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1. Issue : i iSix ielements ithat imust ibe ipresent iwhen ishopping iand itheir i i
application iin ieveryday ilife
Action : iInterpert
Law : iSix ielement iof ishopping iis iagreemenet, icapacity, icertainty,
iintent ito icreate ilegal
Application :i
Shim, iQuereshi iand iSiegel i(2000) idefine iweb ishopping ias ithe iprocess
iconsumers igo ithrough ito ipurchase iproducts ior iservices iover ithe iInternet. iThe
iterms ionline-shop, iInternet-shop, iweb-shop iand ionline-store iare iused
iinterchangeably iin ithe iextant iliterature. iWeb ishopping iis ian ie-commerce isystem
iused iby ishoppers iin ithe icontext iof ibusiness-to-consumer i(B2C) ior ibusiness-to-
business i(B2B). i
From ithe iconsumer’s iviewpoint, iI ishopping iallows iweb ishopper ito isearch
iand icompare ivarious iproduct ior iservice ialternatives ifrom idifferent ionline istores
ithat iare ilocated iin idifferent iparts iof ithe iworld. iThe iinteractive i inature iof ithe
iInternet ioffers iopportunities ifor iconsumers ito iuse ithe iweb ishopping ifacilities
ieffectively iby i improving ithe iavailability iof iproduct iinformation, ienabling idirect
imulti iattributes icomparison, iand ireducing i iprospective ibuyers’ iinformation isearch
icosts i(Alba, iet. ial., i1997). i
The iInternet ican ialso iprovide ibenefits ito icompanies. iAs iconsumers iare
iincreasingly iusing ithe iInternet ias ia i ishopping iapproach iin iperforming itheir
ipurchasing iactivities, icompanies ican itake ithis iopportunity ito iuse ithe i iInternet ias
ia imedium ito iattract iand imaintain icurrent iand ipotential icustomers. iIn ithis ivein,
ionline iretailers imust i iunderstand iconsumers’ iperceptions iof iwebsite
icharacteristics iand itheir ionline ishopping ibehaviour. iThus, ithe i iresearch iwill itry
ito iexplore ithe iconcept iof icustomer ionline ipurchase iintention iand ithe iantecedent
irelationship iof ishopping iorientations, ionline itrust iand iprior ionline ipurchase
iexperience ion icustomer ionline ipurchase iintention. i
I ipurchase iintention iwas ione iof ithe iintensive iresearch iareas iin ithe iextant
iliterature. iCustomer ionline ipurchase iintention iin ithe iweb-shopping ienvironment
iwill idetermine ithe istrength iof ia iconsumer’s iintention ito icarry iout ia ispecified
ipurchasing ibehaviour ivia ithe iInternet i(Salisbury, iPearson, iPearson iand iMiller,
i2001). i
Furthermore, ithe itheory iof ireasoned iaction isuggested ithat iconsumer
ibehaviour ican ibe ipredicted ifrom iintentions ithat icorrespond idirectly iin iterms iof
iaction, itarget iand icontext ito ithat iconsumer ibehaviour i(Ajzen iand iFishbein,
i1980). iAccording ito iDay i(1969), ithe iintentional imeasures ican ibe imore ieffective
ithan ibehavioural imeasures ito icapture icustomer’s imind ias icustomer imay imake
ipurchases idue ito iconstraints iinstead iof ireal ipreference iwhen ipurchase iis
iconsidered. i
Purchase iintention ican ibe iclassified ias ione iof ithe icomponents iof
iconsumer icognitive ibehaviour ion ihow ian iindividual iintends ito ibuy ia ispecific
ibrand. iLaroche, iKim iand iZhou i(1996) iassert ithat ivariables isuch ias iconsideration
iin ibuying ia ibrand iand iexpection ito ibuy ia ibrand ican ibe iused ito imeasure
iconsumer ipurchase iintention. iBased ion ithe iargument iof iPavlou i(2003), ionline
ipurchase iintention iis ithe isituation iwhen ia icustomer iis i iwilling iand iintends ito
ibecome iinvolved iin ionline itransaction. iOnline itransactions ican ibe iconsidered ias
