do anything but follow along and watch.

Unbundled long pink blonde hair billowed out.

Tanned skin. Small lips. A delicate nose. And above all, sparkling pale pink eyes.

A cute appearance, but there was danger of an eruption at any moment.

Ruda gulped.

“A, hu…man? Wh…What?”

“…It can’t be-“

Overawed Greg-sama took a step back.

For the first time Liz-chan noticed the others aside from me, and turned her gaze
towards them.

“What is it? There’s no way you wouldn’t know about Liz-chan and us right?”

Glaring glittering eyes. Her face was warped, she was smiling with her mouth but
her eyes were not.

“Are you still even Hunters? Even with Cry-chan with you? You’ve been under a
rock? Unbelievable. In the capital it’s impossible-“
The removed mask – the party symbol of 『Strange Grief』, the 『Smiling
Skeleton』 fell to the ground.

And then, to the Boss and the Hunters alike, Liz arrogantly laughed at them.

“So there were such people that didn’t know of us – 『Strange Grief』.”

If I was to make a comparison it would be – Wind.

Shadow. Lighting. Flame. Or perhaps, a Storm.

Her small body was filled with energy as if of the sun.

Those were all the natural properties of the Hunter called the 『Severed Shadow』
Liz Smart.

So, why was she in this sort of place?

That face and appearance proved it was the real deal.

Everyone was lost for words. Liz spoke to me, who was full of questions.

“Sorry, Cry-chan”

Her expression was completely not sorry at all.

Her small lips seemed to be about to weep, but trembled as if enduring.

As if they could not bear the violent emotions.
She had an expression like she would cry at any moment, but she didn’t cry.

“Liz-chan was really sad. With a lot of trouble, we captured the fortress, and I
hurried back home, but no one was there, Cry-chan had, gone out to a Shrine.”

Her voice was collapsing. It was inconsistent, her eyes shined with even more
energy. The surrounding air was distorted.
It was hot. The heat rising from her body invaded the cool air of the cave.

Her voltage had increased huh. She was probably still worked up since she had
only just finished capturing a Shrine.
It was a common thing for high concentrations of Mana Material to make a
Hunters temperament run wild.
Also, the distance to the castle wasn’t one you could run and come back to, what’s
going on?

“Sad. I was so sad. And also completely – “

Then Liz-chan spat it out.

” – Embarrassed!!”

Her eyebrows slanted. Eyes narrowed, cheeks and lips grew tight.

“Truly you know, I trusted. I thought maybe something was wrong. Surely, Cry-
chan was a little prone to worrying, but he wouldn’t, to this Liz-chan though…”

“Even if it’s only 『taking out the trash』, I won’t… be satisfied.”

From her look everyone except Tino was trembling. Tino had already gone past
trembling and was nearly at the point of death.

Since a while ago only the sound of clattering teeth came from behind where the
arm gripped my back.
Don’t worry, it’s not so exaggerated that you’ll be killed.

“N-No that’s, the heck are you-“

“Huh? You, just die. Can’t you see that Liz-chan is apologising right now!!?”

Unable to put up with the way he talked – Gilbert was pierced into the wall.
The heavy sound of armour being shot out, came out delayed. The cavern quaked.
Laws had been disrupted.

Eyes double crossed, armour caved in, his hand twitched in jerks. A noble sacrifice.
Greg-sama rushed over flustered, and sprinkled a potion over.

His courage was considerable but, it’s better to gauge your opponent.
No matter who, Liz-chan was the fastest to resort to violence.

Without looking at the person she had handed out judgement to, Liz glanced
behind me and saw the completely withered up Tino.

“Hey, Tee-? What do you think Liz-chan should do? Hey, was Liz-chan incapable?
Or maybe, lacking? Not disciplined enough? Or too untalented, skipped out on too
much? Not worthy enough? Craved for power? Hey, Hey, Oi, answer me! Fuck!
This piece of trash! I don’t remember raising such garbage! Because of you, Liz-
chan will be hated! You made me be embarrassed! Before being a nuisance to Cry-
chan, go and die off by the wayside!! Bite off your tongue and kill yourself!!!”
“I’m sorry I’m sorry Onee-sama. It was all my fault. I’m sorry for being a nuisance.
It was my fault for being weak, please forgive me.”

From Liz-chan shouting with a threatening tone, Tino apologised like a broken
music box.

“Don’t apologise to Liz-chan! Isn’t there someone else you should be apologising

Everyone drew back. The Boss only was still drawn in.