ian iactivity iin iwhich ithe iprocess iof iinformation iretrieval, iinformation itransfer,
iand iproduct ipurchase iare itaken iplace i(Pavlou, i2003). iThe iinformation iretrieval
iand iexchange isteps iare iregarded ias iintentions ito iuse ia iweb isite; ihowever,
iproduct ipurchase iis imore iapplicable ito ian iintention ito ihandle ia iweb-site
i(Pavlou, i2003). iTherefore, iit iis icrucial ito ievaluate ithe iconcept iof ionline
ipurchase iintention iin ithis istudy. iIn iorder ito itrigger icustomer ionline ipurchase
iintention, iweb iretailers ihave ito iexplore ithe iimpact iof ishopping iorientations ion
ithe icustomer ionline ipurchase iintention. i
I ihave ibrought imanagerial iimplications ito ithe ivarious istakeholders. iIn iterms
iof imanagerial iimplication, ithe iresearch ifindings ido iprovide isome iinsights iand
ifeedbacks ifor ithe ie-retailers ito iformulate iand iimplement ivarious ibusiness
istrategies ito iincrease ithe icustomer ionline ipurchase iintention. iI idiscovered ithat
ithe iantecedents iof ithe icustomer ionline ipurchase iintention icould ibe iapplied iin
iboth ilow iuncertainty iavoidance icountries iand ihigh iuncertainty iavoidance
icountries, iparticularly iamong iGeneration iY. iTo icreate ithe icondition ifor iprior
ionline ipurchasing iexperience, ie-retailers ican iprovide ifree isamples ior ifree
isubscription ifor ithe ipotential iweb ishoppers ito itest ithe iproducts ior iservices. iTo
iincrease ithe icustomer iimpulse ipurchase, ie-retailers ican iprovide ie-mail iupdates ion
iproduct idevelopment ior ioffer ispecial i idiscounts ifor ia ilimited itime ito ithe
ipotential ionline icustomers. iE-retailers imay ioffer iloyalty iprogrammes ior iclub
imemberships ifor ithose ionline icustomers iwho iexhibit istrong ibrand iorientation.
iFor itargeting iquality-orientated icustomers, ie-retailers ican iprovide ifull ionline
iversion iof iproduct iquality iinformation iand iproduct isearch iinformation ithrough
ithe iwebsite ito ithem. iTo iincrease ithe ilevel iof ionline itrust, ie-retailers imust
iprovide ihonest iand itrustworthy iinformation ito ithe ipotential iweb ishoppers iat iall
2. Issue: iChallenges iin ionline ishopping
Law: iThere iare ifour iways ito iget ifired: iinjury, ifrustration, iachievement, iand
iagreement. iViolation iis ia ilegal iterm ithat idefines ia icontractual ior icontractual
ibreach ithat ioccurs iif ia iparty ifails ito imeet iits iobligations iunder ithe iterms iof ithe
icontract i(Murray, i2021). iUnforeseen icircumstances ido inot icause ifrustration, iand
ithe icontract's iobligations iwill ibe isignificantly idifferent ifrom iwhat ithe iparties
iexpect iafter ithey ioccur i(Jones, i2005). iIn igeneral, icontractual iperformance
iobligations iare iresolved ionly ithrough ifull iand iaccurate iperformance. iIf iboth
iparties ifulfill itheir iobligations, ithe icontract iwill ibe ifulfilled iby ifulfillment iof
i(Adnan, in.d.). iAn iagreement iis ireached iif icancels ithe icontract iand iboth iparties
iagree ito iwaive ieach iother's icontractual iobligations, ior iif ithe iparties ifile ifor
"When iyou igo ionline, iyou iend iup iguessing iwhether iit's iright ior inot, igood
ior inot, iit's ia icommon iexperience ifor iconsumers," ihe isaid iat ithe ilaunch iof
iHysteria iShock iin iJakarta, iThursday, iNovember i7, i2019. iThe isolution
ioffered iis ito iguarantee ithe iexistence iof ireturns. iWithout ithese ifacilities,
iconsumers iseem ito ihave ito isurrender ito ithe iquality iof iany igoods ireceived.