Hang in there. Do your best Tino. Liz-chan also wasn’t at fault. Everything that
went wrong was because of me, giving over that weird request.

But if I said something like ‘It was my bad’ now, Liz-chan would probably blame
Liz was kind of like that.

That’s why, I pressed down on Liz-chan’s shoulder who seemed to be likely to take
out her fists at any moment.

“Liz, Tino worked really hard. She defeated a Phantom, then found the rescue
targets from the request, yep, really well done, well done.”

Who are you to talk. Surely everyone that was here that knew the circumstances
was thinking that.

But Liz who didn’t know what happened here stared in amazement. She turned,
and changed her voice back while raising her eyes to me.

“Eh? Well done? Really?”

“Yep. In a test of strength they all took down a huge white one together. I thought it
was a pretty big deal. Really.”

“………………One? Only one? That’s, worth living… is it?”

What struck a chord with her? To my praise, Liz inclined her head.
It feels like soothing a fierce animal.

“It is it is. I want them to live. And also Liz-chan has become able to make proper
adjustments, that’s amazing.”

“Ah! You knew? It’s great right? I remembered to stop just before! Just like how
Cry-chan told me.”
Liz’s expression completely changed. The good mood made the anger from earlier
hard to believe.

But, didn’t you hit with all your might? Stopped just before? Where did you stop?”

Well, they are still living so that was big progress. If it was Liz from before they
would definitely have been killed.
To teach the Genocidal Monster patience, am I a genius? Well, I’m not really doing
anything though.

Tino’s thin voice entered with the best timing. As expected, she hadn’t been Liz’s
disciple for such a long time just for appearances.

“I’m sorry for being a nuisance Master.”

“Tee- also you know, has the talent. But she doesn’t have the determination and
effort and willingness to die. She’s a hundred times weaker than me, so she needs
to put in one hundred times the effort.”

“Uh-huh. That’s right.”

I don’t understand what she’s saying, but it must only be something that could be
communicated through the love between teacher and student.

She’s still stamping on the ground as if annoyed, but her rage seemed to have died
She was a moody person so I didn’t know when her fuse would go off, but it didn’t
last very long which made it a little better.

While there was internal discord among our group, the Boss with a mask of bone
didn’t take a single step closer.
It only held it’s sword and observed every action that Liz made.

Despite receiving a strike from Liz, it’s body didn’t look like it had taken damage.
Unlike Gilbert, it’s armour didn’t have any cracks.

Footsteps sounded. Approaching Liz, a new entity emerged.

A huge body that was close to the ceiling. Having to stoop over due to the
narrowness, the individual was familiar.

It was the silver furred Knight from the Boss room. It’s weapon was a huge rifle
that matched it’s towering body.

Probably originally used to mow down enemies, the Phantom possessed a heavy
weapon that likely came from a heightened civilisation from a prosperous ancient
There were many articles that couldn’t be recreated in modern civilisation, and
they couldn’t be dealt with by Hunters through ordinary means.

The Boss also saw the Wolf Knight that was far larger than itself, and gestured our
way with it’s chin.

No way, this whole time he didn’t attack, was he just waiting for his companions?

The only one the Boss should be cautious of, should be Liz who could be his
The rest were six half dead Hunters, some healthy but out of their depth Hunters,
and me that only had a high Level.

And the influence of a high level can only be used on Hunters, not monsters or

Without turning around, Liz-chan spoke in a surprised voice.

“Hm? There’s still some left? Well then… Tee, I’ll give you either one.”


“You won’t… make me, disappointed right?”

The distance between us and the enemy with a heavy weapon was ten meters.
It was too far. The Boss was also there next to it.

Take a single step forward and you would be full of holes, it wasn’t necessary for
the enemy to even aim on this narrow path.
Even for Tino, there would be no way to evade it.

“I, I will defend. No matter what, I’ll give you a gap.”

The chafing sound of armour rubbing against itself. Rodolph who had been stiff
until now, stepped next to Liz while holding his shield.
The big shield was painted in a coat of green. It had small scratches all over, but it
was thick like a small wall.

It didn’t completely cover his whole body, but it could probably mostly defend from
bullets. How reliable. This guy was a good person.

But with a check of a sidelong glance – Liz-chan’s expression had fell.

“….Aah….it doesn’t matter anymore. You ruined it.”