"For iexample, iwhen ibuying ishoes, iit iturns iout ithat ithe inumber ipurchased
iis inot ithe iright isize, ithere iis ia i15-day ireturn iguarantee, iwhich ican ibe ireversed
iand ireplaced iwith ithe iappropriate inumber. iIf iit iturns iout ithat ithere iis ino
ireplacement, iwe iwill igive iyou ianother ioption ior ithe imoney iwill ibe irefunded,"
ihe isaid.
The isecond iproblem iis iabout ipayment isecurity. iEven ithough ielectronic
itransactions iare iprotected iby ia isecurity isystem, ithere iare istill imany icustomers
iwho idoubt iit. iAnother icomplaint irelated ito ithe itypes iof ipayments iavailable. i"So
ithere iare iall ikinds iof ipayments," ihe isaid
The ithird iproblem iis irelated ito ishipping icosts. iAlthough iit iseems ieasy, ia
inumber iof iconsumers ihave ialso icomplained iabout ithe ihigh ishipping icosts. iNo
iwonder ifree ishipping ipromos iare iin igreat idemand iwhen ishopping ionline..
Conclusion iin ithis icase iis ifirst icustomer inot isee iobject ireality, ithe isecond
iproblem iis iabout ipayment isecurity, ithe ithird iproblem iis irelated ito ishipping icosts
3 i(i) iIssue : iLand idisputes iand ilocal iconflict i
i i i i i iAction : iPropose
iLaw : iOrganizations ithat iwould ilike ito icontribute ito ithe iresolution iof
iland idisputes iin ithe iregion ishould ibe icareful iin iconsidering itheir itarget igroup
iand irather iassist ion ithe ibasis iof ivulnerability iand ineeds. iAn iintervention
ifocussing ion ithe iambivalent icategory iof i‘victims’ i(implying ithose iaffected iby
iwar, iand i ihence iincluding iall ireturnees) iwill iadd ito ifeelings iof ideprivation, iand
imay ieven ibe iseen ias iethnically ibiased, iand ihence icontributing ito iconflict.
Application : iWhile ithe iintensity iof ireturn iof irefugees iand idisplaced iseems
irelated ito ithe iprevalence iof iparticular idisputes i(for iexample iillegal ioccupation,
iborder ilimits), imany itypes iof idispute ihave ino irelationship iwith ithe ireturn iof
irefugees iand idisplaced, iand iequally iaffect iboth ireturnees iand ion-staying
ipopulation. iIn isouthern iRumonge, iindeed imany idisputes iconcern i(double)
iexpropriation iof iproperties ithat iwere iformerly ibelonging ito irefugees. iNonetheless,
iboth ireturning irefugees iand ipeople ithat ihave inot ifled ihave iexperienced
ispoliation iand iexpropriation. iAt ithe isame itime, imany ireturnees ialso isuffer ifrom
iwhat iwe icould icall ithe imore i‘regular’ idisputes iabout iland, isuch ias ithose
iresulting ifrom ithe idivision iof iinheritance ior ithe ilimitations iof iproperties, iwhich
idisputes idid inot ihave idirect irelations iwith ithe icrisis. i
In iGiteranyi, ito ia icertain iextent, idisputes iare irelated ito iexile iand ireturn,
isuch ias ithe imodification iof ithe ilimits iof iparcels, ior ithe ioccupation ior isale iof
iland iin iabsence iof ithe iowner. iDisputes ialso iresult ifrom isecond i(polygamous)
imarriages iin ithe irefugee icamps iin iTanzania. iAgain, iin igeneral iland idisputes iof
ireturnees iare inot ivery idifferent ifrom ithose iof ipeople ithat idid inot iflee. i
The icase istudies ifurther isuggest ithat ithe icomplexity iof idisputes iover iland
iaccompanying ithe ireturn iof irefugees imay ibe irelated ito ithe iscale iof ireturnee
imovements ias iwell ias ithe iperiod iof iexile. iWhile iin iNyagasebeyi ithe ireturn iof
irefugees i(mainly ifrom ithe i1990s, iand iin ilimited inumbers) idid inot ipose iserious
iproblems ito ithe icommunity, iin iGiteranyi i(with ia ihigh inumber iof ireturnees) ithe
isituation iwas imore icomplex. iIn isouthern iRumonge, imost idisputes iresulting ifrom
i1993 ireturnees iare ihandled iwith irelatively ieasy. iOn ithe iother ihand, irepatriates
ifrom ithe iearly i1970s ihad ia ilot iof idifficulties iwith irecuperating itheir iproperties. i
Though ithe ireturn iof irefugees imay ibe ia imajor ifactor iin idisputes iabout
iland iin iBurundi, iother itypes iof iland idisputes iare ialso ivery imuch iaffecting ithe
istability iof ipeople’s ilivelihoods, iand icommunity irelations. iOverall, imany idisputes
iin ithe icommunities iappear irelated ito ithe idivision iof iinheritance, iand iare ithus
iprimarily iaffecting iintra-family irelations. iThose idisputes iare ioften ivery idifficult
ito isolve, iparticularly ias iconflicting iparties itend ito icontinue iprosecuting. iDisputes
iabout ithe iinheritance irepresent ia iwide ivariety iof itypes, iincluding idisputes
ibetween ibrothers ior icousins, idisputes iresulting ifrom idisputed ilegacies ior idisputed
ilegitimacy iof ichildren, iand idisputes ibetween iwomen iand iother irelatives ithat
idispute ithe iclaims iof ithose iwomen ito iinherit. i i iOrganizations ithat iwould ilike ito
icontribute ito ithe iresolution iof iland idisputes iin ithe iregion ishould ibe icareful iin
iconsidering itheir itarget igroup iand irather iassist ion ithe ibasis iof ivulnerability iand
ineeds. iAn iintervention ifocussing ion ithe iambivalent icategory iof i‘victims’
i(implying ithose iaffected iby iwar, iand ihence iincluding iall ireturnees) iwill iadd ito
ifeelings iof ideprivation, iand imay ieven ibe iseen ias iethnically ibiased, iand ihence
icontributing ito iconflict.
iConclusion : iThough ithe ireturn iof irefugees imay ibe ia imajor ifactor iin
idisputes iabout iland iin iBurundi, iother itypes iof iland idisputes iare ialso ivery imuch
iaffecting ithe istability iof ipeople’s ilivelihoods, iand icommunity irelations. iOverall,
imany idisputes iin ithe icommunities iappear irelated ito ithe idivision iof iinheritance,
iand iare ithus iprimarily iaffecting iintra-family irelations. iThose idisputes iare ioften
ivery idifficult ito isolve, iparticularly ias iconflicting iparties itend ito icontinue
3 i(ii) iIssue : iLand idisputes iand ilocal iconflict i
i i i i i Action : iPropose
Law : iFrom ithe icase istudy ion isouthern iRumonge, ithe ipresence iof ia
ivariety iof iconflict iresolving iinstitutions iappeared iadvantageous, iwith ipeople
ihaving iand imaking iuse iof iseveral ialternatives ifor iappeal ibefore iaddressing ito
ithe iTribunal ide iRésidence, iwhich iwas iconsidered iexpensive, islow, iand ifar
iaway. iWhile imany iland idisputes igo ibeyond ithe icapacities iof ithe
iBashingantahe, ithe ifact ithat ithey iare iorganised iat iboth icolline iand izone ilevel
imakes ithem imore ieffective, iby iproviding isome isort iof ia icourt id’appel. iIn
iMuriza, ipeople ioften iapproached ithe iTribunal idirectly, ias ithey ihad ilimited
iconfidence iin ithe i iBashingantahe. iStriking iabout ithe iconflict iresolution
imechanisms iin iNyagasebeyi iwas ifurther ithe ifact i ithat ipeople icould ichose ias
ito iwhich iinstitution ithey iproceeded i(the iTribunal, ithe igendarmerie, ithe ichef
ide icommune) iafter iconsulting ithe iBashingantahe.