“I thought Tee could do it but, Liz-chan’s getting tired. I need a cool down. Because
of Tee… ‘we’ …had to taste…extreme… displeasure… Aah, I can’t stand it anymore.”

She picked up the mask. As if to cover her expression that looked on the verge of
crying, she pressed it on her face.

At roughly the same time a gunshot resounded.

The Wolf Knight held ready the huge rifle. The muzzle blinked with an instance of
light in the darkness.
It was aimed at Liz and those of us around her.

However, no one fell.

Liz-chan opened her left hand that had reached out. The sound of clattering metal
falls on the ground.

That was surely a bullet that fell down.

The Wolf Knight seemed frightened and looked down at it’s firearm.

Unsatisfied with the situation, Liz started to yell. Ah-, she’s angry again.

“Just something like a guns – not gonna hit you know! These pieces of scrap! So
what if it’s a weapon from a scientific civilisation! It’s already been outdone ages
ago! It only meets the standard of you small fry! Underestimating! Making a fool
out of us, that’s enough! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!”

A storm of bullets fell down. Inside, the narrow cave shook.

Liz didn’t move a single step. The raining bullets vanished. Bullets that had lost
their power rolled scattered about.

Without being out of breath, she shouted.

“This kind of attack, I can block like this and this and this. Tee-? This kind of shitty
slow, low powered attack, was it such a hard fight?? You little, up to now, have you
even been watching Liz-chan? Can you do this?”

That’s impossible.

Ruda had gone white as a sheet. Could she perhaps see the movements?

I put on a smile, and watched as Liz-chan did as she pleased.

I couldn’t see it, but I could understand what she was doing. Because what we were
looking at was one of the very reasons that I completely gave up on my dream of
being a Hunter.

What Liz-chan was doing is simple. She grabs the bullets filled with enormous
energy with her bare hands and tosses them away.
I understood in theory. But that was already no longer at the level of something like

At the very start, when she showed it off like a new toy, her smiling face was one of
my traumas.
Shrines that required such monstrous ability, as you’d expect an ordinary person
like me couldn’t keep up with that.

The sweeping fire stopped. The bullets had been exhausted.

I wasn’t interested in how the Wolf Knight would fight now that it had no bullets,
but the chance to know became lost for eternity.

Liz brushed herself off lightly and stared in the direction of the Wolf Knight and
I couldn’t see her expression hidden behind the mask, but somehow I could predict

And then – the massacre began.

The process was thrown away, and all that remained was the results.

“This kind of Phantom in armour, can get beaten to death inside of it! Even the
hardness of armour, has its limits! Kill from above! Blow off their heads! Kill it
however you want! Isn’t it the most fun don’t you think!?”

The distance was closed in a single step. Before the Wolf Knight set up to fire again,
a kick was released that tore through the black armour as if it was made of paper.
It’s whole body was slammed against the wall, and it disappeared leaving only it’s

“The sword, catch it! Stop it! Avoid it! Do whatever you like! If you have any
questions, say so!”

The slashes that were fired off endlessly at speeds that made your eyes seem to
have stopped working were all avoided.
Only afterimages could be seen, and as she had said, the blade became caught
between her fingertips.
The Boss tried to move it back, but the blade remained completely motionless.
“Do it like this! If you dodge you won’t be hit! Hit so they can’t avoid it! Do it if it
feels right! Go all out! Get it? You get it right? It’s not about being talented! That’s
stupid! Rush! Be reckless! For Tee, there’s no time! Put in a hundred times more
effort than me! That’s the only difference! You dimwit!”

I don’t really get what she’s saying, but in the storm of abuse, clinging to my back
Tino sniffled and finally began to cry. Poor thing.
You really aren’t suited to teaching, Liz.

“And here I was, in a really good mood. Damn it!”

As the finishing blow, her shoe type Relic 『Highest Roots』which covered her
feet, were used to violently kick the Boss in the abdomen from below.
Her feet easily penetrated it’s armour, piercing through the Boss’s torso. It’s body
convulsed, and it couldn’t help letting out a scream that resounded throughout the

Blood splattered, and clung to the Skeleton Mask. It would be nicer if we had a
different symbol…

“Liz, have you calmed down?”

“Ah- …yeah a little.”

A more composed voice than the previous shouts of abuse. Tino muffled her sobs.
As if to try not to harm the mood any further.

Liz forcibly extracted her foot from the Boss. It still seemed to be alive, but that was
definitely a fatal wound. It didn’t have long.

Already having lost interest, Liz walked towards me. Her boots were completely
covered in blood, and her clothes and skin were stained in blotches.

Overwhelming power. A thoroughly violent nature.

There was something missing as a person, yet maximumly gifted to the extreme.

Unthinkable that it lived among human society, that was the Genocidal Monster
Liz Smart.

Ruda and the others were helplessly weak at the knees and fell down.

It was unbelievable. That was our thief. A thief or more like a bandit. I also always
think that.
Liz removed the mask. She put her fingertip wet with blood in her mouth, and
looking only at me she gave an embarrassed smile.

“Oh, I forgot to say. I’m back, Cry-chan”

“…Welcome home, Liz”

Catching Liz that came for an embrace, I held her closely.

Liz’s body was hot as if there was fire inside it.

Translator Notes
The chapter title is a partial drop of the Books title. In the text the author usually denotes it as
Strange Grief with furigana – the name of Cry’s party.

I tried to do Liz’s dialogue justice but it really doesn’t translate well to English (Well for an amateur
like me). It faces a few problems, one I think is that referring to yourself in the third person comes
across kind of bad in English. Just imagine all the abuse coming from someone like this. Well
maybe not that short. Anyway I did try a little, it was just harder than I thought. I imagine in the
anime or manga version of the scene it would be a little easier to laugh at her violence.
LN Translation
Learning through reading

Chapter 23
redhare404 February 11, 2020 Uncategorized

23 嘆きの亡霊は引退したい
The Spirit of Grief Wants to Retire

“I was, mistaken.”

『First Step』 Clan House Lounge. Gilbert looked around at the members of the
temporary Party.

The conquest of the 『White Wolves Den』. After returning alive from the hell like
request, one day had already passed.

Gilbert had been carried out while he was unconscious so he only heard about it
later, but the weakened rescue targets had been safely delivered to the Imperial

The request from the Explorers Association had been accomplished successfully.
The abnormalities of the White Wolves Den became under the supervision of the
Explorers and the Empire. Before long they would gather high level Hunters to
investigate it.

“I had thought I was far stronger. I had thought I was becoming stronger. But –
I’ve still got a way to go.”

The purgatory sword could be seen leaning beside him.

Until now Gilbert hadn’t had any one to rival him. Even though he had some close
fights, he had been able to win with just his own strength.
He held pride, and thought that if only time passed he would soon become the
strongest. However in this hunt he had noticed a rift, that he was far far away.

He didn’t hold a grudge after abruptly being almost half-killed. Gilbert didn’t
remember anything from that moment.
It’s not that he had let his guard down. Rather, his mind had been tense. In spite of
that, he still didn’t remember what had been done to him.

That just went to show how huge the difference was between him and her.

At first he was alone.

He met companions that had talent and power. And still they encountered
Phantoms that could only be defeated if they cooperated.
Finally, they met a monster that could only be defeated by working together as one.

And of course the one that lead them, Infinite Variety, was at an even further off
The incredibility, every action he took Gilbert confirmed with his own eyes, yet he
still couldn’t comprehend them.
Probably because the places they were standing in were too different.

The events occurred over a short time period, but for Gilbert Bush they were
experiences that had created lingering changes in his perspective.
It had been a dangerous mission with almost no reward, but it was still worth it.

It was only over the space of one day, but he looked at the companions he had
come to understand to some extent through battle, and spoke.

“I still have a way to go, I couldn’t see the peak at all. For me right now, it’s totally
unlikely for me to arrive there. …To my previous party… I’ll apologise, and once
more, I’ll retrain from the beginning – I’m going to start over.”

“…I see”

Tino responded by giving a small nod without a change in her expression.

Hunters grew. Through fighting, through defeat, and by knowing of the summit.
There wasn’t just a few with middling resolve that became disheartened.
But despite seeing a huge setback, and knowing of hopelessness, he still had a
strong will.

In that case, there wasn’t much to say to Tino.

Gilbert stood up with a refreshed expression.

He hefted his bag on his shoulder, looked at his companions, and finally spoke to

“Sorry but, would you thank Infinite Variety for me? Because, I gave him all sorts
of trouble. Later… that’s right… you’ll see, I’ll soon get to the point where I can
catch things like bullets with my bare hands.”
“You probably won’t, I don’t think.”

Tino said with a dejected expression.

To her clear disbelief, Gilbert thrusted out a pointed finger.

He shouted loudly. As if to make a declaration.