Application : iTo isolve itheir idisputes iaround iland, ipeople iin ithe icommunities
iin iBurundi imay iaddress itwo iformal isystems ifor iconflict iresolution: ithe
icustomary isystem iof ithe iBashingantahe, iand ithe ijuridical isystem iof ithe istate.
iWhile ithe iformer irelies iin ithe ifirst iplace ion iconventions iand icustomary
iregulations, ithe ilatter ibases iitself ion ithe ilegislation iof ithe istate. i
Before iapproaching ithe iformal iinstitutions, ipeople imay imake iuse iof ia
ivariety iof imechanisms ito imediate iin iand ieven isolve itheir iconflicts. iIn ithe
icase istudy icommunities, iexamples iwere igiven iof ifamily icouncils ibeing icalled
itogether ito iaddress iconflicts. iGovernment iadministrators isuch ias ithe inyumba
ikumi, ichefs ide isub-colline iand ichefs ide icolline, ias iwell ias iBashingantahe
iliving iin ia iparticular ineighbourhood imay ialso itry ito imediate iand ireconcile.
iNonetheless, iit iappeared ithat iregarding iland iconflicts itheir irole iis ilimited,
iwith imany iland idisputes ihaving ito ibe ibrought iforward ito ithe iattention iof ithe
iformal iinstitutions. i
To isolve itheir idisputes iaround iland, ipeople iin ithe icommunities iin iBurundi
imay iaddress itwo iformal isystems ifor iconflict iresolution: ithe icustomary isystem
iof ithe iBashingantahe, iand ithe ijuridical isystem iof ithe istate. iWhile ithe iformer
irelies iin ithe ifirst iplace ion iconventions iand icustomary iregulations, ithe ilatter
ibases iitself ion ithe ilegislation iof ithe istate. i
Before iapproaching ithe iformal iinstitutions, ipeople imay imake iuse iof ia
ivariety iof imechanisms ito imediate iin iand ieven isolve itheir iconflicts. iIn ithe
icase istudy icommunities, iexamples iwere igiven iof ifamily i icouncils ibeing
icalled itogether ito iaddress iconflicts. iGovernment iadministrators isuch ias ithe
inyumba ikumi, ichefs ide isub-colline iand ichefs ide icolline, ias iwell ias
iBashingantahe iliving iin ia iparticular ineighbourhood imay ialso itry ito imediate
iand ireconcile. iNonetheless, iit iappeared ithat iregarding iland iconflicts itheir irole
iis ilimited, iwith imany iland idisputes ihaving ito ibe ibrought iforward ito ithe
iattention iof ithe iformal iinstitutions. i
Conclusion : iTo isolve itheir idisputes iaround iland, ipeople iin ithe icommunities
iin iBurundi imay iaddress itwo iformal isystems ifor iconflict iresolution: ithe
icustomary isystem iof ithe iBashingantahe, iand ithe ijuridical isystem iof ithe istate.
iWhile ithe iformer irelies iin ithe ifirst iplace ion iconventions iand icustomary
iregulations, ithe ilatter ibases iitself ion ithe ilegislation iof ithe istate. i
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