The members of Footprints in the lounge turned toward Tino’s table to see what
was happening.

“Don’t get me wrong. I haven’t given up on being the strongest yet! I’m just
changing up my methods. I’m soon gonna catch up. To you as well, Leader! Seeya!”

“Ah… Gilbert, you forgot this – “

Gilbert started to leave at a quick pace, and Ruda called out to stop him.

She pointed to the Purgatory Sword that was leaning against the table.
It would be crazy for a Treasure Hunter to forget the weapon that was more
important than their life.

But Gilbert didn’t look back. His eyes were only slightly open, and his voice that
was returned was rough.

“I already don’t need it anymore. For me right now it’s a weapon that has lost it’s
usefulness! It’s certainly powerful, but if you rely on Relics you’ll never be strong!
Just like 『Severed Shadow』, I’m going to be able to catch bullets with my bare


“That’s why, I’m giving it to Infinite Variety! No… I’ll let him take care of it I think.
I’ll leave it here until I become strong! Just watch me, I’ll be back for it soon!”

“Oi Oi, nothing has changed right?”

Greg’s voice was shocked. However his expression indicated that his words weren’t

The purgatory sword without it’s ability as a Relic, was a powerful weapon.
Obtaining it soon after becoming a Hunter, Gilbert had been swinging it for a long
time. Battles would become harsh without it.

There was no way that the person himself didn’t understand that. However, with
that understanding, the boy still threw away his weapon.
That was his resolve. Resolve that could only be understood by him. No one else
could taint it.

Tino frowned slightly and hesitated, then called out to Gilbert’s back.


“…What is it?. I’m not going to quit.”

“No, I don’t want you to quit but…”

Gilbert would surely become stronger.

Tino couldn’t see a persons future, and couldn’t know it so soon after being in a
party together, but it was a hunter that the Master of ingenious schemes invited.

And once she had taken a deep breath, she dropped her shoulders and spoke.
Hoping that his future would remain bright.

“Onee-sama’s mask was specially made not to have holes at the eye sections… so
when she caught those bullets, she shouldn’t have been able to see anything at the
time… If your aiming for her, you should… you should also keep that in mind, I


§ § §

Both mentally and physically, I had been completely exhausted in one day.

A 『Safe Ring』 was a measure of defense in a time of emergency.

So when more than half of them were used up, it exemplified how dangerous the
risk to my life had been.

“Great work, Cry-san. The Explorers. Looks like they’re in an uproar doesn’t it?”


My whole body was swaying in the office chair as I listened to Eva.

The outbreak at the White Wolves Den was of a scale that is rarely seen.

This time, somehow everyone had returned alive. But by all rights it was the kind of
anomaly where the first Hunters to see it usually died.

It was nothing but good luck that were no casualties.

If it wasn’t for Liz-chan that had returned running at an absurd speed, everyone
including myself would have been annihilated.

I looked over to the largish sofa and watched as Liz slept holding her knees.

After all her fatigue had piled up, her drawn in body was sleeping without stirring.
If she didn’t wear that eerie mask, it could be said that she looked cute.

I was the one that designed the mask. I had made a mistake when I forgot to add
eyeholes, but if Liz and the others kept using it on missions that wasn’t my

Even though she truly couldn’t see anything with it on, she moved with composure.

Since the first time we came to the Imperial Capital, there had been no indication
that Liz and the others speed of growth was slowing down.

It might have been wrong of me to stop going to Shrines, but the difference
between me and them was no longer only one hundred or two hundred times.

I don’t personally experience it since I’m always lying back at the top of the Clan
House. That had been the first time in a while I had actually gone out to a Shrine,
but it was a nail driven into my head filled with peace. It made me truly

Does Liz-chan really notice?

To me already long ago her figure – has been seen as a hero.

Her character is straightforward, and there was room for improvement but, it’s a
fact that she can somehow live in human society.

I breathed a deep sigh, prepared myself for the worst and spoke.

“I’m going to quit being a Hunter.”

Eva looked at me with eyes like ‘he’s saying that again’.

Since I said it a lot she didn’t believe me.

But, I was serious this time.

“This time, I know that I put Tino and the others in grave danger. I can’t stand at
the front with my strength anymore. It’s been too long, and I was of no use

“Tino-san said that Master was a God and such.”

“Although I didn’t mean to, I did something bad to Tino this time. I don’t think
quitting is enough to make up for it, but I’ve already had enough. Ahahaha… Am I
too old I wonder?”

“You’re, the youngest person at the top aren’t you?.”

“I feel like if I continue as a Hunter, next time I’ll make a mistake that can’t be
undone for sure. That’s what I’m afraid of. I already have a little bit of money, I
should return to the rural countryside and live a life of seclusion.”

I did’t need a large amount of money. I didn’t need luxury. I just needed enough
money to live a modest lifestyle. Having time for work and hobbies. Work and
Hobbies. Didn’t it sound nice? A world where there was no danger to your life?

I can’t deal with Phantoms anymore. Just remembering makes me shake a little.
The human missile as well, I never want to do it again.

Even with the boy Gilbert and Greg-sama, they seemed like such minor character
types, yet they held an appropriate amount of power.
There was already no place for me to do anything.

The times had changed.

The Golden Age of Hunters. It was a little too dazzling for me.

To my words charged with real emotion, Eva lifted her glasses and stared as she

“I’m just talking but, I don’t think Cry will be able to live a peaceful life ever again.
You would need to change your face.”

“That’s too terrible.”

If only Liz didn’t destroy the Reverse Face…

“But, it should be fine if I go so far no one knows me. My face is plain so, if you like
you can pretend I was dead -“

“Ehehe… Well, if Cry-chan quits then I’ll quit with him…”

Before I knew it Liz was hugging me from the back of the chair.
The chair shook with the weight of two people. I checked on top of the sofa to make
sure, but only the mask remained.

Huh? She was lying fast asleep earlier right? Was she a ghost or something?

“No no no, Liz still has a dream right?”

Or rather, the goal of every member of Strange Grief.

Level 10. The pinnacle of Treasure Hunters.

To reach it, we had become hunters.

I gave up on it quickly, but it was out of reach for most Hunters. But Liz and the
others had the talent to make it.

Liz’s certified Level was still only six, but she transfers a portion of her
achievement points to me as the Leader. So if it wasn’t for me she would be at least
level 7.

Liz smiled as she rubbed her cheek tightly against mine.

Her temperature was much higher than mine and transferred over. Hunters full of
energy had a much higher temperature than an ordinary person.

And that heat demonstrated the large difference between myself and Liz.

“Well, if Cry-chan quits it’ll be all right. But if you’re alone it’ll be boring, and I’m
already the strongest anyway?”

Her voice was bright and sweet, but to give up on that dream for such a simple
reason, I knew it wouldn’t be good to abandon it.

Hunters have talent. But that talent only shines with effort. Liz and the others, the
effort they had put in until now, the bloodshed, was more severe than any other
Hunters from the same generation.

But I didn’t hear that she had said any lies.

If I quit, at least Liz would follow me without hesitation and choose the path of

Should I quit? Should I quit I wonder? I shouldn’t quit? Maybe I shouldn’t… It isn’t
as if I don’t have that feeling. Is it impossible?

“If Liz disappears, the whole party will collapse won’t it?”

“It’s ok. Because at that time everyone else will quit.”

Liz, indifferently said something incredible. My shoulders quivered unconsciously.

I had no path forward, but Liz and the others were different.

Their ability was well known throughout the Empire, they held considerable
influence, and they were strong.
Some officially belonged to national organisations, while others have had offers
from nobles and the military.

Some people would definitely be sent to chase after them. It was very likely that
high level Hunters would be sent.

And if they found out that the reason had been because of me, I would incur some
strong enmity. There was a good chance I would be killed.

It was needless to think about.

In the first place, I couldn’t let the others effort go to waste because of me.

I tried to come up with something for a while, but my pitiful brain full of
complacency couldn’t think of anything.

“………I have to hang in there a little longer do I?”

“Yep. Hang in there! I’ll also hang on!”

Liz rubbed her cheek on mine, and swung her legs while I gave out a lifeless voice.

That’s it. No more going out to Shrines. That bastard Gark, having the nerve to
impose a strange request on me.
I’ll never accept a request while Ark is away again.

I looked away from reality, and carved that into my mind.

Translator Notes
Chapter title is the same as the Series. (Prev. translated as Strange Grief wants to retire)
Still unsure. Whatever it is, it seems to refer to Cry. (His sigh, his despair, his grief, all applies).
-Going back over the raw of chapter 4, he names himself as ‘Nageki no Bourei'(series title) at the
end. But it’s unclear to me whether the author wants that to be Strange Grief or Spirit of
Lamentation or what have you.

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